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90% The Light Of Our Solus (Rwby) / Chapter 26: Week 5 (Part 2)

Chapter 26: Week 5 (Part 2)

Would Felicia be mad at you? She had told you that getting into strangers cars was a bad thing to do. But, once you told him you liked the food, he had offered to take you to one of the best restaurants in town! You're sure anyone would have done the same.....probably.

"So, Mordin was it? Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" The nice man asks.

No, he can go ahead. After all, he did give you this delicious pie and let you ride in his "limo" as he called it.

"Good to know you love food, a growing boy such as you needs to eat all that he can." He says with a smile.

His smile is...odd. Comparing it to those of your friends, it seems like he's wearing one of those smiling masks you've seen in stores.

"So, tell me, what do you do Mordin. Are you a student?"

Yes, you're currently going Beacon Academy.

His eyes slightly widen and he quickly informs you that he just received a text message. After replying, he looks back to you and asks if you've got any questions for him.

Well, you do want to know why he invited you to eat at this restaurant. Not that you're complaining, but you find it a bit odd that he would just randomly give someone such a chance.

"Well, I'll be truthful. I have an associate that has a very useful ability. It lets them rank a person's potential." He says with a smile

Oh? that does sound interesting. What was your potential?

"It was quite high, so, I thought I'd give you an offer, after we eat, of course."

Well, that's nice of him, though, you're not sure if you can accept. You're a full-time Beacon student and you have a job as well. Finding time for whatever he's offering would be hard.

"Now now, don't say that until you've had your fill and heard my offer." He says with a small laugh.

As the nice drive continues, he offers you another pie and then some kind of special candy. How nice of him.

Getting out of the car, you ask the nice man if he's feeling alright, after all, he seems to be sweating a bit.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. How about you? You feeling anything...weird?" He says with a small glint in his eye

No, you're feeling quite all right.

"I see...well, let's head on in and enjoy the food."

And enjoy the food you do. You had a very delicious "Soup", all the ingredients really brought out an amazing taste, though, something about it tasted really funny.

"Say, Mordin. I know this is an odd question, but is your semblance somehow related to you body?" He says, a very suspicious look in his eye.

That's a very specific question. Did his friend's ability also tell him that?

"Yes, just checking. It's not always accurate, so I have to ask questions like these." He says, once more displaying that odd smile.

As you both once more enter the limo, you ask him what his offer was. While you might not be able to accept, he let you eat so much nice food, so, the least you could do is hear him out.

Closing the door, he extends his hand.

"Before that, I'd like to shake your hand, it's common practice at my workplace. It's become a habit now." He says with a grin not too different from Felicia's.

Oh! You love handshakes. Extending your hand, you firmly grip his hand. As you do this, you feel a small pinch at the palm of your hand.

Is this like Neo's handshake? Well, you better respond in kind. You doubt this man is that strong, so, you only grip hard enough to break one of his fingers.

He yells and pulls back his hand.

"Gahh!!You bitch!!" He begins to say, but you begin to feel sleepy.

That's ...very...odd. Why did he call you a female dog?

As you begin to fall asleep, you can just make out the nice man saying something.


And so, you fall asleep.

You wake up a bit later with a refreshing feeling. Looking around, you see that you're tied up with what appears to be very thick chains.

No....not again....

Well, this is odd. How did you get here? In any case, you don't like being restrained like this. The way you're tied up make it very difficult to use your full strength to break them, so instead, you simply send them to your vault.

Learning the storage domain was a really good idea!

Now, what should you do? There appears to be a rather big metal door just ahead of you, your sword should easily be able to cut through it, but should you?

As you walk towards the metal door, you realize something. You're "angry", something you doubted you'd ever truly feel.

Yes, you had been frustrated before, but you can't compare that feeling to this. It's as if a small flame has been lit inside you, it wants to consume and grow, but you know that if you feed it too much it will burn everything down around you. Emotions are a very tricky thing, you think.

For now, you'll focus on finding the man from before and getting answers. Anyone that stands in your way will be disabled as quickly and efficient as possible, if they continue to pursue after that....well, you have the perfect place to hide any bodies.

