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Flashpoint part 5

…Spider-man?" Wonder Woman said in confusion "…Not much of an impressive title to call one's self"

"Hey I was originally going to go by the 'Human Spider' but the announcer thought it sucked and told me to pick a new name and well…Spider-man it was" Peter said with a casual shrug as he caught an arrow that was about to hit him in the head without looking "So what's a girl like you doing in a place like this? You know aside from trying to wipe out all mankind and all that…"

Peter watched as Wonder woman lunged at him with her sword raised and was about to move when suddenly Captain Thunder rammed into her and tackled her to the ground, kicking up dirt and bits of lightning everywhere

Captain Thunder pinned Wonder Woman to the ground and held her arms behind her back as he glared down at the struggling war lord "I was only trying to talk to you last time. I was trying to understand why you would do this. But I'm done talking!"

"Whoa their Cap I would prefer you not put my sort of wife on ice if you can help it" Peter said with a cough as he ducked under an Atlantean sword and backhanded it's wielder aware

"What?! What do you mean wife!" Wonder Woman ceased her struggling and shot Peter a confused glare as did Captain Thunder

It was then that Peter felt his spider-sense tingle as Enchantress began to speak with mystical energy glowing in her hands "Oh isn't that a surprise? But no matter"

Peter eyed the mystic with a narrowed gaze "Enchantress what are you-"

"SHAZAM!" Enchantress yield and suddenly Captain Thunder exploded in a ball of lightning and the six children that make him up were flung on to the ground

Peter covered his face to avoid being blinded by the bits of lightning shooting across the area. He lowered his arms sand his lenses widened at the state of the children and was about to approach them when suddenly a tendril of green energy wrapped around his waist and flung him to the side

"Nuh uh Spidey" Enchantress smirked coyly at the man "I think it's time for those children to let the grown-ups handle things"

Peter growled at the woman shot several arcs of his venom blasts at the startled woman who was easily able to block them but unable to block Peter suddenly appearing in front of her face and smacking her away with a growl

"I don't usually hit women, but yeah I think what you just did was justifiable for me to do so…" Peter hissed and looked to see Billy shakily climb to his feet "Billy!"

The young boy coughed as he sent Peter a wave and was about to call out to the rest of his family when suddenly an Amazon appeared behind him with her sword raised

"BILLY!" Peter shouted in horror as he tried to warn the boy but was too late

"NO!" Barry tried to race to the boy but Aquaman grabbed him and brought him into a powerful headbutt that knocked the man back

"SH-" Billy started to say only for the sword to erupt from his chest and lightning with arcs of mystical lightning beginning to spew from his eyes, mouth and the wound

Peter felt his spider-sense flare to nearly painful levels as he yelled "GET DOWN!"


The entire area was blanketed in an electrical explosion sending dozens flying and uprooting the ground in some places. Peter was sent flying into a pile of rubble that caused him to grunt in pain at the feeling of something piercing his side and mystical lightning striking him in the arm and leg which earned another yelp from him

Peter groaned in pain as he picked himself up "Oww…"

He scanned the battlefield and saw many of the Amazons and Atlanteans recovering only to resume trying to kill each other. He looked for Flash and found him and felt his blood run cold at the man standing before him with a dark smirk on his face

"Reverse Flash" Peter growled as he saw the man and was about to attack him when suddenly his spider-sense flared and he ducked under a sword swipe from Wonder Woman "Oh hey beloved, fancy seeing you again! I know I'm irresistible, especially in comparison to discount Poseidon, but could you maybe give me a moment while I go kick the crap out of the guy in yellow over there?"

Wonder Woman growled as she sent a series of swipes and stabs at Peter who was hard pressed to didge the deadly strikes while all keeping Thawne in his sights. He saw Cyborg and Element Woman keeping the rest of the kids who made up Captain Thunder safe while Batman was nowhere to be seen

'Hope the old man's alright' Peter thought as he grabbed Wonder Woman's sword and pulled her into a punch that dented her helmet "Uh does this count as abuse? Because if it does, you started it!"

"What are you talking about?!" Wonder Woman yelled in rage as she tackled Spider-man to the ground quicker than he could react, even with his spider-sense "And why did you call me your wife?"

