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40% Vampire Knight Love Lost / Chapter 8: Eight

Chapter 8: Eight

Its been a week, Elena has stayed with Zero in his dorm room. He does his best to be there for her and with her. Part of her is dead inside. She is lost and broken but she knows She needs to get up. Finish her exams and move forward. She also knows No matter how much it pains her, She needs to let Zero go.

"Why stay with someone who wants someone else? Who doesn't love you? What has it gotten me? Nothing but pain. I look at him and cry. I wanted so much more and better with him."Elena tells herself.

Zero walks out the door, going to visit Yagari. Needing to make plans for his upcoming new job.

"Hey, there is my boy. How are you doing? How is Elena?" Yagari asks.

"I am hanging in there. She is hanging on by a thread." Zero admits.

"That was a lot to handle. Zero if you really don't want her, Now is the time to let her go Before something like that happens again." Yagari states.

"I know She is just so broken right now. I don't know what to do. I don't even know what I want." Zero admits.

"Well, you need to figure it out soon. In a few weeks, the school will be over. You will move into your new apartment from the association. Have a new job and life. You need to figure out if you are taking her with you into this new life? Or leaving her behind?" Yagari states.

"I know When will I be able to move into the apartment?" Zero asks.

"Any time now It's all ready for you. I made sure I got you a nice one. I thought you were going to have a family. So I gave you one with an extra room." Yagari comments.

"Thank you." Zero remarks. Leaving Yagari's classroom.

Still not sure of what he really wants. He knew now was the time to get out, but how? It would hurt her terribly and at the moment she didn't need any more pain.

Zero walks back to his dorm room Seeing Elena sitting up, gathering her things.

"Are you ok?" Zero asks.

"Yes. I am getting my things together. I know I can't stay in your dorm room forever. It's time I move on." Elena says.

Looking at the floor, trying her best not to break down or fall apart. Even though she is trembling and her heart is beating so fast it feels like it's coming out of her chest.

"Zero I want you to always remember that. I love you. I am sorry for everything, pushing it on to you. When I knew you loved someone else. I hope you get all that you want And she makes you happy Since I can't."Elena says. Wrapping her arms around him. Her eyes close and she does her best to hold back the tears.

"I am sorry Elena I couldn't be all you wanted."Zero replies.

Elena picking up her bookbag and clothes heading out the door as fast as she could. As if she stayed even a minute longer, she would have fallen apart. She enters the hallway, where she stands up against the wall trying to catch her breath. Her body trembling hard and tears overtake her. She does her best to get her self together. Walking to her own dorm room. Just falling onto her bed.

The next few days Zero doesn't see any sign of her. She finished up her exams and made sure not to bump into him. Staying away trying to keep herself together for the next two weeks. Till this was over. Zero feels lost and empty. His friend no longer there for him. His dorm room is cold and just leaves sad memories. Ones of Elena and ones of Yuki. How he lost both. Was this what he wanted? She made him free. She didn't let him make the choice, she knew he couldn't. So she did it for him. He thought this was what he wanted. To be free of her. Yet he missed her. Thought about her. There was a pain in his heart and empty space. What should he do?

Elena goes to talk to Yagari. Yagari seeing this frail, sad woman walking into his classroom. Not the one that had everything together.

"Master Yagari can I please have a word with you?" Elena asks.

"Of course What can I do for you?" Yagari asks.

"I wanted to first thank you for the job You gave me at the association When I asked. I don't believe. I will be able to take that now. Also if you could do me a favor and let Kaien know, I will not be taking the teacher job either." Elena states.

"You worked very hard for both of them jobs. You do wonderfully. Why are you giving them up?" Yagari asks.

"I can't stay here. I can't teach here with all the memories. Or know that I can bump into him at any time. He might not want me But I do him. To get over him, I am going home. I will take a teaching job there. Try to move on from what took place here. This is where he lives, where he comes from. It's just better I leave."Elena comments.

"I know your hurting. I understand it I can see it. I am not taking either job away from you. I want you to take the summer off. Get yourself together and let me know if, you feel this way at the end of Aug. If so then I will reassign. Until them, both jobs are yours. You are a very smart woman Elena. Don't let this take you down. I am sure there is a man out there, that will love you. Like you love him." Yagari remarks.

"Master, I can't love anyone the way I love Zero. To be honest, I am glad about that. I never want to feel like this again. I don't even think I want another relationship ever. Once I get myself back, I am just going to concentrate on work. " Elana remarks.

"You always were a smart cookie. I am sure in time the other will come. It was a pleasure to teach you.."Yagari states.

