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Dawn of Justice part 4

Peter let out a groan of pain as he pushed himself back to his feet "Anyone get the number on that truck?"

"No…" Flash said as he pulled himself out of the rubble "Too busy not dying…"

The two heroes' attention was drawn towards a pair of fighter jets soaring by firing missiles at the alien structure. Darkseid saw this and his eyes glowed red before twin beams of red energy shot out of his eyes in a sort of zig zag motion and faster than a bullet, struck the two aircraft


"NO!" Flash yelled out in horror while Peter growled at the dark god

'Nice to see he's still an asshole in this reality' Peter thought darkly as Darkseid turned his attention to the two red heroes

"Uhh…guy's anyone else up?" Flash said as he took a nervous step back

"You wouldn't happen to be willing to talk this out, would you?" Spider-man asked as he felt his spider-sense flaring like crazy 'Yeah I got it, evil alien warlord wants me dead…again'

Suddenly Superman threw off the debris he was buried under and gave Darkseid a glare "I'm up, but not to talk"

Darkseid's eyes glowed red again causing the three to tense at the action

"Uh oh" Peter mumbled to himself as he prepared to move and fast, in the corner of his vision he could make out Superman and Flash thinking the same thing

Suddenly Darkseid fired of his beams and no sooner did he, Spider-man launched himself to the side while Flash and Superman went in the opposite direction. Darkseid, likely seeing the fastest man alive and the man of steel as larger threats had his Omega beams follow them while he turned towards Spider-man with a look of disinterest

Peter began to build up his venom blasts as he got into a crouching position, ready to move at the first signs of movement from Darkseid. He also made out the forms of Diana, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Cyborg and Batman starting to stir and get back up

It was then that Flash reappeared, looking a bit winded "Those demons took him. They took Superman!"

"Why?" Batman asked with frown at hearing their strongest ally at the moment was down and out

"Let's ask him" Aquaman nodded towards Darkseid who was still watching them with a guarded expression

'Huh, weird…my Darkseid would have blasted us away by now' Peter thought as he eyed the dark god 'Small miracles I guess…'

"Happy to" Green Lantern said as his ring began to glow brighter

"I'm not with you guys" Cyborg said nervously

"Uh kid, I don't think it matters to him. Hell, we probably all look alike to him" Spider-man said with his lenses narrowing at Darkseid

"So, uh what do we do?" Cyborg asked as he looked towards Spider-man and Batman

"First we-" Spider-man began only to stop as Green Lantern flew towards Darkseid

"Stay back and watch the light show kid" Lantern said as he formed a mace "Green Lantern's got this!"

The emerald hero slammed the hard-light construct into Darkseid's head who didn't so much as blink at the impact before he scowled and raised both his arms over his head with red energy building in them

"Oh not again!" Peter said with dread as the dark god slammed his hands into the ground


The force of the explosion sent everyone flying back. Spider-man tried to soften his landing with a roll but accidently slammed his head against a piece of concrete. White hot pain flashed through his head as he felt his skull crack and everything became a blur, and his hearing drowned out by a loud ringing sound

'Okay…if I survive this, I'm getting a helmet for this thing' Peter thought as he tried to force himself up only to be knocked back as Darkseid smashed through another one of Lantern's constructs

He would have been sent flying again this time possibly suffering an even worse injury when he felt a hand grab his and pull him in close to a rather curvy and muscular body. Through his blurred vision, Peter made out red, silver and something reflecting the light being held in their arm that was stabbed into the ground to keep the two from being blown away

'…Diana…' Peter thought as he began to resist the urge to close his eyes, something told him that doing so may not be in his best interest…or 'its'

"-Right?...Sp-…man…hear-….me?" Peter was able to faintly make out Diana's voice through the ringing that was beginning to fade, allowing him to hear her better

"Uh mind repeating that?" Peter asked as he lifted his mask up to his nose and spat out a glob of blood…and a tooth

Diana looked at Spider-man in concern as she could make out a large wet spot on his head that she knew was blood. His suit was torn and burned in a lot of places and the spider symbol on his chest was missing the bottom half, exposing the almost pale skin underneath and his right eye lens was cracked to the point she's surprised it's still intact

"I asked if you're alright? Your badly wounded" Diana said as she helped him stand

"Oh this?" Peter said with a snort "This doesn't even qualify as the most damage I've taken"

"For some reason…I believe you" Diana said as she reached down and ripped her blade from the ground

Peter saw his vision clearing up and looked around to see that Batman was missing, likely going to rescue Superman somehow and Green Lantern was helping Flash out of a pile of debris while Aquaman did the same with Cyborg.

