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51.35% pokemon fanfiction / Chapter 19: chapter 26 part 2

Chapter 19: chapter 26 part 2

Just then, the R. Rotom pull on its tail, and then Pikachu starts to fire Electricity and it shocks everyone except for Ash and Golly, who have changed into Ground Types. "It is not biting! But it is firing Electricity!"

Now the group are at school, with the five other students introduce themselves to Rotom Pokedex. Lillie says, "A Pokedex made for Rotom, this is really awesome."

"Awesome means great, which means Rotom is great!" R. Rotom says.

"Yes, you are great." Lillie says.

"Wow, it also learns the words that we speak...I wonder how it is designed." Sophocles then takes out a tool box. "Hey, Rotom? Will you let me dismantle you so I can examine your programming?"

This causes two Rotom Pokedex to be in fear. "I refuse!" They yell in union.

"It seems like you two got something interesting." Samson Oak walks in with Kukui, and then they introduce Rotom to Samson.

"It is nice to meet you." P. Rotom says.

"Nice to meet you-Psyduck-Arbok."

"Nice to meet you-Psyduck-Arbok? No definition, no definition..."

"Don't worry, that is just a pun." Mallow says.

"Pun?" R. Rotom starts to search data and then Samson asks, "How is it? Rotom? Are you feeling good inside the Pokedex?"

"Feeling good-Dragonite-Clawitzer, so so-Inkay, thank you-Wooper."

"You learned so well, Rotom. Maybe we can be partners-Wynaut? It is nice to meet you-Mawile." "Thank you-Wooper!" "Nice to meet you-Mawile." "Thank you-Wooper."

This causes everyone, including the P. Rotom to sweat drop. Kukui says, "Well, everyone. Today we are going outside for class. Ash, Golly, now it is time for you to capture new Pokemon."

"Of course." Ash says. "I like to go on a field trip." Mallow says.

"Because this is the first time that Ash and Golly go outside, so I want everyone to Destiny Bond with them." Kukui says.

"Destiny Bond? A Ghost-type move. When a Pokémon faints after using this move, the opponent that landed the knockout blow also faints." P. Rotom says.

"Well done, Rotom." Kukui says. "Leave all the information of Pokemon to me, Roto." Rotom says.

Once they are in the woods, Ash says, "I wonder what Pokemon we will find here."

"Maybe some Ghost Types, since this place looks a little creepy." Mallow says.

"There are 83.9 percent chance that we can find a wild Pokemon here." Rotom says. But then, they spot a Pokemon that catches their eyes.

"It's a Mimikyu!" Lillie says. "I remember from the book that..."

"Wait a second." R. Rotom says, "Leave the Entry for me. 

Just then, Mimikyu's eyes glow and then it starts to attack Pikachu, this causes Pikachu to be surprised as he quickly dodges the attack. Mallow says, "What's going on? Why is it suddenly attacking Pikachu?"

Ash says, "It is simple, it hates Pikachu." Lillie says, "Mimikyu's disguise is modeled after Pikachu because of the popularity of Pikachu-styled merchandise, thinking that its disguise would allow it to make friends with people. But thanks to that entry, people are afraid of this Pokemon because they are afraid of death. So Mimikyu doesn't have any friends."

"I see." Golly says as she notices the Z Crystal. "Hey, the picture of my Z Crystal is the same as the eyes of that Pokemon and the way it uses Shadow Claw."

"So does that mean this Z Crystal is a Mimikium Z?" Kiawe says. "Then I am going to capture it."

Ash nods towards Golly and turns to Pikachu, "Now use Iron Tail to fight back." Pikachu lands a hit on Mimikyu, but it only causes the head to fall down. "That's the ability Disguise." P. Rotom says, "It can take on one hit without having damage."

Golly says, "Then it is suitable for me. Go! Pokeball." Golly takes out a Pokeball and then captures the Mimikyu. It goes onto the ground with three shakes, then it is captured.

"Nice, I caught my first Pokemon." Golly says with a smile.