Peter shot that last of his web fluid into Wonder Woman's face and threw her off him and quickly hopped back up "Would you believe me that our world, one in which you and I are semi happily married that was than altered by the guy in yellow over there who's from the future and made it so you end up trying to marry 'Merman' over there"

Peter nodded towards Aquaman who was busy fighting several Amazons "I mean really beloved? You wanted to marry a guy that talks to fish? I mean sure the guy has a sweet pad and all don't get me wrong, but other than that I don't see any real qualities that scream perfect husband, especially considering that the man's weakness is a few plastic soda can rings or going like what ten minutes without water"

"He doesn't talk to fish!" Wonder Woman growled as she lunged at Spider-man and sent a series of jabs at him who blocked most of them, much to his immediate and painful regret or completely dodged them entirely before leaping back and placing some distance between them

"Uh yeah he kind of does beloved" Peter snorted as he entered a peculiar fighting style that caught Wonder Woman off guard

"That's…how do you know that?!" Wonder Woman asked in outrage and confusion at seeing this unknown man slip into an advance form of Amazon fighting styles

Peter shrugged "You taught me during how honeymoon… beloved"

"Don't call me that!" Wonder Woman yelled with a blushing face as she pressed her attack on Spider-man who ducked and weaved his way around Diana's enraged blows and returned some of his own with surprising strength and speed before he eventually kicked her away

"Why? You never seemed to mind it when I called you that…in bed…or the shower…or the couch in the Hall of Justice…or your office…and that one time on the invisible plane with your mother I might add!" Peter wiggled his eye brows at the charging Amazon before he ran towards the woman and slid under and kicked her feet out

He then grabbed the woman while she was still in the air and immediately lifted her over his shoulder and slammed her into the ground, creating a minor shockwave and earned a groan of minor discomfort from the Amazon Queen

Peter chuckled "Wow, clothes and armor still on and yet not only did I still get you on your back, but I got a moan from you. That there is a recor-"

Peter was interrupted his gloating by a yellow blur ramming into him and sending him flying several meters before he came to a painful stop

"…Okay ow that hurt" Peter groaned out as he looked up to see Thawne smirking down at him "Oh look, it's the Flash wanna be"

"Cute" Thawne said before kicked Spider-man in the face and sent him flying only to appear behind him and punched him back the way he just came.

He then finished by body slamming Peter into the ground and standing over his moaning form "What, you didn't see that coming Spidey? I thought that legendary spider-sense of yours could help you predict danger?"

"Oh it does" Peter coughed out as he glared at the future speedster "And it's currently warning me about your horrible fashion sense. Yellow? That's so last decade Thawne"

Thawne grinned darkly and was about to grab Peter when suddenly Barry appeared and punched the man away with a glare on his face

"What did you do to the world Thawne!" Barry shouted as speed force lightning danced across his body

Thawne stood back up and wiped some blood away from his face and smirked at his nemesis "What did I do? Oh, Barry. My idol. My inspiration, that's the beauty of all of this madness!"

Thawne than suddenly decked Barry to the ground and smacked Peter across the face that nearly snapped his neck and force the wall crawler to the ground. He then zoomed over to Barry and sent almost a hundred jabs at the man's face before he grabbed him by the head and forced him to look into his face

"I didn't do anything. Not a thing" Thawne said in a sing song voice

Before Thawne could continue, a blast from Peter's venom blasts knocked the man away who rolled with the force and quickly sped back up and appeared in front of Peter who shot back in surprise and sent a punch to the man who easily side stepped it and elbowed him in the ribs


"GAH!" Peter yelled in pain as he felt half his rib cage just suddenly snapped from the blow that Thawne gave him. He collapsed to the ground clutching his injured side and spat out a small bit of blood through the tear in his mask that he got, courtesy of Thawne

"That right their Mr. Parker, was my elbow hitting you in the same exact spot all up and down your rib cage almost a thousand times in the span of a second..." Thawne said with a chuckle as he sent a small cyclone with his other arm at several Amazons and Atlanteans fighting

"Now, where was I?" Thawne said with a mocking smile before he snapped his fingers "Oh yeah!"

He quickly sidestepped a punch from Barry who tried to blitz him and jabbed the scarlet speedster in the face "Now before I was so rudely interrupted by your friend here Barry, I was in the middle of explaining who the true culprit behind this nightmare of a world"

Thawne suddenly appeared behind Barry and brought the man into a headlock "I'm not surprised you forgot who it was Barry, but don't worry…"

Thawne held up his hand that was vibrating and smiled darkly "I'll help you remember by resetting your internal vibrations…and I'm happy to admit it'll hurt like hell!"