"What are we waiting for?" Wonder Woman asked as she held up her blade and glared at the distant form of Darkseid

Green Lantern looked a bit loss at what to say before speaking "We need to uh, we need to play football instead of going up to bat"

Wonder Woman gave the emerald hero a confused look "I apologize but I don't know your games"

"What are you talking about Lantern?" Flash asked

"He's saying we need to cut the lone wolf crap and act more like a pack" Peter said as he cracked his neck and saw the heroes were looking at him

"What do you mean by that?" Aquman asked with a raised brow

Spider-man sighed at this and pointed towards Darkseid "Look this guy has pretty much owned all of our asses in the span of what, five minutes? We can't just go one on one with him and expect to win let alone survive. We need to put aside our very large nearly uncontrollable egos, especially Lantern here, and work together to beat him or we can kiss our butts and this planet goodbye"

"Exactly" Lantern nodded at that man while holding back a scowl about his ego "The beams he shoots from his eyes follow their target, right?"

Flash nodded while Wonder Woman held up her blade

"Then it's settled" The amazon said with a fierce look "We blind him!"

"Easier said than done princess" Spider-man said as he rolled his shoulders "First we have to get his attention. Then we have to lure him into a trap and then we can go about trying to blind him"

"How do we do that?" Aquaman looked towards Spider-man

The wall crawler turned his attention back towards Darkseid and scanned the area before a plan began to from in his head…a rather dangerous and incredibly stupid plan that is

'Meh half the things I come up with usually are' Peter thought as he looked towards the heroes "I'm gonna go get his attention and trust me when I say I'll get it. Once I do, I'll lure him towards you guys and once he's in position…we give him a reason to start wearing glasses from now on"

"He'll kill you though" Cyborg said in shock that the man before him who looks like he can barely stand is willing to be the bait to a pretty powerful alien god

"Yeah well, he wouldn't be the first one to try" Spider-man said with a shrug as he turned towards Cyborg with a weighted gaze "Kid one thing you need to know about this kind of life style assuming you stick with it after all this, is that we all meet our maker eventually. It's what we did up until than that matters. Now what are you gonna tell whatever grandkids you'll have about today, that you sat here and waited for things to get better or you went out there and made things better?"

Cyborg was quite for a minute before he gave the webbed hero a determined look "Go out and make things better"

Peter gave the kid a nod as he began to follow Darkseid while ignoring the searing pain in his head and the rest of his body

"How will we know when to strike?" Wonder Woman asked with some concern

Peter smirked at that and looked towards Lantern "Greenie here will think of something, just make sure it's really noticeable and loud…like you! Also, Flash don't be late, you'll see what I mean soon enough"

He then swung off towards the dark god while Hal watched the man go for a second "You know…I'd rather follow his orders than Batman"

"I'm sure" Flash said with an eye roll

"Okay Peter you can do this, all you have to do is get Darkseid's attention and then lure him towards the rest. Easy…" Peter said with a sigh as he landed on the ruins of a building and stared at Darkseid's back

'This may end up getting me killed but fuck it I got nothing else to use. I just hope I don't end up regretting it if I do live' Peter mentally sighed

"Oi Dumbseid!" Peter yelled at the dark god who didn't even so much as pause in his stride "Guess what I know?"

Again, Darkseid didn't make any indication he heard Spider-man as he continued towards the city. Peter seeing this took a deep calming breath before speaking again

"And here I thought you'd like to know about the Anti-Life Equation…"

At that, Darkseid stopped dead in his tracks which caused Peter to smirk at the small victory and ignore the buzzing he was getting from his spider-sense

"Oh now that got your attention…didn't it?" Spider-man goaded the dark god who slowly looked over his shoulder, his red eyes glowing at Spider-man who responded with a wave "Catch me and I might tell you all about it Dumbseid!"

No sooner did he jump off the ruined building that Darkseid seemingly appeared and slammed his hand into the spot he was just occupying

'Okay step one catch his attention, step two…run like hell!' Peter mentally screamed as he began run as fast as he could while Darkseid chased after him with a dark glare on his face

He quickly vaulted, flipped and barrel through the ruined city with Darkseid slowly closing the distance when suddenly Spider-man disappeared in a flash causing the Darkseid's eyes to widen slightly before they narrowed followed by a dark growl

He was about to level this whole area to ash when suddenly several green fireworks loudly exploded above him, causing him to glare at the green bursts of lights. It was than a golden rope wrapped around his throat and pulled him back just as a green saw rammed into his head

