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Chapter 7: Flashpoint part 4

Element Woman stared at the group for several long seconds before her eyes brightened at the sight of Flash and Spider-man "I love your uniforms! There so…red!"

"Uh…thank you?" Barry said not really knowing what to make of the bubbly and clearly unhinged woman

Peter stared at the woman before them with some puzzlement before he looked towards the rest of the group, specifically Cyborg and Batman "Umm…she with you?"

Cyborg shook his head while Thomas sighed

"Great. Element Woman's come to save the day. She's as certifiable as everyone in Gotham" the old Batman said with some annoyance

"She's not crazy Batman. She's just not used to being around people" Cyborg said with an amused look

Peter turned his attention to Element Woman who was watching them with a large happy smile on her face that he had to admit was adorable. He then cleared his throat "Uhh what kinds of juice do you have anyway?"

Element woman's smile seemed to somehow lengthened before she reached into her little bag "Oh I have all kinds like apple, peach and some grape!"

"Eh what the hell I'll take the apple one" Peter said with a shrug as he caught the small apple flavored juice box while Barry looked at him with a quizzical look "What?"

"You're just going to drink some juice offered by random person?" Barry said in slight disbelief before he looked towards Element Woman with an apologetic look "No offense"

"Flash, who in their right minds would ever poison apple juice? And be honest does this girl look like a sociopath?" Peter gestured to Element Woman who sent Barry a friendly wave

"What are young doing here Miss Sung?" Batman asked as he narrowed his gaze at the woman

Element Woman suddenly looked a bit sheepish as she began to poke the ends of her fingers together "Well I uh…I've been following Cyborg around"

"What?" Cyborg said surprised that the element manipulator has been following him without his notice

Peter leaned in to Barry while taking a sip from his juice box and whispered "Aww isn't that cute? Cyborg has an admirer"

Barry snickered as he whispered back "I'd ship them"

"Don't get mad!" Element Woman started to panic a little "After you got everyone together in Gotham and no one wanted to put a stop to the war I…I couldn't understand it"

Peter saw how the girl seemed to deflate at being unable to understand why no one wanted to put an end to Wonder Woman and Aquaman's war that was clearly destroying the planet.

"Things are bad out there. People are getting hurt. We should help and…no one ever asked me to join a team before" Element Woman said the last part with a sad hopeful smile

Peter gave the young girl a sympathetic look before he turned to Thomas "Oh come on man, how can we say no to that?! Plus, she did kind of saved our buts from being roasted by a bunch of mall cop rejects. I say let her join!"

Thomas stared at the hopeful expression on the young woman before he sighed tiredly "…Fine"

"YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!" Element Woman begin to jump up and down in excitement

She quickly began to follow the four men as they turned to leave and plan out what to do now. Element Woman walked up to Peter and gave him a hug

"Thank you for letting me join!"

Peter chuckled as he pats the bubbly woman on the back "Uh yeah your welcome…"

"Not many people let me be part of anything anymore" Element Woman said as she let go of Peter and gave him a grateful smile "I promise to be the bestest, greatest hero ever!"

Peter chuckled "I'm sure you-"

Before Peter could finish what he was about to say Barry suddenly screamed out in pain as arcs of speed force lightning began to shot off him as he clutched his head in pain. Peter made to help him when suddenly he was bombarded by a host of random memories he doesn't remember having…least in his own reality

"I'm sorry Peter…but your parents died in a plane crash last night" Ben told Peter sadly while May tried to console a crying Teresa

"Peter I got accepted to Empire State like you did!" Teresa yelled in joy as she brushed into Peter's room

"Really? That's awesome!" Peter yelled in equal amounts of joy as he hugged his sister "Aunt May and Uncle Ben are gonna be elated!"

The cop gave Peter a sympathetic look "I'm sorry, but your sister was killed in a drunk driving accident. Paramedics confirmed that she died on the scene"

Peter didn't answer as he slowly slunk to the floor in disbelief as he just realized that hos last living relative was now dead and he was all alone now

"Son of a bitch!" Peter gritted his teeth in pain as the memories continued to assault his mind.

