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96.66% The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby) / Chapter 28: Bonus Scenes (Set 4)

Chapter 28: Bonus Scenes (Set 4)


Sex Ed What's That? Part 3 (END)


"...Repeat that please." Yang asked Mordin who was outside her dorm.

"I said can you tell me about Sex Ed?" Mordin asked Yang again.

"...Yeah I thought that was what you said." Said Yang as she a hand to her face. "Should have expected you might ask this kind of question when Ruby told me about you having a big case of amnesia. I knew it seemed too good to be true when Ozpin and Goodwitch didn't complain about my punishment being too light... Would also explain all the thank you's from the teach- Hey wait a minute. Am I the only person you asked about this?"

Mordin shook his head. "Ms Goodwitch was busy the first time, Blake ran away after refusing to answer my question and Ruby... Started to explain but the whole time her explanation sounded like she how do you say? Dancing around the issue until she ran away at the end saying 'IamsosorryMordinbutIjustcantdothis!'" Mordin said imitating Ruby. "And it's been weeks since I heard about sex ed and I still don't know what it is."

Yang snickered at Mordin's imitation. "You know if I didn't know you I would be pretty upset that you asked my sister about sex but since I do I just find it hilarious." Yang laughed for a minute before coming to a realization. "Hey wait, did you say you heard about sex ed?" Yang asked to which Mordin nodded in response. "If it's been weeks why in the world don't you ask the teachers then?"

Morin gave a thoughtful look at the question. "About that-"


Two weeks ago


"Mr Solus a moment please?" Glynda asks as Mordin's team passes the faculties office.

"Sure Ms Goodwitch, what do you need?" Mordin asks.

"It's about last night regarding your lack of knowledge regarding Sex Ed." Glynda said causing both Blake and Ruby to flinch, Felicia merely smirked. "Have you gone to any of your teammates for information on this subject?"

Mordin frowned. "I asked Blake about it but she ran away after refusing to answer my questions."

Glynd gave Blake a disbelieving look. "...You ran away after your partner asked you a simple question that a boy his age should know about?"

Blake looked uncomfortable at Glynda's disbelieving stare. "Honestly I must I expected you to be mature about this." Glynda said with a disppointed tone which causes Blake to look away at her to the floor in embarrasment. "Did you ask any of your other teammates for guidance on this subject?" Glynda said turning to Mordin.

Mordin turned to Ruby who looked almost as embarrased as Blake. "I did ask Ruby last night and she did say yes."

"That is good to hear Mr Solus." Glynda said before turning to Ruby. "I must say I thought you were the most likely of your team to pull something like what Ms Bellodana did. Which I must say is ironic since I was sure she had the maturity to easily deal with Mordin's situation." Glynda made a quick glance to Blake who seemed to shrink into herself. "It's good to see someone as young as you handling this situation maturely."

Ruby rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Well I am team leader so it's not like I should ignore one of my teammates when they come to me for help." Ruby said laughing nervously.

"But you-" Mordin started.

"Well will look at the time! We should really go! Places to be and all that, come on Mordin!" Ruby said as she dragged Mordin away before he could answer. Shortly after watching Ruby pull Mordin away the rest of Mordin's team follow after him and Ruby. A minute later they were on a different floor in the academy.

"Ruby why did you lie to Ms Goodwitch like that?" Mordin asked Ruby.

"...Well I didn't technically lie." Ruby said while pushing two fingers together while avoiding looking at Mordin. "I just... Let Ms goodwitch believe that I did what she thought I did."

Mordin raised an eyebrow at Ruby's answer. "And you did this why?" Mordin asked his leader.

"Well... Because I'm team leader and I'm supposed to help out my teammates when they come to me for help not runaway like a little kid. I mean I'm fifteen yeards old not some kid!" Ruby shouted before putting her face in her hands. "Can you imagine how embarrasing it must be to admit to a teacher that you would rather run away than explain how sex work?"