"GRR!" Darkseid growled in annoyance as he was suddenly assaulted by this world's heroes

The Flash quickly ran past Darkseid and used his built-up momentum and wracked the dark god in the back of one of his legs with a metal pipe with a chunk of concrete on the end of it, causing him to lose his balance and allow Wonder Woman to pull him back further. He tried to pull back but Aquaman jumping on his chest and ramming his trident into his chest caused him to stagger again and let out a hiss of pain as the mystical weapon dug into him

Spider-man landed next to Wonder Woman and shot the last of his web fluid at the Darkseid's shoulders and began to pull with all his strength along with the Amazon princess. Green Lantern kept up his assault on Darkseid by attacking him with large green saws while Cyborg blasted him with his sonic cannon at it's highest setting

Aquaman stabbed Darkseid one more time before he hopped off the enraged god

"Speak Darkseid, why are you here!" Diana yelled as she pulled with all of her super human strength

Darkseid gritted his teeth in sheer rage "FOR…HER!"

Darkseid then grabbed the Lasso and pulled Wonder Woman towards him and right into his waiting fist


Peter used his adhesive abilities to stick to the ground so as to not be blown away this time and sent out a series of venom blasts at Darkseid's face which gained the god's attention

"Remember me Dumbseid!" Spider-man yelled Darkseid growled at him before sending a blast of his Omega beams at the wall crawler

Peter's lenses widened in shock before he made a quick prayer to every god he's ever met and shot a ball of his venom blasts at the approaching beams. The two forces met with an explosion and sent Spider-man skidding back, forcing him to dig his arms into the ground to halt his momentum

'Thank you god for not letting those things be at full power' Peter thought with a sigh as he tore his limbs form the ground and made to attack the dark god again "So Dumbseid, you gonna tell us where Superman is or do we have to put the hurt on ya some more!"

Diana picked herself up from the blow she received and spat out some blood before glaring at Darkseid "Come on giant! We're getting bored"

Darkseid's glowed red for a moment before he shot off his Omega beams at Wonder Woman "He is mine. As is your world!"

Diana was just barely able to bring up her bracelets in time to block the powerful blasts. She gritted her teeth as she planted her feet and held her ground against the overwhelming force of Darkseid's eye beams.

"Too many people believe that. That's the problem here" She said with narrowed eyes "The world belongs to no one! And everyone!" she suddenly shifted her arms and redirected the blasts into Darkseid's face causing him to growl in pain and stumble back slightly. Diana used the moment to launch herself at Darkseid's form with her blade raised and stabbed him in one of his eyes

Darksied let out a howl of pain as he was blinded and went to reach for Wonder Woman when she was pulled away suddenly by a web line attached to her back. Spider-man had used his last bit of web fluid and yanked the amazon into his arms

"One down!" Spider-man said as he let Diana down

Darkseid stumbled towards the ground and was about to rip the blade from his eye when he looked up in time to see the Flash carrying Aqauamn towards him. The dark god narrowed his eyes and was prepared to attack them when Flash threw Aquaman at Darkseid and stabbed the tyrant in his other eye with his trident

"One to go" Aquaman yelled as he pushed his trident's blades deeper into Darkseid's remaining eye which caused the dark god to roar in rage and pain

Spider-man, Cyborg, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman watched as Aquaman was forced to jump off Darkseid, leaving his trident in the dark god's eye

"A sword and a trident through his eyes and he's still standing? What else can we do?" Green Lantern said in mild disbelief at the sight of the still standing and pissed alien warlord

"We can try pantsing him and see if that works" Spider-man suggested with a shrug

"Or we can send him home" Cyborg said

"How do we do that?" Wonder Woman looked towards the cybernetic teen

"Those mother boxes can open a gateway back to the world they came from" Cyborg said as he began to connect to the alien force's network of mother boxes "I just have to connect with them somehow and speak their language"

"Which is what?" Green Lantern asked as he saw multiple Parademons closing in on them

"Ping" Cyborg said has his hand began to glow with energy "Or whatever the hell that-"

Suddenly Boom tubes began to open and suck in the surprised Parademons

"Whatever you're doing kid, keep doing it!" Lantern yelled at Cyborg

Spider-man watched as the Parademons were being sucked away and allowed himself to relax slightly before his spider-sense flared and before he could react a large powerful hand belonging to Darkseid grabbed him by the arm


"AAAAH!" Spider-man let out a pained yell as he felt several bones in his arm break under Darkseid's strength

Darkseid, with the weapons now removed from his eyes let out a roar as he slammed Spider-man into the ground and was about to step bring his fist down again when Wonder Woman grabbed it and pulled back with all her strength with help from the Flash

Darkseid gritted his teeth in rage "You will fall!"

