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95% LOST AND FOUND / Chapter 57: Best Friends

Chapter 57: Best Friends

She heard a knock and went there to open. Her

heartbeat skipped severally when she saw the

person at the door.

"What are you doing here Deo?"

"I actually love it when you call me Dee" his

deep voice vibrated around her and she shifted


She smiled softly. "That does not answer my


"And I suppose that is the newest mode of

greeting. Are you going to invite me in?" He did

not wait for her answer as he stepped into the

well furnished apartment. Tola bit back a groan

as she closed the door slightly, not wanting to

take anything for granted. She would not allow

what happened in Mbale to repeat itself.

"I have missed you Tee, I have not seen you for eight days now, which is ever since you left Lucy's

place, giving the lame excuse of an 'unofficial'


Tola swallowed and breathed slowly, as slowly as

she could manage.

"Listen Dee" she wondered if she had just called him that spontaneously or if she did because he said he liked it. "I know I should have forgotten that little accident in Mbale but I have not because I can't help the feeling of guilt whenever I am with Lucy. I can't have you around me Deo" she took a calming breath.

"And do you think you are the only one with

feelings? Listen; ever since I kissed you, I have

not been able to think straight. I have had-"

"Stop it" she yelled. "Don't make me hate you."

"You can hate me all you want but please listen

to me" he paced restlessly and Tola could see

how he was struggling to keep his emotions at check.

An instant panic grew within her as her heart

raced wildly. Deo went to stand in front of her and took a calming breathe. "I don't know when you started growing on me Tola" he began and

anger came up within her as she looked at the

man who was trying to come between two friends.


"Please let me talk Tee" he groaned and walked to the window, staring out. His fists folded and unfolded.

"I don't know if it was when Lucy introduced me to you, you were putting on a flimsy short gown which barely covered your thighs and you had me wondering how you could wear that cloth comfortably" he breathed.

Tola was stunned that he could remember what she wore that day. She also remembered that he had been looking too handsome in a grey suit and a white shirt.

"Or maybe it was when we had to deal with Lucy's disappearance together" he turned to face her and she was thrown off-balance by the look of struggle and discomfort she saw. She concentrated on breathing properly.

"I found myself thinking about you at very

inappropriate times. You occupied my thoughts

and I discarded it, thinking that my feelings towards you were platonic. Even though I was terribly worried about Luciana's safety, I discovered that being with you made me feel great and happy and I always found one excuse or the other to see you."


He grabbed her hands. "I love you Tola. Ever since we left Mbale, I could think of no one else but you. Hearing what your Ex did to you made me want to live the rest of my life putting smiles on your face. I –"

"Jesus, Deo" she yelled, snatching her hands from his. "Are you crazy? I found out that men were cruel and heartless but I never counted you among them because I thought you were different. Jesus! You are Lucy's boyfriend!" she exclaimed.

"Do you know who Lucy is to me?" she roamed

her sitting room in anger. "She is my best friend.

Did you hear that? My best friend!" she screamed, throwing her hands up in the air. "You know what? Just leave. I know what to do; I will go and clear my conscience with Lucy.

Leave Deo, please" she yelled.


"Leave" Tola screamed and propelled him to the

door, slamming the door hard. Tears clung to her

eyes and she blinked them away. She had

vouched never to cry for a man; she just was not

sure why men always tried to toy with her feelings. As much as she tried to prevent the tears, they came rolling down her cheeks and she wiped them away furiously. She had successfully locked away her feelings for Deo, not willing to allow a man come between her and Luciana.

Why must men behave so unfairly with her? She

grabbed her purse and left the apartment with a

mind to put a stop to this drama.

Lucy lay on the bed looking lost. No one had been able to get her out of her moody state. Life was so unfair to her. How could she love the brother of someone who had brought her so much sorrow? How could she be in love with a rapist's brother? Her head ached terribly as she made her way to the window. Then the second obstacle: he was expecting a baby!

Lucy had never felt so miserable in her life. She

never had fallen in love but now that she was, she was in love with the wrong person; in love with the

brother of her worst enemy. Lucy wondered what

sort of test God was putting her through. She just wanted to be happy, to feel loved for once in her life.

Her door flung open and she spun, wiping away the tears in her face. Lucy had never seen Tola so shaky and uncertain. She looked like she had been crying.

"Tola, are you alright?" Lucy asked, alarmed with concern.

Tola prevented Luciana from moving close to her. "Please don't come closer Lucy, don't make me feel guiltier than I currently do. Please."

"What is the matter T.J?"

"I have betrayed our friendship Lucy; I need to tell you something before the guilt kills me. Please promise me that you will forgive me."

Luciana breathed. If she were to choose a friend

over and over again, she would always choose Tola. She opened her arms and hugged Tola, knowing that they were both going through trying times. "I know what you are about to say."

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