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45% Card System in Cultivation World / Chapter 18: Midnight Intruder

Chapter 18: Midnight Intruder


I couldn't fell asleep.

I kept thinking about the father of this body. Dian Yuanli who was whereabout unknown.

I want to immediately make a search team, ah ..., no a rescue team and bring him back.

But how ...? With summoned creature? Well ..., yes, I got at least 40 Creature Card in my deck and inventory now.

The only thing hindered me from summoning them is that right now my Void Crystals are insufficient. Although I have a [City(V)] Land Card active, it only produced 12 Void Crystal until now.

I give up thinking about this for tonight and tried to find a way to sleep. I couldn't be bothered by it the whole time so I tried to do something to ease my mind. There was no woman I could embrace here, so it was lonely and cold night.

Well, true with my slightly special status, I could try to force the maidservant in this manor. Dian Xianli always did this to the servants before. But no, I won't do that again.

Ah, for the meantime. Let's redraw the map in the vicinity. I ask for the A.I. Helper: Catherine's Substitute to help me with it. The original A.I. Helper still upgrading herself and I can't contact her. This substitute can't answer my question. Just an ordinary A.I. that help me when I tried to use the system, but I couldn't interact with.

The A.I. substitute showed the map compilation and locked it into the lambskin parchment on the study desk. I redraw the curve and line on the map in my vision on it.

Still, doing something like this is on its capacity.

Having a system that attached to my brain really helpful. I finished the map with topographical contour line in no time.

When the night was getting colder and quieter, I heard a footstep. This is my courtyard. There should be no one who dares to sneak into my courtyard in the middle of the night like this.

Whelps, except for a thief or assassin.

I looked at the mini-map, there's a single green dot approaching. At least not a hostile red, but still this is suspicious. I readied an attack Magic Card on my hand just in case something went south.

"Who's there?!" I shouted when the dot was in front of my door.

"... xcuse me ...,"

The door opened, I pointed the Magic Card there.

"Lord ...?" it was the Pyromancer Arianne.

She peeked at me who pointed a card on her.

I put down the card, glaring at her.

"What are you doing ..., sneaking into other people's room at night?"

"I ..., I'm sorry Lord Xianli, it's just that somehow I feel like I know that there's something weighting lord's mind right now. And thus, I tried to check on you. Turn out it to be true."

Arianne in her nightgown walked inside and looked around my room.

Yes, unmasked and not wearing her gloves. I could see her burn mark in the dim-lit room. I didn't notice it before, but her leg also has some burn scar.

She sat down on my bed and looked at me.

I don't remember inviting you in! I should really consider locking my door next time.

I shook my head and asked. "Something weighing my mind ...? What are you talking about?"

I was five-step in front of her, crossing my arm on my chest.

She looked at me, gazing me in the eyes and smiled.

"It's just a feeling, sometimes I'm like this. No need to think about that deeply, Lord."

I continued to glare. I began thinking about this woman in a strange way. Well, I haven't touch any woman since reincarnated in this body. Her body is passable, no she is well curved.

But, with her face like that ..., It's gonna strange for me to be aroused.

"Thank you ..., Lord Xianli." she suddenly said.

Hmmm ...?

"What for?"

"For clearing my doubt," she answered as if expecting the question.

We stared at each other for a moment. She put a smile with her deformed mouth. Her eyes were telling me a hundred stories. I kept bothered with how horrible her look was, so I frowned.

"Heihhh ...," I sighed, closing my eyes and thinking what the heck she is talking about. "I don't know what brings you into my room in the middle of the night. Don't you know that it's rude for a woman to suddenly enter a man's room?"

"..., I don't care." she shook her head. "Besides, it should be the opposite, right?"

She picked up a pack of cigarettes from who knows where and lit it up with her hand. Did all of the Creature Card has inventory like me?

After exhaling one smokey breath, she asked.

"May I?" she asked for my permission, although she has started smoking.

I nodded, picked up a stool and sat on it.

Now our distance was just one step. I outstretched my hand to her. I also want to taste the cigarettes.

"Lord want some?" she asked and giving me the rectangular pack of the cigarettes.

I grabbed one and put it on my lips.

"Ohh ..., excuse me, Lord."

She didn't have matches, but she lit up the cigarettes with her hand flick. What a convenient ability.

I inhale the stuffy dried tobacco(?) leaf cigarettes.

It's heavy.

"Uhuk ... hukuhukk ..." I coughed a little.

What with this strange soothing feeling on my chest? Is this has mint or something?

"What a strange taste ..." I glanced at the cigarettes.

"Lord, may I ask you a question?"

"Will you go back to your room if I answer that question?"