Peter let out a pained gasp as he felt Darkseid began to press down on him 'This is not how I hoped my day would end!'

Peter tried to pry himself free but had a hard time doing so with only one arm. He looked around for anything that could help him and saw Batman and Superman had finally reappeared, though the man of steel looked a little worse for ware

'Hopefully he still has some fight left in him' Peter mentally groaned as he felt a rib snap under Darkseid's weight

The dark god somehow seemed to know what Spider-man was looking at and gave the dark knight and Kryptonian and glare, his eye's beginning to rapidly regrow in his glowing red eye sockets

"I am Darkseid!"

Just as Peter felt like he was about to black out Superman appeared and flew right into Darkseid and knocked him back and freed Spider-man who let out a pained gasp

"Bout damn time" Peter wheezed out

"Spider-man!" Wonder Woman quickly appeared by the arachnid's side and helped him up "are you alright?"

"Darkseid first than me" Spider-man said before he raised his good arm and blasted at Darkseid's face as he grabbed Superman in a bear hug and tried to pull the man of steel into the Boom tube with him

Green Lantern grabbed Superman with a green hand while Aquaman and Wonder Woman both tried to punch the dark god through the Boom tube. Spider-man was blasting Darkseid in the face with every ounce of power he had left in his venom blasts while also fighting to stay conscious

"Now kid, slam the door in his face" Lantern yelled as he tried to pull Superman back only for Darkseid to grab the Kryptonian's leg "Shut those damn Boom tubes down!"

"I c-can't" Cyborg yelled as he struggled to send Darkseid back

"You have to" Batman said as he came to stand behind Cyborg

"Batman?" Cyborg looked in surprised at the dark knight

"You opened the doorways. You can close them" Batman said

"Come on kid we can't keep this up forever!" Spider-man yelled as he shot another blast at Darkseid's face, this time hitting him in the eye

"My computer isn't responding" Cyborg said as he tried to close the tube

"It's not the computer in there that's going to do this" Batman said as he placed a hand on Cyborg's shoulder "You are going to do this. You are only shot!"

Spider-man gritted his teeth in pain as he felt his arm began to burn from the constant usage of his venom blasts at such a high setting. As he was building up another blast he felt something in the back of his head, deep in his own subconscious

"…Release me…I will end him…all of them…"

Peter gritted his teeth in pain as his head began to hurt from 'it' and his venom blast starting to burn his arm 'You stay the hell in there!'

Peter shot off one last powerful blast at Darkseid before the Boom Tube behind him exploded and caused the ruler of Apokolips to yell in pain


Darkseid felt himself being dragged into the portal but not before sending one last glare at the group of heroes "I will retur-"


Darkseid was cut off as the Boom tube exploded and blanked the entire area in a bright light. Peter hut his eyes to keep himself from going blind and was relived to feel 'it' retreat into his mind…for now

Soon the light died down and all that was left were the eight heroes…

Spider-man blinked a few times as he cradled his broken arm and gave out a whistle "Damn kid…you sure showed him"

Diana nodded "They're all gone"

Peter was about to respond when suddenly he smelt burning skin and looked down to see that the last venom blast had burnt most of the skin off his arm and he could see faint traces of his bones around his wrists

"Aww not again…" Peter whined which caught Diana's attention

"Spider-man, your arm!" she quickly approached the wounded hero and checked it over with a worried frown

"Tis but a scratch my lady" Peter snorted before he winced as a sudden jolt of pain shot through his arm "It'll be fine in a few days…"

He then looked over towards Superman and gave the man of steel a look of minor annoyance "BTW's you welcome for softening him up for ya!"

"Sorry…" Superman said with a wince as he took in Spider-man's condition with his X-ray, being mindful to only look at his skeletal structure and not his face. Guy wore a mask for reason after all and Clark knew he wouldn't like someone peeking in on his secret identity

"We're being watched" Aquaman said loudly, catching everyone's attention

The heroes looked to see people begin to emerge from the smoke

Flash looked a bit unsettled "Um…should we leave before they blame us again or…"

His worries were quickly put the rest as the crowd began to cheer "You did it!" and "You saved us!" "You're the world's greatest super-humans!" while others merely clapped and screamed in happiness that their world was now safe

Peter couldn't help the chuckle from escaping him 'May not be my world anymore…but I definitely can get use to this…'

Three days later... Washington DC…

Peter in his repaired and soon to be retired suit stood alongside Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg as they were being honored on the steps of the Capital building by the President of the United States himself.

