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37.5% Card System in Cultivation World / Chapter 15: The Land Card

Chapter 15: The Land Card

I asked some plain-looking maidservant nearby to bring me a light meal. After that, I went back inside my room.

To kill some time, I went to my study desk to write a letter to Gu Fenglin.

But, this is an unexpectedly difficult thing to do. In the first place, I don't know how to write a letter to some girl. I live in a modern world when chat service available for everyone, everywhere. Writing a letter, it's a century late to do that.

It's true that I also used e-mail. But aside from business-related, I rarely used that.

Thus, I was staring at the blank yellow paper with a brush in my hand for a long time.

"Young Master ...," it's that cute maid, Meimei.

"Hmmm ...? What is it?"

"... your meal is ready." she still afraid of me, I won't care as for why though.


I give up writing the letter now and go to the dining room. The meal was not special, some meat soup and rice. Ah, there's also some spicy noodles.

After lunch, I went back to a staring contest with blank paper.

This is hard. And ..., is writing a letter in this world has the same format as the Earth?

I continued with the staring contest for half an hour.

But it didn't work, I couldn't think a single word.

Hold on ..., what if I write it like some sort of negotiation letter or letter of inquiry? This will do. I have made plenty of those before, so it will be easy.

I have never seen her so I don't even mention her appearance in the letter. I just write some introductory sentences, my purpose in writing this letter, and then closing sentences. I add my simple but expensive signature on the bottom right.

Yup, perfect.

Ah, f*ck! I wrote it in the alphabet! And in Bahasa Indonesia at that!

I forget that this world is using some sort of ideograph script. What was it again? Jiang script? I bet this funny looking character was created by that Jiang Chen or Holy something.

I rewrite the letter, now with Jiang script and the High Lastarte Language.

With this, the letter problem is finished.

"Oh, you came."

It was Allescar, Therese and the Dove. I called them to my courtyard because I wanted to try the Land Card.

My system that recently became annoying went into an upgrade so I need someone to be my advisor regarding this card system. A.I Helper: Catherine's Substitute never gave an answer even if I ask her(?). Thus, I called them over.

Although they won't be as helpful as Catherine, I hope that they know a thing or two.

"Lord, is there anything you need?" Allescar asked.

"No, I just want to try something. Hey, in Myscreat, how do you use Land Card?"

Right now I have 14 Land Card. Three of them are Rare I got recently from the Silver Random Card Pack. While the rest are Common and one Uncommon.

I remember in the game it could be placed anywhere. Well, it is in the game after all. But what if that mechanism doesn't work here?

Therese and Allescar exchanged a glance. The Priestess was the one who explained.

"As written in the card description, a Land Card will change the land properties into that corresponding color. And with that, the lord can produce a crystal as long as the Card is active."

"So, basically I can summon the Land Card and change the Land properties here?"

"Yes, I believe it will happen."

"Well, seeing is believing. I will try with this, [Exotic Island], a Blue/Green Land Card, any objection?"

"No, lord, you may do as you like," Allescar said, but I felt that you look eager and looking forward to it. Is it because of the color?

"Lord, I need to remind you about the cost of maintaining the Land Card." Therese interrupted.

"Uhhh ...?"

"A Common Card will need 10 Void Crystal per 24 hours. Uncommon will need 20 Void Crystal, while Rare Card will need 30 Void Crystal. Does Lord has the necessary Crystal?"

"I ..., I only have about 22 Void Crystals per day, but I can still convert for more. Therese, from these 14 cards, what card do you think will be the most effective to use right now?"

I showed her the Land Card available.

From the Common rarity. [Plain(V)], [Rivertown(V)], [Island(B)], [Desert(R)], [Mountain(R)], [Rainforest(G)], [Cave(Y)], [Sacred Ground(W)], [Highland(W)], [Crypt(P)]

From the Uncommon, there was only [Temple of Light(W)]

And lastly, the Rare. [City(V)], [Dragon Temple (W/R)], [Exotic Island(B/G)].

"Hmmm ..., I think, the [City] will be the best choice, Lord," Therese commented after looking at the Land Card.

I thought she would choose white. But to think she chooses City, this is something unexpected.

"Why? Did you just said that Rare is a no go?"