"Oh trust me I do." Blake said as she came up behind Ruby with her arms folded. Ruby for her part managed to avoid jumping up in suprise at someone sneaking up on her. Ruby turned to see Blake giving her a disapproving look. Not being able to come up with a response Ruby just nervously laughed.

Mordin merely shrugged at the display. "If you don't mind I am just going to ask one of the teachers about this Sex Ed thing." Mordin said as he turned to walk back towards the teachers lounge.

"Mordin please no!' Ruby said as she jumped at to stop Mordin who barely managed to keep his balance after the semblance backed tackle. "It's one thing to admit I ran away, it's another to admit it after I tricked a teacher into thinking I did. Did you see Goodwitch's dispointed look? It was bad enough when I expected it for running out on you, after what I just pulled it's probably going to be a lot worse."

Ruby and Mordin stood there for a moment before Mordin spoke. "So why didn't you just tell her the truth?"

Ruby turns. "Mordin I'm the leader of our team, the fact that I ran out on you for asking about Sex Ed is abosutely embarrasing. And now that I pretty much tricked goodwitch-"

"You pretty much lied Ruby." Blake cut in.

"Tricked Goodwitch." Ruby emphazised. "I'll probably die of embarrasment if this gets out."

"Aren't you being dramatic Rubes?" Felicia asked.

"I'm 15 not some little girl! I shouldn't be so embarrased over something like this, I should be behaving more maturely!" Ruby stomps the floor before crossing her arms and pouting. Blake just looks insulted at Ruby's last line which Ruby notices. "Um no offense Blake." Ruby says while rubbing her head before turning to Mordin. "So can you please not bring this up with the teacher, please." Ruby said while giving Mordin puppy eyes.

After a moment Mordin relented. "Okay, I promise not to mention this to the teachers." Mordin said.

"Thank you Mordin." Ruby said gratefully. "Don't worry about the whole sex ed thing. I am sure I could get over this tiny issue!" Ruby said confidently.




"I take it she didn't get over her issue with this subject?" Yang asked.

Mordin shook his head. "She tried at least but she either ran away, tried to change the subject, distract me or tried to bribe me. After two weeks I decided to give up and just ask you instead."

Yang thought about what Mordin just said. "...So I was thinking of going to this nice fast food pla-" Yang said before being cut off.

"No." Was all Mordin said.

Yang looked suprised. "No what?"

"Your trying to bribe me with food." Mordin said flatly.

"What?" Yang asked trying to appear as innocent as possible.

"...Ruby tried that trick so many times I can immediately see through it." Mordin said.

"But this is a really nice fast food place!" Yang said. "They even have an all you can eat buffet! Though odds are you are going to get banned from the place with how much you eat."

Mordin looked at Yang unflinchingly. "Yet me say this now. You cannot bribe me because at this point I am sick and tired of everyone avoiding this issue for the last two weeks. I feel like everyone else is in some big secret that should be obvious to me but isn't. Because no matter who I try to talk to on my team they all keep giving me reasons to sidestep the issue and when I try to go to people outside my team they usually leave flustered for some reason or hit me then leave. There was also the dumpster incid-"

"Wait what? Seriously? You really got got beat up for asking about sex ed? That seems like the thing that only happens in comedies. How did that go exactly?'"


a few days ago


Mordin knocks on the door to CWAL and wait for someone to answer. After a few moment Weiss opens the door to find Mordin outside. "Yes?" Weiss asks.

"Is Yang here?" Mordin asks.

"No." Weiss anwers. "She won't be back for a few hours."

Mordin slumped disapointed before perking up. "Hey Weiss, can I ask you something?"

Weiss looked at Mordin suprised. "Sure."

"Just to be sure you are going to answer and not run away like the others do when I ask them about this subject?" Mordin asked.

Weiss gave Mordin a funny look. "...Um yes?"

Mordin smiled. "Great! So can you show me what under your skirt?" Mordin asked inoccently.

