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Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Down has a great plan.

Therefore, he must quickly complete the original accumulation, lay down an industry, and at the same time use the control of the future trend to secretly weaken the strength of the opponent.

After receiving a dividend of $ 100 million, his first thought was to invest in the capital market to earn crazy returns.

But Tang En quickly thought of another thing-Marvel!

It is now 1997. Marvel has just gone through bankruptcy and reorganization, and it is in a very bad situation. It even once kept selling comics copyrights to survive. But with the box office explosions of "X-Men" and "Spider-Man", Marvel's situation immediately improved, and ambitious to build the Marvel universe, and achieved success in one fell swoop.

It can be said that now is the best time to shoot Marvel-before the release of "X-Men" and Sony Pictures acquired the copyright of Spider-Man.

Down enlisted assistant George Paxton and asked him to gather information about Marvel and possible acquisitions.

The news returned was not optimistic.

The market value of Marvel Entertainment Group is not high now. Last year, it was acquired by Avi Arad and Ike Patterm, and it cost $ 50 million.

However, unlike Wall Street Capital's control of Marvel in the past, Avi Arad has ambitious ambitions. Not only has he taken back many of the copyrights sold and rented out before, but also established a subsidiary Marvel Pictures, determined to develop the film industry.

In addition, Avi Arad and Ike Patterm have received collective approval from Marvel's management. Now it is impossible for Tang En to buy Marvel.

The two shareholders bought Marvel to grow their businesses, not just to capitalize on Wall Street.

So Marvel's attitude towards Tang En's invitation to buy is uncontested-refuse!

Tang En rubbed his head with a headache, Marvel's attitude was so decisive, could he only invest funds into the stock market?

He is not reconciled!

"Without cooperation, you can only destroy it!"

Tang En's eyes narrowed tightly into a line, a little coldness appeared on the solemn face.

He has a firm conviction that he can't give away such a super big mountain like Marvel to future competitors in vain.

There are still two years to go. If Marvel is still obsessed with this period of time, then Tang En will definitely use all means to cut the grass and eradicate the root cause!

There are too many comic companies in the United States, and Marvel's only superhero that has become so popular in the United States is Spider-Man.

As long as Sony Pictures grabbed the copyright of Spider-Man before 1999, and then backhanded with other comic companies to create a parallel universe, allowing Spider-Man to penetrate directly into the parallel universe. This cut the root of Marvel Pictures and broke Marvel Comics. Soul, how can it be as beautiful as the past life?

Of course, this is the last resort.

After all, Marvel Universe has successful experiences from previous lives. Tang En controls it, and the safety factor is higher than building a brand new comic universe.

Just as Tang En was thinking about Marvel's future, he received a call from Bill McNick.

"Hey, Tang En, is it convenient? I'll visit your studio."

Tang En has registered his own film company, Tang En Pictures.

But the company now has only two people, owner Donn Walker and staff member George Paxton, who rented an old-fashioned dwelling house, which is not small in size but not in a good location, and is very close to the ghetto.

For Bill Maikenike of a sudden visit, Dunn was flattered, "! Bill, you are too kind,"

Bill laughed: "Never mind, two in the afternoon, I was on time in the past!"


Dunn thought Bill Maikenike sudden visit Thanks to the contribution of "Titanic", the film has more than 500 million North American box office, the global box office is approaching 1.3 billion US dollars, the momentum of crazy growth has not diminished.

But it was n't his assistant who followed Bill McNick, but a bald middle-aged man, kind-looking, suit-shoes, easy-going, strong, aura, very promising.

Tang En greeted him with a smile and offered to extend his hand. "Hello, Tang En Walker, you can call me Tang En." The

other person's attitude is more gentle than Tang En , the closeness from his bones. That surprised Tang En. This person's aura can completely work in politics!

Is it a politician?

"Hello, Don, my name is Brian Lord, from CAA."

Behind this gentle voice, there is no threat and confidence as imagined. It is very peaceful and soothing. Tang En couldn't help but be amazed.

Brian Lord!

Down has been in Hollywood for so long, and of course he heard this thunderous name.

After Michael Owitz and Ron Meyer changed roles, Brian Lord became the new CAA's big steward. At the same time, he was also Hollywood's most famous gold medal agent!

Steve Spielberg, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Madonna, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, Kate Bout Lanchet ... are all entertainers in his hands.

