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30.76% Max: Fate Breaker / Chapter 15: Cleaning Council....

Chapter 15: Cleaning Council....

Within minutes, the satyrs had requested, almost begged Max to present himself to the Council of Cloven Elders. He was led to a clearing in the woods populated by satyrs, nymphs, dryads and many other nature related spirits, wanting to get a glimpse of the supposed son of Pan.

A huge crudely shaped and made round table and tree stumps for seats was visible. Max was waiting for them to notice his presence, where the wizened old satyrs who looked more like goats were busily discussing amongst themselves, clearly ignoring Max and the other satyrs who brought him here.

"I'm deeply sorry for this Lord Son of Pan, but-", A satyr looking like a warrior with bulging muscles whispered into Max's ear, as if to placate his anger.

[ They are trying to make me present myself first, to get the upper hand in our first meeting don't they? hmmm.....seems like most of the elders don't believe I'm Pan's son. Well so be it, two can play at this game]

Max thought to himself. He promptly cut the apologetic satyr off and walked up to the only spot with a bigger stump, clearly for a member of higher authority and sat. The old satyrs stopped their playacting crap, and looked at him with disbelief and anger.

One of the older satyrs got up from his seat, pointing a bony finger at Maximus, "You dare sit on Pan's Throne! You come here acting all high and mighty and you dare desecrate our Lord's High Seat with your filth?!" The elder spat not masking the venom in his voice.

"Please High Elder, We invited him here, He was claimed as the son of Pan. The one we have all been searching for, our life's mission, come before us. Let him speak. I beg of you." The warrior looking satyr spoke up.

"Ironwood!! Your son speaks out of turn. What are you teaching him." another old satyr yelled at the youngest looking satyr sitting at the table. Although he was the youngest, he had a flowing white beard tucked into the hip belt, a wrinkly face and a broken nose. His eyes had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a small smile on his thin lips.

To Maximus he looked eerily similar to an old wizard who was a school headmaster.Only a pair of half moon glasses were missing( and ofcourse, human legs).

The satyr who Max assumed was Ironwood, gave a low chuckle and spoke up his demeanour changed to a cold and unforgiving look, " My son has spoken here. With us is the son of Pan. Do you expect our Lord's only son to wait, until you old goats have finished with your petty discussions and debates? We have searched for Pan for centuries, sending many to their deaths. And now his son is in front of us and you want a powerplay?

Remember Elderwood, our duties and don't get drunk on this measly power you wield. This may very well be our fortunate day for all our efforts could be payed bountifully and abundant."

Max mentally gave both Ironwood father and son a thumbs up. He crossed his legs and interlocked his fingers, placing it on the stone table like a businessman. " I will come straight to the point. As young Ironwood here says, My name is Maximus Morelli and I'm the Son of Pan. I've been sent here with a message to you. He ordered you to stop looking for him, as he is in another dimension not of this plane. And told you not to worry , he is not dead."

"B-BLASPHEMY!!! YOU S-SEE??!! HE IS MISLEADING US FROM SEARCHING FOR PAN. HE IS A SNAKE, A SCHEMER, A LIAR!!" At this point he was sweating profusely, his eyes wild and unfocused, scared to lose his power of as the High Elder.

Many of the satyrs nodded and raised their voice in approval. Seeing he still had the majority of the council's support he grinned, not bothering to hide his thoughts what so ever.

Max did not miss this. Before he could say anything, A old satyr with dark skin spoke, "If I may speak Maximus, My name is Dover Underwood. My grandson has also said the samething master Ironwood claimed you to be. This debate would come to rest if you could show us proof that you are indeed the son of Pan?"

Max was truly surprised [This old goat is Grover's grandfather. He gave a statement no one could refute and he also stated 'that I should show proof' not 'if I could show proof'.]

Max gave him a small nod. He removed his hoody and then his tank top, revealing all his tattoos on his thin, but fairly fit frame. "These are the markings of the blessing of Pan. They give my the strength of any animal I have touched."

Max lifted the stone table, "Strength." he crouched and jumped 10feet straight across, over the table, "Speed and agility. And most of all..." Max reached into his gut, getting collective gasps and a few shouts of shock.

He pulled out his Shepherd's crook out and all of a sudden, the satyrs recognized Pan's aymbol of power and one by one knelt down on one knee, the forest spirits circled around him with a trill of voices and sounds(one even sounded like IO, from Dota2).

"So?...What now?" Max asked. Elder Ironwood got up from his kneeling position, "Lord Maximus. You have proven yourse-" "This proves nothing. You...Boy.Where did you steal that from...some one apprehend him." Elderwood screamed, but no one moved.

"Elderwood! What in the name of Tartarus are you doing. What you are doing is blasphemy! Stop this nonse- Lord Maximus?"

Max reached out and patted Ironwood's shoulder calming him down. "I knew this would happen. So this is how its going to be...Meh, you know what?"

Saying so Max tapped his staff on the ground. Thick roots quickly sprung out from the ground wrapping itself around Elderwood and his supporters. Nine of the Thirteen Elders were wrapped completely mummified by the roots.

Max slowly stretched his hand out swing his hand down.

[Savage Embrace]

All the roots returned back to the ground , but pulling the satyrs with them. No screams could be heard as the roots were around their neck to. There was only one final sound which made everyone who witnessed wince and some of them became sick and threw up.



mugen95 mugen95

Kickin' ass and takin' names. Satyrs are depicted as kind brave and easygoing. But where there is good there is also evil.

I named two Mokuton techniques

• [Nature's Embrace]- wraps tree roots around the target/targets and slowly crushes them/it.

• [Savage Embrace]- wraps tree roots around the target/targets and pulls their/its body underground to crush them violently and instantly.


Mugen Out.

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