Weiss just gaped at what Mordin just asked her. "D-did you just ask me what I think you asked me?" Weiss asked still shocked.

"I said can you show me what's under your skirt? I just learnded some interesting things and I was wonderin-" Mordin said before getting cut off by a slap. Mordin looked suprised that Weiss slapped him. "What was-"

"Little pervert!" Weiss shouted at Mordin. "Why would you even ask me that!?"

"Well Yang wasn't here but you were I thought I would make due with you and-" Mordin was cut off as Weiss slapped his other cheek. Mordin looked dumbfounded at Weiss' actions. "Should I have I asked you out first? Would you be willing to help me here if I payed for everything on the date?" Weiss responded by kneeing Mordin between the legs causing him to fall over in pain and crutch the afflicted area. "Is that a no?" Mordin asked in pain.

"Perv!" Weiss shouted before slamming the door on Mordin.




"Anyway that was just one example out five." Mordin replied.

Yang just stood there silently for a moment before saying something. "So why did you ask Weiss if you could look under her skirt?"

"One of the things that Ruby mentioned during her attempted lesson was that boys and girls apperantly had different lower body parts. I didn't know that before, still don't why that is, and wanted to see for myself." Mordin said. "I thought that if I could get bits and pieces about things apperantly related to this sex ed thing I could put the pieces together myself. But that hasn't really been working so I just decided to give up on that." Mordin replied. "Honestly until then I thought the only difference between boys and girls was they looked and sounded different except the girls and a few overweight guys having lumps on their chests."

"...Yeah someone should you really teach about Sex Ed already. Maybe some common sense while we're at it." Yang said causing Mordin to brighten up. "But it doesn't have to be me does it? I mean what about Felicia?"

"I already asked her and all she said was 'where would be the fun in that?'"

"Not even suprised." Yang said sighing. "I know it's my job to answer any question you ask but are you sure that there isn't anything I could do to talk you out of this?"

"Not really, I already made up my mind on this." Mordin said. Yang appears she is about to say something. "Don't bother with trying to distract me either. That stopped working working after the first dozen times." Yang deflates at Mordins verdict.

"Dammit... Fine, might as well get this over with." Yang said resigned. "Come on in."

"Finally! I tought I would never get an answer for this." Mordin said happily as she entered the dorm.

Yang sighs. "Okay just let me get-" Before Yang could finish Weiss steps into the door way before it could close. Weiss turned her gaze to Mordin before letting out a shriek. "Geez Weiss! Would you knock that off!" Yang said covering her ears.

"What in the world is he doing here!?" Weiss shrieked. "Do you know what happened the last time he was he-"

"A much as I love these kind of scenes in comedies I am just going to cut this off right now. Mordin is here so I can... So I can teach him about Sex Ed." Yang said with a red face.

Weiss' face goes from angry to confused at the news. "Huh?"

"Yes you heard that right. One of my punishments for the... sparring incident a few weeks back was Mordins choice." Yang sighs. "Mordin's choice means I pretty much have to answer any question he asks me."

Weiss blinks at that. "...How do you not know about Sex Ed!? Weiss asks dumbfounded.

Yang raises an eyebrow at that. "You do realize that Mordin's an amnesiac right? Pretty sure he mentioned this to you recently if I remember right."

"...Oh right, forgot about that." Weiss says sheepishly before realizing something. "Wait a minute, he asked me of he could see up my skirt! There is no way he doesn't kn-"

"He wanted to see what the difference was between boys and girls." Yang cut in. "Considering the fact that his memory loss was so bad they needed to reteach him how to use the bathroom I am pretty sure he is as clueless about this subject as he seems. So you should probably think of it like being asked by a curious little kid who really doesn't know better than some perv."

"What does-" Weiss started before the realization hits her and turing to Mordin. "I am so sorry about the other day!" Weiss apologizes.

Mordin shrugs. "It's fine, it was a misunderstanding afterall." Mordin replies.

