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100% Ultimate 17: Beyond Super! / Chapter 2: what's the situation?

Chapter 2: what's the situation?

In a post Apocalyptic city filled with old & now newly collapsed structures turn to rubble & with fresh smoke rising to the drifting grey clouds.

Four figures are at a standstill.

This group is Comprise of a scar-faced onyx black spiky-haired, One-armed unconscious man sprawled on the ground in a torn red-orange martial arts robe...

A teary-eyed lavender hair teen being physically restrained in place, who's face is full of shock, horror & building anger over the aforementioned one-armed man's; his mentors, brutal defeat & treatment!

The one who the lavender hair teen was being restrained by is a disheveled blond cool beauty.

That Blond cool beauty was also currently in a shock & surprise looking in the same direction as her restrained hostage was looking towards.

Upon beholding that persons visage in the distance, a fluctuation appears in the blue-eyed blond young woman, Unlike her typically apathetic countenance she wears.

But unlike the early teens captive beneath the blond Ladies grasp panic & shock of the scenario unfolding, it could be taken as a happy shock to the system to her!

Her elegant face is no longer the non-expressive exterior, with elusive inner thoughts hidden.

It can be discerned easily with a glance of the moist eyes threatening to slip tears; as well as the big candid smile full of pearly whites!

It's clear how emotional she felt at the moment!

...Lastly the youth & Center of attention who seemed he was just a spectator taking in the surrounding atmosphere casually on a stroll; if not for his steel-tipped boot foot treading down upon the one arm unconscious man's neck both effortlessly & ruthlessly!

That youth was none other than the previous unresponsive Cybernetic Human #17; who was slowly scanning his surroundings as if accessing something in his mind.

That is until he turns his attention to his 'Sister', whose whole attention was focused on him; thus not noticing the boy restricted in her arms, & his not so insignificant changes.

His teen face was full of fury, gritting teeth, grinding molars to dust as a trail of blood seeping from his closed mouth.

His hair & eyes that are slowly, briefly changing color & reverting from its natural color, in increasing fluctuation to a golden yellow glow!


C-17 noticed & He had a precise idea of what that insinuates, so C-17 said unhurriedly:

"Knock him out, C-18."

Immediately without even responding to his command verbally, she executes it!



A knife-edge chop to the base of the back of the half-blood Saiyan Trunks skull!

His raging figure at his mentor's conditions turns flaccid & his turning Aqua blue eyes go white as the roll to the back of his head!

She then ruthlessly drops the foaming at the mouth trunks to the ground, darting enthusiastically towards C-17's position!

She gives a huge hug before checking him over hastily, then put a palm on his cheek in worry she asked:

" Are you fine C-17?

What happened?

How did you awaken?!"

After a brief silence, C-17 says in response to the questions:

"Hmm, I'm okay now mostly. I heard your voice & it brought out my mind back just in time!"

C-17 turns towards the fallen Gohan with narrowed eyes.

"My eyes opened as he was thrusting that KI strike at my cranium, but I redirected the surging blast by knocking the wrist of Gohan off-kilter forcing the near miss!

He says near miss while pointing at the side of his previously targeted at head.

"It still scruffed up the side of my skull pretty good." He said while scratching the remaining hair on the head, his now half buzz cut the result of the imminent miss.

C-18 is looking at the right side of his head, his hair burnt off & face covered in ash grime along with his dilapidated clothing.

When looking him over closely with eyes of inspection, she also noticed he seemed to be a bit different...his presence changed somehow.

His posture is more straight making him seem taller, his attitude is confident with focused eyes, instead of the perpetual look of boredom that's usually there.

Even his words, in the way he is speaking, it is further measured & thought out, & less impulsive if feels.

But C-18 now couldn't care less about any cosmetic or any physiological abnormalities & discrepancies in him!

She just believes it's him waking up after taking such a surprising onslaught & that some side effects are to be expected!

Especially since that crazy old witch said he would become a soulless doll forever at the cost of her own soul!

(Yes, it's a miracle he's even awake at all! I can deal with his new eccentricities because of what was done to him.)

C-18 is Narrowing her eyes in these brief thoughts.

However, Fury slowly rises, thinking about how she almost lost him & her self!

What she felt at that moment!

Looking down at the two who capitalized on their most vulnerable of time to oppose them!

Originally all To relieve their collective doldrums of being on top of the food chain, they played this cat & mouse game with their unchallenging prey.

But now not so much anymore!

They are a threat to her & to her brother & must be dealt with immediately!

As if he could read her mind C-17 grips her outstretched hand, as she was preparing to vaporize Gohan's damaged body!