Therese explained. "It's not like that, I'm asking if lord has the sufficient Void Crystal. The Blue/Green card won't generate Void Crystal and just generate either Blue or Green Crystal right? Then it will be wasteful and probably Lord won't have enough Void Crystal to maintain it. To maintain a Land Card, lord needs Void Crystal, and Color Land Card doesn't produce it. But this [City] Land Card, with this card Lord, can also gain free Void Crystal every hour every day. So by the end of the day, lord will have the necessary Void Crystal to maintain it. Ah, there's also enhancement of the soil."

"But the cost-"

"Lord can afford it. A Rare Land Card can produce one Crystal per hour. In a day, it will be twenty-four crystal. Lord just need six more Void Crystal to pay the cost."

"Wait, I didn't even get a crystal then?"

"As of now, it's impossible." Therese shook her head.

"Then what's the point? I better use two Common Card, right?"

"No, lord. Don't! A Common Card only produces one crystal for every three hours, in 24 hours, you only produce about eight crystal. Moreover the enhancement not even 1/3 of that Rare card. So materializing Common Land Cards are not recommended."

"Alright then, I follow your suggestion. So, the [City] Land Card right?"

[Do you wish to materialize City? You need ten Void Crystals to perform this action. Confirm?]

'Yeahh ..., do it.'

The card turned into bright white-greyish light before it disperses into light particles that spread across a thousand kilometer from where I stood. A faint shadow of a city with the architectural style of that Ancient Rome, I guess ..., were shown.

This phenomenon was something that I didn't expect. It looks like an illusion or a mirage. It turns into a hazy image before completely vanish.

I could hear some shout in the city, the commoners were surprised with what just happen.

[City Land Card has successfully activated.]


City (10 VC)


Colorless Creatures will gain small enhancement.

City inside a city: small enhancement on City productivity, security, and citizens.

Generate 1 Void Crystal for every hour.


The Land Card duration is 72 hours. Need 30 VC to maintain. The card usage will decrease if you decide to not maintain it.

Wait a minute ..., duration of 72 hours? And 30 VC to maintain? Is this card system broken or something?

"It's different from what you said, Therese!"

I told her what I saw on the notification screen and she was flustered about it. But she was still smiling because this effect is good in itself. Though, she still apologizes to me.

"I'm sorry, it seems that my knowledge is still imperfect."

But this is good. I can get a total of 42 Void Crystals before the duration end. If by that time I convert my mana into Void Crystal. I can get 105 Void Crystals in three days.

I can summon anything and everything with that much of Crystals.

"No, this is better. Thank you then. Ah, but let me ask you, are you hostile with purple or other color creatures?"

"For us, the holy daughters and Light God's servant, of course, the Follower of Dark God is nemesis. However, if they are summoned by lord. We can set aside our grudge and serve you. But please, don't let me in the same room as them." Therese explained.

"I can't stand alongside with the dwarves or Earthworm. As for the other color, I'm good." Allescar said.

"Alright, note it." I nodded and sent them away.

I walked outside, but someone coming at me with a rushed step.

"Son ..., we need to talk." it was my mom who comes frowning.

I explained the thing about the Land Card to her. It took three hours until she convinced with my explanation.

She kept telling me to not reveal this matter to anyone. I nodded and just went along with it. It was my plan to low-key anyway. I don't want to reveal the card's strength other than my family. And about the public image, just let them be for the time being.

People's imagination is limitless, maybe they will fabricate a rumor about this. But because no bad thing happened, maybe this phenomenon will attract more citizens. I hope it will.

It's getting dark. After I took the second bath of this day, I went to the dining hall on the main courtyard and joined the dinner with the rest of my family.

I can see the red-haired Pyromancer Arianne. Her arrogant and indifferent looks now long gone. She sat beside my mother, and now she wore a traditional robe-like the other woman. Yes, that Therese also wearing the same traditional robe. Those two just like a tourist that visited Japan and trying to wear kimono.

Arianne wore a dark-colored cloth mask, unlike the rugged metal mask, her mask now covers the nose down to the neck. Nevertheless, she looks fiery enchanting. Especially her bright eyes with long eyelashes are really captivating.

