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Flashpoint part 2

Umm Barry are you absolutely positive that this is going to work?" Peter asked his friend who was attaching chemicals to a chair that had a large metal rod on it that would be used to attract a bolt of lightning and hopefully recreate the accident that gave Barry his powers in the first place

Barry either didn't hear him over the sudden crack of thunder as they stood on one of the balconies of Wayne manor or the man ignored him

"Where's the ninhydrin?" Barry asked as he made some final adjustments to the chair with a calculating eye

"On your right…" Peter said with a shake of his head 'If this actually works I'm never dissing Aquaman again…hell considering he just leveled or better yet sunk Europe into the sea I don't think I'll be dissing the guy again period'

"You're crazy" Thomas said in a tone of skepticism "Dousing yourself in chemicals plugging into a lightning rod is going to make you the fastest man alive?"

Barry shrugged as he attached the ninhydrin "That's how I became the Flash the first time"

Thomas looked towards Peter who held up his hands "Hey man I just got bitten by a scientifically altered mystical spider and later made a self-resurrection because I got killed by a weird energy vampire. I'm normal compared to most of the League"

"Define normal" Barry said with a laugh as he finished and began to strap himself in

Thomas looked up towards the raining sky with a frown under his cowl "They say that lightning never strikes in the same place twice"

Barry smirked "They, say a lot of things"

"Also that myth is inaccurate, lightning has on numerous occasions strike the same spot twice, or multiple times in quick succession" Peter said as approached Barry "You sure you don't want to try using my Venom blasts? Granted it's bioelectricity but it may work…"

"…We'll call that plan B" Barry said as he placed the helmet on "No why don't we flip the switch and see if I can recreate history"

Peter reluctantly gave Thomas the signal to pull the lever and have the metal rod start to rise into the sky as lightning began to shoot out of the sky and briefly illuminate the sky. Several minutes of tense silence passed as streaks of lightning shot across the sky followed by nearly deafening cracks of thunder that caused Peter to wince slightly, sometimes enhanced hearing can be a pain

"Come on…" Barry said as he looked towards the skies "I'm here…I'm rig-"

Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the metal pod and for a fleeting moment Peter and Thomas thought it worked…until the chemicals on Barry ignited and he caught fire!

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Barry screamed as his body was engulfed in flames

"BARRY!" Peter shouted as he quickly ripped his friend from the chair and placed him on the puddle filled ground and began to put out the fires covering his form. Thomas rushed towards them and ripped his cape off and used it to help smother the fames which were quickly beginning to die out

"Jesus Barry…" Peter said as he saw the state of his friend, massive electrical burns up and down his whole body, hell most of his skin was fried off

"We need to get him down to the cave, I have some supplies that can help him" Thomas said as he wrapped Barry in his cape

"Hope your skills are still up to par Doctor…" Peter said as he lifted Barry up and followed Thomas down to the cave as fast as possible "Hang in there Barry…if the Anti-monitor couldn't do you in than a damn bolt of electricity sure as hell won't"

Peter sat on one of the nearby tables as he watched Thomas wrap Barry up so the man wouldn't risk any possible infections and to stem the bleeding all over his body. Peter was glad to see that being Batman for so long hadn't diminished the man's skills

'That's the last time I listen to Barry. Next time I'm zapping his ass with my venom blasts, hell I'll zap him just for the hell of it' Peter thought tiredly as he rested against the wall and pulled of his mask and closed his eyes

To be honest Peter has no idea how long it's been since he's gotten any sleep, before he went to visit Diana at the embassy he was pushing almost fifteen hours and he sure as hell hadn't gotten any sleep in Mephisto's realm or here

'Just a half hour or so…' Peter thought as he felt himself slipping into a deep slumber

"Peter make sure to pick up the milk from the store today, your father will be picking up your sister today" the voice of Peter's mother Mary Parker said as she was packing her bag for work today

"I won't!" ten-year-old Peter said with scowl

Mary laughed "Sorry honey, but considering you've forgotten the last three times in a row, I think I'm going to have to remind you three times as often"

"Mom!" Peter groaned out but smiled when his mother rubbed his head in a way that undid his combed hair

"Okay Peter I'm counting on you to be man of the house while me and your father are gone alright?" his mother said with a loving smile "And if you need anything don't be afraid to go next door to Uncle Ben and Aunt May okay?"

