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39.28% Spiderman Dc And Marvel crossover / Chapter 11: Dawn of Justice part 2

Chapter 11: Dawn of Justice part 2

"Wait stop, please let's talk this out" Peter said in a bored tone as he casually dodged the attacks from the Parademon before him with painful ease

Peter has more or less been tossing the soldier of Darkseid around for the past few minutes, mainly because he was looking to see if any of its friends will show up and also to see if it may try to run and lead him to the rest. Parademons never travel alone, their strengths revolve around overwhelming numbers and swift brutal surprise attacks

On their own however, these things typically aren't too much of a challenge for Peter and in his world he's faced these beings numerous times. So, he knows how they operate for the most part and so far this Parademon is acting the same as the ones he's faced in the past

'And right about now this guy will try to fly above me and- right on cue' Peter thought with a chuckle as the Parademon soared over him and then to his surprise began to fly away from him

"…Okay wasn't expecting that to be honest" Peter said as he immediately sprinted after the fleeing alien soldier "Wait come back I'm not done trying to introduce my fist to your face and annoy you with my witty earth bound bantering!"

The Parademon didn't respond as it flew across rooftops and over busy streets. Peter idly noticed that quite a few people were either watching the chase or recording it. He couldn't help but chuckle at what this world's Jameson, who still owns the Daily Bugle, will be thinking or saying when he sees and hears this

'Look that wall crawling menace is in league with aliens who've come here to invade us!' Peter had to hold back a full belly laugh at the image of the Hitler stash wearing news editor saying exactly that in his outside voice

Peter looked ahead and saw the Parademon was beginning to descend and Peter could faintly feel his spider-sense begin to tingle. He narrowed his eyes as he jumped across a rooftop and landed in a crouch before launching himself at the alien who turned just in time to receive a punch to the face


The Parademon however was able to get in it's own sort of hit and kicked Peter down towards the ground with a pained grunt as what sounded like 'pings' started to go off and his spider-sense increased in intensity

'That's not good' Peter thought as he righted himself in midair and landed on the ground in a three-point pose and caused the asphalt beneath him to crack from the force of his landing

Peter looked back up at the growling Parademon with narrowed lenses before the light reflected of a blade caught his attention and Peter looked to see…

'Diana…' Peter thought as his lenses widened at the sight of the Amazon princess armed with a sword, her golden lasso and decked out in her red and sliver armor bustier. He also made out Steve Trevor's form next to her looking at him in surprise along with Diana

"…Hi" Peter gave them both a wave as he stood up and returned his gaze to the Parademon "Nice day for a fight eh?"

Diana's surprised expression quickly turned into an eager one as she gave him a nod and raised her sword in salute "Indeed it is warrior"

"Uh what the hell is that?" Steve pointed at the Parademon on the roof and the origin of the pinging sound they were all hearing

"It's not a harpy" Diana looked at the creature with a narrowed gaze

"Oh that? That's my fists new best friend" Peter said as a Boom tube suddenly opened and more Parademons came out "Oh look he's brought my fists more faces to meet, how thoughtful of him"

"It is an excellent fight to be had!" Diana said as she raised her sword at the approaching Parademons "Leave them to me!"

She than launched after them with a war cry and quickly began to cut a brutal swath through the invaders. Peter gave her a whistle of appreciation before he quickly joined her in her assault on the forces of Darkseid and Apokolips with a hidden smile under his mask

'Forgot how fun it is to fight alongside her again…' Peter thought as he used a combination of his webs and venom blats to combat the large number of Parademons trying to overwhelm him and Diana and keep them away from the fleeing or annoyingly observing people

Diana from what Peter can see was having the time of her life as she was slashing and hacking Parademons left and right with a look of excitement on her face that he couldn't help but find kind of hot. And the few that avoided her sword were quickly dealt with by bare hands or her Lasso. Peter would have loved to keep watching her work, really he would, but his spider-sense was having him weave through the aliens' attacks