"Good to hear, good to hear." Weiss says still embarrased over the incident. "I'll try to remember your condition in the futute before acting." Weiss said befor walking to a nearby desk and starting working on something

"Um, how long are you going to be here Weiss?" Yang asks Weiss.

"For a few hours at least. Why do you ask?" Weiss ask Yang.

"Well..." Yang says rubbing the back of her head. "Well I was going to teach Mordin sex ed..."

Weiss rolls her eyes. "Yang grow up."

Yang appears to be about to respond to the statement before thinking otherwise. "Fine never mind then." Yang turns to Mordin. "Stay here while I go get a few things for our little... lesson. Damn I wish I could have come up with a different way to say that." Yang muttered quietly. "Anyway! I should be back in a few so sit tight." With that Yang left.

A few moments later the door to the dorm opens. "Hey Weiss." Cardin says to his teammate.

"Hey Cardin." Mordin call out.

Cardin turns to Mordin frowning. "Why are you here?"


Several minutes later


"Okay so I think I got everyting I need for this." Yang says as she enters the dorm carrying a large bag. "So-" Yang notices Cardin sitting next to Mordin smilling at Yang. "Need anything Cardin?"

Cardins smile widens. "Why yes I do Yang."

"...Why do I get the feeling I am not going to like what you are about to say." Yang deadpans.

"Don't be like that Yang." Cardin says as if hurt by her words. "I was just having a chat with Mordin here about this little lesson of yours-"

Yang eye widen. "Oh no."

"And I thought I would stick around since it has been a while since my last Sex Ed class I thought-"


"That I would stick around for a refresher course-"


Cardin frowns. "Is there a problem with me being here while you teach this very important lesson to our fellow classmate?" Cardin asks Yang.

"You bet there is!" Yang shouts.

"Why should there be a problem with Cardin being here? I mean you just giving me a lesson on sex. I don't see a reason why he shouldn't be here to watch." Mordin says.

Cardin tries to supress a snort but fails. "Yeah." Cardin says suppresing another snort. "Just a student here watching another student a lesson on-"

"Don't pretend I can't see what you're doing here." Yang says scowling.

"Tell me Yang what do you think I am doing?" Cardin asks Yang while acting innocent.

"You know what I am not playing this game." Yang says turning to Mordin. "Come on Mordin lets go somewhere else." Yang then turns to Cardin. "You meanwhile aren't invited to our private lesson..."

Mordin turns to Cardin then Yang. "You haven't answered my question Yang. Why can't Cardin watch the lesson as well." Mordin asks Yang.

"Yeah, why can't I?" Cardin asks Yang.

Yang turns to Mordin ignoring Cardin. "Look... it's something that is hard to explain."

"Why don't you try?" Mordin asks.

"That's... kind of hard to explain without context." Yang replies.

"Okay then give me context then." Mordin replies back.

" I will, just not with him-" Yang gestures to Cardin. "Around."

"Why not?" Mordin asks again.

"Because." Is all Yang says.

"Because what?"

"Look you'll understand after the lesson, hopefully." Yang says.

"But why-" Mordin starts.

"Oh for the love of- just get on with it already!" Everyone in the room turns towards Weiss. "For goodness sake Yang you're a young adult so act your age already! It's just Sex Ed, geez! Honestly I am suprised you're having such a hard time with this considering you're-" Weiss gestures towards Yang. "You."

"Hey just because I'm a bit of a tease at times and like to show off some skin doesn't mean this makes this any easier." Yang retorts.

"If you are having such a hard time just get it over with then. Because the sooner you do the sooner we could just move on already." Weiss says exasparated before putting on some headphones and getting back to work.

Yang groans. "You know what? She's right, lets just get this over with already." Yang says as she reaches into the bag she brought in. "To start-" a knock on the door interrupts Yang. "I'll get it." Yang goes to open the door.

"Hi guys." Felicia calls out as she walks into the room. "How's it going?"

"Hi Felicia." Mordin says.

"Hello Felicia." Weiss greets.