He then jammed his fist into the back of Barry's head

"AAAAAGH!" Barry shouted in pain as arcs of speed force lighting shot out from the duo

"BARRY!" Peter tried to get back up but stumbled as he felt what one of the bones in his chest shift and pierce something, it felt like his liver "Ah shit…really wish I had a skeleton made of metal right about now…"

Thawne smirked at the down form of Peter before he leaned into Barry's ear "Do you remember Barry? You were at your mother's grave on her birthday. Her first birthday since you learned I was responsible for her murder"

Barry tried to free himself but Thawne simply forced his vibrating fist deeper into the man's head causing him to yell in pain again "And a life of gnawing emptiness finally pushed you over the edge. To a place you swore you'd never go…to the past…to the day your mother died!"

Peter gritted his teeth as he pushed his body up and raised his glowing hand, ready to blast Thawne in the face, not kill him but definitely hurt the bastard when suddenly a golden rope wrapped around his neck and yanked him away from the duo and into the armored fist of Wonder Woman


Peter's head snapped to the left before another punch buried it's way into his gut and forced him to nearly vomit blood in response as he fell to his knees clutching his core in pain. He looked up to see Diana without her helmet, and still unbelievably beautiful mind you, glaring at him with rage

"Man, even when your pissed your still beyond beautiful beloved" Peter slurred out with a weak smile

Diana's glared darkened as she grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up and brought him in close to her face "You are without a doubt the most annoying man I've ever met…"

"What can I say? It makes me more memorable" Peter said with a pained smile as Diana reared her fist back "So does this mean we can't have that lunch date we agreed on?"

Diana prepared to hit him again when suddenly Tawny in his regular tiger form attacked the woman and sunk his teeth into her arm

"AGH!" Diana screamed in pain as she let go of Peter and proceeded to pry the tiger's jaws off her hands and snap the great cat's neck before drooping it's body to the ground with a minor look of regret on her face

"TAWNY!" Peter screamed in outrage before he charged and rammed his fist into Diana's surprised face and pushed her back with one punch after another, creating small shockwaves before he finished with a kick to her dented armored chest and sent the woman flying back into several amazon warriors "Sorry babe…but that was not okay!"

Peter shot Tawny's body a regretful look before he looked to see Barry and a battered Thomas standing over to his shock, a dead Thawne. He quickly ran towards the duo as were Cyborg, Element Woman and the remaining children

Barry saw him approach and immediately began to talk a mile a minute

"Whoa Barry slow down, what the hell are you talking about?" Peter said in confusion

"It was me!" Barry said as he grabbed Peter's shoulders and shook them "Thawne didn't do this…it was me that caused it"

Peter's eyes and lenses widened in shock at this information "…W-What?"

"I remember now" Barry said as he clutched his head "I ran back in time to stop Thawne from killing my mother and somehow…" he gestured to the fighting around them "…I did this…."

Peter stared at the man quietly as Element Woman, Cyborg and the kids regrouped and began to discuss what the hell they could do now when suddenly the sounds of gunshots drew their attention to

"Grifter…?" Cyborg said as the leader of the resistance in London against the Amazons and the outsiders attacked

The man looked over his shoulder at Cyborg as he continued to shoot at the Amazons and Atlanteans "Can't let you have all the fun Cyborg, especially if it's the end of the world!"

Barry stare at the embers of the resistance that was made up of the likes Black Canary, Etrigan, Blackout, the Outsider and several other's that he had trouble remembering but swears he's met or seen before. He suddenly felt Peter's nearly crushing hand on his shoulder and he looked to see Peter's lenses narrowed in rage staring at him

Barry felt a shiver run up and down his spine as he stared at the enraged expression of his friend that could stop Imperiex in his tracks

"…Barry…are you telling me…that my marriage with Diana…all our friends' lives are fucked up…because you did the one thing you swore to never do and gave anyone hell who tried to do so themselves?" Peter hissed out

Barry sadly nodded his head "…Yeah…"

Peter glared at the man for a moment before he sighed "Barry…if we survive this and fix everything and we both remember what happens…you'll be wishing you never came back from the speed force when I'm done with you!"

