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23.07% Max: Fate Breaker / Chapter 11: Road King....

Chapter 11: Road King....

{AN: Hey guys! Mugen here. Just a notice to try to improve the quality and readability if the story. I'm going to use this symbol( -----×-----×-----×------) to mark the end of a scene, { } for author's note, [ ]for thoughts and if you have any other suggestions please drop a paragraph comment right here. Any good one are accepted. ✌cheers. Mugen out.}

"So you're saying that monsters are gaining on us and we need to go faster? But that's insane. How DO you propose to go faster than a bus.? How do we even know that's true?" Luke was still extremely wary of Maximus. 'If he's trying to take advantage of the girls, I might have to kill him. Even if he is a demigod. They are my responsibility and my best friends. I will not see them come to harm.' He swore to himself.

While Luke was swearing this and that, Max had asked the details from Thalia, who saw no harm in telling Max the events that occured for the past few days.

After finishing her story she asked the same question Luke asked a while ago, " Assuming what you told is true, what do we do if they catch up to us?"

"We~ll, 'when' they catch up to us, I assure you that they are closing in on us mile by mile. We are gonna steal a car at the stop at Montauk and make a beeline to the camp. Grover can lead the way." Max turned to Grover for his confirmation.

But he was just staring at Max, who got a bit weirded out, "Dude its okay to check someone out and all, but let me warn you beforehand by saying I don't swing that way and I also don't have a thing for goats."

But he just kept staring Slowly coming out of his thoughts he asked, "Do I know you from somewhere? You smell extremely familiar and you speak as if you know each of us for a long time. And you know so much about demigods, monsters, even the Camp. How do you know all this? Lastly I have a feeling you already know your godly parent."

"Wow, you really are a Ravenclaw. Alright. To answer your questions, I have not met any of you before, not that I know of. I met a Lampades when I was little kid, and from then on I kept seeing monsters, and I kinda met my a godly parent, when I was in the orphanage. So yeah, he gave me gist of things of the world of greek myth coming to life around me."

Max quickly changed the subject and they started to discuss what to do when they reach Montauk stop.

Annabeth had returned to her seat and Dee had gone back inside Max's clothes, for a quick nap after her play session with Annabeth.

Max had given each of them a role to play and Grover readily agree seeing that it was a good one. They ate a bit of jerky and a few calorie bars, and had to placate their hunger and still grumbling stomachs, with a lot of orange juice that they had a galloen of.

"They are about a few miles away, I would guess around 4 miles atmost, we are almost there, get ready to do your jobs. We'll go over this one more time. Luke and Grover get a car, one with good traction, we are going off road. Thalia takes Annabeth and go to the edge of town near the bend in the road where you will see a sign to the camp deviating from the road.

I'm gonna climb the highest building and act as lookout for any or all possible threats. If any unforeseen circumstances occur, do not panic. Stick to your roles and watch each others back. Got it?" Max felt weird giving out orders to a bunch of kids even more so to the two boys who were older than him.


They got off the bus and split up according to their plan. Maximus looked for the tallest building, not knowing much about vantage points he just picked the highest one.

He had climbed the Church which was the tallest in this small town and tasted the air, what he 'smelt' alarmed him. The smell of sulphur was strong they were just short of a mile away. [How the hell are they so fast. They are like freaking bloodhounds. Wait a sec...hell...bloodhounds...SHIT!!HELLHOUNDS!! But I don't remember anything from the story that they were chased by hellhounds.] but Max knew the answer.

It was he attracted the extra monsters not them. Turning his attention back to patrolling and keeping an eye on Annabeth and Thalia, he was not going to let them suffer for butterfly effect that he caused.

He saw a biker park his bike and went inside the 7/11, the bike which he instantly recognized as a '99 model Harley Davidson Road King Police edition, with the front protector and everything. On top of that it was matte black. [Damn! I really want to ride a bike. Its been a long time....sigh another time I guess.]

He had to almost console himself to get back to his lookout. At that time Luke had managed to get a car and made his way to Annabeth and Thalia's position. But what made him double-take was the fact it was a Mini Cooper.

Max jumped down and ran to their position. Before Max could say anything, Luke who was at the driver's seat had an apologetic face said in a small voice clearly embarrassed, "The cars were very hard to jumpstart, this had the key inside."

But this gave Max an idea. " Its okay go, I'll be right behind you." He reached inside my shirt and brought out Dee again. I looked into her eyes [Take care of them] she must have understood, as she gave a low hiss and licked the tip of his nose slithering onto Annabeth's shoulder in the back seat.

What happened next completely took Max by surprise. Annabeth reached out through the open window and hugged his midriff. Her eyes threatening to overflow with tears, "Please come back." She said between sobs.

Max returned the gesture, "I will, its a promise....Now go." turning to Luke "Don't look back, keep going. Once you reach the camp ask for help. Grover you know what to do. God speed."

Max took off not waiting for their reply. He had an early Christmas present waiting for him. With the widest grin he started running at full tilt.


Luke was driving down the dirt road when he voiced out the thought which was itching the back od his mind for the past couple of minutes. "T-That did he...what was....How did he run so fast?!"

To which Grover responded, " It must be the powers of his godly parent passed onto him, probably the son of Hermes or Ares."


Max reached the 7/11 store and was pleasantly surprised to see the Biker guy pointed a, a hand cannon to be more precise at the store clerk. The gun ,which was probably a magnum, was massive.

Don't get him wrong. Its just that he doesn't have to feel guilty stealing his bike. And now Max was eyeing his second Christmas present in the Biker guys hand.

Entering the store through the back, he made his way crawling towards the man. He reached grabbed his legs pulled it from underneath him. Out of reflex the guy shot, but the gun was pointing at the ceiling at this point, the man throwing his arms up when he lost his balance.

Max punched at the back of his head knocking him out. He quickly stripped him of his leather jacket, his gun and a big-ass knife, which looked exactly like the one Rosa Diaz has in Brooklyn99. He quickly loaded everything and drove away, his heart beating to the rhythm of the engine's roar. Not noticing nor minding the passed out cashier.

mugen95 mugen95

A big chappy to compensate for the smaller one, last chappy. Hope you like the new way of writing everyone's thoughts as i mentioned in the Author's Note.

On an important note, it is the job of every person who can mass communicate, (me, through this book), to inform everyone that the recent Coronavirus outbreak/pandemic is still increasing. And we urge everyone to...

Stay at home, Stay safe and remember to always wash your hands periodically.


Mugen out.

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