"Sup." Cardin responds.

"Hey." Yang says. "So is there a reason you decided to visit or did you just decide to drop by?"

"Well." Felicia started while smiling mischievously. "Mordin mentioned earlier that he was going to ask Yang about Sex Ed."

Yang faceplamed. "Not you too."

"And I thought as his teammate I shoud come by and make sure he is properly educated-"


"So here I am, ready to give some help in eduacting my teammate!"

Yang gave Felicia a flat look. "You know you could teach him about this yourself."

"Yeah I could and in fact I wouldn't have any problem with it. But then it wouldn't be nearly entertaining as the situation we find ourselves in." Felicia shamelessly admitted. "Besides isn't it your job to answer of little Mordin's questions here?" Felicia asked Yang smiling.

"...You know you aren't fooling anyone that isn't Mordin right?" Yang asks Felicia leaving Mordin confused about what she is talking about and Felicia with a shameless smile. "I get the feeling you aren't just going to leave if I ask are you?" Yang sigh.

"Nope!" Felicia cheerfully replies. "Besides I brought snacks!"

Mordin ran over to Felicia as she offered him some candy bars. "Can she stay?" Mordin asked Yang. "I don't see a reason why she shouldn't and she is offering snacks."

"Hey I don't have a problem with it." Cardin said getting some of the snacks offered by Felicia.

"...You two just want to watch because you find this situation very funny don't you." Yang asked deadpan. Both Cardin and Felicia just smile at Yang. "You know what fine, since I am pretty sure trying to convince you people would be a waste of time lets just get this over with." Yang said as she got into lecturing position.

Felicia went to take a seat by Mordin. Afterwards Mordin, Cardin and Felicia began to eat some snacks as Yang got ready. "You know now that I think about we are probably really lucky that Mordin is getting the talk before he decided to pull out the tenctacles." Felicia said as she took a bite out a candy bar. "Would have been really akward to explain to Mordin here what movies people were referencing when making tentacle jokes."

"What?" Was the response of the three members of team QWAL in the room.

"... Crap." Felicia said as she turned to Mordin. "I am sorry Mordin, it slipped out I didn't mean to mention the whole you know what."

Mordin shrugged. "It's not a big deal really."

"Whoa, whoa, whoah. What does she mean by tencacles?" Yang asked.

"It's part of my power." Mordin casually responded. "I can easily manipulate my body to accomplish a number of things including making my body tougher, healing and creating tentacles. I can easily grow "

"Hold on a minute." Weiss said as she got up from where she was to inspect Mordin. "So not only can you speed yourself up but you can easily control your body as well?" Weiss asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Pretty much." Mordin casually responded which caused Weiss to frown. "What?"

"It's just that it's pretty unusual for someone to have a semblance that does more than one specific thing." Weiss answer while still looking at Mordin.

"Is it really unusual?" Mordin asks.

Weiss gives him a disbelieveing look. "Mordin, the only people I know whose semblance does more than one specific thing are all part of my family. Sure there are other people whose semblances also work like ours but those are pretty rare and-"

"Hold on," Cardin cut in. "You can make tentacles? As in make them pop out of your body?" Cardin asked Mordin.

"Yep." Mordin raised his shirt and sprouted several tentacles with one brushing up against Weiss very lightly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Weiss screamed as she stumbled trying to back away.

"Holy crap!" Cardin shouted in shock.

"...Whoa." Is all Yang could say.

Felicia just laughed at team QWAL's reaction. "Oh man you should see the look on your faces!"

"It's not funny!" Weiss said angrily as she stood up. "Those things are just terrifying!" Weiss pointed to Mordin tentacle.

"They are?" Mordin said looking at his tentacles.



"Pretty much."

"I thought they looked nice." Mordin said looking down.

"Hey there is no need to be down." Felicia said comforting Mordin. "There are plenty of people who that tentacle thing you have going is pretty cool. And hey at least those things give you a huge advantage against schoolgirls!"

