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Chapter 3: chapter 2: choosing the world

Wow, what a story has my soul. If read more precisely can be understand that my soul come from alternative reality. There in 1908 tunguska meteorite fell on Spain instead of wilderness of the Seberia and it was made of mana crystals.

If transfer year of the birth of my incarnation in to old estimate 1997, year of my birthday and about my father's parents I know nothing so he maybe is from Italy. Possible that my soul from parallel reality reincarnate in to reflection of himself from this world.

It was very informative but what I do now?

«You can use function "Soul compass" to find a world with matching criteria. recommended to reincarnate before energy what necessary for "Soul shield" drain (prana left for 67 days)

- Where am I and who writes messages?

«You are in grey zone — borderline of Material world and River of the souls. souls here have weak connection to there body and can be resurrect, but recommendation for you is to reincarnate, because your body is not sufficient for life and function of system is not enough for Restoration of the body. Message and interface are displayed by integrated pseudo-mind on basis of your subconscious»

So, in theory I can be saved, but theory is theory and in practice I will be toasted vegetable. If I return in body my future will be bad— agonizing mind locked in it's own body. Reincarnation in new body and in new world sounds better to me.So, I need to use "Soul compass", but I know nothing, how to use this?

«"Soul compass" — is superstructure of the soul, consisting of soul artifacts based on soul magic, space magic, shamanism and fortune telling.

allows navigate and move to choosed landmark in the river of the soul. requirement for user is have no material body. For use function made a mental message «menu», there open «Active skills», pick «soul compass», in opened window write searching criteria. Recommended to pick worlds, acquaintance from myths, legends, fairly tails, books and stories. very likely there are near of your world and information about them leaked from Infosphere when fortune tellers described already existing world in disguised as inspiration. More you set parameters and more accurate they will be, greater is change to find desired world. There is even possibility at birth to take the place of person whose data you include in the search. The enegy of Mind and astral energy is spend for search, you have energy to search 2-3 times. If energy will be insufficient, «Soul compass» will pick nearest inhabited world.»

Okey, so «menu». Window open with text: «Status», «Active skills», «Passive skill», «Setting».

picked second, there found «Soul compass» activated skill. In opened window there was four line: «Entering information from the memory of the mind», «entering information mentally», «Set exact coordinates», «Start search».

First let's think what world I know well and which I want to get. I pick two which I know well: World of the shinobi and the World of magical Britain or in other word, world of Naruto and world of Harry Potter. Ponder over the information I began put in all information I know about Naruto world: approximate dates, names, events. It take long time and after I clicked «Start search». after text popped up.

«Scanning in progress. Wait for complition»

After eight hours, text change

«Scanning complete. Fourteen worlds that satisfying criteria in different degrees has be found, from 100 to 80 percent match»

Picked first world with one hundred percent. again popped message

«Do you confirm the choice?»


If answer is positive, system will turn off your consciousness until the time of entry into the body. Also, consider that your appear may significantly or insignificantly change story or change nothing

Pressed «Yes» consciousness become cloudy, before I lose consciousness.

Wake up, I felt great. like in warm bath, but dark and can't move limbs. Studied a little system but fastly tired and get asleep. Organism of the baby can't be long awake. All time I were wake studied and setting of the system. This is end result


HP. 2/2/0,5h (health points — quantity of the compacted prana stored in the special superstructure in second beginning of the soul. This energy allows you to speed up regeneration,

right up to instant healing. depend on Endurance.)

МР 14/14/2h (mana points — available capacity of the mana in seventh beginning of the soul. depend on magic)

РР 6576/1h (Psy points — accumulated quantity of energy in six beginning of the soul — mental body and mind. depend on intelligence.)

RP 24/24/4h (Reiatsu points — available capacity of the energy in third beginning of the soul — astal body. depend on Wisdom.)

СР 38/38/5h ( Chakra points — available capacity of the prana, peiatsu and psy mixed in special semi-energetic-semi-material organ in physical body — Chakra Hearth. depend on Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Wisdom and Intelligence.

SP 40/1 every 7 day (skill points — accumulated quantity of energy stored in superstructure in third beginning of the soul, pseudo ba-hion made of compacted prana, Reiatsu, emotions, psy and mana. use for upgrade characteristics (2 for 1) and to activate inactive skill and ability of the system(1 for 1.)