Finally standing in front of the door, you look for a handle. The most you find is some kind of keypad to which you don't know the combination. Having no other way out, you summon your sword and transform it into its emerald form. Feeding it what you assume to be a sufficient amount of energy, you thrust the sword into the thick metal door. As you feel the sword exit out the other side, you release all of the stored energy causing the door to shatter into a hundred pieces.

Any of the shrapnel harmlessly bounces off your skin. Now, where to go?

Looking around, you notice that you're in what appears to be some kind of basement. If you strain your ears hard enough, you can hear gunfire up above you. Well, there's nowhere to go but up, so up you go.

Walking through the basement, you notice quite a few sealed crates. While you could look around for a few smaller ones to take and check out later, do you want to risk the chance of the man escaping?

Either way, after deciding what to do about that, you finally find the stairs leading to the floor above you.


Walking up the stairs, you turn the corner and spot two older looking men sitting down with their backs towards you. One appears to have a wound on his shoulder and the other seems to have been shot in the leg.

"Shit! who the hell are these guys? How did they get down this far?!" The first man says

"I don't know or care, but it seems they've headed farther up." The second man replies

Oh good, you found some information sources. Now, you've never had to interrogate anyone before, but you've seen a few horror movies with Felicia and your team. Hopefully, they react as well to fear as those teenagers.

Damn it, why did you think of something like that now! Tentacles are for crushing..not...that.

Quietly walking up behind them, you dismiss your sword and begin growing tentacles from your arms and back. Before either of them can react, you wrap your tentacles around their bodies and lift them into the air. Shoving tentacles down their throat so they can't scream or call for help, you calmly inform them that if they do call for help, you'll send them to a dimension in which they will die in seconds.

Sadly, they seem to have been too preoccupied trying to pry your tentacles out of their mouths, and so, they couldn't hear you. Rethinking your plan, you relive their mouths of your tentacles, instead, you simply wrap them around their mouths. You make sure to allow one of the two to talk. Once more, you inform them that calling for help will lead to their deaths.

Thankfully, having open airways seems to have helped them co-operate with you as they both stop squirming and nod. You can clearly see the fear on their faces.

Having their utmost attention, you ask the one in front of you where the man who brought you here is.

"W-w-ho? please..don't-" he stammers

A quick squeeze from your tentacles silences him once more.

You proceed to inform him of your meeting with the man and subsequent awakening on the floor below.

"T-the boss? H-h-he's on the top floor!" He yells.

Having gotten your answer, you seal his mouth and ask the other man the same question.

"Go eat shit, you monster!" He yells.

Frowning, you seal his mouth and proceed to break one of his legs. Waiting a few moments for both of their muffled screams to quiet down, you ask him the question again.

"E-E-Eat..shit-t-t." he says.

It seems he won't be saying anything else unless you actually spend time torturing him like the villains in the movies do. Well, at least you got a direction now. Turning to the more compliant information source, you ask him what the "boss's" name is.

"T-Tony!" he yells

With that problem solved, you begin your walk towards the floor above. Walking, you spot quite a few corpses all dressed in the same manner as the two men you interrogated. They all seem to have been killed by a bullet to the head. Whoever did this must be very good with firearms.

As you walk through the halls, you can see the scars of battle adorning the walls. Bullet holes here, what appears to be signs of explosions and gouges over there. Well, you're quite lucky, having someone attack this place as soon as you try to leave. Having everyone distracted will no doubt make it much easier for you to find "Tony". You might not even have to fight anyone if this other group takes care of all their defenses.

Now.....why does that make you feel just the tiniest bit sad? You'll blame it on your rather hectic state of mind. Hopefully, you'll be calmer by the time you meet Tony.


Quietly running through the halls, you think back on what you did to those men. You had decided to loot them, and thankfully, they didn't have an awakened aura, so there was no resistance once you teleported everything besides their undergarments into your vault. You made sure to put it all right next to the crates you took. For some reason, they only began to squirm a lot more and tried to cross their legs. Having no time to discern their odd actions, you knocked them out and headed off to look for the stairs.

