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07: Library and Information

After seeing that all that had to be done was done I turned around to look at Robert

'Master I will go and tend to the herbs'

' You don't have to start today you can start tomorrow if you are not feeling well' Robert said in concern as he had just seen how Knave had bid his farewell.

"Chance" 'No Master grandpa has the herb garden under my supervision if something happens to the herbs when he is gone it will be my responsibility, I cannot let him down!'

Old Robert seeing such a sensible kid could not help but nod, 'Ok go and see to it that you do not overdo it, if you find anything tough for yourself, you can let Sam know he will send help'

After giving this instruction he was just about to go when he gave me a good gift for my performance till now 'Oh you can also rest 3 hrs instead of 2, you are still a kid you need some rest from time to time'

'Thank you Master' without any reservations I directly accepted this benefit as it will help me to gather more information.

After nodding again at me Robert went to the management office of the town, while I went to the back garden of the estate.

As it was still a tough job for me to take care of the garden with this small body of mine but I liked the job, to be again in the field of herbs was a dream job for me. As they say, when you love to do your job you don't know when time passes by, I didn't even know when the afternoon sun came above my head I came out of the formation only when Sam came to call me for lunch.

'Thank you, Steward Sam I almost forgot about lunch in my work'

' It's ok, it just shows how diligently you are taking your duty'

' Steward after my lunch I would like to go to the library'

'You don't have to worry about it, Master has already informed me and I have informed old Lark of your coming. Remember he was there here yesterday at the farewell party'

' Yes'

'Ok then go and he will take care of you'

After finishing my lunch I went out of the estate towards the centre of the town, it did not take me long to reach the library there was hardly anybody in the library. Entering the library the first thing I did was to look for Lark as he is the librarian he would be able to give me the books needed easily.

Old Lark was sitting behind the desk dozing off, after thinking I thought rather than asking him I should find it my self so to keep the secret that I am interested in the Immortal for future consideration.

If I am caught they will just think I am a kid who is interested in Immortal if not I could use it for future planning, so after that, I started to look for books related to Immortals and cultivation but after searching for half an hour I could not find a book that could give me any information the only books I found contained fantasy or exercises that normal people could do.

As I was about to lose hope and ask Lark for information as Rick had told me I could find information related to Immortals in the library, when I was going towards the front desk I found a book in the lowest shelf with an interesting title that it attracted me to it.

*Basic Requirements for Cultivation and

Realms of cultivation*

by Rogue cultivator Thomas

As soon as I saw the title I could tell that this was the right book and highly likely the book Rick had pointed at, after taking the book out and looking at the still sleeping Lark I took the book to the back of the library.

After finding a remote corner where nobody would notice me I opened the book and the title of the first page gave me an ecstatic feeling I never had before my mouth couldn't help but say it out in open

'Finally' while I internally read the title

"Spirit veins and Spirit souls'

Krishna9u Krishna9u

As I quote my favourite author

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