Strength 1 (Physical characteristic, affecting the weight you can lift and the strength of your strokes. Affect on СР.)

Dexterity 1 (Physical characteristic, affecting speed of movement speed of reaction. Affect on СР)

Endurance 4 (characteristic, affecting physical Endurance and volume and quantity of prana produced in the second beginning of the soul. Boosts НР и СР.)

Intelligence 16 (characteristic, affecting the speed of thinking, the quality of assimilation and remembering of information, and control of the energy. boosts accumulation rate РР and affect СР.)

wisdom 16 (characteristic, affecting the analytical skills, energy control, astral body density and quantity produced of the Reiatsu. boosts RP and СР.)

magic 7 (characteristic, affecting the spell power and also the volume and amount of mana produced. boosts MP.)

«actives skills»

«soul compass» (Help's oriented and search world in river of the souls.)

«body modification» ( complex of soul artefacts on the basic of the heal magic, metamorphoses magic, mage alternative and mind magic. Allows you to improve the physical body and adopt the features of other living beings. To modelling change need PP and for integration needed SP.)

«System extension» (For open inactive skills and ability of the system for SP. Need time to activate opened skills and abilities, depend on its complexity. From few minutes to few hours.)

«characteristic improvement» (improve characteristics for SP, physical characteristics 1 to 1 and for other 2 to 1. needed time to improve one physical characteristics 30 minutes and for other 15 minutes — for one point.)

«Passive Skills»

«Soul Shield»(protect soul from affect of river of the souls and also work as replacement for eighth beginning of the soul — immortal spirit. with time can help create eighth beginning of the soul.)

«Devour soul fragment»(Superstructure of the soul on basis of the demonic energy and magic, allowing at short distance devour energy which emerging when living being and transform it in SP. may evolve into «Devour soul» and lately in to «domain».)

«Faith Collector» (Superstructure of the soul on basis of the divine energy and magic, is allowing to absorb energy which was voluntarily given in the form: gratitude, faith, worship and transform it in SP.)

«polyglots» (Superstructure of the soul on basis of mind,demons and gods magic, removes language barrier and allowing you to intuitively know and understand any speech and writing.)

«Stop of the Regression» (Superstructure of the soul on basis of the demonic, divine, healing, Metamorp, soul and mind magic. Allows over time not to lose any acquire characteristics. stops degradation of the physical body and its.)

«Descent of the Asura» (speed of the grow physical body boosted three time. The density of the chakra will increase with its volume.)


«recognition» 2 МР and 10 РР — for activate (Gives surface information.)

«Identification» 3 МР and 15 РР — for activate (Gives information about the characteristics of the object.)

«Analysis» 4 МР and 20 РР — for activate (Analyzes object.allows you to collect data for some skills, such as «"Body Modifier» and use them. The completeness of the information will depend on many factors namely: time spent on analysis, distance to analysis target, complexity of the analyzed object, energy input МР and РР. More your intelligence is, higher the speed receiving and processing data.)


To see exactly where I ended up. I used the ability «recognition» in the space surrounding me.What gave out «Kushina Uzumaki, 24 years old, human / chakra user». With this I made sure that I got to Naruto, because I had doubts when I noticed that I'm not the only child and another baby was swimming nearby. On which I also used «recognition» and this is what gave: «Female child, 0 years old, human / chakra user». It seems that these are the changes caused by the appearance of my soul in this world. Interesting? how will the story I know change because of this? Soon I will know this, because soon there will be childbirth and my birth.

*Shortly before that. Kushina Uzumaki*

I'm started nauseating of the last couple of days ,I eat everything as usual: ramen for breakfast, ramen for lunch and ramen for dinner. Although, I remembered how three days ago, Minato made a salad with radish. One hundred percent it was stale. He said: «Eat a salad, it's healthy.» and now I have to go to the hospital with poisoning. Examining me irenin, she said:

— Congratulations.

— What? With what?

—Well, let's see, you have twins, you will give birth ... so, somewhere around the tenth of October, plus or minus three days.

— Dattebane!

To give birth? Twins? So I'm pregnant! Urgently need to please Minato. Arriving home, I said from the doorway Minato that I was pregnant and would be a mother. He was busy and cooked something in the kitchen, so he did not immediately understand and asked again:

—What? Mom?

