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100% The Strongest Shopkeeper (oneshot) / Chapter 2: Ch2- A rich boss and cute coworker, everything is ready for the ultimate slow life. Hopefully...

Chapter 2: Ch2- A rich boss and cute coworker, everything is ready for the ultimate slow life. Hopefully...

"Nope. We don't want you to wreck our shop. Leave!"

That was the 21st shop that rejected him. Most declined when they heard his name and the rest when they saw his class. Jack wanted to curse the potato for the millionth time that day. Go to another world, he said. You would have a great time, he said!

Ignoring the urge to give him a call he decided to try the last shop on his list. The 22nd time is the charm right!

He looked up at the billboard saying - {JAMIE'S GEAR AND TRINKETS}

Behind the reception sat a man wearing a cowboy hat pulled down and smoking cigar. He slowly lifted his hat and blew out a smoke ring.

He gruffly asked-

"Whaddaya want pup!"

"I want a job"





"That all?"

"Demolition expert too"

"Tsk.. What about mana?"

"Grade F"

"Meh. Just a weakling .."

"Ok! You're hired, ya little squib. Come tomorrow morning by 7!"

"That's it?"

"Yep, now scurry back along"

Jack walked out of the shop feeling a bit unreal. Was his luck finally turning around? Was the promised beginner's luck finally here. He felt like crying out of happiness.

No. Don't jinx it.

Next day at the shop,

"Here's a broom, clean the shop first thing every morning. Later Reyna will show you the ropes. If you can't remember all the products and start helping out with the sales in 3 days you might as well find another job."

"Also, what was your name kid?"

" It's Jack"

"The con?"

"Yeah.." Looks like this job is over too...heh

"Tsk. Complete noob, which type of conman goes around spreading a reputation. A real pro would never let himself be called a con. You got much to learn kid."


Eh! Ehhh! Wait a damned minute. Who's the damned noob do ya have any idea how many crystals I conned off those losers. Their faces when they realized they got conned was pure pleasure. Well the beating I got wasn't pleasant but details, details...

Well I better get to work and start cleaning...


"So you see this gear set is absolutely perfect for you!"

A cute blonde girl about 18 years old could be seen trying to sell a defensive jacket to an adventurer.

"It has these dark stripes that would look supercool on you and a one time protective charm that could defend against a level 15 attack."

She was absolutely stunning and her cute behavior was endearing. One couldn't help but want to protect her smile and lose oneself in her eyes. Jack thought he was falling in love. 'This must be the Reyna boss had mentioned'.

The adventurer a young male and obviously a greenhorn seemed to have similar thoughts.

"Of course I want it. How much is it?"

"Only 30 low-level crystals please! It might be a little on the higher side but it has unmatched quality. I have personally picked it out for you. You will buy it right." She made those cute puppy dog soul sucking eyes that just threatened to spill over if denied.

Huh, something seemed odd about this situation. Jack couldn't help but sense a familiar feeling. A very familiar..

Looking at the puppy dog eyes of the girl. The adventurer couldn't resist. Nodding his head like a chicken pecking at grain.

"Of course. I will buy it!"

Wait a minute wasn't that jacket only worth half a cryst...

"Great! Now look at this trinket it can immediately release a level 20 firebolt, a lifesaving trumcard..."

The man ended up spending 100 crystals for junk not worth 5 crystals...

Now I remember this feeling. Its always said that people in the same business recognize each other-

"So, You are the new kid huh. Listen up Pipsqueak!" Throwing a little worn out booklet at Jack she continued, "Go through this book and get familiar with all the products. Don't come and bug me if you don't understand something. Just figure it out yourself. Just remember one thing don't show your face here if you can't sell something for at least 5 times its market price."

The sinking feeling in his stomach was only getting more pronounced while being stared at by those cold dead eyes of hers. He couldn't help but hear the sound of something breaking inside of him. He finally recognized it. She was just using the oldest trick in the conman guidebook- The honey trap...

'Damn! Give me back my good feelings.'

Imagine being stuck outdoors on a scorching summer day, suddenly you find an ice-cream. It looks completely delicious. You feel like your life is finally turning around and are just about to take a lick when it slips and falls off of the cone onto the ground. That was how Jack was feeling completely devastated...

'Is this what the damned potato meant by unlucky in love. I am not sure how much more my poor heart can handle. This was only the second chapter.'

"What are you looking blankly at? Hehe I am really in a good mood so don't bother me now." Her eyes seemed to turn into two crescent moons as she counted her loot ... for loot it was..the poor man had spent all his money on junk ..he was probably saving up for a long time not that Jack was one to talk.

"Nothing! Thanks for the booklet, I will look through it."

Saying that Jack turned around and walked away with soulless eyes that seemed to have given up on life.

Remembering what the owner had said about him being a noob Jack couldn't help but lament.

'Is this the promised 'beginner's luck'? I got this job to level up my scamming and conning skills . Is that a new thing now? If you weren't cunning and scamming enough you are not fit to be a proper mc? Perhaps the hot-blooded dense types have it better. Was it too late to ask the author to change his character settings. Hai!'

"Curse you damned potato!"

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