Some seemed to have happened only days ago while some spanned back years. He saw people he hasn't seen in years that were dead or he lost contact with and new people he never knew existed

He suddenly felt someone grab his shoulder and try to put something in his neck, a needle from the feeling. Peter on instinct suddenly lashed out and punched whoever it was and backed away suddenly as his vision began to clear and he was greeted too the sight of Thomas hunched over spitting up blood with Cyborg, holding Barry was watching him with concern and element Woman seemingly loss on what to do

"W-What just happened?" Peter said as he gripped his throbbing head

Thomas spat out another glob of blood as he stood up shakily "You and the Flash were having some sort of mental trauma and I sedated him before he could hurt himself. I tried the same with you until you smacked me away"

Peter winced as he stood up on shaky legs "Sorry…bad experiences with people sticking needles in me without my knowledge or consent"

"Are you okay Mr. Spider-man?" Element Woman asked worriedly

"Yeah I'll be fine" Peter nodded as he took several deep breaths "Just uh give me a second to uh get my head in order is all"

Thomas looked towards Barry with a concerned look before turning back to Peter "Flash said that the episodes are getting worse than before, he's starting to forget things which means you will too"

"Not the first time, though I do have a few memories I wouldn't mind losing" Peter said as he rubbed his head before he gestured to Barry "So what do we do?"

"We need to get you and him to someone that can help stop or at least slow down the memory losses" Thomas said as he approached Barry's sedated form and examined him closely

"Know anyone that can help?" Peter asked

Thomas and Cyborg looked at each other and nodded before they turned to him

"We know someone that might be able to help" Cyborg said

Several hours later…

"You sure this is the place?" Peter asked as he was carrying Barry's unconscious form while Cyborg and Thomas lead the party and Element Woman bringing up the rear

"Yes" Thomas said before he kicked in the door of the house and entered

"Bet he didn't even check to see if it was unlocked" Peter mumbled before he entered the house and saw five startled children and a-

'Is that a freakin tiger?!' Peter thought as he saw what looked like a large tiger lying on the floor watching them. It freaked Peter out a bit when the Tiger's gaze zeroed in on him and seemed to be staring into his very soul

Thomas gestured to Barry's form as he looked at the children "We need your help"

"Hey kids! Anyone want a juice box?" element Woman held up a small juice box that showed it was apple flavored

Peter than saw a familiar face step up with a confused expression on his face. It took Peter only moments to recognize the young boy

'That's…That's Billy Batson!' Peter thought as he saw the young child that can with saying 'Shazam' could turn into a sort of magical super powered being called captain Marvel, 'Earth's mightiest mortal'

"I'm not sure what we can do?" Billy said as he and the others got off the couch and Peter slowly walked over and gently placed Barry on the sofa and stepped back

"I heard you once helped the Sandman recover his memories with the magical lightning that gives you your powers. I thought you might be connected to the Flash…in some way" Thomas said

"He was struck by lighting and got his powers if that helps" Peter said as he leaned against the wall and folded his arms across his chest

Billy analyzed Barry with a calculated gaze "I didn't help the Sandman recover his memories Batman. I just helped stop his mind from getting any worse or at least I think I did"

Billy than turned to Batman "What's wrong with him?"

"Well for starters he thinks going out in public dressed like that is alright" Peter said which earned a few chuckles from the children and Element Woman while the Tiger made its way over to Peter and began to rub its head on his leg

'Seriously is no one going to point out the fact that there's a large tiger in here?' Peter thought as he carefully began to scratch the large feline's ear which caused it to start purring in content 'That's right big guy, stay nice and happy and resist the urge to see if I taste like chicken…'

Thomas approached Barry and leafed his mas/cowl off and showed his face to Billy "Similar to the Sandman. He's experiencing some kind of mental deterioration"

"Hey Cyborg…" one of the kids said that looked to be a bit on the large side nervously walked up to the cybernetic hero "…Can I uh have your autograph?"

Cyborg looked like he was about to answer when suddenly he saw the tiger rubbing itself against Spider-man "Your foster parents let you keep a tiger in the house?"