"Does that mean I can do whatever I want?" Peter asked with excitement

"Heh, no kiddo it doesn't…" Mary said as she kneeled before him and straightened his shirt "Peter always remember, just because you have the power doesn't mean you can abuse it"

"Whhhhhy?" Peter wined out

Mary chuckled as she stood back up "Because Peter being the man of the house is a big responsibility… and with the powers that me and your father and to some extent you aunt and uncle are giving you, we want you to use those powers responsibly"

"So does that mean I can't order Teresa around?" Peter asked with a crestfallen expression

Mary giggled at the expression "No Peter you can't because…With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility…remember that Peter because one day you may find yourself in possession of something either amazing or terrible and I want you to always remember that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should and sometimes if you can do something, then do it"

"I don't get it" Peter said with a frown that sounded like a contradiction in of itself

"You will kiddo" Mary said as she kissed her son on the head and rubbed his back "You will…"

Peter's eyes shot open at that moment and he found himself in Thomas's cave again 'What the hell…that was my mom…but she died when I was still a baby and it was Uncle Ben that told me that… and who the hell is Teresa?'

It was then that Peter saw he was alone in the cave and began to panic a little "Uh guys?"

Peter got up from his table and quickly slid on his mask as he approached the one that Barry was occupying before he fell asleep. He scanned the table to see that some of the blood had yet to coagulate meaning Barry hasn't been gone long

"Nice to see you awake web head" Barry's voice spoke up behind him

Peter turned and gaped at Barry standing before him with a grin on his face and his wounds healing at the same rate they did when he was the Flash. Thomas moved past him and approached the table and started to clear a space

"Barry…are you…" Peter said in an uncertain tone as he approached the man

Barry nodded with a smile on his still healing face "Yep! I got my-"


Barry was interrupted by Peter's fist colliding with his face and sending the man sprawling to the floor in a heap. Peter than grabbed the man and held him up and glared at him with narrowed lenses

"PULL THAT SHIT AGAIN BARRY AND WE'LL SEE HOW LONG IT TAKES YOU TO RECOVER FROM AN ASSKICKING FROM ME!" Peter shouted at the man before he let out a huff "Also congrats on getting your powers back"

Barry rubbed his bruised cheek and winced "Yeah…thanks…."

"Barry…" Thomas spoke up to get the speedster's attention and gestured towards the table which the man suddenly appeared on with small bits of lightning arcing off him

Thomas made a sound of annoyance as he started to run checkups on the man like an actual doctor. During this time Barry looked towards Peter with a sheepish expression

"Sorry Peter, but when I saw you sleeping earlier I thought it'd best to leave you here. Sides considering what you went through recently, you needed it"

Peter gave the man a snort "Kind of wish I hadn't…"

"What's wrong?" Barry asked with concern as Thomas checked his pupil's dilations

"Barry I just had a dream about my parents…but it seemed more like a memory" Peter said with a frown

"Well that's good, right?" Barry asked even though he had sinking feeling he knows that it wasn't

"Barry…my mother was dead by the time I had the memory, same with my father. And during it they and me mentioned someone named Teresa and that she was…my sister" Peter said quietly

Barry looked at him for a long moment before speaking "Peter…I think your starting to develop memories off this reality, like I am which means…"

"We're running out of time" Peter said with some panic

"Best hurry up and find Thawne than" Barry said as he stood up and looked towards the Reverse Flash's yellow suit.

It looked like his in every way baring the color scheme being in reverse, Eobard was really taking the name a bit too seriously in his opinion.

