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Chapter 27

It will be late July when Tang En returns to the United States.

"Titanic" was released for more than two months. Under the testimony of all Americans, Donn Walker's predictions are coming to reality step by step.

The first box office of more than $ 1 billion in history was born!

North American box office of 490 million, overseas box office of 660 million, global total box office of 1.15 billion US dollars, "Titanic" this phenomenal movie has far exceeded "Star Wars" and "Jurassic Park" brought the world to the world Shocked!

Even many hostile countries in the United States have been released. Even across the shore, miraculously dropped the big scissors, and presented every picture and every shot of "Titanic" intact on the big screen.

A movie can break the system of a country, and this is the power of Titanic!

And Down made a call to agent William Mihawk, and it was time to ask for a dividend.

Tang En can extract 10% of the global box office share from the movie, which can be estimated to be between 180 million and 190 million US dollars.

However, high incomes bear heavy taxes, which is a common practice in developed countries around the world.

Tang En consulted specifically for this, now the Democratic Party is in power, and the taxes are high.

With his personal income, 39% of the highest level of federal personal income tax, 9.3% of California personal income tax, plus social insurance tax, medical insurance tax, pension insurance tax and many other taxes, are required to pay approximately 49% of the total income.

No doubt this is an astronomical figure!

There are also many tax avoidance methods, but for current Tang En, it does not work at all. It is necessary to invest in special high-tech, donate charitable funds, set up offshore companies overseas, etc.

These are too nonsense, long for such a large sum of money Time is shelved to avoid taxation, it is better to invest money in the stock market!

Although Tang En didn't know much about the stock market, he also knew the madness of Yahoo's stock. In the stock market disaster of 2000, Google, Facebook, Apple, and other big companies have been a blockbuster.

In 1997, there was no doubt the best time to invest in Yahoo stock.

Of course, the first thing is to return the dividend to Fox Pictures, and the response from his agent William gave him dissatisfaction.

"Tang, your request does not conform to the rules of the industry, it is difficult to do!" William's tone was very difficult.

Tang En is very upset. "It's your job to owe money. William, this is your job!"

William sighed. "Down, you probably don't know much about the working mechanism of Hollywood. The box office of general producers, directors and actors. Dividends are not released until the movie is released. Now "Titanic" is released for more than two months ... "

Tang En almost exploded!

Dividends are being distributed after the show? Daylily is cold. God knows how long the Titanic will be shown? The "Titanic" of the previous life has been screened in the cinema for a whole year!

"No! I need funds now, I need it urgently!" Tang En's tone was unquestionable, and the opportunity for investment was at hand. One minute later, I didn't know how much money to lose.

William Mihawk persuaded: "Don, I have just consulted with the financial department of Fox Pictures. The Titanic has collected a total of only 200 million funds. They still have large projects to operate. It is impossible to pay a large sum of money to pay your dividends. "

Tang En was disappointed with the agent again.

If it were not for his face as a CAA agent, he would definitely be fired this time.

It's just that Tang En is still very small, and it's better not to provoke a giant company.

Do n't think about William Mihawk 's help. Down came to the finance department of Fox Pictures in person. The answer was that the company 's president, Tom Roseman, personally ordered that the funds be withheld and some of the debts be repaid. Part of it is to invest in new projects.

Down did not listen to his reasons at all, but noticed the name of "Tom Rothman".

It was this guy who broke out with him and Kate Winslet.

Don't say a word, turned upstairs and went to Bill McNick's office.

Bill McNick showed extraordinary enthusiasm and welcome, and even personally poured a cup of coffee for Tang En, "Tang En, accepting you as the director of the Titanic is the smartest decision I have ever made in this life!"

There are over a billion box offices worldwide, what a sensation and what an exhilarating experience!

Tang En waved his hand. "Bill, I didn't come here for invitation, but to collect debts."

Bill McNick laughed, and then smiled, "Dividends? Oh, money is tight? Young people, I don't mean ... … Be aware of temperance, especially some things, you must not touch them! "

Tang En blushed and smiled bitterly:" Bill, you misunderstood, I just want to get back the dividends I deserve, and then ... start a film company . "

Bill McNick obviously doesn't believe how much it would cost to start a company with such nonsense. He laughed at the moment: "Yes, can I help you? You can hang your studio under the name of Fox Pictures for your convenience."

If you change to another filmmaker, this is the kindness of God, but Tang En Not the same, working for Fox Pictures? He was not in that mood.

"It's not necessary, I have my own movie idea." Tang Enwan rejected each other. "To be honest, Bill, I need money now, I need a lot of money."

Bill McNick was a little bit embarrassed: "Fox Pictures You may know something about the situation. In the past two years, a large amount of money has been spent on the "Titanic" project, and now some funds have finally been recovered, and he has used it for a long time. "

Tang En sat upright, Zhengzheng said: "Bill, just do me a favor, I'm in a hurry."

Bill McNick gave a deep look to Tang En and groaned, "How much do you need? Too much ... I can't move "

" One million will be enough! "

According to the current global box office, Tang En can get 120 million US dollars, but he only shouted 100 million needs.

He can get a total of more than 180-190 million US dollars in dividends, throw out tax expenditures, add a portion of the tax refund, and only 100 million US dollars is his net income.

Fortunately, in the United States, tax is reported in mid-April each year. Tang En can wait for the second dividend after the movie is released, which will not affect his planning.

"That number ... not a small amount." Bill McNick sighed, slightly distressed.

Tang En said: "Bill, I said, this film has a guaranteed box office of 1.8 billion US dollars, so ... Fox Films will not be short of funds in the future." The

implicit hint in the discourse is that I brought "Titanic" With great success, it also relieves your work pressure!

"Well, up to five days, $ 100 million, will hit your account."

After all, Bill McNick had to accept Tang's affection and pay his dividends in advance, which was also a reward for his past work.

"Thank you."

Tang En finally smiled tightly.


three days later, the funds arrived.

Tang En didn't rush to open a stock account in New York, but was thinking whether he had lost something important ...

Suddenly, the agent William Mihok called and said, "Down, there is a project now, I don't know if you dare to be interested. "

" Big project? "

Tang En frowned. He had already stated that he had invested in eight million independent films. He was not interested!

"That's right, it's a big project. The new line's" The Lord of the Rings "trilogy!" William's tone was very loud, but his voice was calm.

Tang En froze for a moment, Lord of the Rings? how can that be?

"Isn't that Peter Jackson's project?"

"Yes, Peter Jackson is the director of the movie."

"Huh?" Tang En narrowed his eyes, a little displeased, "Producer? How much is it?"

"No, no No, Don, you misunderstood. Peter Jackson invited the position not to be a producer. He didn't have this power. The position he invited was an associate director. "

" Associate director? "

Tang En thought he had heard the wrong ear and his eyes were incredible. Wide open.

Peter Jackson's shelf is too big, right?

Let the director of the world's number one box office movie "Titanic" go to you as an assistant to run errands. Are you a bully or amuse me?

Anger suddenly appeared on Tang En's face.


Huh? and many more!

What's wrong ...

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