"Probably ..., not. I will ask another question after that ..."

"Heihh ...," I kept smoking and the heavy feeling in my chest somewhat alleviated. "ask then ..."

"Lord, my face ..., is it unsightly?" she pointed at her face.

That deformed mouth because of fire, pale new skin tissues that contrasting her healthy tanned skin.

"Well ..., I can't say it's beautiful."

"At least, Lord is honest." she smiled wryly.

"..." I tried to think what her purpose on this visit.

My first impression of Arianne was an arrogant, rude, fearless, and chaotic pyromaniac.

But when she told me her story, she revealed a part of her weakness. Her fear and traumatic experience. And after that, I thought that attitude of hers, was something like a facade. She was trying her best to overcome her fear by being arrogant and fearless.

She might be has a complex regarding her appearance. That's why she wore mask and glove and such. To hide her appearance.

But this ..., why she suddenly come into my room without nothing but nightgown?

"..., your second question?"

"Ah, right ..., Lord, I heard from the maid that even though you are this young, but you already mess with numerous girls. Is this true?"

What is her aim, really ... asking something like this.

"I can't deny it ..., from where did you hear it? I definitely will discipline that maid."

"It doesn't matter from where I got this info, and what's that with discipline? Ah, forget it ..., Lord, for the next question. If I presented myself to you, will you accept me?"

Now, I couldn't stop myself from frowning at her word.

Is this some kind of test or something? A young woman, in the middle of the night, suddenly comes inside a man's bedroom. Asking him several strange questions.

I couldn't guess her aim.

If she was a lethal beauty, perhaps I can guess it. Maybe she wanted something from me, or she wanted to assassinate me. Both could possibly happen if the other party is a beauty.

The so-called honey trap.

But this, an ugly, deformed girl did that to the 14-year-old me. Although her body curve is sexy with big rich lower and upper mountain, when I looked at the face I couldn't stop my d*ck from getting limp.

That's how unbearable her face is.

So I can guess that her visit, no intruding to my personal space this time is intentional.

As if she was testing me.

But what kind of answer did she expect?

I can think of two options with four different outcomes.

If I accept, that's mean I'm fine and not minding her appearance. She will greatly happy with it.

If I reject, that's mean I'm someone who disturbed by her appearance. And she will feel sad and dejected because of it.

The second possible outcome was.

I accept her, but she will not feel happy because of it ..., she will think of me as a perverted sex-crazed beast. After all, is there any sane person who will f*ck someone with such appearance.

Or, I reject her, and she will feel relieved. But this choice is tricky, I have to give some kind of long-winded explanation to her so that she won't misunderstand me.

In the first place, why me though? No, why this woman become like this? I couldn't guess what she was thinking at all!

Perhaps because at the moment I was thinking with my lower half, I don't even care about her appearance. Ah, this is not good, I get boner even though she looks this ugly.

I stood up and caressed her chin. "What kind of question is that? It's like ..., I'm asking if I force myself to you, will you not resist?"

"Hmmm ..., is that so? Lord thinks my dedication as a reverse-rape?" she greatly feels disturbed.

"Arianne, what's your aim?"

"I just want to know how will you react."

This is not good, I'm getting more and more aroused. I feel like I want to grab her breast, fondle, slap, fap with those massive tits as I like.

Is this because of the cigarettes? Just what weed did I smoke, really?

I inhale the cigarettes to test my hypothesis. And true, I began seeing some distortion and strange color in my vision. Is there some kind of hallucinogen inside this?

"It's getting late, you should go back to sleep, in your room that is!" I turned my head from her and went back to my study desk.

I didn't hear her response to my word. But I didn't care and continued with copying the map in this lambskin parchment. I still suck the cigarettes, but the strange hallucination is not there anymore.

I could think clearly.

Well, until I got hugged from behind and those massive tits were on my back. She didn't wear any undergarments, I could feel her nipples from my back and shoulder.

"..., ignoring a girl when she sneaked into your room, Lord sure is ruthless." her voice becomes coy like your lovely girlfriend.

The feeling of her breast is springy and supple enough for me. If only I never saw her face, I will greatly be aroused with this simple stimulation.

I felt my lower half begin to feel hot and showing some response. This ..., how could this possibly happen?

"Arianne, I still puzzled with what your aim is. Why are you doing this? I'm busy, I don't have time with you."

"Lord Xianli, I have presented myself for you ..., I really do, will you embrace me?" her voice is enchanting. Caressing my chest with her slender hand, down to my pant.

"Seducing a man younger than you, and using a drug on top of that ..., are you really that desperate, Arianne?"

She stopped her hand. "W-wha ...? Lord Xianli knows?"