As you ran, you examined what the two men had on them. They each had a scroll, sadly, only one of them wasn't password protected. Looking through that one, you only managed to find what appeared to be family pictures of the rude man and his daughter, they even had a dog. Blake is much cuter, you think to yourself. Aside from that, there was nothing of importance on the phone. Checking your other spoils, you found two key-cards. Each card was a different color, the red one was a "High Clearance Card" and showed a picture of what appeared to be a man wearing glasses. You could easily tell that this was neither of the men from before, the blue key card was for the "armory" and it showed the rude man from before.

Besides the cards, you also now had a gun and two uniforms, there really wasn't much else.

Thiking on it, you did remember passing a room that had an "Armory" sign not to far behind.

Should you go back and check it out? Who knows what they could have inside.


Once you had reached the armory. You had taken out your new key card and unlocked the doors surprisingly easily. This wasn't a good security system, you had thought. Good thing you were prepared for any attack or you would have been hit by the sudden hail of fire that came at you.

Whoever had shot at you, they were extremely inaccurate. Looking around, you spotted what had shot at you. It was some sort of trap, it appeared it was set to trigger as soon as someone opened the door. With that taken care of, you proceed to look through the room. Sadly, it seemed like almost everything was taken. Spending a few minutes to look around, you do find something, namely, a spare uniform in your size. It has a little sticker with flowers and a name tag that reads "Pals For Life", it even has a nice hat.


As you ran through the halls, you realized that this place was rather difficult to navigate. If it wasn't for the trail of death and destruction, you doubt you would be moving upwards so quickly. Thankfully, all you had to do was follow the bodies of the humans and faunus. The bodies became less and less for each floor you ascended.

After a few more stairs, you finally ran into other living beings. Sadly, they didn't take kindly to your presence. Taking a good look at them, you noticed that they were also wearing the same uniform as all the dead below.

While there were quite a few of them, you could tell that they were merely unawakened humans. As they fired their guns, you thought of the quickest way to disable them and proceed.

Coming up with a satisfactory plan, you wafted through their bullets and proceeded to grab the nearest two with your tentacles. Their surprise was short lived as you proceeded to use them as bludgeons to smash your way through the remaining seven or so men. With them all on the ground groaning and in pain, you came up with a way to prevent them from following. Quickly warping all of their legs in your tentacles, you pulled and dislocated their knees. They wouldn't be able to pursue you now. You then quickly knock them out to prevent any screams or other loud noises, it also helps to somewhat calm you down. It wouldn't do to be lost in anger now.

Continuing on to the next floor, you exit the stairs and find yourself in what appears to be the lobby of Looking around, you can see the front doors, or what's left of them. Where before there were glass double doors, there is now only metal grates with large and small holes. Taking a second to peek through one of the holes, you see that you're in what appears to be a forested are, though, there is a rather well-paved road leading down a hill.The night sky gives you a good view of the lights off in the distance. Well, at least you're not that far from Vale.

Heading towards the nearby elevator, you pass by what appears to be a "Pharmacy". You had seen one when you took Blake to the vet, is this a medical store?

In any case, you step into the elevator and hit the highest number. Sadly, the elevator stops halfway and refuses to go any higher. Opening up the escape hatch on the elevator's ceiling, you try to see why it stopped.

Well, you know why it stopped now. It seems someone decided to fill the space above you with what appears to be....stone? Rather odd, still, the wall makes it impossible for the elevator to continue up. You doubt it would be easy for you to dig through this, and sadly, your storage domain doesn't work on something this big. Jumping back down, you kick the elevator doors open and proceed to continue your rather long run.

After a few minutes of running up floors, you make it into what appears to be a large room. Inside it are about forty of the uniformed men and one rather tough looking guy. This guy seems to be issuing orders at the other men, they seemed to be quite scared. Taking a second to listen in, you figure out what he's planning. They are getting ready to storm the upper floor where one of the intruders is waiting. His plan is to have them distract her and give him an opening. Once they've done that, he'll kill her and then they will proceed to the "CEO's" office and rescue him.