'Hmm I should really learn how to multi task like Bruce or Barry could' Peter thought as he slid under a Parademon and used both feet to kick the Parademon into the sky before he shot two web lines to its chest and quickly twirled the dazed alien around and rammed it into the Parademons trying to surround him only to be knocked away

He released the alien and sent it flying into another one that tried to sneak up on Diana from behind and leaped over another blast of that plasma energy they can spit out and landed on the back of one Parademon and spring boarded off it and into another one above it with his fist reared back before smashed it into the snarling beast and created a small shockwave from the impact


The Parademon was sent flying into it's friends while Peter landed on another Parademon's back and quickly grabbed it's head

"I know, your shocked to meet me, right?" Peter joked as he zapped the alien invader with his venom blasts and caused it to spaz out and begin falling towards the ground

Peter quickly kicked off it and stuck to the side of the building and began blasting more Parademons out of the sky with his venom blasts while Diana dealt with the rest on the ground

"Come foul creatures of the underworld and face my blade!" Diana said with a savage grin as he threw her sword into one of the Parademons and nailed it right in the head.

She smirked at her accomplishment as she quickly ducked under another Parademon's swipe and smacked it away and heeled kick another's jaw off with a ease. She looked up to see the strange man in a red and blue suit with a spider symbol on his chest blasting away the flying monsters with what looked like red lightning before he shot several web lines out and ensnared several of the flying beats as if they were flies

She watched the man leap of the building, pulling the struggling creatures with him and slammed them into the ground creating a crater with their now broken bodies. She grinned at this as she headbutted another Parademon away and grabbed another in a choke hold and snapped it's neck

She raised her bracelet to deflect another attack and began to move backwards, not in retreat but towards her sword before it suddenly flew past her head and into the Parademon's maw. She didn't waste any time in grabbing the handle and cleaved the golden armored creature's head in two and kicked it's body away

She than looked back to see the odd man approach her and gave him a nod of respect and gratitude

"Thank you for the assist, but I had it handled" Diana said with a grin

"I'm sure you did" Spider-man said with a chuckle as he looked up to see the Parademons not fleeing, but heading somewhere else. He then looked back at Diana "Wanna help me track those boys down and save the world from invading aliens?"

"Yes, I'm eager to see if there are any worthy opponents amongst these beats ranks" Diana said as she kicked the dead corpse of a Parademon

Peter chuckled "I'm sure they'll have someone for you to own"

Diana gave him a quizzical look "Why would I want a slave of one of these things?"

"…Never mind" Peter said with a sigh before he held his hand out "I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-man"

Diana took his hand and shook it "Diana…but many call me Wonder Woman"

"You do seem like a wonderful woman Diana" Peter commented with a hint of that good old 'Parker charm' which earned a giggle from the young princess

"Diana you okay?" Steve said as he approached the duo as Police officers and government agents arrived and began to see to anyone that may have been hurt in the fight and to make sure that the dead Parademons were actually dead

"Yes Steve, me and Spider-man here are about to track these monsters down and stop them from whatever it is they are attempting to do" Diana said as she sheathed her blade on her waist

Steve gave Peter a suspicious look which caused Peter to groan "Dude if you say anything that makes it seem like I'm working with these guys, I swear I'll put web fluid in your shaving cream and shampoo…trust me it sucks but by golly I will!"

"I was going to say I've never seen you before" Steve said with annoyance and a narrowed gaze

Peter shrugged as he turned and prepared to follow the Parademons "What can I say, I like my privacy and I'm pretty shy"

He then made an inhuman leap that landed him on the top of a four-story building and saw the Parademons seemed to be heading in slightly northeastern direction, towards the coast

'There's only one city of worth in that direction these things could be heading…Metropolis, which means Superman…' Peter thought as he saw Diana land next to him in a crouch. She looked to see the Parademons flying away and frowned

"Where are they heading?" the amazon looked towards Peter

"My guess…their getting ready for their master's arrival assuming he'll show up" Peter said with a shrug "Or…"

"Or…?" Diana trailed off wondering what the man was about to say

"…Or they realize how awesome we are together and are fleeing in terror" Peter said with a smirk

Diana chuckled "Yes…we are awesome. Come let us vanquish these beats back to the pits of whence they came!"

