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Thrown Out

Raymond left the state of unconsciousness and

opened his eyes. He had a splitting headache

which needed immediate attention. As he was

about to stand up to relieve himself in the toilet, his hand hit someone and he turned. The unadulterated details of the previous night came

flooding back and he fell back on the bed.

He shook his head at the remembrance. He had

known that he was making a huge mistake

yesterday but he still continued. The gentility he

usually used with her was nowhere to be found and he just held and treated her the way he would have treated a prostitute. His anger had fueled him and he had worked on her like he was dishing out a punishment. He wondered why he was so angry. He did not feel anything for Bella, so why was that anger so strong? He was angry because he could not love someone who deserved to be loved. He was angry because he knew that Tinka had

contributed to Bella's departure. He was angry

because Bella was sad. He was angry because

Tinka had crawled into his bed again. But most of all, he was angry because he had made Tinka a promise.

He exhaled and stood up slowly, went to the toilet to empty his bladder and entered the room again. He looked at Tinka's sleeping frame on the bed and wondered why he did not feel the usual desire to touch her that always came after their lovemaking. And now, he also wondered why 'lovemaking' did not seem like a good term to use for their passionate night. Sex is the closest word that came to mind when he thought of their night.

"Come back to bed baby" Tinka said with a coy

smile on her face.

Raymond turned, saw her smile and shook his

head with his back to her. "No. Get up, get dressed and leave my house."

"What? Are you crazy?"

Ray turned to face her again and immediately

regretted his action. She was nude from her waist

upwards. Surprisingly, he was not really aroused.

"Get dressed and get the hell out of my house" he yelled and stormed out of the room.

Ray was so furious and disappointed in himself. How could he have slept with her after all that

happened; especially when he was thinking of

leaving her? He had just made things difficult. He sighed as he picked up a bottle of water from the fridge. Now, Bella was no longer around to grace the house with the fascinating aroma of her cooking. He shook his head and drank some water. He heard the pounding of feet against the tiled floor and knew that he was in for another bout of argument.

Tinka entered the kitchen dressed in the same cloth he had seen on her last night. He no longer

found it tempting, in fact, it was annoying because he could only imagine a prostitute in such a ridiculous cloth; he secretly wondered if she actually left her house in it.

"What is the meaning of what you said in there?

Oh… you think you can just use me and dump me like that?" She asked, demonstrating with her

hands. "It is not possible, you hear me?" she was

vibrating from head to toe.

Ray finished the water in his hands, dropped the

bottle and left Tinka in the kitchen but she marched after him.

"Ray… Ray… are you not the one I am talking to?

Don't you dare ignore me… Ray…" she yelled.

Ray left the main building and entered the mini

building at the back of the house which he used as a gym. He removed his phone to check his

notifications and was alarmed when he saw several missed calls from Duke, Philip and Sam.

He swore loudly. That witch had made him forget his outing with his friends. They must be really mad right now. He could not begin to imagine how pissed off they must be. He thought of exercising and calling later but decided against it. He took out his phone and called Duke.

"Before you say anything, I am sorry….. You don't understand….. If you knew what I met at home, you would understand….. No, not a python, something much worse than that" Ray smiled internally, knowing that he was just trying to bring down his friend's anger.

"My house was on fire o….." he could not hold

back his laughter when he heard his friend yelling. "I am sorry, not that kind of fire….. I know….."

Just then, Tinka stormed the gym. She had gone back inside to put on her slippers when she

discovered that Ray was leaving the building.

"Eeeeehhhnnn… so you are talking to that witch

ehn? You this stupid womanizer. Give me that phone" she yelled. She got to him, within the

twinkling of an eye, yanked the phone from his

hand and threw it against the wall. The phone


Ray's fury had reached the limit. He grabbed her

hand and dragged her with so much force, that her

arm almost got dislocated. He opened the door

of the gym and continued dragging her out. Her

short strides could not match his long ones and

she almost fell in the process but he did not even give a damn. He opened the gate and threw her out. Before he could close the gate, she had already bounced back in. He glared at her, his eyes throwing daggers at her.

"Get the hell out of my house this instant" he


She started crying. Ray hated this so much and he

clenched his fists in anger. "You are a monster, a

bastard, a cheat. You took my virginity and used

me for years and now you want to throw me away? I am not going anywhere."

Ray gritted his teeth in anger and guilt. His life was in shambles, he thought. He glared at Tinka for some time until he was tired of looking at her. He opened the gate wide before going inside to get his car keys. He returned with the keys, entered his car and drove out leaving Tinka there with the gate wide open.

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