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30% Card System in Cultivation World / Chapter 12: Planning

Chapter 12: Planning

"I see ... so that's it. Son, the power you have, Unique Ability, right?" Mother nodded her head after a long time.

"Unique Ability? Lady Liu, are you saying that Young Master has special power like the Holy Emperor, Fate Diviner, or Space Walker?" Hei Shujiao asked.

"Ee, something like them. I guess you've heard about Unique Ability, is there any of you don't know about it?"

"Madam Liu, what is Unique Ability?" my youngest sister, Dian Zhiyun innocently asked.

"Zhiyun, stop it!" her mother, Li Suyun put her hand on her daughter's mouth. "I beg your forgiveness for my daughter's ignorance Lady Liu."

"No, you don't have to sorry for her, concubine Li." she looked at her and said in an overbearing voice. "In fact, you're in the wrong here. Release your hand from her!"

"I-I'm very sorry Lady Liu." Li Suyun kowtowed and pitifully said.

"Rise! Concubine Li, it's never a good thing to forbid a curious child asking a question. Don't do that again! Do you understand?"

"This concubine understand, Lady Liu." Li Suyun bowed her head.

"Well ..., come again? Ah, that's right Unique Ability is it ..., as you know, Unique Ability is a different kind of power from the cultivation system that used by some special people. Not every Pahlawan Mulia1 are Unique Ability holders, but a Unique Ability holder always a Pahlawan Mulia. Well, if he/she got killed before making it to the Pahlawan Mulia then that's it." she chuckled a bit before patted my head, "But the Unique Ability Holder has the potential to reach the peak."

Mom smiled at me and put more strength on her hand that hugged me before saying, "even if he has Low-Grade Talent."

I think there was some hidden meaning behind those smiles, but I didn't want to think too much about it and just ask. "What kind of power did they use? Is it different than mine?"

"Hmmm ...," She glanced at Arianne who sat on the table, and Therese with the white dove, "son, so the power you have is that you can summon an object or a person from another dimension right?"

"Yes. Did someone has those power before?"

This was really unexpected. I didn't think someone has other special abilities like what I have. But with this, I couldn't pass the unnecessary explanation about my system. A convenient misunderstanding.

"I'm not sure ..., I think I've heard it somewhere, but I just can't remember it ..., uhmm ..." mom put her hand on her pointed chin frowning.

"The Demon King!" Hei Shujiao suddenly shouted.

"Aahhh ..., that's right, Demon King, how can I forget that name. Concubine Hei, it seems you're more knowledgeable than me about this, why don't you explain it!"

"Ah, there's no such thing, Lady Liu, I just like reading history books so, I know a little bit." Hei Shujiao suddenly called my mom went shy.

"It's fine, tell us what you know about this."

"Alright," Hei Shujiao took a deep breath and explained, "In the past, there was some exceptional figure with Unique Ability that very different from the orthodox element-based cultivation or weapon-specialized cultivation. The first one to appear was the Holy Emperor. His autobiography recorded that he was born from a simple farmer family in the countryside. His father name him Jiang Chen, as Chen in the Morning-"

"Uhm, concubine Hei, isn't your story a bit too long? Just tell us the shorter version of it." Mom suddenly intervened.

"I'm sorry, I'll do as Lady Liu has asked. Continue with the story, Jiang Chen was someone who deemed as worthless by the ancient sect standard, that's not it. Yes, Jiang Chen has Unique Ability to see-through a person's soul and the true nature of a material. With that power, he created a device that helps him cultivate to overcome his trash talent. At the age of 30, Jiang Chen founded the High Heaven Empire and reign over Lastarte Continent."

"Okay, stop ..., son, you got the point right, this Chen guy has the power to see person true nature, he also can see object true worth. With that power, he crafted many complicated devices and somehow built an empire. Got it, good, continue with the next Unique Ability holder, concubine Hei."

My mom shortens 500 pages autobiography into one paragraph.