"They still have their use 18." Said C-17.

She looks back at him quizzically? but shakes her head in disagreement!

"What uses can they have!"

"With their sly tricky of hocus-pocus magical shit, they almost killed us!

They almost destroyed you!

Let's kill them, all of them & be done with it!" C-18 said loudly.

Then despite C-17's grip holding her outstretched wrist, she charged an energy beam with pink borders ready & eager to blast away the hidden danger that is Gohan!

C-17 grips slightly harder on the soft hand of C-18 he's been holding, C-17 stands directly in front as he's looking deeply into C-18's eyes:

"C-18...No!" Said C-17 sternly & without any readable expression.

The more firm voice & neutral face rattles C-18's resolve, as she has never heard or seen it from her brother before!

"...At least not now." C-17 continued saying more softly & released her hand.

She relaxes a bit, but nonetheless wondering:

(" What use they can serve still? Also What's with that sudden change in demeanor just now? Is he really okay?)

As C-18 is in contemplation, C-17 asked suddenly:

"The wrinkled Old bitch, where is she?"

"Dead. I killed her immediately, the moment I believed she truly couldn't help with your condition."

C-18 can't help but look at him absent-mindedly after a passive thought crossed her mind at his question.

With a Paler faced she then grips both his shoulders & asked quickly with a pensive tone:

"Why? Why did you ask about her!? Did you need her alive? Is something still wrong? Something only that old crone could remedy?!

Don't hide anything & tell me the truth clearly C-17!"

"No C-18, I'm fine!" He's said in a reassuring way to her rapidly firing off questions.

When removing both of her soft hands from his shoulders he's Cupping them into his own hands.

With a smile, now holding each other's hands, He explained his reasons for his previous inquiry:

"Hmm, It's fine you destroyed her. I mostly fine now C-18, no worries." C-17 said with a smile.

Her shoulders fall in relief, & exhales the breath she was holding subconsciously.

" I just wanted to know the origin of whatever that was that could have hurt us so badly despite our enormous superiority in strength." Continued C-17.

She nods to herself in reflection, not minding or maybe noticing the intimate hand-holding actions, as she was pondering his words.

Thinking of it now, she should have explored it further to safeguard against similar attacks that may be incoming.

Nodding slightly she then says:

"I agree it was a mistake to kill her so quickly; as it would be hazardous if they had any army hidden of similar figures with such tactics somewhere plotting against us!"

"But even so, if we fear a repeat attack then we can & should just kill them all! "

C-18 said with dangerously sharp eyes & one corner rising in a small smile.

"I'm through playing games on this planet C-17!" She then said in a more somber mood.

"So am I C-18... especially after what I experience." C-17 said with a straight face in agreement to match C-18 severe demeanor.

With furrowed brows & pensive body language C-18 asked cautiously:

"C-17, Um, if you don't mind... can you tell me, what exactly happened to you?

I mean, your Brain waves stopped completely, & even though you weren't dead & all clear systems with no damage to you physically you had become unresponsive to outside stimulus.

Do you remember anything about it?"

"I was enlightened 18!" Said C-17 releasing the hand-holding, & suddenly gripping C-18 shoulders excitedly with a brief glimmer of fanatical madness in his eyes!

"...Enlightened?" C-18 asked with a pensive look on her face.

"Yes Enlightened! About this world & others!" C-17 nodded & said.

"About the vast power scale & where we fit among it!"

C-17 points animated towards here & there while explaining this & that for a time with his hands wildly open & arms in grand gestures; as he trails on about things C-18 can't really understand or follow clearly.

"Main Timelines, Alternative Futures, Fusion Dance, 4th Wall, The Multiverse Of Realities, Akira Toriyama's Plot Holes...

C-18 Could barely keep up on what he's saying but just listened to it anyway since it seemed important to him.

Realizing he's gone off on a tangent, he coughs to himself once clearing his throat, then placed his arms behind his back similar to a wise sage before saying softly:

"Most importantly, I was also Enlightened About what Really matters!" C-17 turns to look at C-18 straight in the eyes.

Silently peering into each other's eyes, which felt as if time stopped briefly.

She looks away first, brushing her hair to side behind her ear Cooley.

"Oh, what's Truly important then?" C-18 asks hands crossed over her Full C Cup Chest leaning her back on an abandoned building.

C-17 walks towards her position, outstretched one hand on the faded wall behind her & stands in front of her, then gazing into her eyes before saying:

"You are what's truly important...C-18!"

He declared boldly as he runs his free hands fingers through her bangs that we're previously covering her face, with a bright smile plastered on his own face.

