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Difference in Strength

Three fireballs, one with a diameter of two meters and the other two with the diameter a quarter of it was thrown to the black-clothed assassin. He dodged the first fireball by jump-rolling in a pathetic manner. But the other two fireballs who was covered by the first and bigger fireball managed to land a hit.

Boom!! Crack.

The impact resounded in the silent tamarind woodland. There was a crystal-like crack sounded on the man and a white light surrounded him. Albeit his body was charred after being hit an intermediate tier red spell, the black-clothed man still alive and well.

'Cheh, the protective talisman from Elder Lei is destroyed? What's with that attack just now? I don't sense any qi fluctuation at all, what the hell with this Battle Technique?'

Thought the black-clothed man carefully looking at the woman on top of the flaming horse.

Arianne who sent her not-so-serious spell raised her brow in amusement. It was quite surprising for a normal human to alive after being hit this spell. She used Myscreat world inhabitant as her standard, but even the strongest tank didn't dare to receive an attack spell like this head-on. To survive her probing attack, it seems that she needed to be serious against this man.

"Houuu ..., you're quite good, young man. Then, what about this?" she raised her hand and another magic circle appeared on her hands.

A fireball floated above her palm, it shot a smaller fireball to the sky and followed by another smaller fireball. It kept shooting smaller fireball toward the sky indefinitely. It then dropped like rain of fire. This time the assassin was using his all to dodge the incoming rain of fireball.

His mantis-like movement was the infamous Insect Leg Movement Technique. It was an art of movement that was famous for being agile and stealthy. Perfect for him as an assassin. But even with his proficiency in this technique, he couldn't dodge all of the fire rain. Just like there was no way a man to dodge a raindrop, he was incapable of dodging this rain of fire.

It didn't hurt as much as the fireball before, but burned in scorching hot flame was not that great of an experience.

The only way he could think to stop this barrage of attack was to attack that red-hooded woman. Although he had his own doubt and question about what kind of secret art that woman use, but then it wasn't the time to think about such a thing.

His tight-fitted robe and leather armor were burnt and tore here and there, some charred skin and burn mark on his exposed skin. In his desperation, he threw six poison needles to Arianne.

The small poison needles flew at speed unperceivable by the eyes.

This poison needle was a concealed weapon forged from Black Iron and soaked in a special poison concocted from bug, frog and snake venom with a special poisonous mushroom. It was a lethal poison that worked on the slightest contact.

The poison would paralyze the target. Then, when the latent poison fully ingested in the body, it would disrupt blood cells and muscular tissue. Rendering them limp and unable to move for eternity. If the assassin wasn't wearing special equipment to handle it, then it would be demise by his own weapon.

The assassin was prideful of this concealed weapon. His assassination journey always ended in success when those small yet lethal needle got into contact with his target. Whatever secret technique the woman in red use, it would be useless if she was unable to move her body.

The assassin smirked in victory despite his body charred black and his robe tattered. However, when the poison needle almost hit her face, it stopped on its trajectory.

A thin, string made from fire qi was coiled around the needles. Stopping it completely. It was so hot that even the black iron turned into yellow as if it reached its melting point. Even the purple poisonous substance turned into gaseous vapor.

Arianne melted the six needles and then prepared another spell with both of her hand, it was the biggest and grandest magic circle she had conjured this day.

"Im-impossible! How ..., what the ..., no, this is not happening!?"

The assassin was unable to accept the reality and dumbfoundedly stared at his strongest hidden weapon. It was his trump card, however, it was easily deflected. No, it was not deflected but melted. The needle that was made from black iron that needed True Essence Fire to forge it, was easily melted by ..., a string like qi?

The assassin felt his world turned upside down. It was something that he couldn't accept even if it was in his dream. Truly, just what kind of secret art did that woman cultivated? To think that it was capable to melt a third hardest metal in this world.

She said, "good work, I'll give your last struggle four points out of ten. Now, just die ..."

A red magic circle appeared on the dumbfounded assassin. He could no longer resist and just watched the amazingly bright magic circle on his feet with a dispirited face.

He recalled the mission details from the old strap from the Dian clan. To think that his target was someone with mysterious strength like this woman in red, it was his fault to underestimate her in the first place.

'F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!! You trick me old f*cker!'

