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4 years have passed as Daniel Felix become the Demon Head student.

And now he is fighting with Ra's in hand to hand combat with him currently winning before Ra's suddenly used his sword to stan his eye hit Daniel skilfully avoided it and thrust his finger to his throat.

"I won," Daniel said.

"Look properly, Daniel." Daniel looked blow only to see a kunai on his heart.

"A draw. " Daniel concluded and back away.

"It is impressive that you managed to draw against m without weapons." Ra's Al Ghul told Daniel who snorted hearings that.

"Who needed those when I got my fists and legs to kill my enemies." He said to Ra's Al Ghul.

During these years, Daniel got tortured by the Demon Head by making him climb a mountain without nothing and will repeat it much time if he fails and broke his bone.

Then he will swim across to an island without nothing in cold water.

Lea ring fighting with the Demon Head made him almost died many times. A stab into his bodies is normal for him every day. Him losing his manhood every day or get hit on it is a normal day for him.

Got implied by bamboo spikes are normal for him should he failed to stable himself with many weight on his body.

Getting ambushed during his sleep and bath is normal Friday for him.

His body is filled with cars of being slash, stab, burnt, got hit by a bullet and whip marks can be seen.

But all these trainings made him stronger than normal humans.

He discovers his Mightiest Form also got stronger when he transformed once.

Daniel then catches 5 shurikens that headed to him easily without looking at them.

"As impressive as always dear," Talia said and embrace Daniel who then smacks a kunai and point his kunai to another throat.

"Nice try Talia," Daniel said and give hack her kunai.

Ra's Al Ghul meanwhile smiles seeing the interaction between her daughter and his student.

"It seems The Detective will not take over me rather Daniel will." Ra's said and leaves quietly leaving both individuals alone.

"You are not romantic person Daniel to point a kunai on my throat," Talia said while faking tear and Daniel do the only thing that will soothe her.

He pulls Talia closer to him and kissed her lip passionately.

He also wraps his arm around her waist with Talia is the same.

Both of them indulge each other when Talia separated from him.

"Your room right now. I needed you." Talia said with Daniel carried her to him very fast.

Soon they arrived at his room with both of their cloth has gone.

Sound of moaning and grinding can be heard in that room with lightning kept striking into the room.


I open my eyes and remembered what happened. It seems Talia and I once had adult activities.

Which I liked very much.

I then look at Talia who is sleeping comfortably beside me before I kiss her on her lips making her moan with her wrapping my neck.

"So energetic. Oh, father also wanted to meet you." Talia told me while I kept kissing her neck.

"When? I ask her.

" Noon." She replied.

"Plenty of time to bang you. Shazam!" I shouted and turned into my Mightiest Form.

"Come get me, Tiger." She said to me and I pound into her many times.

Soon we stopped and goes to meet her father.

I still did not believe in how we suddenly got into relationships but I just received that I soothe her when sue is sad when her lover, Batman rejected her to join her to become a member of the League of Shadow.

It pains me when I see her cry so I kept soothing her and the next thing I knew, we already had sex with me using my Mightiest Form.

And from that day on, we will sleep with each other with her kept taking the childbirth pills since we did not want a child yet.

Her father at first almost killed me due to me is not strong enough to be with her. So I fight with him in my normal form and lose hit I managed to stab both of his knees.

Since then I will keep fighting with him and with dozen of ninjas who guard him.

I already sneak kill his ninjas many time making him grumble and tell me to not decrease the number of his guard so I chose to dislocate their joints only. Hey, at least they are not dead.

When it comes to some several honourable League members like Lady Shiva and David Cain, I go out all out with sometimes I almost lose my eyes or other parts of my body.

And after beating Lady Shiva, she seems to be attracted to me which caused me to sleep with her which of course lead me to bang her and cause Talia to catfight with her.

So yeah, learning under the Demon Head made me somehow has 2 older women as my lovers.

I then dodged many arrows with my guarantor block a katana and a kunai that tried to stab my heart.

My hand loved like a snack and immobilise my assault whole arm before delivered a straight punch to his rib which I know has broken.

Several Ninjas attacked me but all of them fell to the ground with all of their arms had been discovered and bend in odd ways.

Ra's Al Ghul clapped his hand happily seeing my actions.

"Nice works Daniel. As of now, I pronounce you as my heir and the fiancee of my daughter." He announced with me and Talia grinned happily.

"Now. You can go on your own way, Daniel Felix. Spread your name to this world as the Evil Slayer you mean to be." Ra's said and I know now I can do independent actions.

Of course, before goes back to the outside, I and Talia indulged ourself with sex with Lady Shiva joined us.

After that, I was given a telephone that is mean to call Ra's, Talia and Lady Shiva.

"Shazam!" I announced with blue lightning strike my body.

I then bid my goodbye to that place though I can just return back here quickly.

My body soars through the sky as I am now above New York City only to catch an aeroplane that is about to crash.

I sped to the aeroplane and goes beneath it.

My arms are placed on the aeroplane with me taking a deep breath. I needed to lift this aeroplane and landed it on the sea.

"Lend me your strength, Strength of Amon," I announced with me now is carrying the aeroplane easily.