She changes her gloves, it was white silk gloves. The gloves covered her finger to her elbow. From an aesthetic point of view, she ranked B, but because of her massive breast maybe I can put her into A rank.

I still don't know about her face though. Perhaps she got some sort of face scar or anything. There's no way that is the case, right?

She looks sullen, like a daughter-in-law bullied by her mother-in-law. Well, she just talked with mother this entire day, no wonder about that.

I won't be surprised after recalling Therese's expression this morning. She looks like she really wants to escape and avoid being in the same room with mother.

"Hey, mom." I greeted her with a hand wave.

"Come here, son," she called.

I sat down beside her. I hugged her and snuggled into her puffy breast.

"Bad boy, what are you doing!?" she chuckled with my action.

I miss my mom.

The original one back in the Earth. I wonder what happens after I die. Mother, Father ..., Tia, my sex-friends/harem. That bastard Andre.

Cheh. Recalling that damn motherf*cking son of a bitch, sure made my mood sour.

"What's wrong son?" mom asked.

Maybe she sensed something changes with my mood. But I can't explain it to her so I just stayed silent and continue snuggle. Not caring about everyone's gaze.

I released her after I satisfied. I ate dinner with less appetite. My mood still soured after thinking about Earth.

But, what can I do about it? It's not like I can come back into that place anyway.

After the maid finished cleared the table. I handed the letter to mom.

"Mom, here's the letter for the Gu Clan. Please read it and check whether I made some mistake."

Mom wordlessly read the letter, sometimes she sneaked a glance at me.

I was busy eating some peanut-like ..., nuts. It's really strange, the skin is that of a peanut, but the inside look and taste like corn.

"There's no problem ..., but, I feel that this letter is too formal. Are you really the one who writes it?"

"Yeah, I write this. It's fine, I and that Gu Fenglin has never met before. If I write with a familiar tone, she will probably feel cringe and won't accept the gift. Keeping it formal and business-like is the best choice."

'Besides, I can't write romantic words in a letter.' That's what I want to say, but no, let's stop with this.

"Fine then ..., this will do."

"Ah, mom. If I give them more gifts, do you think it will raise the chance for them to help us?"

"More gift? Did you have something better than that Firesword?"

She named it, the sword. Though that's not wrong in any way the official name is [Sword of Blaze(R)], you know?

"Something like this, maybe?"

I materialize a [Ruby Gem Fragment(R)] Card, the Basic Red Resource Card and she reacted with surprise. A heavy one! She widened her eyes wider when she first saw the [Sword of Blaze(R)].

"Yi!!!" and mom shrieked.

I even feel that this gem fragment might be worth more than the sword. Based on her reaction.

The other stepmothers and stepsisters, who know about the cultivation also surprised.

"What a rich Fire Qi ..." Yi Shixiao muttered.

"It looks like Fire Elemental Stone. But, Lady Liu ..., this is not that thing, right?" Han Yin asked.

"Fire Elemental Stone? Did I misheard it, Sister Han, did you just say Fire Elemental Stone? That super expensive elemental stone!" Qian Yuerou didn't believe what she just heard.

"Yes, Sister Qian, you heard it right. But, I'm not sure, this stone looks different from that. This stone has rich and concentrated Fire Qi inside. Maybe this is something similar, can I take a closer look." she asked for mom permission, of course.

Han Yin that always looks uninterested to participate in the discussion suddenly becomes talkative. From the outside, she looks like a naive and airheaded noble lady. But turn out she was a maniac in these kinds of things. Yeah, stone maniac. Cultivation stone to be exact.

Mom smiled and said, "you're right concubine Han, this is not Fire Elemental Stone. This is something worth more than that ..."

"Don't tell me Con-"

Mu Hanxia almost blurted out the name of the stone, but Han Yin suddenly shouted.

"Concentrated Fire Crystal!!!" she leaped and grabbed the crystal and observed it carefully.

I even don't know since when, but she already wears a monocle in her left eye. This looks interesting, and beautiful at the same time. She's cute, all of my mothers are beautiful, but this ... is the best!

As for their daughter, aside from those who are younger than me, they are pretty. But my little stepsister also cute and adorable.

"It's true ..., this is a Concentrated Fire Crystal," stated Han Yin after she observed it thoroughly.

