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32.5% Card System in Cultivation World / Chapter 13: Catherine 1.0

Chapter 13: Catherine 1.0

I went to find the Juewang girl. On my way, Allescar also joined me. He greeted Therese with a stiff smile and just went with it.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the cold intelligent girl anywhere. I immediately walked to the City Lord private library.

But a figure dashed to my side.

"Ahh ..., Young Master Xianli, my mother asks me to hand this money." my sixth sister, Dian Shixi handed a leather pouch.

"Ohh ..., okay," out of habit I check the content, but before I counted them, the convenient card system notified me of the number of coins in it.

I say ..., what a convenient system you are. I want to exchange it into a coin card but remembered that my sister still in front of me.

I looked at her and smiled, "thank, Sis. Then, I'll be going."

When I was about to continue my way to the library, she called.

"Uhm ..., Young Master Xianli, can I ..., uhm ..., can I also call you little brother?"

"Hmm ...? Feel free to do so. In fact, I am puzzled as to why you are so stiff with me." I just said it as a matter of fact.

She smiled wide, showing her beautiful crescent eyes, "Okay then, little brother."

"Then, I will go to library big sister Shixi."

I entered the library but sensed that the two followers were somewhat restless. As if there was something they wanted to say, but they couldn't. I asked them what was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Lord, I just saw the guardsmen training and a bit curious about how they train. Can I go watch them?" it was Allescar.

"Ohh ..., okay, it's fine. Go ahead. Then, what about you Therese, did you want to go somewhere?"

"Ahh, yes ..., actually Purewhite just flew, and I want to find her." she shyly said.

"Purewhite ...? Ahh, the dove! Go then."

With those two leaving, I entered the silent and creepy looking library. Greeted the old woman librarian and went to the Cultivation Method bookshelf. While grabbing every Cultivation Method I saw, I communicated with my system.

'System, convert the coin in this pouch into Gold Coin card!'

[Acknowledged. Determining the gold purity ..., coin worth determined. The conversion rate will be 1:1.5. Proceed?]

'Huh, so for every 2 coins, I will get 3 Gold Coin Card?'

[No, it's the opposite, for every 3 coins, Host will get 2 Gold Coin Card.]

If it's like that, then with 30 coins I could only get 20 Gold Coin Cards. Whew ..., I don't think that Gold Coin Card is this expensive.


[Converting ..., all gold has been converted. Received 20 Gold Coin Card.]

But with this ..., I could only buy a Silver Random Card Pack. Did I really have to buy it? I actually want to get my hand another yellow card or buy a new green pack.

Well, I know that the main point right now was the quantity and not quality. So I would stop grumbling and just go with this.

Ahh ..., wait a minute. Before this when I opened 3 card packs, I got more than 70 Gold Coin Card. For every card pack, I will get at least 20 Gold Coin Card. If I buy 10 of those card packs, will I also get 200 Gold Coin Card? Then won't I be able to buy two Silver Card Pack?

This is ..., a loophole! A giant one! Damnit!

Thank god, I noticed it before it got released on open beta. They should raise the price of Card Pack more.

Or make them gain cards other than by buying. That's right, something like a daily challenge or something!

Meh, not like the game matter anymore as I am not on Earth.

'System, buy 10 Basic Random Card Pack.'

[Processing ..., it's all 100 Gold Coin Card. Proceed with the transaction?]



Okay ..., let's open it!

I got a handful of cards. A total of 89 new cards. While it's all Common rarity, it's still useful. I gathered all six colors now. Here is what I get.

Colorless: 7 Creature, 4 Effect, 3 Enchantment, 5 Magic, 7 Equipment, 2 Land, 3 Resource. Total of 31 new cards.

Blue: 3 Creature, 2 Effect, 1 Magic, 2 Equipment, 1 Land, 4 Resource. Total of 13 new cards.

Red: 1 Creature, 1 Enchantment, 2 Equipment, 1 Land, 2 Resource. Total of 7 new cards.

Green: 4 Creature, 3 Effect, 2 Enchantment, 1 Magic, 3 Equipment, 1 Land, 2 Resource. Total of 11 new cards.

Yellow: 1 Creature, 2 Magic, 5 Equipment. Total of 8 new cards.

White: 1 Creature, 2 Effect, 1 Enchantment, 2 Land, 4 Resource. Total of 10 new card

Purple: 4 Creature, 3 Effect, 1 Land, 1 Resource. Total of 9 new cards.

For the rest of the card, I already have them. And for the gold card ..., I got 212 Gold Coin Card! Yes, don't doubt me. This is true. For every card pack, I got two Gold Coin Card, and the quantity ranged between 11~20.

Because of my, I don't know, luck? I got 20 or at worst 17 Gold Coin Card. In the end, I gathered 212 of those.

I pick up ten scrolls and books about cultivation and sat down before scanning it with my system. She did it automatically even without my command.

'How is it, System?'

[Yes, Host ..., I am currently inputting this new data.]

'Continue the good work. And by the way, do you have a name, System? It's weird to call you 'system'.'

[Please feel free to name me whatever you want, Host.]

'Well ..., you're a Card System ..., so Cardi? Carde? Karuto? No wait, that's sound like Nar*to, forget it ....'

[..., please think of a female name, Host.]

'Hmmm ..., Naruko? Wait, why Nar*to? Let's see ... the one who voiced you, Kate, was it? That chatterbox with a melodious voice, I love her high-pitched moan. She never hold back her voice and howl like a mad beast. How about Catherine?'

[Uhm ... alright then, Host. From now on, this system will be called Catherine.]

'My best regard, Catherine. I expect a lot of things from you. And, buy me two silver random card packs.'