While you have no idea what why there are others here for Tony, you now know that he is very close. Perhas the intruder was also lied to by Tony? Well, they'll have to get in line.

Thinking on it, you decide that you've wasted enough time as it is, so, going through them is the best option for you. Still, you think a distraction would be very useful. While most of the uniformed men seem too weak to hurt you, it doesn't hurt to give yourself a few more seconds to knock more of them out.

Having chosen a good idea, you quickly put on the hat you found and switch your clothes with the uniform you found not too long ago. Disguise set, you turn the peek around the corner just to get everyone's position once more. With updated information, you charge forward yelling "Palls For Life!!" all along the way.

Not expecting someone to do exactly what you just did, most of the men just sit there dumbfounded. As you run, you make sure to pick up and hurl as many people as you can against the nearby walls. Approaching the center, you count 20 people that you've already disabled. Sadly, as you aim for number 21, the man from before appears before you. With a swing of his sword, you're forced to retreat or lose your head.

Landing from your back flip, you draw your sword and take note of the fact that he slowed down enough to give his subordinate enough time to dodge your attack and join the others.

"What the shit do we have now! I'm getting sick of these damn intruders in our damn building! MEN! FIRE!" He barks out and prepares to charge you.

You angle your sword in such a way that you bounce a bullet off your sword and ricochet them back towards the ones before you. The sound of sparks and grinding metal fills the air and is soon followed by the pained screams of those unlucky enough to be hit.

"John! John! are you alright?" one of the men says as he kneels by someone that was hit on the leg.

Similar concerns are shown by the other men.

"All of you, stand back! I'll deal with him, though, if any of you have a good shot, you better take it!" He yells and walks forward.

Taking up your usual stance, you quickly analyze him.

He uses what appears to be a single-edged sword and is lightly armored. Perhaps he has a strong aura? His confidence also suggests a large amount of experience.

As you observe him, you see that he is doing the same.

"Little intruder, what are you doing here? You must be like what, thirteen years old? Why don't you just turn around and leave?" He asks.

As you open your mouth to respond, he strikes. Having never been attacked while talking, it surprises you a bit. Really, who attacks another person right before they respond?

He's fast, faster than you if you hadn't been using your time domain, still, you're faster. Growing a tentacle, you put it in the way of his swing. Not expecting a tentacle to grow out of your arm, he gets his face covered in its blood. Being blinded by the blood, you take this great opportunity to strike.

With his sight lost, he struggles greatly in trying to dodge. Too bad for him that you won't allow him to escape.

Your sword speeds through the air and hits his unguarded side like a truck. His lungs empty and he is soon launched towards the nearby wall. He should be able to survive that, aura can really be quite useful at times, allowing someone to take a single hit as long as it isn't immensely powerful.

His men stare slack-jawed and a couple quickly race towards the wall he crashed into.

Hmm, you seem to be quite good at smashing people into walls.

As the dust settles, you see that the man is perfectly fine. He must have a very strong aura.

"Not bad, guess that means I have to get serious then." He says taking an odd stance.

Was he holding back?

"Of course, I was just testing the waters as it were. But really, this is your last chance, kid. Run home or I'll end you now." He says still in his stance.

No, you won't be leaving, not now. You still want to know why someone decided to kidnap you, but more importantly, why they decided to chain you up. You wouldn't be angry if they just left you on a bed or something.

Either way, you try diplomacy. Hopefully, he will see reason and allow you to pass. You think you'll keep the fact you took that small vial of blood, after all, something about it seemed interesting. Just in case, you'll be ready for any attack that he tries, you'll even summon your magnetic sword next to him and that will hopefully give you a chance to steal his sword.

With your course set, you open your mouth and inform him that you were taken here against your will and chained up in the basement.

You notice that most of his subordinates start murmuring and asking each other questions.

Still in his stance, he sighs.

"God damn it, Tony, what the shit have you been doing." he mutters

You have no idea, so, will he let you through so you can talk to this "Tony"?

"No. I'm afraid I can't let you pass. Even if what you say is true, you're wearing the uniform of one of my friend's daughter. So, tell me, where did you get it?"