"Mother, what is Concentrated Fire Crystal?" her daughter, stepsister Ruyen asked.

Han Yin smiled and returned the crystal to the table for everyone to watch, "It's the crystallization of a concentrated Fire Qi. It only appears in extreme place and this is something that every Fire Cultivator wishes to get."

"There are such a huge Fire Qi inside this crystal, are they beneficial?" the third sister Xinyue asked.

"Not only it is very beneficial, but it can also increase the quality and quantity of the Fire Qi inside one body. This type of Concentrated Fire Crystal could also become fuel to a cauldron, smelter or a forge. It also could be used as a nourishment for Qi Flame for the Alchemist, or Weapon Specialist." Han Yin added.

"Hmph ..., ignorant." the Pyromancer on the side suddenly snorted.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Han Yin baited by her word.

"I'll ask ..., what are you gonna do with such Ruby Fragment? Absorb it? Do you want to die?" Arianne shrugged her shoulder before crossed her arm on her chest. Emphasizing the glory of that big busty chest.

"Dead ..., there's no way a cultivator would die with something like this, right? With the proper cultivation method, they won't die!" Han Yin loudly rebuked. Her cheeks were bright red, enraged.

"Hmph ..., I can't believe it." she snorted back again.

"Then what will you use this stone for?" Han Yin asked back.

"Of course ..., I will transmute it into Vermillion Orb and use it to enchant my gear."

"Enchant? What's that?" hearing a new vocabulary, Han Yin asked.

"Enchantment ..., it's imbuing magic spell inside an object. You don't know about this? As expected from an ignorant that doesn't comprehend the true magic." Arianne looked at stepmother Han, looking down on her.

"Arsonist ..., you're going too far." Therese joined the conversation, trying to stop Arianne.

"Shut your mouth, Templar Slave!" she glared with her ruby eyes. Therese also glared dagger at her.

Therese frowned and asked, "why you're getting so agitated over something like Gem Fragment?"

"Templar Slave, this is not your business! Don't stick your nose."

"Arianne ..., that's enough," I said.

"... Grmh." she grumpily back off, closing her eyes and not saying anything.

I tried to discuss this thing with her. For her to join the conversation when she usually just silent the whole time, and even getting mad, this is too strange.

"You know, this world doesn't have the magic like the one on your world. Mom, did you tell her about this?"

"..., eh? Ma ..., perhaps. I don't remember it. But mommy thinks she has." my mother answered unsurely, I thought she has done the necessary interrogation.

"Arianne, let me ask you a question. Can your magician do this, can the magician in your world absorb raw energy inside a Gem?"

"Aside from a special person with a unique ability like the Geomancer, no one can," Arianne said.

"In this world, they can. A cultivator can do that ..., even if there some risks in doing that, they can absorb that energy and turn it into their own mana(qi). In theory, even I or everyone here can do that."

For the sake of explaining this thing to her, I replace qi with mana. I don't know if those two are the same thing. Maybe, later on, I will learn the differences.

"That's ..., that just impossible. How can such thing possibly happen?" she disproved and shook her head.

"It's not impossible. If they have the corresponding Cultivation Method, they can absorb this thing. Don't deny it before you see it for yourself."

"Absorbing energy from natural cultivation resource to raise cultivation, isn't that something basic?" Han Yin also added unnecessary remarks.

"Yeah, it's not strange for people in this world to cultivate energy inside a natural resource like this crystal. Its probably a hard thing to do, but true, it possible." I added. I tried to speak as calmly as possible, but this girl's stubbornness was on another level.

"No, that's impossible! I won't believe it!" she dropped a fist on the table.

I got startled from that. Her breath also got rushed.

"Arsonist, why are you denying it so vehemently?" Therese asked.

I realized something is wrong with Arianne. But just don't know what is that. Is it some personal trauma? Like that Allescar war story? Did she also have something like that?

"..., I'm out." she walked outside without asking for my permit.

Well, with her current mood even I wouldn't be able to stop her. The dining hall atmosphere became weird. I somehow feel responsible for this.

"... let's postpone the talk a bit, I need to talk with her." I stood up and went to find her.

"Uhm ..., go, son! Mommy will wait."

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