"Arianne ..., do you really must do this? I'm disappointed with you."

"..., so Lord saying that I'm not worthy enough for you? Is it because of my appearance? Don't worry Lord, if you inhale this Thousand Illusion Grass, even a fat female orc will look like a graceful elf!" she stated.

"... that will be the problem."

I stood up and glared at her. She who before this has a burn mark on her face, arm, and leg ..., now looks amazingly beautiful. What an amazing weed I smoke here?!

"Arianne ..., don't think that appearance is all the matter. If I have someone that I love, even if she is blind, disabled, crippled, cursed, or whatever ..., I will always by her side no matter what form she might be. I know you feel inferior with your look. However, if you keep on relying on this smoke to deceive your partner, you won't ever find the one who truly loves you!"

"That's fine, I don't need some petty thing such as love!" she shouted.

"You need it ..., you really need it."

"Then love me! Embrace me!" she almost cried.

"No. I won't touch you. I won't ever touch you who is in this appearance. If I want to f*ck you, then I will do with the real you. Not this one, this unreal hallucination version of you."

"...," she put her gaze down for a moment.

Arianne plucked the cigarettes on my mouth, yes, I still smoke that marijuana with amazing effect. She threw it outside the window and walked to my bed. Sat down with sullen expression.

"Thirty minutes ..., I'll wait," she said while crossing her arm on her chest.

What is this ...? Do I have no choice but to f*ck her? Damn it, what should I do?

This is the first time I feel that I'm not willing to do it. Even though she already gave her body to me.

"Uhmmm ..., you know, maybe we should postpone this until we, you know ..., familiar with each other. Besides, a day hasn't passed since I summoned you, right? So, I think you should return to your room and cool down your head a bit."

"I will wait!" she glared with strong eyes.

She who should look menacing now look cute and pretty. This was the effect of that weed, true, if her face was like this I might be willing to do her.

I couldn't say a word after she did all of this.

Half hours passed.

The effect of the smoke slowly subsided.

I could see her appearance that was full of burn marks. I steeled my heart and without hesitation, I walked to her.

In this half an hour, I thought about Arianne and myself.

She seduced me purposely, and I hadn't touched a woman this week. There was such a fine lady in front of me, why wouldn't I do her when she brought herself unto me? Although her face and skin have a flaw and burns mark, she still has the right curve and good flesh.

So, I have no reason to rejects her.

Claiming her deformed lips. It feels odd when I tried to kiss her. It's like, there's something stuffed between our overlapped mouth.

But I felt no different from this kiss. I kissed a woman, and I feel the warmth, sweetness, and comfort from it.

She's no different from any other woman.

No, it's wrong. Yes, she's different. She's hot.

Her body temperature is hotter than any woman I've touched. And even her lips are special. Her hot tongue seems like melting my inside. I don't know how pleasant it will be when I embrace her.

I hugged her waist and savor the feeling of her body heat. She reacted strongly and hugged me back. I placed my hand on the back of her neck and the other landed on her plump butt.

I parted my lips and there was a silver string on our lips.

She looked at me with disbelief. Confused and surprised. I gazed that beautiful ruby eyes back.

"Why?" she asked.

"..., what do you mean?"

"Why Lord is willing ..., and no hesitation at that, is lord not disgusted with this face?"

"I want this because it's you ..., Arianne." I smiled and pecked her lips once again. "You know, this morning when I summoned you, I fell in love with your eyes. Yes, that strong eyes full of confidence, I like it. The finger flick that insta-cast fire magic, that just awesome. Though, it was surprising when you told me such a heart-wrenching story. But, you're amazing ...," I hugged her waist and gazed deeply at her eyes.

It's not love, but a strange attraction. I'm not that easy to fell in love with someone. And what, love at first sight? What a joke, men will love everything beautiful. But still, a little white lie like this never go bad, as my experience dictates.

We interlocked in a staring contest. The light in her eyes seemed hesitant and unsure about this.

"Is lord just pitying me?" she asked while averting her eyes to the left.

"No, I honestly think that you are a woman I would like to embrace, Arianne." I grabbed her hand, interlocking our finger.

"..., so basically, lord's only feeling pity with me." she insisted on her opinion.

I smiled wryly when she's like this. Somehow I thought that the gap is just too cute.

"Let's not talk about complicated feeling stuff and just enjoy it while I'm still in the mood. Okay?"

She looked at me once more. Smiled and said. "Fine then ..."

She flicked her finger, my kimono, and her nightgown was burnt to ash.

I need to say this again, her ability to manipulate fire with finger flick is really convenient. And goddamn cool.

Though, this is too much of a waste. That kimono was made from ruyi silk you know, a luxury item!

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