It took several seconds for everyone to get the joke. Cardin laughed while Yang and Weiss turned red and Mordin as usual was clueless. "That joke was so inapropriate!" Weiss shouted.

"Well it's not like she's wrong with the way your acting Weiss." Cardin said still laughing which just made Weiss angrier.

"I think it's time to put those things away Mordin." Felicia said pointing to Mordins tentacles. "While I'm sure that there are a few girls thrilled see a guy that can do that-" Cardin laughed even harder while the girls turned even redder. "From the looks on everyone else I don't think their fans of a certain genre of movie."

Mordin pulled back the tentacles into his body. "Felicia?" Mordin asked.

"Yes Mordin?"

"What did you mean when you said that my tentacles would give me an advantage against schoolgirls? And what do they ahve to do with ccertain movies?" Mordin asked.

Felicia seemed suprised at the question. Then after a moment she sported the most mischivous grin Mordin has ever seen. "Well why don't you ask Yang that? Afterall it is her job to explain things you don't know about or understand isn't it?"

Yang seemed confused at what Felicia was doing before her eyes widened in horror at the realization. "Hey now, I was just about to start class so why don't we just forget this line of questioning since it isn't relevent to Sex Ed shall we?" Yang said nervously.

"Oh?" Felicia said with a raised eyebrow. "You aren't forgetting about how this certain topic relates to Sex Ed do you? I mean can you honestly say that no one will make comparisons to certain films the moment Mordin brings out the tentacles in front of a crowd of students?"

"I can think of two jokes at the top of my head." Cardin replied with a smile.

"See." Felicia says indicating Cardin. "This isn't even taking into account what dear little Mordin could run across the web. So shouldn't it be better if he was informed now by a trusted friend? Afterall Yan-"

"Who wants ice cream!?" Yang interupted. "My treat, but if ice cream isn't you thing we could go see a movie or-"

"You do remember that I said distractions aren't going to work on me anymore?" Mordin cut in.

"Did someone say studying time!? Weiss?" Yang asked desperately.

"Oh no, I am staying out of this." Weiss said as she walked back to her desk to get back to work. "I am just going to finish my work and continue on as normal despite the insanity around me."

"Cardin?" Yang asked.

"Nah I'm good." Cardin said taking a bite out of a snack.

"Yang-" Mordin started.

"Oh come on Mordin, buddy you have to realize that this is making me uncomfortable talking about it so why don't we-"

"What is-" Mordin continued.

"Oh come on! Lets' just-"

"Felicia talking about?" Mordin finished.

Yang just stood there frozen for a while before turning to Felicia. "...Why?"

"Why?" Felicia asked tiliting her head. "Why for glorious comedy of course!"

Yang just glared at Felicia. "...I hate you so much right now."

"Oh don't be like that." Felicia pleaded playfully. "Tell you what, why don't I help you with this lesson myself?" Felicia asked as she roped an arm around Yang."

"Oh why me?" Yang said facepalming.

"...So are we getting start or what?" Mordin asked.


"And that's everything you need to know about Sex Ed and everything else related to sex." Yang said gladly. "Do you have anymore questions? Please, please say no." Yang pleaded.

Mordin kept his gaze to the floor. "Um, no... I got everything I needed to know..." Mordin said with a very red face. Yang sighed in relief at the news."

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" Felicia said playfully. Yang just glared angrily at her.

"That was the most embarrasing moment of my life so far. It's one thing to teach someone about Sex Ed. It's a completely other matter to teach a 15 year old amnesiac everything related to sex, everything! God, even Cardin left when things got too embarrasing, thats how bad it was!"

"Now, now." Felicia said patting Yang on the shoulder. "He was going to find out about this stuff sooner or later so why not sooner? Besides I thought we handled it pretty well, right Mordin?"

"..." Mordin just continued to stare at the floor.

"Mordin?" Felicia asked worriedly. "You alright? We didn't break you did we?"