"Well your burns are healing. Slowly, but they are" Thomas said as he placed his tools on the table

Barry shrugged "My speed high tens everything, including my reparative functions, but it's going to be a while until I can shift into high gear"

"Let's hope we find Thawne when you can. Going aginst him the way you are now will be suicide" Peter said as folded his arms and gave Barry a look that said not to try something stupid until he was at one hundred percent

Barry gave him a disbelieving look "Are you, YOU giving me the whole 'don't push yourself in your wounded state anytime soon and do something stupid' look?"

Peter shrugged "What if I am?"

Barry's response was to flip him the bird "Hypocrite!"

Peter laughed at this while Thomas gave them both a skeptical look "While this may prove that Barry is the fastest man alive, it doesn't prove the rest of your story"

"It has to count for something" Barry said

Thomas made a sound of acknowledgement before grabbing the Reverse Flash's suit and handed it to him "Here, you need a suit and I'm not about to lend you one of mine"

Barry looked at the suit and before he looked up towards Thomas

"What? It's friction proof, isn't it?" Thomas said with a confused look

"It's the suit of the man who killed his mother and caused him more pain than most Thomas" Peter said in an understanding tone "Hell it's like me being told to wear the Green Goblin's suit or use Doc Ock's metal tentacles…. don't ask" Peter said the last part with a groan when he saw the look of confusion on Thomas

"Theoretically I could try to unweave it, break down the threads to near infinity and alter its colors" Barry said as he studied the suit in his hands before looking up at the two men "But with the chemicals and materials in the manor, it's easier to make a new one"

Suddenly Barry zoomed past both men and in a manner of seconds was standing them before them dressed in his iconic red suit

"Now that's the Flash…" Peter said with a grin at seeing his friend back in action

"Now…" Barry clapped his hands together "Let's get to work!"

"Is this the only computer you have?" Barry asked as he, Peter and Thomas sat in what was left of the man's library

A lot of the books and shelves looked like they've seen better days and Peter swears he see's rats moving through some of the shelves.

"Yes" Thomas said curtly and Peter thinks a little embarrassed "If this Reverse Flash has the same powers as you, how is he able to alter history and you're not?"

"Science one oh one Thomas, for every positive action there's a negative reaction" Peter said as he looked over the man's shoulders at his outdated computer, his high school's desktops were more advance than this and he was from a borderline inner city school!

Barry nodded at Peter's statement "Now for the advance stuff. Thawne is powered by a negative speed force. One he creates by corrupting the speed force energy I generate. The negative speed force gives him a variety of abilities I don't have: He can manipulate his own age-"

"Mary Jane was so jealous when she heard that" Peter snickered

"-Deteriorate objects with a touch-" Barry continued on with ease, having being use to Peter's interruptions

"Like every ex-girlfriend I have" Peter snarked

"-And he can change the past" Barry finished while giving Peter a playful glare who shrugged innocently

Peter than turned his attention back to the computer and groaned "Dear god man, my Aunt May could move faster than this thing!"

"Try waiting for it with my speed, feels like a decade" Barry sighed in annoyance before zooming over to a nearby bookshelf and began to speed read through them

"So you can travel through time?" Thomas asked

"Normally yes if my powers are at their full capacity, but like I said it's going to take me some time to get up to speed" Barry said as he finished the tenth book and was working through number eleven

Thomas hummed at that before speaking again "Then why can't you alter history?"

Barry stooped reading through the fourteenth book and slowly placed it on the small stack beside him "Trying to alter anything in the past is like trying to swim up a waterfall. The current of time fights against it and rightly so"

Peter saw the look of confusion on Thomas's face and decided to better elaborate since the computer was still taking forever "Meaning you try to screw with time and things tend to end up bad. Think the butterfly effect or… Back to the Future"

Thomas murmured something unintelligible but both Peter and Barry still heard it. Barry closed the twentieth book he was on and rushed over towards Thomas

"That's Batman 'mmmrrr' for saying something without saying something. Your son did it a lot too"

"And I wanted to punch his teeth in every time he did it" Peter growled out in annoyance

Barry elbowed Peter in the gut and gave Thomas his attention "What is it?"