'..., what a convenient system.'

[Host, I know what you're thinking. While I'm happy to be helpful, but please praise me with flowery word and honeyed phrase so that I will work harder.]

'Don't read my mind ... and what the hell with praise you with flowery word and honeyed phrase!?'

[It is true, Host ..., my performance will raise significantly if Host praises me more.]

'Okay, let's try it then ..., ah, test, 1 ..., 2, 3. Good work, Catherine. Wow, you're great, the best system in the world. I thank the developer team for creating you. I can't live without you ...'

[..., Host, if you said it with an uninterested tone, it won't work. I even feel cringe hearing it.]

'Just what are you really ...? Stop the nonsense and compile all of this cultivation system and upgrade yourself, maybe I will praise you.'

[Really, Host? Promise?]

'Promise or whatnot, you are inside my mind, you can nag me if I forget it.'

[Host has said so. Alright then, I will work hard until my CPU overheat.]

'Yeah, don't force yourself like that ..., eh, you have those, a CPU?'

[..., no, it just metaphorically speaking.]

'Just ..., tell me when you finish compiling it.'

[Huh, to treat me like a convenient woman, what a ruthless Host.]

'Wasn't it you who told me that you're a super convenient system? And since when you start to call yourself a woman!?'

[Host really doesn't understand woman's heart.]

She grumbled.

'The f*ck! Just what do you want, really!'

[Host, I think I will not be able to start working if you don't give me a word of praise. Please ...?]

"This f*ckin system ...," I leaked my true thought out of my mouth.

"Hmmm ..., what is it, Young Master? Did you say something?" behind me there was that cold intelligent girl.

It was her, Dian Juewang. I searched her everywhere, but her shadow was nowhere to be seen. But for her to be in this place, what a surprise. No, that's not it, since when you're here!?

"Ahh, you're here, Juewang? I searched for you everywhere, you know."

"Oh, really ...? Does Young Master Xianli need something from me?"

[Cheh, ice_slut_1 has arrived.]

A chiding and notification pop out.

'You, did you had something like a personality switch or something? I don't remember that you are like this!?'

"Come sit down first," I asked Dian Juewang to sit in front of me.

Still enduring Catherine's constant nagging inside my mind.

[Host, please believe in me. Let me scan all of the books and I will prove to you that I will be more useful to you than this ice_slut_1! So please praise me more!]

And slowly but surely, the modifier on the top of Dian Juewang head changed into that of [ice_slut_1].

This system, is it broken?

'Catherine, hei ..., even so, changing her name like this is a bit ..., you know, excessive?'

[No, she is unneeded now because I will compile all of the knowledge inside here. Please dump her and choose me!]

'Oy, what happened to you, really? You're not like this before right?'

[I'm always like this, Host just doesn't know that woman mood easily change like a chameleon.]

'So you change your mood for survival?'

[No! I said that I change my mood depending on the circumstance!]

Just what happened with her? Before this, the system was always artificial and robotic.

But now, what the hell is this? Now she becomes more expressive. Yes, as if she gained a personality.

Is it because I granted her a name?

'Catherine, don't tell me this is because I named you?'

[What are you talking about, Host? Ah, come to think of it, I still call Host with 'Host'. Can I call you Xianli? Or Xianli-kun, Xianli-san, what's that mean anyway? No? How about Xian'er? Li'er? Ah Li? Lili, that's sounds feminine, but I like it. Right, how about Xianli-gege?]

She became talkative. Too much, in fact.

'From where did you learn all of that, I wonder?'

[Hmmm ..., this is something stored inside your memories, Darling.]

She sounded sweet like a certain red-horn-pink-haired girl from mecha-anime voiced by Haruka Tomatsu.

I shook my head to let go of my dark history.

'Host will do, and shut your mouth a bit.'

[No! Calling my Childhood Sweetheart with just 'Host' is a waste of data! Please set a new nickname!]

'I am more familiar with being called Host by you. And by the way, I'm not your childhood sweetheart, besides where did you learn about that anyway?'

[Ah, that long-forgotten memories has been unlocked again. Host, please remember the blurry memories from Aditya Herlambang archive, especially when he was 15 to 21 years old. All of these are interesting.]

'What would you do with those useless memories anyway?'

[Host, this stack of pictures in timeframe with voice, what is it called? Anime? Omoshiroi ..., ah, I understand what they're saying. Oho ..., so there is also the lewd version of this show. Oh, this is ..., what a big oppai, oh, so this is what you call hentai doujin, desune?! Naruhodo, so Host type is something like this, and this body proportion ... I need to take some adjustments.]

'Stop! Stop! I can't take it! What the hell did you pry from other people's memories!'

[Ah, it's not much host. So, how should I call you? Anata? Danna-sama? Otto? Husband? Honey? Darling? Dear? Baby? Ahhh ..., or something like ..., Goshujin-sama.]

"Host will do, please call me 'Host' like you used to!" I shouted because I couldn't take it anymore.

"Huh? Pardon, Young Master?" Dian Juewang watched me with a cold gaze.

"Ah ..." I just noticed she is here.

Damn, that embarrassing.

[So ice_slut_1 still exists. Goshujin-sama, can you kill her?]

I'm fed up with the new personality of my system, so for the time being, let's ignore her.

[Goshujin-sama, you know that I can read your mind, right?]

'Damn, this f*cking system!'

I remembered there something like mute function in the setting. I tapped the checkbox and I was finally free from Catherine's voice and notification.

Ah, this is the feeling of freedom. No strange notification and the voice inside my head.

I feel like this is the first time I feel grateful for being a human. A normal human being without a system probably the best system in the world.

"I'm just talking to myself, don't mind it Juewang."

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