You found it in the armory.

He narrows his eyes and says, "Can't say it's not possible, but, sorry to say that you're a risk I'm not willing to take. My men come before some random kid, so-"

You see his muscles tense as he begins to swing his sword.

Having prepared for this, you quickly summon your magnet right next to his sword arm.

As expected, the sword comes flying right out of his hand and sticks to your magnet. Not hesitating for even a second, he tries to lung and grab his sword. Is that....blood on his hand? Thinking quickly, you recall your sword and summon it close enough to pull his weapon towards it again. Not standing still, you run towards what could possibly be your new sword. All you need to do is touch it and it's yours.

A hail of bullets showers you location.You easily maneuver through their attacks and approach your prize. While you're faster, he's much closer. You both reach for the sword and You reach it before him, holding it in your left hand you quickly dismiss it into your vault. You take note of the fact that the hilt was covered in his blood. Odd, but a little blood on your hands won't hurt. With a look full of anger, he jumps back and takes out a small combat knife.

"You asshole, that was my good sword. I'll make sure to pay you back for that." He says with a massive scowl.

You inform him that you have his sword and that he should cease this pointless fight and let you through.

Licking your blood off his face, he raises his arm.

"You little prick, think you've won just because you've got my good sword? Larry! Hand me my backup!" He says motioning towards one of his subordinates.

Well, that won't do, not after you went through all the trouble to take his sword. Grabbing one of the discarded shell casing on the ground, you speed it up and flick it at Larry's leg.

Your opponent seemed to have been expecting this as he raises his hand and blocks the bullet.

Turning to you, he says,"That was uncalled for, I'll have to kill you now."

Hasn't he been trying to kill you?

"You're strong enough, I'm sure your aura would have taken it. Either way, everyone, initiate plan Scarlet. Remember, don't grab my ears or it'll all be wasted." He says, brandishing his combat knife in a reverse grip.

Plan scarlet? Well, a part of you wants to see what that is, but, you don't want to waste any more time. You charge towards him, noticing his men taking out bags full of....blood?

A sharp pain erupts from your left hand. Having been caught completely off guard, your momentum is stopped. Looking back, you see that some sort of blood lance has skewered your hand. Your hand is mangled and the blood has wrapped tightly around it preventing you from moving forwards.

The sound of rushing water draws your attention. Looking back towards your enemies, you see that the bags they were holding are now empty. The blood that once filled the begs now floats around the man.

There's a lot of it.

"Just stay there, I'll make it quick." He says as the blood forms into a straight sword and a set of armor.

No, you won't just stand still. If your arm is holding you down, then you'll just get rid of it. Lifting up your sword, you cleanly cut through your arm and then send it to your vault. The last thing you want is him gaining more blood to use for whatever he's planning. Quickly growing a new arm, you transform your sword and prepare to fight once more.

"You know, I really underestimated you. Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake again." He says with a feral smile.

Almost as if something signaled the beginning of the fight, you both jump forwards prepared to strike the other down.

You strike first, swinging your sword horizontally as if to cut him in two. Your sword leaves a trail of emerald sparkles as it approaches its prey. Suddenly, the front part of his armor transforms back into blood, surrounds your sword and guides it away from him. Not leaving this opportunity alone, he thrusts his sword at your head.

You can tell that he's not nearly as proficient with straight swords as he was with your new sword. Still, had you been a second late, the sword would have hit you straight on your face. Thankfully, you're still much faster than him. Grabbing his arm with your tentacles, you attack once more. This time, you make sure to put more force into the blow.

Before your blow connects, he twirls his sword and cuts of the tentacle holding him down.As you hit him, your sword leaves a large gouge across his armor, blood flies, but it isn't the blood your looking for.

Thrown back, he flips through the air and stabs his sword into the ground, leaving behind a large scar on the floor.

The blood that makes up his armor reforms and heals the wound that it had taken.

Smiling, the man takes your tentacle and eats it.

Why hadn't you ever thought of that? What do tentacles taste like?

In any case, this seems like it will be a long and difficult fight. You doubt you've seen all that he has to offer, so, you'd better be on guard.