He cursed the old man because of the misinformation. In the Assassin Association, the client needs to provide the necessary information regarding the target. If the target was killable or in the range where it can be killed, then the Assassin would accept the mission. If not, the assassin would ask for more price or ask for assistance from the association.

However, there was a case when an assassin was given the wrong information and then it led to total failure. There was a case when a nobleman issued a mission to the association to kill an unknown mercenary. It should be an easy mission, however, never did the assassins know that the true identity of the unknown mercenary was a prince in disguise.

After the death of their prince, the royal family was enraged, and they issued a decree to pursue the assassin. The clueless assassin was killed after being chased by ten Grand Knight figure.

But of course, the Assassin Association wasn't a force that could be bullied by a puny kingdom like that. When the darkest association in the continent called the entire member, it becomes a force to be reckoned with. The Assassin Association annihilated the noble family who issued the mission and also the royal family of that kingdom, plundered all of its resources and treasury.

This time, the pitiful young assassin met the same situation. One thing that was different from the case that happened to him this time. It was not the target background that was problematic, but her cultivation which was very strange and mysterious. He hadn't seen anyone who can conjure a pure flame qi that was capable of melting black iron.

A pillar of crimson flame enveloped his body. A hellish-like heat burnt him to his demise. The flame that conjured from the magic circle on his feet was like a flame on a smelter. In a matter of seconds, his body vapored and his bone burnt into calcium carbonate.

"Huh, it has been a long time since I use this spell. But not bad at all ...," Arianne looked at her 'artwork' and satisfyingly nodded, she turned to the Dian Luze who was spellbound from the whole firework performance and said. "Let's go, old man."


Dian Luze nodded his head inattentively. The hair on his body was shivering because of fear for the strong. He looked at the red-hooded young miss and there was unprecedented respect. To kill a Knight with such ease, it was an unimaginable feat for him. But this young miss Arianne was capable of doing such thing.

If this young miss was this strong, then why did she followed his young master? This question arose once again in his heart, however, he was unable to utter any more word at this time. It was because his oldened heart still couldn't accept all of this.

They continued the journey in silence.

Not far from the crime scene, there was three figure in similar tight-fitted robe and leather armor like the assassin that just burnt into ashes by Arianne's Flame Pillar. They were still having a goosebump because of the horrible sight they just saw.

Imagining if such merciless attack targeting their body, just thinking about it would make them unable to sleep this night. They retreated in silence, no one dared to say a thing. Although their comrade was just killed by them, they were not angry or thinking about revenge. The only thing preoccupied inside their mind was fear.

These three assassins and the assassin that died before was a Silver-tiered Assassin. Yet, one of them was killed that easily. To kill a Knight in a matter of second, what kind of power was that?

"Lethal Poison, he's dead." a lethargic voice from one of them.

"Don't remind me about that! Damn it, what was that? Hey, Black Crow, do you know what the hell is that technique? The hell with that flame manipulation art? Even the Vermillion Burning Hall doesn't have a freak like that?" another shouted in frustration.

"The hell are you shouting for! F*ck, my head's hurt!"


Once again, a disturbing silence.

"Let's head back and report this matter to the headquarter."

"Yeah ..., in the information provided by Dian Clan Patriarch. He said that she was not that any stronger than the butler right? But the hell was that? It's clear that she is stronger than even a Knight? Cultivation less than Head Warrior? F*ck that! I don't buy this shit!"

"On the way, let's settle this debt with that f*cking idiot Patriarch."

"Yeah ...,"

"Agree ..."

"Yeah, let's head back to Dali."

They walked back to the city with a staggering step. Just like before a strange silence ensued the journey back.

"Ohhh ...! This is?"

Dian Xianli let out a surprised voice when the card was finally revealed.

The Purple sinister-looking card in his vision was just too awesome. The illustration showed a magnificent skeleton with a glowing golden flame on his hollow eye. The skeleton was wearing decayed king's cloak and a jagged horn and bone adorned his head like a crown. He stood tall wielding a golden two-handed sword. An Intense aura of death surrounded his very being.

Grim Tyrant (26 VC and 4 PC)

P | L | C

The Overlord of Death and Despair. He strived as a Cursed Skeleton and completed the Thirteen Trials of Hell, thus regain his past self and desires. However, he couldn't remember his identity. His disposition and ambition to overrule the underworld perhaps had something to do with his past self, he tried to conquer the world of unliving. And succeed in being one of the Overlord of Hell.