—I will become a mother, Dattebane!

—And I will become a father

—become Mom, Dattebane!

—I will become a dad.

—become Mom, Dattebane!

—Just think I'll be a dad!

Minato and I were very happy. Pregnancy went well, my beloved and I chose names for children, but so far we have chosen only a name for the girl — Mito, in honor of the wife of the first Hokage. Minato's Sensei came to visit us — Jiraiya and brought to read his first published book — «The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi». Minato liked the hero of the book, and he decided to name his son in his honor — Naruto. I also liked the name and Jiraiya agreed to become the godfather of our children.

Soon the birth date, I worry and a little afraid and there Sarutobi Hiruzen and his wife Bivako came and said that the birth would be complicated due to the fact that I am a jinchuriki. During childbirth, the seal is weakened, and the Fox will try to break out. but they calm as because Mito-sama birthed too so they know what to do. they prepare isolated room out from village which will be protected by three anbu in birth date. Bivako-sama and Taji from anbu will take birth. minato will help hold seal. when I start feel time has come we go to birth place. passing by village, we met Mikoto Uchiha with new born sasuke-kun which were very cute I mistaked him as girl. Bivako-sama said that my birth should be in a secret and that we should go outside the village and get to the appointed place, as inconspicuously as possible. After then the birth began. God, how painful it is. how women having passed birth once, agree to give birth yet? But time passed, filled with my pain and suffering and after my children Naruto-kun and Mito-chan were born. All the time of delivery, the Nine-Tails tried to break the weakened seal and get out, but Minato helped to restrain him and was probably no less tired than me. the children were wrapped in blankets and shown to me. A little later, the children were taken to a crib located at the end of the room against the wall, and Minato offered to finally seal the Nine-Tails.

But a child's cry came from behind, and turning around, we saw how Bivako-sama fell. And Taji, holding both children, is held hostage by some strange shinobi in a mask and cloak. Which point kunai to our children and demanded:

–Fourth Hokage Minato, get away from the jinchuriki, otherwise your children will die without having lived even a minute. Then Kyuubi again began to try to get out. Shinobi said again:

"Get away from the jinchuriki or don't you care about the fate of your children?"

- Wait, calm down.

"Better follow your advice yourself." I am absolutely calm. - He grabbed a bundle with Mito and throwing it into the air, tried to pierce it. But Minato managed to intercept him, but the enemy counted on this, having stuck explosive seals to the blanket. Minato just managed to throw the blanket to the side and jump out of the building. The masked Shinobi quickly got close to me and applied some kind of spatial movement technique. Before the transfer, I managed to notice how Taji blocked Naruto from the explosion.

transfer me to a lake, he tied me up, hanging me from the rocks.

- What do you need?

"I came to snatch the Nine-Tails from you and crush Konoha with it."

- What?

- In the Minato technique, special tags are used that allow him to instantly move from one to another. I see that he included this in your seal. All in order to have time to protect you. But I managed to get rid of it, and the seal was already greatly weakened due to childbirth. Do you have any idea how much I was waiting for this moment?

I was horrified at the realization of what he wanted to do. And then the red fox Chakra enveloped me and the Nine-Tails began to be extracted from the seal. When the seal broke, and Fox completely got out, I fell to the ground from the pain and weakness. The fox began to make a loud roar. A masked shinobi, turning in the direction of the village, said:

- Well now We are heading to Konoha.

- Wait! - Having risen with effort, I called to him.

"The clan of Uzumaki is really interesting." Even removing the biju did not kill you. You were the nine-tailed jinchuriki. — Turning to the Fox, he ordered him, — Kill your carrier.

Raising my head, I saw how Fox lifts a huge paw for a blow, but just before the collision, Minato appeared and saved me, by transferring me to a tree.

– "You justify your nickname." But it's too late. – The masked shinobi said.

I was very worried about the condition of the children and so I asked Minato:

the blood that was on Naruto, he explained:

- He was slightly affected by the explosion, I treated him as best I could. He is weak, but he will be fine. Taji protected Naruto from the explosion, but she died.

I felt so sorry for him. I snuggled up to the children, taking them in embrace and whispering:

–Naruto, mito.

At this time, Minato was preparing for battle, putting on his equipment and his cloak.

- Minato, thank you and good luck.