You haven't had an opportunity to fight with everything at your disposal since Zinogre. Even if the threat of death looms over you, you can't help but make a small smile.

Compared to you opponent's now savage grin it is almost unnoticeable, but it is all you need.

Pouring your soul into the blade you worked so hard to create, you leap backward to gain some distance and use your range against the one before you. Quicker than most could react, he races towards you.

Each step he takes leaves behind drops of blood. Unfortunately for him, you're still faster, even if it's not by much.

Having covered enough ground, you let your soul rise and flow across your blade. The room is illuminated by a brilliant emerald light, and then, your blade lets out a small howl as it releases a green wave of light.

He was prepared for something, but a beam of light was not it. You see a large spike of blood extend from the back of his head. It appears he's covered his hair in blood. Using this spike, he stabs it into the floor and tries to launch himself away from the emerald wave. While he evades a most of the energy, his left side is scorched by the light. You see the blood that makes up his armor evaporate under the wave. In any case, the armor is quickly healed, but you can see that it is just the tiniest bit thinner. It appears heat or any other form of attack that disintegrates the blood is very effective against him.

You also notice that a small trail of blood is leaving his mouth.

Giving you no chance to fire off another wave, he strikes.

He slightly moves his sword arm and you almost don't notice it. Had it not been for that small signal, you would have had a sword through your heart. Instead, his sword is occupying the space where your stomach used to be. Really, extending his blade by using the blood littering the floor, what a smart guy. Before he can cut you in half, you slash at the blood with your glowing sword and free yourself.

As your sword swings down, you feel something in your now healing stomach.

You cough out blood, but it isn't yours. It appears he tried to do something with the small amount of blood that had gotten inside you with his blade. Unfortunately for him, your insides are just as tough as your outsides. Well, at the very least, you found out what that the blood he uses tastes like.

His smile grows just a bit larger and then he lunges at you. Using the blood scattered around he slides across the ground, coming closer and closer. You quickly summon his old sword and use taily to throw it at him. You don't expect it hit, your throwing skills are....below standard.

He reaches for it, but instantly stops and focused back on you. Still, the sword does its job.

While he was distracted, you had jumped into the air and brought out your old, still functional great sword and quickly jumped off it. With the added springboard, you fly over his head and to the other side of the room. His men take the opportunity to shoot at you.

This is getting annoying, still, it seems he cares about his men quite a bit. You'll not hurt them unless they actually become a threat to you, you're enjoying yourself after all.

That burning flame is getting smaller and smaller, soon only embers will remain, at least you hope.

Landing, you turn and fire off another wave towards where you know he'll be. Some of the men shout and cover their eyes. Oh, one was right beside you, well, he shouldn't be so close, maybe being blinded for a few seconds will teach him that.

Having seen your attack once, he completely dodges it this time. Rather than use his weird head spike, this time, he simply turns his body and lets the wave pass him by. You can tell that he tried to not waste any extra movements in his dodging. He's quite skilled.

Rather than attempts another attack like before, he stops. It seems he's not willing to use such a dangerous attack when you're near his men. Instead, he opens his mouth and vomits out...blood?

A bit curious, you wait and see what he's doing now. Is he injured?

In a matter of seconds, the blood starts to take the shape of a small faunus and....wait, is that you? Well, you're not about to let him make a blood clone of you. If you had the multiply domain high enough then you'd have a tag team fight, but you don't.

Rather than aim at the blood covered man, you aim at your double. Best to get rid of any excess blood first.

Most of its body is instantly vaporized, what little remains splatters to the ground. That was easy.

Dodge! Your instincts scream.

Too late do you understand. The blood clone was a distraction, he had used your momentary lapse of concentration to maneuver the blood on the floor.

With it being so close, you had almost no time to react, and thus, you could do nothing to defend yourself against the violent tornado of blood that engulfed you.

When the attack ended, you found yourself on the floor, tired and bleeding. That attack had taken a lot out of you, having to constantly heal or be cut to pieces. Still, you get up and wipe the blood from your newly healed flesh.