"It sounds like you're holding yourself back. Like you haven't really tried-" Thomas was interrupted by barry leaning in towards him with a stern expression

"Because it's dangerous Doctor Wayne. One small seemingly meaningless event can topple over a row of dominoes. Like a rock throw through a windshield, it can leave cracks throughout history"

"Like I said man, butterfly effect." Peter said was he saw that the computer had finally booted up

"But in this case there's too much that's altered around the people closest to me" Barry said as he began to type on the computer's keyboard at a blurring speed "It has to be orchestrated. Multiple attacks on the history of my friends and allies"

Thomas than gestured towards Peter "But what about him, how did he end up here? Why isn't he different?"

"Because…I wasn't in this reality when the change happened Thomas" Peter said with a tired voice "I was in a realm that's ruled by a demon lord called Mephisto or more commonly known as Mephistopheles. I got one of his bastard spawns killed and another imprisoned and he decided to send a agent of his to bring me to him so he can go all medieval on me. But he sensed what happened here and decided to send me back just so he can watch me suffer"

"You pissed off the devil?" Thomas asked with disbelief in his tone

"Pretty much…" Peter nodded before looking at the screen "So Barry what've we got?"

"Without any other speedsters out there, Thawne knew the first thing I would do was try to reassemble the Justice League. So, he took them out of the equation…or tried to" Barry said as images of Hal Jordan and the still living alien Abin Ser, the previous Green Lantern of sector two eight one four.

"Hmm…I'm guessing that Hal didn't become Green Lantern here" Peter said as he read Hal's article that talked about how he pushed the boundaries of an experimental aircraft. Peter chuckled when he saw something "Wow…he still hasn't married Carol yet"

"Without his power ring, we'd be placing him in danger" Barry said with a frown

"Heh Barry he'd still want to help" Peter said with a smirk "Jordan was a bit of a daredevil even before he got his ring"

"Fair enough" Barry nodded as he typed in a bit more information "Okay so we move on to the big guy. Superman, the sole survivor of Krypton-"

"What about Supergirl…and Mon-El…and Chris Kent…and-" Peter was about to name a few more Kryptonians that were still alive before reality shifted when Barry interrupted him

"You know what I mean!" Barry said with a sigh before looking towards Thomas "He's the most powerful being on Earth"

"If you ignore Captain Atom, my wife, the Spectre, Captain Marvel, Black Adam, Martian Manhunter and Zatanna, and Doctor Fate" Peter said in a deadpanned expression

"What?" Barry gave Peter a confused look sat the names he listed off

"Oh right you were gone when most of them steeped up to the plate and showed that when push comes to shove, they can duke it out with Kal" Peter said as he scratched his head

"Well I know that the Spectre could easily level a galaxy three times over but I don't think he'll be able to help us…and even if he would, we'd have to find him first and there's no telling how long that could take…" Barry said with a disturbed expression

"…Where's Superman again?" Peter said as he turned his attention back towards the screen

"From what I remember, Clark landed on earth around the time Bruce was born" Barry said

"A rocket struck Metropolis when Martha was pregnant with Bruce. It destroyed a dozen city blocks" Thomas said as he could still remember the news outlets talking about the tragedy for weeks

Peter and Barry both gaped at Thomas with the scarlet speedster asking the uncomfortable question

"How many-"

"Thirty-five thousand" Thomas said curtly "…a few of my friends where there when it happened. No one ever took credit for the attack but the government claimed it was from a terrorist cell in South America"

"Surprised they didn't blame the Middle East on that one" Peter said with a roll of his eyes "Diana's Gods knows they would now…"

"What happened to the rocket?" Barry asked the dark knight

"I don't know" Thomas said with a growl of annoyance before a thought came to him "But I know someone who can find out"

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