She then grabbed Spider-man by the shoulders and then to the man's slight surprised jumped after the flying Parademons.

'Guess she can't fly yet' Peter thought as he held on to the woman, not that he or she seems to mind, and followed the Parademons and taking out any they can get close to or that break off from the swarm.

They spent the next twenty minutes trailing the Parademons before they saw the distant city of Metropolis on the horizon. Peter narrowed his eyes as he and likely Diana could make out the swarms of Parademons attacking the city

"What do these creatures want? Why are they attacking?" Diaan asked with a frown

"Good question, let's go ask" Peter said as he cracked his neck "How good is your throwing arm?"

Diana gave him a confused look "What?"

Peter nodded towards some of the Parademons carrying people away "Bit to far for me to reach on my own, think you can give me a hand?"

Diana nodded as she adjusted her grip on him and then threw him at high speeds towards the Parademons. Peter narrowed his eyes as he approached the aliens and blasted several of them out of the sky with his venom blasts. Some of them dropped the people they were carrying and Peter immediately kicked off one the Parademon he landed on and angled his descent towards the screaming people

'Gonna have to time this just right!' Peter thought as he neared the falling people and shot out a web line to each one and pulled them towards him.

He looked down and saw they only had a few hundred feet left and were already reaching terminal velocity.

"Really hope this works" Peter mumbled to himself over the wind rushing by his face and the screaming people around him

He quickly made sure the web lines were securely attached to him before he angled his web shooters into the air and began to form a sort of makeshift parachute to try and slow down their acceleration. He was having a bit of trouble thanks to several Parademons flying after them and spitting that weird plasma fire at his web chute

'I really have to get around making these things fire resistant, save me so much trouble with these kinds of guys or the likes of Volcana or Molten man' Peter mentally groaned as he was forced to constantly shoot more webs to cover the damage the aliens were dealing to his and the civilians only chance of not ending up a pile of mush on the side walk that was getting closer and closer

Peter saw one of the Parademons flying straight for him with it's glowing mouth wide open, it's claws bared and ready to tear him a few new ones at least. Peter's body tensed in preparation for the hit when suddenly Diana appeared and slashed the alien in half with her sword and used the blade to dig into the side o the building while she took her lasso and wrapped it around Peter's web parachute and pulled him and the people who were now letting out sighs of relief as they were pulled towards her

"Thanks for the save Wonder Woman" Peter beamed at the woman

"Your welcome Spider-man" Diana said with a smile

Peter quickly attacked to the side of the building and made new web lines for the people to hold on to and slowly lowered them to the ground whole Diana kept an eye out for more Parademons. She saw many beginning to converge towards the docks

"I'm going to see what has their attention over there" Diana said as she readied to leap towards what sounded like a pretty intense fight over there

"I'll catch up after I make sure these people are okay" Peter said before turning to Diana with a smirk under his mask "Try to save me some to fight"

Diana grinned back "I promise nothing Spider-man"

She than launched herself off the building and headed towards the distant conflict while Peter finished lowering the people to safety and was about to follow Diana when suddenly his spider-sense flared and he jumped away from a speeding knife that would have nailed him to the wall had to been any slower

Peter's eyes narrowed at the blade and looked to see an old face that he hasn't seen in a long time, only they were sporting a slightly different look compared to last time

"Kanto…" Peter growled out at the appearance of Darkseid's favorite assassin

The man smirked at Peter and gave him an amused look "Have we met before?"

"You could say that" Peter said as his hands began to glow from his venom blasts "Now normally I'd say something along the lines of leave and don't come back but considering who you are and who you serve, how about we skip right to kicking the crap out of each other?"

"If that is what you want" Kanto said with a chuckle as he summoned his knife and lunged at Peter who replied by firing off his venom blats at the approaching assassin as over a dozen Parademons surrounded them

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