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70% Vampire Knight Love Lost / Chapter 14: Fourteen.

Chapter 14: Fourteen.

For the next month, Zero does his best to be extra nice to Elena. He feels terrible about what he did. Yet, loved every second of it. It goes through his mind over and over again. Just how Yuki really made him feel. That it was even better than his dreams. Just wishing it could happen again and again. Yet knowing, who knows when if ever they saw each other again. Not to mention Elena would be having their child any minute now. Which still brought him joy. He knew Yagari wouldn't ever tell Elena what happened. He was a good friend and would never want to hurt her like that. So Zero felt safe. He also knew that Elena was so happy. He wasn't ever telling her either. It was just another secret he would hold dear.

At the end of the month, Elena goes into labor, Zero right there to hold her hand. Taking her to the hospital. Elena thinking, she had the greatest husband ever. That finally they were happy. After a long ten hours, Elena finally gave birth to their son. 8 pounds 20 inches long. White silver hair with lavender eyes. Just like his father. There was no denying this child was Zero's. Which only made him happier. He loved that Elena was pure and never slept around. That she was his and only his. It was another reason He married her. Why he consented to have a child with her. He knew no matter what She would stay. Rai was the apple of his mother's eye. She would hold him for hours just staring at him. Rocking him back and forth. Zero knew he had picked the right person to have children with.

The next couple of months go without a hitch. Elena stays home with the child and takes care of him. Like its nothing. She was born to be a mother. She takes care of him and still has dinner on the table when Zero comes home from work. They sit down and tell each other what took place. Enjoying the others company. After dinner and the dishes, they put Rai to bed and head there themselves. Getting comfier and comfier with married life. It's now three years of marriage and they both settled in.

After another month goes by, Elena wants to go back to her teaching job. Missing it. Even though she knows she will miss staying at home with the baby as well. Zero said it's her choice. If she wanted to, she could stay home. He made plenty of money to support them. Not to mention they had no rent. The association took care of that. Yet Elena felt it was best to go back. She missed her other children as well.

After a few days back to school, She sees Kaname walking the halls. Just getting done a meeting with Kaien.

"Good morning Kaname," Elena says.

"Morning Elena. You're looking lovely."Kaname says.

"I want to thank you for keeping them apart. I think. We both should have a great life now." Elena states.

"I want to say I am sorry for the mishap a few months ago."Kaname answers.

"What do you mean?" Elena asks.

"At the Charity ball, I knew. I shouldn't have given into her. She just wouldn't take no for answer. I see it was just to see him again."Kaname states.

Elena taking a seat in the bench up against the wall.

"It was on a Friday wasn't it?" Elena asks.

"Yes. She told me everything that happened. She was very honest. It has taken a lot for me to even try to forgive her."Kaname states.

"What did they do? What happened?" Elena asks. Staring up at Kaname.

"You don't know?" Kaname asks.

"NO! He didn't even tell me there was any kind of ball. It was supposed to be a work meeting." Elana shouts.

"It was a meeting alright. I am sorry to have to tell you this But they made love." Kaname remarks coldly.

Elena getting up and beating Kaname's chest with her fists.

"I told you! Not to let them see each other Ever!"She shouts as she pounds his chest.

No one ever doing that to the pureblood. Yet he liked her boldness. He knew how she felt and let her go. Seeing the rage in her eyes.

"I know but like I said there was no getting out of it. I am sorry. It hurt me just as much. I will make sure it doesn't happen again. She is trying to make it work with me now anyway. We are having a child."Kaname states.

"IS it yours?" Elena asks bluntly.

"Yes, it was something we planned." Kaname comments.

"Keep that whore away from my husband. If you don't I will go after her. I do know how to use the bloody rose. I lived with him long enough to know how."Elena hisses.

"It wasn't only her Elena. You need to see that. He was there as well." Kaname remarks.

"Don't remind me!" She Shouts. Walking to her office. Sobbing.

"How could He? is the only thing she could say over and over again.

Just sitting in her desk chair. Not even answering the phone that keeps ringing off the hook. Not even noticing the time or how dark it's getting outside. It's like she is in a cloud seeing nothing but gloam. What she thought was over, was still there the whole while. He just lied. He kept it from her. She could do two things. Stay quiet and pretend it didn't happen. Or go home and kill him. What good would the latter do? That would only mean Yuki won. She remembers Kaname saying that Yuki was trying and even pregnant now. She would do the first. Just right now she couldn't go anywhere. She could barely move. Little less pretend.

While she is sitting there thinking Yagari comes by.

"Hey, Zero said he has been calling you all night. He is worried that your hurt or something. It's 8. And you're not home yet." Yagari says. Looking at her falling apart. He knows.

"Please tell him, I am not feeling good and I am sleeping in the girl's dorm. I don't want to get the baby sick." Elena answers.

"Are you ok?" Yagari asks.

"I will be. I just need some time." Elena replies.

"If you need anyone to talk to. I am here."Yagari answers.

"Thank you."

Elena spends the night in the girl's dorm just thinking and trying to get herself together. Knowing if she saw him now. She would beat the shit out of him. Her rage just roaring inside of her. How could Kaname the suppose King be so stupid. To let them see each other again. To screw right under his nose. If she would ever get her hands of Yuki, she would wring her neck.

The next morning she just goes to work and acts like its a regular day. Missing her son. Missing her home. Still terribly upset. The thought of seeing Zero only made her sick to her stomach. She stayed a bit later knowing that sooner or later she would have to go home. She wiped her tears and fixed herself getting into her car Driving home. A Home built on lies and deceit. How the man she once thought was so truthful, A man of honor. She now saw him as nothing more than a cheater and a liar.

Elena walks in to see Zero laying on the sofa with Rai laying on top of him. Watching Tv. A site that would bring happiness now just brings pain.

"Elena your home. How are you feeling?" Zero asks. Getting up from the sofa.

"A little better. Sorry, I didn't call last night. I fell asleep in the girl's dorm."Elena says.

"No problem. I am just glad your home now. Don't worry about dinner. I picked some up on the way home from work."Zero states.

"Great, thank you." Elena answers taking her son. Holding him close.

She spends time with the little boy before they both put him to bed. Then taking her shower and heading to bed herself. Zero moving close to her, to hold her near. What she used to crave now just makes her sick. Yet she closes her eyes and doesn't say a word. Not letting on what she truly feels towards him right now. The hatred, the loss of respect. Nothing he would do now would really fix this. Elena was hurt to the core. She just knew she wanted her child to have a father. She wanted things to go back to what they were before. To do that she would have to let go of what she was feeling. It would just take time.

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