"You.....what are you?" He asks.

Your a simple student from Beacon that wants to find out why someone tried to steal your freedom.

"'re not lying. There's no reason for you to keep doing that, not after all I've done to you." He says, sweat dripping down his brow.

"How about we end it here? From the looks of things, the fight will only continue to escalate and drag my men into our crossfire." He says not looking away from you.

He really cares for his men so much?

"Of course" He says with that bloodthirsty grin.

A loud "You're the best Boss!" can be heard from the sidelines.

"So,what do you think? Let's stop fighting and go talk to Tony. I'm sure with the both of us we could take out that intruder. Though, I'm going to have to ask you to not report us."


"Yeah, I'd thought something was up when Tony called me and my men for a job. I didn't expect an attack by crazy chicks or an escaped Beacon student. While Tony's my friend, he put me and my men in danger." He says motioning towards the sidelines.

Why did he want to rescue him then? Doesn't he care about his men?

"Yes, but Tony's still my friend, even if he's gotten into some crazy shit. The least I could do is rescue him and ask him what the fuck he was thinking."

Sure, why not. Fighting him was fun, but you really want to talk to Tony. You also don't mind keeping quiet about them, after all, it seems like they weren't involved in your kidnapping.

"Yeah, what the hell was up with that? How did Tony of all people manage to kidnap someone on your level?" He asks with a somewhat confused look. You can tell he's still on guard.

He lulled you into a false sense of security with food, but it was really, really good food. You think it cost him around ten thousand lien? Either way, he then stabbed your hand with something and you fell asleep.

"You're very trusting, and I can see Tony doing that. He's always been good when it came to medicine." He says.

You notice all the blood surrounding the room start to gather into a tight ball. Looking at him, you ask what he's doing.

"Just gathering the blood. Rather be fully healed if we have to fight that intruder." He says as the blood begins to cover his skin.

About that, if one of your friends is in the building, you can't promise you'll fight with him.

Narrowing his eyes, he asks if you're friends are the intruders.

Well, you haven't seen the intruders, what do they look like?

"They're women, about my height. They use pistols and have rather odd semblances. I think the one ahead can switch locations with anyone in her visual range." He says.

No, the only person you know that uses pistols can't do that. Besides, you doubt your team would kill people, they all seem to not like doing that.

"Yeah, that's what everyone says. Some advice for you, kid. You'll never know what someone is really like until you put them into a life or death situation. I've seen people do a lot of messed up shit just to save someone they care about, heck I'm one of those people." He says.

Observing him, you notice that he looks much better than before. Does it have anything to do with the blood thing?

"You're not the only one who's semblance can heal. By the way, what's your name?" He says.

Oh, well, your name is Mordin, what's his? You take out your student ID to show him you're not lying.

You can see him relax just a tiny bit.

"Odol. Now, why don't you help carry some of my injured men with you? Those tentacles can be really helpful you know."

Well, you did indirectly hurt some of them. It's the least you could do, though, aren't most people weirded out by tentacles?

"Trust me, Mordin. We've seen a lot crazier things than someone with a semblance that lets you grow tentacles. Heck, I'm sure Julieta over here would love to get acquainted with your tentacles." He says motioning to one of his subordinates.

Now that you actually take the time to look at them, you notice that there are a decent amount of women working with him.

"Hey! Fuck you too boss!" Julieta yells with a bright blush.

You notice that she was one of the unlucky few to get hit with a ricochet bullet.

"Ha! Don't even try, we've all seen those tapes you keep in your sleeping bag." Odol says

Julieta quickly turns and tries to look around. Every face she stares at turns away in shame.

"Fuck you all! That stuff is private!" She yells with an even brighter blush.

This is followed by a large amount of laughter from the others.

Why are they so relaxed? Were they not trying to kill you just a second ago?

"Mordin, when you work in my field you get used to becoming allies with your enemies, even if only for a short time. The Grimm are one hell of a motivator, so don't worry about it. Everyone is still ready to jump you if you try anything stupid." He says with a knowing gaze.

What is his line of work? Also, why is he here?