"...No. It's just I think I need to be alone for a while." Mordin replied quietly. "Um, thanks y the way for finally telling me about Sex Ed, both o you."

"No problem!" Felicia said smiling.

"Heh, heh yeah..." Yang said with a red face. "So see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah... Now if you don't mind I have a lot to think about now." Mordin before wondering off.

Felicia watched as Mordin walked away. "So you wanna do something Yang? Yang? Hey where you going? You aren't still mad right?" Felicia turned to see Yang walking away. "...Yang?"




"Professor Ozpin."

"Yes Glynda?"

"Any news on Mr. Solus?"

"I have Qrow looking into it but as far as the records and my contacts say, a Mordin Solus had never existed. Why?"

"I just have some concerns."

"What is it, I thought he was adjusting well?" Ozpin said taking a sip from his cup.

"He is but...he's just so full of contradictions! Intelligent but clueless, strong but weak aura. You saw that battle with Ms. Xiao Long. He took a fatal hit and got back up like it was nothing. Then a week later he creates an entirely new technique and managed to defeat Yang, even if she was holding back, in unarmed combat which isn't his specialty."

"I see. So you think he might be gifted like Ms. Rose?"

"Mordin has always been special, but there may be a chance he may be more then that. Ruby has years of training and Mordin can still be her equal, better in some places."

"Well it does match the reports."


"From the Hunter team that brought Mordin which I had Qrow verify. Apparently he came to town with no weapon or skills but a single day of training and he was able slaughter nearly the entire horde of grimm and wound the zinagore by himself. A week later and he all but defeated it with a single blow."

Glynda was shocked.

"What? I knew he had defeated it but hearing it like that makes it seem impossible. A normal person wouldn't be able to just pick up a weapon and slay grimm, even with aura. How do you explain that?"

"Does it matter? Whether he's a prodigy or it's past skills making itself known we shall do our best to prepare him." Ozpin said, calm as ever.

Glynda got over her surprise and calmed down.

"I agree. Even with all his power he is not at the level of a Hunter yet. I'm going to see how he feels about taking some extra combat courses."

"Oh I'm sure he will agree, he trains nearly everday."

As Glynda left to speak with Mordin, Ozpin wondered what the future will bring.

His only wish was for these peaceful days to last as long as they can.


Blake (Cat) To be a Human...


What would it like to be human?

That was one random thought that came into her head one morning as she was lounging around.

Blake could transform yes, but she did not yet have a form similar to her master or his team mates.

… it would be a unique experience that's for sure.

What would it be like to have hands instead of paws?

Walking on 2 legs would also be interesting.

She could already do something similar in her cat form but it would different with a body that had a different center of gravity.

But there were a lot of differences in appearances of humans

There were so many possible variations she could take for her form….


Oh yes, apparently a human female's attractiveness could be defined by many things.

One of which was their chest size…

… humans and their weird mating habits…

At times having no mounds was considered attractive and other times having so called mountains like the yellow one were considered attractive

Humans and their tastes were so confusing.

… hmm but if she did have a human form it would certainly be the best and most attractive.

Yes, she could imagine it just now, her in human form with her beloved master.

…But now that she thought about it… they would probably be a lot of problems too…

They probably wouldn't let her shower with her master or sleep in the same bed as him….

Humans seemed to have really annoying rules and regulations about those types of things

She would also have to wear clothes…. which would be a real pain.

She wouldn't be able to stand having to wear clothes after living naked as a Cat.

Hmm, it also be hard to sit on her masters head without hindering him…

…. it seems a human form has it fair shares of problems as well

… But it would be nice to take a human form….. To be closer to her master, if nothing else.

… But right now it was just a dream...

But maybe in the future she would be able to take a form similar to her master

Perhaps she should get working on a human form?

It would take a lot of effort no doubt… but it would be worth it for all for those expression they would have when she showed them…

It'd be even better than the time when those humans discovered she could talk!

She purred… all the fun and chaos she could have….

Yes… She would definitely consider doing this…

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