"Y-yes, somehow Lady Liu summarized it a lot." Hei Shujiao a bit uncomfortable with how mom's explained thing, she continued, "The next known Unique Ability Holder is the Beast King, he got the power to tame the demonic beast and his best achievement is to reign over the west part of Lastarte Continent as Monarch of Maldigan Kingdom.

The next is Fate Diviner, he has the power to see a person fate and manipulate it, his original body is lived six thousand years ago, however right now, until now he has reincarnated into five bodies in a different era."

"Reincarnated?" I got curious about this because I also am a reincarnated person.

"Yes, his soul occupy another body and continue living. The last reincarnation is nine hundred years ago."

"Stepmother Hei ..., is it possible for this person to reincarnated again?"

"I don't know, but I think sometime in the future he will appear again. In the last incarnation, he said something like he will come again when great chaos erupted in the world."


"Continue with the next Unique Ability Holder, concubine Hei!" mom said.

"Demon King and Space Walker are the next Pahlawan Mulia that has Unique Ability. Demon King has the power to call over an army of demons. He conquered three-quarter part of the Lastarte Continent at his peak. However, before he becomes the second conqueror of the continent after the Holy Emperor, another Pahlawan Mulia killed him and end his tyrant reign.

As for Space Walker, he doesn't have similar ambitious thought like the other Unique Ability Holders. Ah, but he became the richest merchant in the world at that time. You know, he has the ability to walk in any space. With that power and the help of an artifact, he travels through space and mine the Moon."

"Ahh that story ..., The Man who Plunder the Moon, is it?" Yi Shixiao suddenly said.

"Yes, it's a popular story among children!" Hei Shujiao nodded.

"The man who stole the moon? Just what stone he dug up there?" I asked I was unfamiliar with this story, the former Dian Xianli didn't remember any story like that.

"Well ..., maybe next time mommy will tell you, Son. With this, the summary of Unique Ability Holder is finished. Let's back to the main topic, Son, right now you have a Unique Ability similar to Demon King. And with that ability, what will you do to persuade Gu Clan?"

"If it's mom, what would you do to make them listen to our request?" I asked her.

I wanted to know what this scary mother of mine planning. If she was really what I remember, then she would be a vicious cunning woman. I am curious about what her plan is.

"Hmmm ..., right, even before this Gu clan's young miss won't agree with the marriage arrangement. And now, with the situation of our family, they will likely cancel this arrangement. Soon they will send someone here." Mom calmly stated while gently stroking my hair.

She stopped her hand and shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know, I can't think of anything. If we have something that they want, maybe they will hold back from canceling the marriage arrangement until they deem us as no longer useful. If we have something that they absolutely want to get, then they will sacrifice that young miss. But, what do we have now?"

Give them something precious to make them think that our family still striving ..., not that much different from my plan. If I give them some benefits in aiding us, they will agree to be our helper. If what I offer is not to their liking, then they will ask more.

Well, what can I expect from greedy Chinese nobleman, ah, I mean Jiang nobleman ...

But true, mom must be thinking about what do we have now and what can we give to them.

"Well ..., let's give them something then. That's right, Mom, this card ..., can you read the description?" I showed her the 18 cards on my hand.

Mom looked at them, despite I knew that she look at it beforehand.

She shook her head, "I'm sorry son, mommy can't read it."

Well ..., it was written in alphabets and in English so it was not surprising if she couldn't read this.

"Ah, okay fine then ... You know, these cards are different from one to another. Like how the first card summoned that dove and the second one summoned Arianne. Each card could summon different things or did different effects."

"Umu ..., I somehow can understand it. This card here," she pointed at the [Cave Acolyte(Y)] card in my hand, "this will summon the person inside it, is that correct, son?"

"Yes, that's how it works. As for the other like this card with blue lotus, this gem fragment, or this fire sword it will summon the object illustrated on the card." I also showed my stepmothers and stepsisters about the card.

"Humuhumu ..., continue the explanation, son." Mom nodded her head.