"Were a private group of people that will protect you or work for you if you pay enough." He says.

Will he work for you if you pay him?

"Sure, as long as you have enough lien, though, we do have standards. Kidnapping children is one of those, so Tony's got a lot of explaining to do."

When you first woke up you really just wanted to show Tony how much you hated having your freedom restrained. After fighting with Odol you've somewhat calmed down, all you want now are answers.

"As for what we're doing here, Tony called in a favor. He told us we'd just have to guard his building for a day, nothing shady. Pay was good too, should have known something was up. Now I've lost a lot of friends and have much more injured."

Noticing the others helping the injured, you grab some nearby people with your tentacles and lift them up into a comfortable position.

"Speaking of that, you meet any of my men on the way up?"

Just two. They were right above the basement. You knocked them out and took their clothing, aside from that, they should still be down there,though, that do have broken legs.

Oh yeah, there was also that team of ten or so men that shot at you, they should also be unconscious somewhere near the ground floor.

"Well, can't fault you for defending yourself. Thanks for not killing them." He says.

So, does he mind sharing his scroll number? While you don't have a need for his services now, you might in the future.

"Heh, already looking to make friends, huh? Well, I'll give you my backup phones number, not like you'd be able to trace it." He says writing down his number on a small piece of paper and handing it over.

Soon, Odol splits his group up. Some of the uninjured ones go back down to retrieve the remainder of his men, the rest come with you.

Walking through the halls, you all make small talk. Apparently, the uniform you're wearing belongs to one of his men's daughter. She was actually working here as a guard. Apparently, Odol had asked Tony for a favor, he didn't want the girl to be that involved in their usual work until she was ready. You also learn that their group's name was "The Red Cap". It was named after the hats that everyone usually wears.

As you all made it to the room that the intruder was in, Odol quietly orders his men to stand back and motions you to follow.

As you both near the door, you prepare for combat. Odel gives you a look and extends his hand. Oh, does he want your sword? Quickly summoning the single edged blade, you hand it to him. It's not like he could use it to hurt you, while summoning takes time, returning it might as well be instant.

With a small smile, he fastens the sword to his hip and slowly opens the door. Using the reflection from your new sword's blade, he peeks into the room.

After a few seconds, he opens the door and walks in. Following him, you notice that the room is empty.

Wasn't there supposed to be someone here?

"Well, looks like the crazy bitch is gone. Saves us the trouble of kicking her ass, anyways, let's head on up. Stay on guard, never know when we might get attacked." He says.

And so, you, Odol, and his group cautiously make your way to the top floor. Arriving at the door, Odol repeats the process from the previous room and then procedures to slowly open the door and walk in.

"Son of a Bitch!" He yells as he kicks a nearby chair, shattering it as it hits a wall.

You can see why he's so angry, Tony sits on a chair at his desk. He's alive, but you can tell that he's not "Alive". Whatever was done to him, it's left him as a mindless doll.

How....inefficient. Why did they leave him alive if they were just going to make him a vegetable? As everyone walks in, you walk towards Tony. How will you get your answers now?

The spark of anger inside you begins to grow once more.

Suddenly, the large TV near one of the walls turns on.

"Now, now, you'll all get your questions answered. After all, it's the least we could do after all the trouble we caused you." The voice of a woman says.

"Fuck you! What the hell did you do this is all for!" One of the men in the crowd yells.

"I'm glad you asked. You see, Mr.Tony here tried to derail the path our organization has been following for quite some time. We had warned him, but he still went against us." The voice says

"So you killed him? Who the hell are you guys?" Odol says with a very calm look, you can tell he's quite angry.

"Who we are doesn't matter, what does matter is that you stop and don't try looking for us. As an apology for this inconvenience, I'll answer any questions you have." The voice says

She killed Tony, how will you get your answers?

You hear a small giggle coming from the voice.

"Well, you'll ask him of course." She says.

The view on the screen spins and you finally see where the woman was. She was in the office you're currently in, and Tony sat on his chair with a gun to his head. You can hear Odol clenching his fists.

"Now, go ahead little faunus, ask away." The voice says.

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