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93.33% LOST AND FOUND / Chapter 56: My Step Brother

Chapter 56: My Step Brother

"Ouch" Lucy said softly responding to the pinch that Tola had given her before running off and Ray smiled. Lucy felt uncomfortable, being left alone with him, it was as if the policemen at the counter had vanished even though they were still there. She shifted uncomfortably.

"So what has brought you here?"

"God" he gazed into her eyes. She looked away,

too shy to respond to the taunt and he smiled,

knowing that it was that shy attitude that amused him most about her.

"Actually, I am here, though unwillingly, to see my mistake of a brother. Step-brother actually. Fred."

"Who?" Lucy blanched.

"Fred. He called for me and I came to give him a

piece of my mind" his anger returned slightly.

"Fred? Your brother."

"Stepbrother actually. I wish he wasn't. I know I

never told you about him, he is like a prodigal


Lucy fumbled with her phone and Ray became


"Is it this person?"

He stared at the picture on his phone and frowned deeply. "Yes. How do.."

"Oh my God" Lucy gasped as she stared at Raymond with tears coming rapidly.

"What is it sugar?"

She backed away when he tried to touch her. He was instantly alarmed.

"Oh no! That is the guy that stabbed me" Raymond froze as he stared at her.

"He stabbed me" she exclaimed.

"Ray" They both turned and faced Tinka who

approached with anger in her stride.

The day couldn't have been more worse, Raymond thought.

"What the hell are you doing here Tinka? Are you trailing me now?"

"No. I came to visit a friend nearby and I saw your car and knew you were here." She faced Lucy. "Have I not warned you to stay away from my man? You are trying to tie him up with crocodile tears right?" Lucy was too shocked and stunned to pay Tinka any attention.

"Accept defeat my dear. Guess what? I am pregnant. I am carrying Raymond's baby."

Lucy froze, wondering if she had heard correctly.

She shifted her gaze to Raymond but he did not

look shocked, he had obviously been informed.

She held her head and ran out in tears, not hearing Tola who was busy calling her.

Tola held back Raymond when he tried to pursue Lucy. Tinka saw her and gasped.

"Raymond, I do not intend to meddle in your private affair but I suggest you find out if that child she is carrying is truly yours. She stole my fiancé from me six weeks ago by offering him her body, don't get saddled with a bastard" she fixed Tinka a cold glare and ran off to catch up with Lucy.

Roaring fire would have been the perfect description for Raymond's mood when he got

home. He hadn't been able to go through with

seeing Fred, and not that he cared but Tinka's

matter seemed more important.

"What is wrong Ray?" Vicky asked immediately he marched inside. Ray was in no mood to give answers because he himself wanted answers.

Immediately Tinka entered, Vicky got her answer.

"Please Ray, believe me, they are toying with your head. I have never set my eyes on that lady. Neither do I know any Timothy."

Ray tried desperately to calm his nerves.

"I am not disputing that fact, just give me the results."

"Did I not say she was carrying a bastard?" Vicky


"Shut it Vicky" Raymond yelled, losing his temper,

which he rarely did. Tinka always pushed him to the wall.

"Hey, don't vent your anger on me. It is not my

fault that this tramp is a harlot."

"I would have you swallowing your words." Tinka said to Vicky, successfully retrieving the paper from her handbag.

Raymond knew that if she was truly pregnant for

him, she should be two months and one week gone by now but since the test was carried out two weeks ago, he blanched then he saw one

month, three weeks. Tinka touched him.

"I told you that she lied."

Ray shook his head, refusing to give up. "Let's go

to the hospital."

"No! I am not leaving this place."

"Of course you are" Vicky said, moving towards

her. "Move before I move you."

Raymond was already in the car and Vicky

successfully moved Tinka to the car.

They all alighted from the car in silence and

marched into the hospital.

"Doc T. Please I need the lab results of the

pregnancy test we did two weeks ago" he did not

bother greeting.

Doctor Timothy opened his drawer. "I knew you

would ask for it later."

"How far gone is she?"

The doctor looked at the paper. "Well, here, she

is one month and about one week gone. Since it

was conducted two weeks ago, she should be one

month, three weeks pregnant."

Vicky hollered. "I said it!"

"There must be a mistake" Tinka was shaking.

"There is no mistake woman, I monitored it myself. Should the timing be longer or shorter?" The doctor asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter Doc T. I am forever in your debt. He stood and walked out with a billion dollar smile on his face."

Tola brushed her hair with a brush before using

a comb. She considered the long hair a waste of

time because it always gave her trouble when she needed to comb it. For the umpteenth time, she considered cutting it. She took her hair band and held her hair firmly behind her head. She was worried about Luciana. Lucy had not said much to her ever since she fled from the police station about a week ago. She had become withdrawn and quiet. Tola wished she had heard what transpired between Lucy, Raymond and that Olivia girl who turned out to be Tinka, Raymond's fiancée. The only part she had heard was the part where Tinka declared that she was pregnant. She wondered if her pregnancy was what made Lucy flee. Even though Tola was sure that the child was not for Raymond, she wondered why that information would affect Lucy so much. Except…

Tola shook her head. Lucy was not one to date

several men at a go, in fact, she was not into men. That brought her to Lucy's attitude towards Deo. Deo was a man that every woman would dream to have. He was someone who was loving, handsome, faithful, hardworking, established and so on; but she noticed that Lucy still behaved around him the same way she used to when they were friends. Tola did not see the spark of a woman in love in her eyes but she had noticed something when she was with Raymond at the station. It was not the look of a fan to celebrity she saw in Lucy's eyes, she saw that glow, that discomfort that the presence of a man could bring out of a lady; especially a lady in love.

"No" she murmured to herself. She needed to see

Lucy and make her talk by all means.

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