Elena walks out and goes back to her dorm room Packing and boxing all her things up. At the moment, she has made up her mind No matter what Yagari has said. She knew to get over Zero. She had to leave here for good. To see him alone or even with Yuki would kill her. She would never move on Just relive it over and over. This whole campus was filled with memories of there time together.. Good and bad.. Maybe in time, she could return, but not now.

Zero finishes up taking the last of his exams. Taking in that this will be the last time, he is in these classrooms as a student. The last years here being very upsetting. He is glad in a way it is over. As he is walking down the hall, he bumps into Yagari.

"Hey. How are you doing?" Yagari asks.

"Heh, It been a weird few days. "Zero responds.

"What do you mean?" Yagari asks.

"I thought I would feel free, relieved now that Elena set me free. It's just been the opposite effect. I miss her." Zero admits.

"You two went through a lot of adult situations Zero. She will be leaving us. She isn't taking the jobs. She is passing them up So she doesn't see you. She is going home. She is pretty hurt She doesn't even look like the same woman anymore." Yagari states.

"I know when she left my room She was trembling. She was falling apart. I didn't stop her thinking it was for the best But now I am not so sure." Zero says.

"My Boy, once she leaves here it's over. It will be the same thing as Yuki. You let her go You didn't stop her. IS this what you really want? You need to make up your damn mind and fast. You may not be in love with her, but I am sure some very lucky man would be."Yagari replies.

"I see your point." Zero answers. Walking away.

The idea of her with someone else bothers him. He was her first and only at the moment. He liked that. He liked there was no sharing her with anyone. She only had eyes for him No one else existed to her. It was nothing like Yuki. Having to listen to her babble about Kaname. How handsome he was, how well put together. How she loved him. Elena felt all that towards Zero. Then he thought if he let her go, maybe it was in her best interest. He was torn. Just something deep inside of him didn't want her to leave. The thought of never seeing her again bothered him.

"Maybe I can make this work? Then what about Yuki? I do still love her. Freaking Kaname. He isn't letting her go." Zero thought.

Zero walks over to the girl's dorm Feeling a little nervous inside. Wondering if Elena would even talk to him. He goes to her room, her door is open. Zero peeks in seeing her fill boxes with her stuff Getting ready to leave here. Yagari was right She was going home.

"Hey," Zero says looking into the room.

Elena taken by surprise. "Hey." She answers.

"You leaving here?" Zero asks.

"Yes. Heading back home." Elena responds.

"Can I talk to you?" Zero asks.

"I think we pretty much said all we needed to." Elena answers.

"Not really." Zero comments.

"Ok, What's on your mind?" Elena asks. Sitting on her empty bed.

Zero coming into the room Sitting down next to her.

"The last few days have been terrible. I miss you. I miss talking to you." Zero admits.

"I can't be your friend Zero If that is what your asking. It would make things worse for me." Elena states.

"I don't want you to just be my friend. I missed you in every way. I miss touching you." Zero confesses.

"Zero please, you know how I feel about you," Elana responds.

Zero moving in closer to her. "Yes, I do. What I wanted to ask you is. For the summer, if you would give us a chance? Move in with me. I am getting my own apartment. We can see how it goes Just me and you. " Zero asks.

Elena not sure. She heard him right?" Move in with you?"Elena asks.

"Yes, That way we can see where our relationship can go. What do you think?" Zero asks.

"I am not sure. What happens after the summer?"Elena asks.

"Well, if the relationship is working we take it from there. If you still want to go home, Your free to go But we can say we gave it a chance first." Zero responds.

"Zero there is no sense if you still want her," Elena says looking down at the floor.

"I am not going to lie to you. I do still have feelings for her. She is with Kaname. That's not changing. I need to move on as well. The best person to do that with is you. I see you care for me and only me. That means a lot I want to try. I want to make up to you all the wrong that took place." Zero comments.

"Ok. I will move in with you." Elena says. A smile appearing on her face.

One that Zero hasn't seen in a while. He puts his arms around her, and she melts into them. He knows this woman cares deeply even after all that took place.

They graduate Cross Getting their honors and enjoying the day. Elena little by little getting her self back. Still, pieces missing but doing her best to make it through. She asked Kaien to please make sure that the Day class and night class had different ceremonies And that if Yuki was planning on coming to make her be in the night class. Otherwise, she wouldn't go to graduation. Kaien agreed and did as she asked. Keeping them far away from each other. Zero didn't get involved in it. He knew how Elena felt. He wanted her to have this day she truly worked for. Yuki's grades were nowhere near Elena's. Not to mention she missed a year. She was too busy following Kaname around. She didn't need to be here for this. As much as he loved her He wanted this day for Elena. He felt it was the least he could do. He had taken so much from this woman. He wanted her to have some joy and peace.

Denise_M_ Denise_M_


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