"The one and true Overlord of Hell, he who wields One-Eyed Wicked Sword shall become the sole sovereign of the Underworld." - Skulltotenkopf de Claigeann

Skill: Master Swordsmanship(7), Master Purple Spell (2), Advanced Leadership (1)

Special: Call of Death - summon the Undead Legion for further death and despair. (10 PC)

'A Legendary Creature?!?'

Dian Xianli collected 30 Creature Card from ten Basic Random Card Packs and two Silver Random Card Packs. But there was no way he could get a Legendary Card Rarity from those Card Pack. However, this Daily 'Random' Card Draw actually gave him a Legendary Card on the first try.

[C-congratulation, Host ..., You get Grim Tyrant on today's Daily Card Draw. This is unexpected, I need to readjust something about this draw.]

Dian Xianli ignored her word. Although inwardly he was happy, he couldn't enjoy this joyful moment. He still had a problem to solve, and that was the lack of Colored Crystal.

And his priority now was to sent a group to rescue his father. It would be a very long time before he could use this [Grim Tyrant(P)] Card.

'So Catherine, tell me about the other way to gain a card? Especially how to get a Cultivation Method Card.'

[If Host want to get a set of a specific type of card, then Host need to buy Card Pack from the Card Shop.]

'Is there no other way? Then tell me about the Card Fusion Chamber, the Card Converter and the Conquest, how does it work?'

[Card Fusion Chamber will be unlocked when Host reached Level 25. Card Converter available at level 10 and Card Conquest available at level 50.]

Dian Xianli raised his brow hearing this. So there were limitations like this.

'Can't you divulge me a tiny bit of information from those functions?'

[Aside from giving host that there is such function in the system, I have no authority to tell Host about the details before Host met the requirement.]

'Alright then ...,'

Because there was nothing he could do about it, Xianli just let go about this. His eye then tapped the Card Shop button to check the shop.

[Eh, wait a moment Host. Your Gold Coin Cards are insufficient to buy a Card Pack, so why-]

'It's window shopping, I just want to check the new card pack and the price ..., just open it.'

[..., oh, there's also that.]

Card Shop

Basic Random Card Pack (100 G)

Basic Blue Card Pack (150 G)

Basic Green Card Pack (150 G)

Basic Red Card Pack (150 G)

Basic Yellow Card Pack (150 G)

Basic White Card Pack (200 G)

Basic Purple Card Pack (200 G)

Basic Colorless Card Pack (200 G)

Basic Creature Card Pack(New!) (230 G)

Basic Effect Card Pack(New!) (230 G)

Basic Land Card Pack(New!) (250 G)


Human-rank Qi Method Card Pack(Special) (400 G)

Human-rank Battle Technique Card Pack(Special) (425 G)

Human-rank Movement Technique Card Pack(Special) (425 G)

Copper Random Card Pack (500 G)



Earth-rank Qi Method Card Pack(Special) (800 G)

Earth-rank Battle Technique Card Pack(Special) (950 G)

Earth-rank Movement Technique Card Pack(Special) (950 G)

Silver Random Card Pack (1.000 G)



Gold Random Card Pack (5.000 G)


'Aside from the new Type Card Packs, there's also some new Card Pack related with cultivation.'

Dian Xianli rummaged the Card Shop before he realized some major changes in the price of the packs. He thought he saw it wrong and wiped his eyelid, but he still sees the unnatural price.

'Oy, Catherine ..., why is there an additional zero on the price? You're not purposely made some mistake here right?'

To which Catherine flatly replied.

[Host, this is the regular price. Your first day 90% Discount has ended.]

'So, the price from before is because of the discount!?!'

[Does Host think that the Card Package is that cheap?]

Xianli didn't know that there was a discount on the first-day playtime. But thanks to that, he managed to get the best out of this discount. Buying twelve Basic Random Card Packs, two Silver Random Card Packs, and one Basic White Card Pack.

'True ..., it'll be strange if the Card Pack is that cheap.'

If he knew about this before, maybe he would buy as many basic card pack as possible with his 200 Gold Coin Cards and not bought two silver card packs.

'Forget it, let's head on the next agenda, Catherine. Let's do some summoning!'

From the two silver card packs, he gets two Rare Creature Card. From Purple and Green. Albeit both were not his favorite color, these two Rare Card would be a great help for him right now.

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