"Finally" Peter said with a sigh of relief "For a second there I thought I was going insane again"

"Whoa you can see him" the kid said in disbelief as he looked back and forth between Spider-man and Cyborg

"My cybernetic eye does but my human eye…"

"I know…" the large kid said as he made his way over to Peter and joined him in petting the tiger "The wizard cast a spell so only we could see Tawny for what he really is-The last great of the great stripped tigers of Kahndaq. Everyone else just see's a house cat"

"But how can you see him though?" a girl with brunette hair and lightning bolt earrings said as she eyed Spider-man with confusion

Peter shrugged as looked down at the large tiger that was looking at him with approval "For a while now I've been able to sort of see through mystical illusions. It's a long story…"

"Can we hear it?" Element Woman clapped her hands at the prospect of hearing a story

Peter smiled at the woman "Maybe later…"

Element Woman responded by pouting cutely in a way that made Peter want to somehow convince Diana to adopt her

Billy slowly approached Barry's head and had small bits of mystical lightning begin to dance off his hands and on to Barry's head "I feel something-"


Everyone in the room jumped in surprise as lightning shot out from the two and scatter throughout the room

"Holy-!" Peter swore as he ducked under a stray bolt that nearly hit him in the head while Tawny began to growl in discomfort at all the lightning flying everywhere

Billy was then sent flying back and Peter shot out a small web line to catch him so he wouldn't hit the T.V. and likely hurt himself. Captain Marvel can take punches from the likes of Doomsday, Darkseid and Black Adam, Billy Batson on the other hand…he'll be lucky not to get cut too badly by the glass of the screen

"Billy!" the girl that Peter was string to recognize as his sister Mary rushed to him

Billy groaned in pain as he held his head and looked at Barry who had regained consciousness "Who…Who is he?"

Peter made it to Barry's side and helped the scarlet speedster sit up

"Easy their sleeping beauty" Peter said as he rubbed the man's back in comfort, he could still feel the lightning running through the man's body

"Ugh…My name is…Barry Allan" the Flash said as he held his head in slight pain

Billy shook his head "I mean, where do you come from? I saw a different world…a world with hope. Is that what you're here to do. Are you here to help us?"

Before Barry or Peter could answer the boy's question the T.V. drew everyone's attention to it with the latest development in the war between Aquaman and Wonder Woman

"Receiving unbelievable reports now of…a massacre over the United Kingdom…A fleet of U.S. fighters on their way to strike against the Amazons were met by…Invisible jets!"

The screen that show images of outlines of what looked like some sort of advance jet taken by the fleet of aircraft before they were massacred

"Oh my god…" Peter said in shock as he and everyone saw footage of the U.S. strike force being slaughtered

It sadly didn't get any better as the story continued, this time bringing up a picture of Hal Jordan

"The first verified casualty is pilot Hal 'Highball' Jordan"

"Hal…" Barry said in shock

"H-He's…dead?" Peter said in disbelief "After everything that he and us have been through…it took a fuckin cloaked plane to do what cosmic beings couldn't?"

"This can't be happening" Barry buried his head in his hands hoping to god that all of this was in reality a very bad dream and he's about to wake up any second now

"Reports are coming in that something has happened over there…a massive explosion, but it's not from us, it's…"

"Aquaman and Atlantis" Cyborg said with a hard gaze

"How do you know?" Thomas gave the man the Bat equivalent of surprise

"Satellite imagery shows a gigantic tidal wave striking the U.K. It's starting." Cyborg said

"This is it everyone. This is the end!" the reporter on T.V. began to panic

Suddenly Peter found himself in the kitchen with Barry and Thomas who let out a shocked 'Hey' when he was grabbed

"Barry what are you-" Peter began only for Barry to interrupt him

"We have to do something Peter!" the fastest man alive said "People are dying. Real people are dying. We can't pretend this is just a dream that's going to get wiped away anymore"

"But it's going to get wiped away" Thomas said

Barry turned to the dark knight and gestured to himself and Peter "We could forget everything we know at any moment. And if we fail to stop Thawne-"

"We won't" Thomas said with determination

It was then that Peter entered the conversation "Thomas, even if we do find the Reverse Flash, and that's a pretty big if, trying to figure out what event he altered in the past will be like trying to find the right grain of sand on a planet. As much as I hate to say it, but this could very well be the world we're stuck with!"