"You will not notice how I will be back."


shit, process of give birth is painful not only for mother. child too feel not list of good things. first squeeze in small hole. after temperature change from warm womb to at first seemly chilling air and first l try breathe in the lungs that air which giving away cutting pain in them

The birth is over, sister and I are shown to happy young parents, but the appearance of Toby spoils the whole idyll. he wound first of the midwife and second one who had us in hand he take as hostage. after he start threaten and demand that Minato move away from Kushina. Unable to achieve a result, he grabbed a blanket with sister from the woman's hand and tossed it, jumped after with a kunai. But, Minato intercepted the blanket in the air, and then Toby activated the explosion of the seal, which he stuck on the blanket. Minato, throw off the blanket and jumped out of the room. Toby quickly jumped to Kushina, and began to transfer himself and her from here. then there was an explosion. The slightly running away midwife, who managed to shield me with herself, explosion and fragments strongly hit and threw against the wall. The explosion also stunned me notably and even with the fragments a hit me a little bit.

I was in blood of mine and now dead midwife.

HP begun dramatically drain try to patch most dangerous wounds. but I don't have many of it so the result was not very great. there come Minato or rather his clone and tikes me from dead woman, after transfers me by Techniques of the Flying Thunder God to the kunai-mark hanging at his house. where original laid his sister on the bed. Seeing a clone with a bloody blanket, he rushed to the clone and asking:

— God, what with Naruto? is he alive?

—live, but injured. he need irenin. I gave first aid by stopping the blood. But it's better not to delay the hospital. — said the clone laying me on the bed next to sister and after he vanished.

— Wait a bit here, Mito, Naruto. I need to save your mom before it's too late. — and disappeared, leaving us to lie together on the bed.

While Minato left to save his wife, I decided to slightly increase my chance to survive in this world, that tried to kill me, immediately after birth. Although, it's a sin to complain, because I myself chose this world for my rebirth.

so in «System extension» I find the ability ≪«Minor healing» — requirement for activation Intellect 10, Wisdom 10, Magic 5. Activation cost 5 SP. The cost of using the ability of 10 MP. (A weak spell from healing magic, allowing you to heal small wounds and injuries.) ≫

This is one of the few abilities available to me at the moment. After a minute, the ability was established, and I was able to use it on myself, immediately feeling the improvement, but before the full recovery was still far away.

Minato soon returned with Kushina in his arms, which he laid next to us. Kushina, having acquired us, began to cry little by little. After briefly talking with his wife, Minato again disappeared. It took no more than ten minutes when Minato returned again, and said that he had a plan and he needed help. While hesitating, he took his sister with Kushina, and again disappeared.

It seems that because of my condition, Minato decided that I could not stand the sealing process, and therefore he took only sister. I had hope that the Biju will be sealed in both of us, dividing it into two parts. But, it seems, I don't have to be jinchuriki with a chakra reactor in my belly. Well, there is a plus - I will not meet with a creepy translucent horned uncle in a hoodie and a knife in his teeth.

Somewhere in an hour and a half, I was taken by unknown shinobi in a bird mask and carried to Konoha hospital. The hospital had a lot of injured patients after the attack on the village by fox. I was first examined, treated and placed in the children's department of the hospital, where I was a year and a half, until I was sent to Konoha's orphanage.

While lying in the hospital and could not move normally, he tried to feel and control the chakra himself. With the help of meditation, I quickly felt it, because I still remember the sensations from my past life and comparing them with the sensation of a new body, I clearly noticed the difference. And concentrating well, I felt the chakra. It was, of course, slightly dangerous to do this, but I still tried to speed up and slow down its course, which, although it was possible, was difficult.

I have nothing to do, I decided to use the "Analysis" ability on myself in order to find out what my affinity with the elements is, and indeed, what genomes are mixed in me. A full analysis lasted almost seventeen hours and he spent about eight thousand PP, almost all the psi accumulated at that time. As a result, firstly, he recognized the affinity of the chakra: the greatest affinity for water, then the earth and a little wind. The result about genomes was very good. Recessive Senju genes, Uzumaki genes, as well as parts of the sleeping genes Uchiha and Hyuga were found. All the time, before being sent to the shelter, I spent on meditating and trying to put together different genes in the "Body Modifier", spending on this business, just a bunch of PP.

