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Chapter 21: Discharged

Two weeks passed and the turmoil continued.

Everyone went from pillar to post looking for Lucy but no one came close to finding her. The tension going on in the houses of her loved ones was so terrible. Tola had gone from one hospital to the other in search of her best friend, all to no avail. The break she had begged for at work had now elapsed and she had to resume work.

Remembering that this same job came as a result

of Lucy's influence, she winced. She doubted she

would be able to concentrate at work. She picked up her intercom when it rang. "Yes?… oh… let him in" she said and immediately adjusted her face, in order not to show signs of depression. She had become close to Deo over the past few days. She had never really liked him ever since he became friends with Lucy; she never quite trusted him with her friend's heart. She had been playing the protective sister, even though they were not siblings. She had suspected Deo's real feelings right from the onset but Lucy had been too blinded by work and independence to see the obvious. Even Deo seemed to fight the feeling for a long time. She smiled.

Deo entered the office with a smile on his face even though the smile did not reach his heart, due to the pain he was feeling. He never knew Tola was so cool till now. She had always been hostile, looking at him with hostile eyes every time he went to visit Lucy. He guessed she was just looking out for her friend, but when he tried to break the hostile façade and didn't succeed, he forgot about her.

"Hi Tola" he greeted with the smile still playing on his face.

"Hey Dee" she said with a smile also. Deo did not know why he loved that nickname she formulated for him. It brought a smile to his face, a genuine one.

"What an honour to have you in my office on a Monday morning. Only a boss like you can leave the office on a Monday morning" she teased, pointing to a seat opposite her.

"I had to. I came to tell you something."

"I am all ears" she said seriously, suspecting that

they were about to talk about her friend.

"I am going to the East" he declared.

"For what? Did you hear anything?"

"No… actually, I was given a contract by one of

the top government officials in the Eastern region some months ago and the job needs to be executed. You know these government officials, they will not listen to any excuse, no matter how tangible, as long as it involves an agreement. I really wish I could stay or send some of my workers but I have been told that I need to deliver it myself so that I would not have the excuse that the fault came from my employees" his eyes pleaded for understanding.

Tola smiled faintly. She knew he was being sincere but she did not know why she was disappointed. She almost felt like he was running away from his responsibility to her friend. She sighed.

"I also want to use that opportunity to comb that state looking for that filthy peasant. Northern Uganda is already thoroughly combed but he is not

there; Kampala also. Since I am going to the East, I

will make sure I leave no stone unturned." Deo finished.

Tola smiled again. She could see the love and pain in his eyes and she felt sorry for him.

"It is alright Dee… I understand" she said.

He smiled again. "Thanks a lot. I also want to thank you again for what you did for me; getting me out of police custody."

"How many times do you want to thank me? It is

almost two weeks now" she was surprised.

"What would I have done? I did not know that my lawyer had travelled. If you hadn't been there, I

probably would have slept in that cell for many nights and have those thugs beat me up, asking

me to confess to something I know nothing about."

Tola laughed. She was always happy whenever she had to flex her power as a lawyer. She felt fulfilled because, she was working for a fast-rising law firm.

"You don't have to thank me" she said.

"I have to. Something still baffles me though…

who sent those people to arrest me? As far as I know, that police station is not the one we registered this case in."

Tola was thoughtful. "Yeah… I have thought of that. Don't worry though, I am on it" she said with confidence.

Deo laughed. "I think I should have you as my new lawyer."

She gave a mock bow. "At your service."

"Please don't relent in your efforts. Life feels

useless without Lucy, please" he pleaded.

"You know I can't do that. She is my best friend."

She seemed surprised.

"Thanks" Deo responded.

"Doc T, do you really think she can be discharged

now? Is she fit to leave?" Ray was so worried that something might happen to Brenda and that was the last thing he needed.

"Well, do you want to test her yourself to be sure?"

"I would have loved to if I knew what to do. Is she ready to leave now?"

Dr. Timothy nodded.

He had bought some clothes and given them to the doctor some days back because Brenda had been putting on the hospital gown ever since.

Dr. Timothy stood up and led the way to Brenda's

room, happy that once again, his hospital had

rescued an almost impossible case. The fact that

her being alive had almost nothing to do with

them was very obvious though; he was sure she would have survived in a poor hospital. She is definitely God's favourite.

Immediately they entered the room, they both

couldn't go beyond the door post as they stared

at the person standing beside the nurse. Nurse

Rola was beaming from ear to ear. The look on

the faces of the two men told her she had done a

good job even though she did next to nothing.

Attending to beautiful patients always made her

like her job as a nurse because she loved to play

dress up.

Dr. Timothy quickly composed himself and went to

meet his patient. "I really would like to meet the

idiot that almost murdered you because I would

love to retaliate. He is however lucky that you

are fine now. How are you feeling now?"

Brenda smiled a little. "I am fine doctor, thank

you so much for everything; you too nurse, you

have made my stay here very lively." Nurse Rola


"Don't thank us; we were only doing our job. We

thank God. The only person that needs to be

appreciated is Mr. Raymond. He really tried."

Everyone's gaze moved to Ray who was still

standing at the door.

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