"Mom, if I remember it correctly, the Gu clan specialized in fire technique cultivation right?"

"Ee, you're right son."

"Then, what if I gift them this sword?" I operated the UI that only I could see and summon the [Sword of Blaze(R)].

[Do you wish to materialize Sword of Blaze? You need two Void Crystals or one Red Crystal to perform this action. Confirm?]

A reddish light whirlpool appeared in front of me and a sword made of red light materialized. In the end, the light materialized as a steel blade in an obsidian black scabbard.

The design is like a one-handed sword commonly seen on Fantasy RPG. As for the length, it's 1,6 m and the width is 6~3 cm. A rather slim sword perfect for stabbing and slashing. The only special thing about this sword is that it has an effect of heat around it. Yes, like the blurry hot air around the fireplace or gasoline pump. That kind of effect.

"What in the High Heaven this sword made of!?" mom put up a surprised face and even shouted.

The other stepmothers and stepsisters also gasped seeing the sword. But I was surprised by how mom reacted so I pay them no attention.

It's the first time I saw her like this. She didn't get startled with Arianne or the white dove summoning.

I didn't know what her reaction when I summoned the Paltiac's Tome on the first battle.

But this, she loses her cool and ever smiles face just because I materialize a sword?

Well, yes ... it's not something just a sword. This is a [Sword of Blaze(R)]. A sword, but with ablaze. It was the basic Red Equipment Card. Not some kind of old artifact, so why she seems so surprised?


"Son, forget about the Gu Clan, Let's send this sword to my Liu family, they will absolutely help us! Don't worry, I'll make sure they will."

"Does Liu clan also interested in this sword? But, didn't Liu clan are great for their Wood element?"

"Don't mind small things. Even if Liu clan is filled with cultivator who specialized in Wood element cultivation, mommy could guarantee that they will agree to anything you said to get this sword."

"Did mom just said that your clan won't send anyone?"

"Don't you know the true value of this sword? It's a Rank 5 Artifact! It's not something that you can get every day. Even if this was fire element artifact, and even if they hate me and the Dian Clan to the bone, they won't let go of this opportunity."

"But still ..., I think sending this as a gift to Gu clan is the best choice."

"Why?" She asked in grief.

"Not only we can gain a decent helper, but we will also make Gu clan indebted to us. If this sword then went to Gu Fenglin's hand, then she will likely agree with marrying me. In one swim two islands passed."

Yes, that was my plan. But, was the world that easy? No, Gu Fenglin was an arrogant unruly young miss. She likely wouldn't accept this gift of her fiancee. As for the reason, of course, it was because of her petty pride.

"..., if only your plan will work. Mommy thinks the Gu's would not accept your gift."

"Yeah ..., If that does not work, I will make it a trade."

"Still, it would be better if you send it to my clan ..." Mom still on it.

"I insisted on building a relationship with Gu clan."

"Alright then. In the first place, this sword is yours. You decide what you will do with this ... That's what my son said, do you have any objection?" Mom asked the others, but no one raised a voice. "..., alright everyone has agreed. We'll follow your plan, son. So who will be the one who sends it to Xianjing City?"

"Uhm, I have someone in my mind. But let's postpone this matter and talk about the next subject."

"What is it, there's more you want to say?"

"Yes, lord ..., my sound barrier couldn't last any longer than this." Therese's face went pale and she seems struggled. Ah right, we have talked for about twenty minutes.

"Hold it for at least 3 minutes, Therese. Yes, this is the most important thing I need to ask you." I took a deep breath and asked, "I need money."


"Yes, I need it. A lot."

"Why do you need it son, are the pocket money I gave you isn't enough?"

"No, I need it to buy more of these cards."

If the plan didn't work, then I have to face them with my card system. I have to bet everything on the number. The Rare Card Allescar has the cultivation level of Elder Warrior - 2 , but I couldn't relly on him too much. After all, Elder Warrior is just some weakling in front of the true Knight.