This succeeded over time, because all these clans went from two brothers: Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, who were the children of a person and an alien from another world, Ootsutsuki Kaguya, who ate the Fruit of the Chakra. Each brother had special eyes of Hagoromo - Sharingun and Homura - Byakugan and later developed them into more powerful variations - Rinnegan and Tenseigan. What I did was dojutsu, composed of all the genes, but since I had incomplete genes, it can most likely be called the basis of the new dojutsu. For the development of which need data analysis of the carriers of other dojutsu. It required sixty SP and three days to install. on the day of the transfer to the orphanage, I began to install it.

By the way, in the hospital, I was listed as Naruto - son of unknown shinobi who died from the Fox attack. And at discharge, they gave me the last name Hensu. I liked the surname, because it meant "changeable", which is very suitable for a person who is able to change his genes. Although? most likely they knew exactly who my parents were and did not give the name of Namikadze on purpose. After all, this would mean that the Fourth Hokage had an heir and therefore a candidate for property and money, which the ruler of the big Hidden Village should have a lot. And so, the Fourth died, did not leave any heirs, except for her daughter, but she is a jinchuriki - a living weapon of the village and has a little more rights than kunai. Under this pretext, the money was most likely withdrawn, some went to the restoration of Konoha, and some settled in someone's pockets.

I'm not even particularly angry with them and partially understand them. Indeed, if it is sensibly judge, then the newly elected ruler of Konoha, who should be the strongest defender of the village and his wife, the jinchuriki, who should restrain Kyuubi, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, the strongest of the biju. In fact, they released this same Fox, take a walk around the village. Yes, there was an attack by an unknown enemy shinobi. But for people who have lost loved ones and property, these are unimportant facts that can be neglected, just as the children of the deceased Hokage can be neglected.

Of course, even though I understand their reasons, it will not become easier for me or my sister. However, I was ready for this scenario from the very beginning, so I didn't really count on inheritance. Although the trouble is not great, with my abilities I can make a fortune even more.


The orphanage turned out to be a large two-story long building on the outskirts of Konoha, next to a small forest. They populated me there without any problems, since, after the Fox attack, the orphanage was notably replenished with orphans. When they explained to me where and what is located, the teachers left me, since I was not the only one who needed the attention of adults.

All these three days, when my genes were rebuilt and supplemented,also I was terribly hungry. So, during meals in the orphanage, I was the first in line and still asked for supplements, although I rarely received it, because there were enough hungry mouths there.

And so, the installation ended and in my ability line, this emerge ≪≪ Hybrid unnamed dojutsu» for the first activation, it is necessary to pour 100 CP into the eyes at once.≫

Hmm, I have to wait until I have a hundred CP to activate dojutsu. Although, even the implantation of the genes raised my characteristics:


HP 5/5 / 1.25 per hour

MP 18/18 / 2.3 per hour

PP 5221 / 1.4 per hour

RP 34/34 / 5.8 per hour

SR 70/70 / 9.3 per hour

SP 54


Strength 8

Dexterity 6

Endurance 10

Intelligence 23

Wisdom 23

Magic 8

Well, I'm only a year and a half, and comparing my characteristics with the characteristics of other children, viewed with the help of «Identification», I saw that the physical parameters are comparable to three year olds. well, there's nothing to say about mental abilities.

Since I needed more chakra, which depends on almost all Characteristics except Magic, I began to gradually engage in sports: stretching, running, push-ups, squats. Ordinary children are not recommended to exert themselves physically, because a child's growing body is very fragile, but I had system regeneration and «Minor healing» for all the negative consequences. With long workloads, HP started to be spent, when it end and I began to feel tired, then I use healing, when mana end, I sat down to rest and meditate ... although I would rather eat it instead, but I didn't in a sanatorium, but in an orphanage, with a rather limited budget, so I had to sit with a grumbling stomach.

After a little meditation, where I controlled the speed of the chakra through the channels, I tried to keep the leaves from the trees on different parts of the body. It worked best on the hands and forehead. at first because of a little control, too much chakra was spent, in my opinion. When the chakra began to come to an end, HP and MP were recovered, I start all over again ... and after all this, my favorite moment came, dinner. so, I need to get food somewhere, otherwise I'll kill myself faster with these trainings than I'll become a shinobi.

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