My action catches many attention of many citizens but I paid no attention towards them as I flew to the sea by carrying the aeroplane.

I then carefully put the aeroplane on the sea.

"Thank you, Mr Hero." I heard a child said from the aeroplane as I smiled hearing that.

"You are welcome, child," I replied in a deep tone.

My attire is the same black cloth with the golden gauntlet and white robe with a golden line around them with a lightning symbol on its chest.

I then landed on a building with me watching the news about this new recent Justice League that is formed when the heroes decided to work together to defeat an army of alien which I bet Superman or me alone can defeat it.

"Hmm. So that is The Chosen One. Gosh. Anyone can see he is a man child. I just wanted to punch his face right now." I muttered.

But then a meteor landed at the centre of the city which made me quickly fly to that meteor but my eyes can see several ships on the sky.

"Alien Invasion?" I thought in my head as I approach the meteor.

My eyes see a figure suddenly approaches me and I dodges the figure.

What greeted me is a beautiful teenage woman who has a firey long red hair colour with green eyes.

"Asshk#$%$" She said to me but I did not understand.

"Oh man, I forgot that I have the Wisdom of Zehuti. " I slapped my forehead and I tap the power granting me Omni-Lingual which allows me to talk in all language in and outside the earth which mean alien language too.

"Can you repeat that?" I ask her in her language.

"You. You can understand me." She asks me.

"Yeah, but I suggest for you to say Earth:s Language," I told her.

"That will be solved. All I need is to kiss you. My race great time to learn any languages just by kissing." She said to me.

"Oh," I replied.

"Talia and Lady Shiva should not be angry with me. On second thought, I will explain to them later."

We then got closer and our lips touch each other.

But then she wrapped her arm sound my neck with me hugging her body.

We almost make-out with each other if I did not push her.

"So can you understand me now?" I ask her in English.

"Yes. I can understand you. Can I please get your name?" She asks me.

Name? No way I will give her my real name. Black Adam?Nope. Hmm. What should I call my self?

Then a name appeared in my mind.

"Call me Black Emperor," I told her.

"Then friend Black Emperor, I suggest you left me alone since you will get hurt if you are close to me." She said to me but I can see her sad expression on her face.

I smiled and cupped her face.

"Do not worry my dear friend, I am strong enough to beat those alien with their ships," I told her making her eyes wide.

"How? How did you know?" She asks me.

"My eyes can see things from far and I see them in the sky but now they disappeared. Most likely form a plan to catch you or invade this planet." I told her.

"So what is your name? I never catch your name." I ask her.

"Korian d'r. But you can call me Starfire." She told me and I take her hand.

We then fly to the sky while I act as her tour guide shows these buildings.

But then an explosion happened in the bank and I see 6 men who wear Clown Masks are getting out with them exchanging fires with the polices.

"Starfire. Wait here okay? I am just going to handle these scums." I told her and she nodded her head.

My body landed down between both armed robbers and polices with bullets bounced off from my bodies.

I looked at the robbers who are stunned seeing their bullets bounced from my body.

"They felt tickle," I said and clapped my hand towards them creating a shockwave that throws them with their van got thrown backwards.

Then I sped up snatching all their weapons and destroyed their van by smashing the front side of the car.

"I suggest you give up before I hurt you guys badly." I threat them but of course, they did not heed my order as one took out a handgun and release fire to me.

But I catch all the bullets easily until he ran out of the bullets.

"You ran out the bullets," I told the robber who then got flick by me sending him to hit the pole.

I then glared at the training robbers making them flinch.

"Surrender before I made you guys unable to work anymore." I threat them once again with more edge in my voice making them surrender towards the police.

"Good grief. And here I thought I can break some bones here." I then blast myself towards the sky and look at Starfire.

"So Starfire, want to go eat? I can introduce to this planet foods." I told her.

"Sure. I'd love to taste this past cuisine." She said and we landed in an alley.

"Okay. Before that, I needed you to promise me that you must not tell anyone about this." I spoke to her.

"Okay." She replied.

"Shazam," I muttered and blue lighting struck my body with Starfire screamed my name.

"Starfire. Calm down. I am fine. You see, I have 2 forms which normal form and demigod form, and in order to do the other transformation I must say the sacred word to let me change to the mightiest mortal and normal human. Do you got that?" I asked her.

"I understand." She replied and we enter the Chinese restaurant to have a meal.

I do not have to worry about money ss I have a credit card which is loaded with a lot of money.


"Billy, billy, look here." A crippled boy said to another hot who wears a red jacket.

"Look at this guy. He dressed like Black Adam." Thrcrippled boy said to Billy Batson who is actually Shazam.

"Oh, man. Whoa. Look at this guy goes. His hero debut is better than yours." The crippled boy said only to be elbowed by Billy.

"My hero debut is not bad Freddy," Billy said to his best friend.

"What? It is true you know. I mean we take the money that the woman offered to us to biy alcoholic drinks. Tell me which heroes take money from the people they rescued? The answer is none." Freddy said to Billy who just keep quiet watching the videos of Black Emperor defeated those robbers.

"Let's just hope he is a good guy." Billy thought in his head.

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