"That's reasonable" Barry gulped before they were both drawn to the sounds of the traitorous Enchantress slaughtering people left and right for the Amazons "What do we do about her?"

"Take out obviously" Peter growled as he shot a powerful venom blast at the woman who easily blocked it before she grinned darkly at him, Barry and Thomas

"Hmm…me likes a man who can give me a challenge!" Enchantress said before she shot several fast-moving blasts of magic at the trio

"Incomi- GAAAAH!" Peter shouted in pain as he was blasted back by the blast of magic and sent skidding across the ground until he came to a painful stop

He weakly looked up to see Barry holding a mortally wounded Thomas who looked like he couldn't dodge the blast in time and Enchantress herself floating above him with a dark grin on her face

"Hmm so sad, I was hoping to keep you as a pet but from the looks of it, you won't last long…" Enchantress grinned as she gathered more magical energy in her hand and prepared to use when suddenly a sonic boom rang out

Peter smirked at the sound as he looked up to see a familiar shape fast approaching through his blurry vision "Knew it…"

Enchantress only had one thing to say to the approaching figure "Ah shit-"


The mystical woman's body was completely destroyed as Superman landed on it and forced Peter to advert his gaze as blood, and mystical energy scattered everywhere

"…You know…I can't find in mean to care anymore" Peter said as he rose to his knees and felt a pair of hands grab his shoulders. He looked to see Kal's worried face "Hey Kal, what are you doing here?"

"…Peter friend. Peter came back for me…Superman come back for Peter" Kal said gently

"Heh…" Peter chuckled as he coughed up more blood "Well, thanks for coming Kal…it means a lot"

Kal nodded before he turned to see Aquaman and several of his men approaching the two with a glare and his trident at the ready. Kal's eyes began to glow red

"No more…" Kal said before he shot towards the ruler of Atlantis and punched the shocked ruler of the seas away before pursuing him.

"Go get'm tiger" Peter couched up as he saw what looked like Gorilla Grodd and several gorillas joining the fray "The hell he come from…?"

Suddenly Peter's head began to hurt and this time it wasn't from new memories or even his spider-sense…no this was something he hasn't felt in a long time and hoped he'd never feel again so long as he lived

Peter clutched his head in pain "No…stay in…stay in there…don't come out…please!"


The feeling stopped suddenly and Peter looked to see several large pillars of energy in the distance that were beginning to shoot up from the ground and with more appearing and slowly start to approach them.

"What the hell…" Peter said in confusion

"Arthur's final weapon…" Diana said as she suddenly appeared next to Peter, her chest piece gone revealing her front was bleeding. Peter shot her a confused look before he turned to see Barry clutching a piece of paper and looking at him with sadness

"…Run Barry…run like hell" Peter said to the man as he slumped to the ground and watched Barry look torn before he very reluctantly shot off into the distance as he ran back to stop himself from turning the world into this…nightmare

Peter let out a sigh as he saw the beams of energy approaching and the earth starting to shake when suddenly he found Diana's lasso wrapped around his hand. He looked to see Diana standing before him with a blank look on her face that was covered in blood, dirt and what looked like her own tears

"…Who are you?"

The center of the web and the man who was once dubbed the heart and soul of the superhero community looked at the alternate version of the only woman he's truly ever come to love with a long look before he finally answered

"…Peter Parker…I'm…was your husband" Peter said as he removed his mask to show his bruised and bloodied face "…And I loved you the moment I first saw you…"

Diana's face seemed to soften as she stared into Peter's eyes and slowly kneeled before him, London and the world collapsing around them

"…I'm sorry…" Diana said as she took Peter's head and rested it against her chest "…You do seem like a good man…Peter"

Peter chuckled softly as he saw the light about to encompass them "In your own words…it was the reason you married me in the first place…Diana"

The two watched as the forces of the Amazons and the Atlanteans were consumed by the blast along with Cyborg, the resistance, Element Woman, the children…Thomas, Aquaman, and finally Kal who looked at the two for a moment before giving them a sad smile

"If what you say is true about us…I hope we meet again…beloved" Diana said quietly as she closed her eyes and held on to Peter as the blast was about to reach them

"Same here…beloved" Peter said before his vison went white as he and Diana were consumed by the blinding light and next darkness…





You will not die here…

Adityak77797349 Adityak77797349

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