"Peter's right Doctor Wayne. We need to stop Wonder Woman and Aquaman. And we're going to need every known superhuman to help us do it. We have to say this world" Barry said

Thomas stared at the two with narrowed lenses before he whispered "No…"

"No?" Barry said in confusion

"Either we change this world Flash…or we let it burn in hell" Thomas growled

"Why are you all shouting in here?" Cyborg asked as he entered the kitchen followed by Billy, the other kids, Tawny the tiger and Element Woman "We have frightened kids here"

"We're not scared Cyborg, we're smart" one of the kids texting on his phone said with a snort

"What are you guys talking about? Can we talk about it too?" Element Woman asked

Peter stared at the group for several moments before he approached Cyborg "Vic, your in communication with everyone right?"

"Everyone who?" Cyborg asked with confusion

"Everyone refusing to help!" Peter said with a hint of annoyance in his tone "Call them and tell them to get off their asses and help us stop Wonder Woman and Aquaman!"

Peter and Cyborg stared each other down, with the cybernetic man standing a few inches taller than Peter. The kitchen was silent and tense until Barry spoke up

"Well, you gonna call them or what?"

Cyborg sighed as he turned to address the scarlet speedster "They won't come Flash. Not unless Batman does"

"Why him?" Barry asked while Peter took a step away from Cyborg and stared at Thomas

"Because of the urban legend built up around Batman over the decades" Cyborg said as he gestured towards the silent dark knight "I know he's just a man in a costume, but everyone else sees him as something more. They've heard the stories and believed them. They think Batman's invincible"

"No one's invincible" Barry said as he looked towards Batman "But that fact shouldn't be holding anyone back. We all have something to offer. We all have something to lose. We have to move and we have to move now"

"Uh Flash, Spider-man?" Billy said as he took a cautious step forward and gestured to his family "We're come with you"

"But Billy-" one of them started to say but Billy turned to him with a determined look

"We have to guys. Even if it's only the Flash, Spider-man and us. We can't sit inside and watch TV and hope something good is going to happen. We have to make it happen"

Barry shook his head "No, it's to-"

"Flash" Peter said "It's dangerous for all of us and if he's as powerful as captain Marvel was, we're going to need him"

"I'll come too" Element Woman stepped forward before she blushed "I mean I know you know that and I know everyone thinks I'm a bit off or whatever but still… I'll help however I can if you'll still have me"

Peter nodded at the woman before he looked towards Tawny "What do ya say you oversized tom cat? Ready to partake in some Atlantean sushi?"

Tawny's response was an excited growl as he seemed to nod in approval

Peter chuckled as he scratched at the tiger's ears before he turned to look at Thomas "You know Bat's…In all the years I've known Bruce, I can safely say that he'd be disappointed in what a coward you are. He wouldn't have hesitated to join us, hell he'd try to take charge if possible"

Peter than turned and started to follow the group out when suddenly Thomas spoke out

"Cyborg wait"

Said man stopped and looked to see Thomas approaching them and forcing everyone to part

"Tell the others to meet us there, we're taking my plane" Thomas said with a growl of annoyance

One hour later...Elevated coastline of New Themyscira, formerly the United Kingdom...


"So that's New Themyscira?" Peter said as he looked out at the raised coastline of what was once the U.K and let out snort "The original was better in my opinion…warmer too"

Peter than looked over his shoulder to see the holographic forms of this world's 'heroes'…and he really is stretching the title because dear god some of these people make the likes of the Red Hood, Punisher and even Venom look like the second comings of Superman in comparison

'Thank god Norman isn't a hero here' Peter thought with a shiver 'I'd pack up and spend the rest of my life on Oa than stay on a planet where Norman Osborn is a good guy!'