"Today marks a momentous day in human history" The President said to the large crowd of people "In our darkest hour these people donned their colorful costumes and went into action"

Peter felt his brow twitch at the man calling his suit a costume "Buddy this thing is more advance than anyone in your DOD can think up"

Self repairing unstable molecular structure with microprocessors built into the mask and lenses and capable of withstanding vacuum environments for over ten minutes made whatever tech NASA had on hand look like a joke in comparison

"I don't wear a costume. This is my uniform" Lantern muttered out with a scowl

"And this is Atlantean scale mail. Do they think I'd choose orange?" Aquman said annoyed

"The orange is nice Aquaman, it's the new black after all but that necklace of yours has to go" Spider-man said with a chuckle

"…These friends used their superpowers to protect us…" The president continued to give his speech unaware of the interaction between the heroes behind him

"And we're not friends either" Lantern shot the rest a look

Batman turned towards the emerald hero "We need to let them think we're both"

"Why?" Lantern asked confused

Batman folded his arms across his chest "It'll keep the Gotham P.D. off my back. The Air Force off yours"

"Oh wait until Jameson opens his mouth" Spider-man said with a shake of his head 'Goodbye heroism hello 'he's a menace to society!'… seriously what did I ever do to that guy to piss him off?'

"I don't have time to belong to a team. I've got other responsibilities" Aquaman said

"So do I" Wonder Woman agreed

"I have a whole universe to protect" Lantern said with a hint of smugness in his tone

'Uh actually you only protect a sector of said universe' Peter thought with a deadpanned look under his mask

"We can do it together guys" Flash said, liking the idea of working with these people again, despite the rough start

Lantern gave Flash a look "Can you fly into space?"

"I can" Superman said with a smirk

"That's not the point." Lantern shot the man of steel an annoyed look "We all have other things we need to do. We're not friends. We're not a team. This was just a one-time thing okay?"

"Lantern I don't think it'll really matter much anyways after what we just did" Spider-man said

"What makes you say that?" the interstellar cop looked at Spider-man with a frown

"Dude we just kicked the ever-loving crap out of an all-powerful alien war lord, you really think that's not going to be noticed by the rest of the universe? Trust me Lantern…it won't be long until another comes a knocking, eager to take down the guys who beat Darkseid" Spider-man said as he shot a glance up towards the sky knowing that Darkseid will make good on his promise and come back…

…And others will come to challenge them…

"Spider-man is right" Batman nodded at the man's reasoning, already thinking along the same lines "We need to be ready for the next threat that will come this way"

"What are the chances of that?" Lantern scoffed as a aid ran up towards the President and whispered something in his ear.

After a moment, the President looked towards the heroes "I'm sorry but we've got trouble. Your kind of trouble I guess. We need your team again"

Spider-man and Batman both shot a look that said 'I told you so' at Lantern who growled in annoyance at being proven wrong…again

"We have a name Mr. President" Flash said

"We do?" Lantern shot the fastest man alive a questioning look

"You do?" The President looked equally surprised

"Sure" Flash nodded "You call us…"

"The Justice League" Spider-man said as he took a step forward

Flash shot Spider-man a look who responded with a shrug "Sorry you have a better name?"

Flash looked like he was about to say something before he frowned "Actually, your name sounds cooler than mine"

Batman took a step forward until he was standing side by side with Spider-man "What are we facing?"

Meanwhile towards the rear of the crowd stood a man dressed in a black and red suit and was holding a cane with a skull on it. He was watching the heroes carefully or more specifically Spider-man with a look of dark amusement

"That's right Peter…enjoy this day while it last…soon everything you care for will be loss" Mephisto chuckled darkly as he faded away back to his realm to watch the coming events unfold




…Far edges of the Universe…

"Darkseid has failed in his conquest of Earth. The…heroes have beaten him and forced him back to Apokolips where he now licks his wounds…" a figure dressed in an odd robe with an equally odd mask said with a dark echoing tone as he laid kneeling before a levitating throne that was staring into the vast expanse of space

The figure on the throne didn't respond as they continued to observe the cosmos

The masked robed figure continued "Our spy as misinformed us of the power these humans possess…to challenge this 'Justice League'…is to court death"

At the figure on the throne stood up causing the robed being to tense and bow his head until it was touching the ground almost

The figure on the throne turned to reveal they were wearing golden armor with a golden helm that exposed a purple face with a dark smirk on it. The being was every bit as large as Darkseid and every bit as intimidating and powerful

"...Perfect" Thanos the mad Titan said with a dark chuckle

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