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Being Queen is an honor. At least, that's what my mother told me. I never thought I'd become Queen. I'd always wanted to explore; travel the world and the cosmos. It had always been my dream. But when the moon shone down on me, I knew there was no escape. The last Queen was all so eager to abandon her position to follow her dreams so I became the new Queen of Ataliya at age 18.

Three years down the line, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I had more than a billion people at my command and I have to say, power is intoxicating. I don't take it for granted though, the council would have my head.

The council; a bunch of self righteous women who took it upon themselves to regulate the Queen and the kingdom. They are all my ancestors but I don't like them one bit.

I get up early in the morning and use my magi to get ready. I use a portal to get to the throne room. It's forbidden to portal there for anyone else but me. I sat on the large throne and waited for morning court to start. The chair beside me was empty and I preferred it that way. A man was a waste of time. There was no assurance I would give birth to a daughter and she would be the next queen. It would really be disappointing to give birth to a worthless son.

"Good Morning your majesty" I hear someone greet from beside me. It's Jeir, my royal adviser. She seems very happy this morning.

"Good morning to you Jeir. I trust you had a lovely night? You seem happy"

"I sure did. That man knows how to hit the right spots"

"I see...Morning court would start soon so pay attention"

"Yes your majesty" she responds and straightens up. Not long after, the huge doors of the throne room open up and the Governors file in. The kingdom of Ataliya had 300 states and all 300 states had Governors. 99 percent of these governors were female so the amount of men in the room was very few.

I listened to their reports and complaints. I make my decision and pass new laws. I don't enjoy morning court but it was necessary. I'm always happy when it ends because I get to go for brunch. I'm starving. Talking to 300 people would suck the energy out of anybody.

I go to the dining room and spot my mother seated there. I try to make a run for it but she spots me. She calls to me and I have no choice but to obey.

"The council is asking when you'll get your consort Kohra"

"I don't need a consort mother. I'm fine on my own. Men are worthless meat bags meant for breeding and heavy work, you taught me that mother. They sound much like pets. I don't need a dead weight idling around my castle"

"I know what I taught you Kohra but it's necessary. You can just get one with a nice face so you can have beautiful babies. That's what I did with your father"

"Mother, you know what? Why don't you and the council pick my first consort for me, since you're all so eager to get me one"


"Yes mother, I mean it. An elder's counsel is the best"

"Alright, you won't be disappointed"

I smile and continue my brunch. My mother was devastated when she didn't become queen so it affected her a lot. Now that I'm queen, she's doing her best to make sure I was a good ruler and I didn't mess anything up. She's even willing to become an instrument for he council.

Well, as long as she's happy.

"Your majesty, you have a meeting in the city of Bringan in a few hours" Jeir says as she walks into the dinning room. She greets my mother and tells me to meet her in front of the castle in a 30 minutes. I nod in reply and she leaves. I finish my food, leave my overly excited mother and go to my room to change into something much more comfortable. The weather in town was humid so the right clothe choice was a must.

After I was done, I portaled to the front of the castle. My majestic bull-horse, Zoma, was waiting for me. I stroke her purple and green fur and pet her head gently. Jeir watches us in amusement on her own mount, a black bull-horse. I ignore her, get on my mount and together, we rode to our destination.

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