"Hmmm ..., it's tough." Mom put a heavy expression and then glanced at Qian Yuerou.

"As Lady Liu knows, the treasury in this building is emptied and Lord Husband's collection has been pilfered. Right now we have nothing besides what we brought from the capital."

"You've heard it, son. We're poor right now, mommy can't give you that. Mommy is sorry."

"Even a single coin?"

"If what you need is in a small number, then I can still spare you some. However we also need to eat and continue living, so I can only ..., concubine Qian!"

"We could give Young Master thirty coins at best. If we sold all of our belongings, then we could spare eighty coins."

"That's what she said ...,"

Right now I still have 80 gold coins from the recent card pack opening. Add that with 30 coins of this world, maybe I can buy two copper card Packs.

"That's fine, it'll do with thirty coins," I said.

"If you say so, son ... later on, ask concubine Qian for the money, okay?"

"Umu ..., then this discussion is ended?"

"Let's end it with this. You may return to your activities." stepmothers and stepsisters walked outside.

In the room, there were only me, my mother, Therese, Arianne, and the white dove. As for why I didn't leave, it's because my mom hugs me tightly.

"What will you do today, son?"

"I want to read some books in the library."

"Oh, that's unusual ...,"

"Well, that's ..."

I was somehow ashamed with the former Dian Xianli, he only knows how to enjoy life and get merry. He gambles in gambling den, drinking, prostitution. Though he was a young boy in age, he already enjoying adult entertainment.

Because my mom spoiled me too much, she just let me do what I want. As for father, he also didn't care too much about it. At first, he got mad at me because of it, but it gets in my left ear and went out in my right.

"You know, son. Mommy loves you soo much ..., whatever you do, and whatever the consequences, I will support you."

Did she just read my mind again?

"Mhm ..., Don't worry mom. I know what I'm doing. I will diligently study and be useful." I nodded even though I still doubted her.

"Silly son, don't force yourself, alright?"

"I know." I nodded again.

She kissed my cheek and said,

"Alright then, go do your thing."

Mom released me, but this time I hugged her from the front.

"Oh my ..." she put her hand on my head and back and gently stroked my hair.

Burying my face on her plump breast. It's the nostalgic squishy feeling of a breast, but somehow I didn't feel any lust from it. I just feel like, that's right, warm. She is warm.

After some time I released her, and said, "Thank you, mom."

"Uhuhu ..., you're welcome, son." she chuckled with a devious smile.

"Well ..., let's go, Therese!"

"L-lord, me! What about me!?" Arianne from the side asked.

I looked at the red hooded girl and the sword in the table. I planned to make Allescar be the one who sends it. But, this girl is also Red, maybe she will do much better than him.

"Arianne, You will be responsible to send this sword to Gu Clan, Gu Fenglin, understand?"

"Gu Fenglin of Gu Clan, Got it. But who in the Helheim is that?"

"Butler Luze will accompany you, he will do the introduction."

"Understood, lord. When will I depart?" Before I answer her question, mom interjected.

"Tomorrow ..., she will go tomorrow morning. Son, let mommy have a talk with this girl, alright? And also, write a letter to your fiancee. I want you to leave a good impression on her."

"Alright, then." I nodded before turn back to the Pyromancer, "Arianne, you follow my mom, okay?"

"Lord, I want to stay by your side! Please, I feel something horrible will happen, my danger perception is tingling!" Arianne grabbed my thigh and begged.

I don't know, why do you seem that afraid of my mom? Was she that scary? I looked at Therese who smiled as if pitying Arianne. I think my mom did something with Therese last night.

But nevertheless, I wouldn't care about that. Let's upgrade the system like what I planned this morning.

"Mom, can I borrow your chambermaid for today?"

"My maid?"

"Yes, that Juewang girl."

"Oh, okay ...," Mom nodded.

"That's that. You will depart tomorrow, Arianne, so rest well today. And please release me."

"No ...!! Don't leave me, Lord!"

I ignored her scream and went to the library with Therese and the white dove.

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