The apparent leader of the group who Cyborg identified as the Outsider spoke "There's nothing like waiting until the last minute, is there Batman? How dramatic"

Thomas made a grunting sound as he adjusted a few settings for the plane "Atlantis is in the midst of an attack Outsider. It may be sending the Amazons into overdrive, but it's also giving us a distraction"

Cyborg nodded in agreement "We have a clear path to London. So will you"

"It's insane over there! You expect us to come now?" another voice said in disbelief, this one was wearing a mask to cover his face

"Yes Blackout" Batman said with annoyance "So get your ass in gear and get here however you can"

"Unfortunately the rest of the Secret seven called in sick because of an accident with Shade Batman" a woman said in a green witch looking out fit at was…less than modest around the chest

"Does that mean you're not coming Enchantress?" Batman growled in annoyance

"Quite the contrary Batman" Enchantress said with a grin before she appeared suddenly with her arms wrapped around Peter whose spider-sense began to tingle ever so slightly in warning "It means I need to find a new team, and who's your friend in the red and blue?"

Peter held in a groan as he felt the woman begin to press her breasts into his back 'Why me?'

"His name is Spider-man" Batman said as he glanced back with a narrowed gaze at the woman "Now let's go stop a war"

Enchantress nodded as she continued to press herself into Spider-man "Hmm…me likes what she's feeling"

"Yeah well I'm already taken" Peter said as he shrugged the sorceress off him "Go find someone else to grind up against like a poll"

Enchantress gave Peter a coy smile "Why, when the only one here with a pole worth grinding on is in front of me?"

Peter gave the woman a narrowed gaze before he looked back out the cockpit and saw they were coming up on London which was already under attack by Atlantis. Peter narrowed his lenses at the devastation that was once the capital of the U.K. He then turned back towards Billy and the rest of the group that made up this world's Captain Marvel…Captain Thunder

"Wanna help me take on Wonder Woman Cap?" Peter asked the boy and his family

Billy nodded "Sure, Captain Thunder has a score to settle with her"

Peter nodded at that as the plane came in over where the main fighting was and Batman and Cyborg rose from their seats

"It's time" Batman said as the rest started to unbuckle from their seats and get ready for what was sure to be one hell of a fight

"Anyone want to say anything before we launch ourselves into hell?" Cyborg asked as he made some last-minute adjustments to his canon

"Yeah I got a few things to say" Peter said as he began to approach the opening hatch "The six of us are going to be fighting a bunch of semi immortal warriors and a bunch of fish people in an attempt to save the world from destruction"

"You and I have faced worse odds" Barry shrugged with a grim smile

"No one likes a bragger" Enchantress gave the red and gold hero a look of minor annoyance

"Well it's true, now just some last-minute advice to all of you, keep moving and don't let these guys get a hit on you and if they do, hit them back harder. And if they happen to kill ya…pick yourself up and walk it off" Peter stated as he cracked his knuckles that were now glowing from his venom blasts

"Amen to that" Flash said with a smirk as lightning began to bounce off him and Tawny let out a huff

Peter came to a halt at the hatch and crouched as he started at the carnage that was being wrought by two people he once called friends, hell one of them is still technically his wife in a sense

"You know, we need a battle cry" Barry said as he rolled his shoulders

Peter smirked "Yeah, fix what Thawne did and then talk to me about possible battle cry's for the Justice League"

"Go!" Batman yelled and the team launched itself from the plane with Billy and the kids shouting 'SHAZAM'


The blast of mystical lighting caused many of the fighters to stop which worked out well for the team as they landed and immediately began to assault both the Amazon forces and the Atlantean forces. Peter zeroed in on his wife who was covered in armor and wearing a helmet that looked like it belonged on a Atlantean warrior than her

His eyes narrowed as he shot two webs and slingshot his way over to Wonder Woman and landed in a crouch before the tense woman

"And who are you supposed to be?" the queen of the Amazons said with narrowed eyes as she took in Peter's form

Peter couldn't help the smirk from forming on his face as Diana had unknowingly echoed the first words she ever said to him all those years ago, he decided to reply in kind

"Oh me? No one special my dear…I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-man"

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