Her eyes become large, & her body shutters slightly as she replied flustered:

"Ah! Wha-what are...y-you can't have...I'm not ready to, ...I-I mean we're sib-

She struggled to gather her words, while her face is looking towards the ground as her words get increasingly harder to hear.

He smirks at her reaction, moves away turning his back to her as he continued:

"You, me, the two of us are what's important!"

"It's us against the world, as it always has been, & always will be,...' Big Sis!" He innocently smiles.

C-18 stops her incoherent mumbling, blushing slightly as she heard him elaborate further.

(Of course, that's not what he had meant before! How stupid of me to even have that cross my mind!)

Her own misunderstanding of his words & actions from before made C-18 feel her mind had drifted to a dangerous thought & place just now!

Her wild imagination had quickly brought her to such an embarrassing & stimulating amoral scene in her mind, that it nearly caused her still human heart to Thump out of her chest just now in worry!

Yet, Somehow rather than feel totally relieved by the clarification of her own misconception of his words, she feels at the moment a little bit of an uncomfortable loss, & negligibly Bitter.

She shakes her head to rid her self of idle thought & tuning into her still talking little...' Brother'.

"...The us of Yesterday, Both of us were Hunted kidnapped & tortured with various experiments along with run away teens by some Mad Scientist who has a vendetta with a muscle brain alien man child!"

Tomorrow maybe we'll be scrambling to satisfy the hangry taste buds & foul mood swings of a wannabe gourmet Cat God,

just to avoid it's overpowered blowup fits!

What I'm talking about is Power to Control our lives & our existences, as I don't want to suddenly be eradicated from all reality by tantrums or whims of an indifferent child GOD!

C-18 shakes her head, as he has been saying things again that she can't comprehend for a while now.

"Child God, Cat deity? You are losing me C-17? What exactly do you wanna say?" She looks at him weirdly.

(Was this a side effect, is he truly okay?) She wonders worriedly again.

"Sorry, I'm getting ahead of my self with excitement, I'll explain more clearly & slowly later."

But generally, I agree with you & what you said previously."

"I'm also done with these children's games!

" I want to build us into something more, surging beyond the thresholds expected of us!

I aspire to build something extraordinary & with a corresponding substantial influence to last even after we are gone!"

" I want to limit the number of true powerhouses we have to answer to in all of existence, bringing it down to less than a hand full, & possibly seek to chop off those aforementioned fingers from existence!

"I want that C-18, but I need you by my side to do that, else it would be meaningless!"

Blushing slightly at these embarrassing words said so straightforwardly by her twin brother; she ponders something for half a second then said softly:

"All right 17. I'm in -"

Soon as the last utterance leaves her mouth, C-17 Hugs C-18!

Raising her up off the ground, giving a jubilant laugh as he spins with her in his embrace!

"Ann, Ahh!" A girly squeal escaped her mouth, as she's caught off guard against at the sudden display of affection!

"Together We'll leave behind an everlasting legacy of our own!

In more somber tone C-17 continues & says:

"Maybe will succeed in the end, most likely chances are we will fail & not succeed in overhauling the machine that governs these universal power structures!

But I swear if we can't overtake it, we will bring it to a grinding halt longer than any other being had before, so much so that they must rebuild this shitty universe from scratch!"

Said 17 while he is Caressing her shoulders while she's in his embrace before saying:

"Even if those same cogs in the machine threatened to grind our very existence under those unrelenting, unfeeling gears, we will still struggle to make an impact like only we can 18, together!"

"We are no longer be the weak humans captured for testing in a laboratory"

We know both sides of life; as we have endured cruelty & dished out suffering; all in efforts to make the world that made us regret that we have ever tasted power!

Whether we live or die, rise or fall, our will be imposed!

Our own veritas, One that proves that we were once here & did it our way C-18!" Said C-17 as he gentle nuzzled C-18 into his arms.

"O-okay, I understand, G-get off me, you dork dummy!" She says while lightly sending punches at his shoulder & head that have no true strength behind them, while Sporting a slight playful but radiant smile on her face, one she hasn't had on from the heart in years!

If not for a post Apocalyptic atmosphere, & sprawled out bodies littering the ground; one unknowing onlooker would surely mistake this for a wholesome scene, & Not a spectacle of two mass-murdering Cybernetic siblings bonding in a broken world!

Fixing her attire & turning over her expression to a neutral state again, she asked with barely hidden excitement & interest for the prospects of new stimulations, of a new future adventure!

"So, What's the plan?" C-18 asked.

With a Knowing smirk & narrowed eyes, C-17 asked mysteriously:

" Tell me C-18, Have you heard of the...

"Super Dragon Balls" before?"...

...chapter end|

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