And Brian Lord's assistants are also Hollywood's well-known big-name agents, Maha Duckhill, Pat Kingsley, Hilda Quirie, Tracy Jacobs. I, Heyer Kosinski ...

Thann swallowed and said he wasn't nervous, it was absolutely false.

Bill McNick hurriedly said: "Don, I know recently ... you and CAA have some misunderstandings, but I assure you, Brian never knew about it!"

Tang En controlled the restless mood, his face pale .

Brian Lord waved his hand, "Whether you know it or not, it's all my job mistakes. Tang En, I apologize for the damage done to you."

Tang En faced the water, "That I do n't have to. I 've fired William Mihawk, and I 'm in contact with William Morris Agency. "

Facing Down 's rude words, Brian Lord smiled as usual," Yes, WMA is the industry's largest brokerage firm, CAA dredged from the past two years a lot of big-name stars and directors, by contrast, the situation is more backward in the CAA, each artist must be a very great importance. "

the statement is on the powerful.

WMA is now a big name, can you Tang En receive top treatment in the past? But CAA is different. CAA is worrying internally and externally. It is extremely careful about every popular and potential artist, and pays great attention to it, and will do everything in its power to meet all their needs.

Tang En took a deep look at Brian Lord, and sighed in his heart. It really was an old and hot agent. With a slight compliment, he could show his edge.

Bill McNick rounded out: "Forget it, Down, give me a face, don't make it up, I believe Brian will give you a statement."

Brian Lord continued to smile with a sincere attitude. .

Tang En nodded. "Let's talk in the room."

Back at the office, Tang En poured a glass of whiskey for the two, and then sat down quietly, waiting for Brian Lord's "say."

Brian Lord knows it well and laughs: "Don, I heard you're going to buy Marvel Entertainment?"

Tang En tried to control, but couldn't hide the horror on his face.

George Paxton collected Marvel's information under his command and proceeded in secret. I never expected that everything was under Brian Lord's control.

Sure enough, it is a person in Hollywood. This contact and channel information is shocking!

Tang En took a deep breath. "It does."

Bill McNick glanced at Tang En and frowned.

He didn't expect Tang En to be so funny, a director, wouldn't it be good to make a movie? It is understandable that you set up your own studio, but you are too proud to buy Marvel, right?

Even Warner DC didn't dare to touch the ruins of Marvel. Why are you Tang En?

Brian Lord's expression was too uniform. From the moment he met with Tang En, it was this gentle and watery look. Don't even try to see his psychological fluctuations on his face.

"Don, you can make movies like" Titanic ". The special effects technology is definitely one of the best in Hollywood, but a superhero movie ..." Brian Lord shook his head. "This is a mess!"

Bill McNick added: "Yeah, Dunn! Two superhero movies were released this year, Warner's" Batman and Robin "and the new line of" Regenerate Man ", which lost almost everything! Especially bats Xia, invited the superstars such as George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the result? Almost ruined the series! "

Brian Lord sighed," The project "Batman and Robin" It 's still my operation. It may take at least five years to get back to the book. Tang En, in fact, in the past few years, superhero movies have been declining. The box office was not good. "

Tang En shook his head firmly." Others don't shoot well, doesn't mean I don't shoot well! Sorry, my biggest wish now is to acquire Marvel. "

Bill McNick sighed heavily , Brian Lord said nothing more, opened his briefcase, took out a stack of thick documents, and handed it to Tang En.

When Tang En opened it, he felt that his breathing was short, and his heart was beating. Looking at Brian Lord's eyes, he was afraid!

This is definitely a top secret material inside Marvel!

In front of this material, George Paxton's investigations these days are like children playing house.

This document contains Marvel's internal financial accounts. Regardless of the fact that Marvel now has two major shareholders leading the trend, this document clearly states that Marvel's finances are not healthy. Within two years, Marvel will definitely be on the old road of selling copyrights.

Two years later ... isn't that when Sony Pictures acquired the copyright of Spider-Man in 1999?

The document also contains detailed information about the management, each person's specific position, power faction, personality analysis, development concepts and many other aspects.

This is an encyclopedia of Marvel Entertainment Group!

No wonder then that Michael Owitz could become the most powerful person in Hollywood for three consecutive years. The CAA's contacts and channels are really amazing ...

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