"I am glad you did it." Ash says. But as she sends out Mimikyu again, Mimikyu tries to fight against Pikachu, but Golly holds him back. "Stop it, Mimikyu. Pikachu didn't want to fight with you. You must calm down this instant."

Mimikyu then manages to calm down a little and Golly says, "I know that you don't like him because of his popularity. But Pikachu doesn't know about their popularity as well. In fact, there are also costs to be popular."

Mimikyu doesn't know why, he feels like this person is not actually human, he slightly agrees to stop fighting Pikachu, but he still has his hate on him. Just then, a net appears and then Pikachu and Sylveon is captured.

"Oh no! Pikachu! Sylveon!" Ash yells. "Who did this?" Mallow asks.

"Did someone ask something? We're here to find out!" "Noble answers are what we're all about!"

"The beauty so radiant, the flowers and moon hide in shame. A single flower of evil in this fleeting world: Jessie!" "The nobly heroic man of our times! The master of darkness fighting back against a tragic world! It's James." "It's all for one and one for all! A glittering dark star that always shines bright! Dig it, while Meowth takes flight!"

"Team Rocket, let's fight!" "That's right!" "Wobbuffet!"

"Team Rocket?" P. Rotom asks. "Can you fly to the universe?"

"We're blasting off again!" Jessie yells, "That's not how we go to the universe."

"Team Rocket is the name of notorious group of the world." James says.

"And you don't know this thing? What a useless Rotom Pokedex." Meowth says.

"No data...a Talking Kantonian Meowth! Maybe this is a rare species!" R. Rotom then starts to take pictures of him.

"Stop taking photos. You are annoying." Meowth yells.

"Notorious group?" Lana asks. "I have never heard of them." Mallow says.

Ash says, "In other words, they are idiots that always trying to steal Pokemon. And somehow they have been after my Pikachu ever since I traveled in Kanto."

Lillie says, "I remember now...they were also at Kalos, right?"

"So they are thieves?" Sophocles says.

Golly says, "So they are still after your Pikachu even though they have failed for almost a thousand times?"

"And this time we will succeed. Now we have those two, let's run." Jessie says.

"No way." Golly turns to Mimikyu, whose eyes are glowing and then it uses Shadow Claw to break the net. "What?"

"Nice work, Mimikyu." Golly says. Mimikyu says, "I just don't want others to interfere my score with Pikachu." Mimikyu says.

Just then, a Bewear appears behind Team Rocket and then it starts to hug Team Rocket. "What's going on?" Ash asks.

Bewear then turns to Ash and Golly, "Sorry for scaring you. Let me take care of them." Just then, he throws them into the sky as they yell, "We are blasting off again!"

"Wow..." Lillie says. "Bewear is so strong."

"Yeah..." Lana says.

Then Bewear tries to hug Ash again, but this time Ash has activated the Iron Plate with him as he lets him hug him. "Bewear. I know you like to hug, but you are crushing me."

Bewear notices it and then stops, then he bids them farewell as he leaves. Ash sighs and says, "Now that's done...Let's go find other Pokemon as well?"

"Sure." Sophocles says as everyone nods. Golly turns to Mimikyu, "And it is a pleasure to have you as my new friend. Let's become the best, Mimikyu." Mimikyu nods as well, but still have his eyes on Pikachu, who is tensing up. "I guess that we will have to think of a way to separate those two as well..." Golly sighs.

Right now Ash and his friends find a Grubbin on the way, then Ash is trying to capture a Grubbin again.

" R. Rotom says.

"Thank you Rotom." Ash says and then Pikachu weakens Grubbin with Thunderbolt.

"To catch a Pokemon, first you should weaken it then throw the Pokeball." Rotom says.

Ash throws a Poké Ball which begins to shake only for Grubbin is able to escape. Grubbin goes underground as Pikachu gets ready to attack. Grubbin emerges from the ground and scares Lillie.

"Lillie, are you alright?" Ash quickly rushes towards her and Pikachu uses Quick Attack, only to be hit by String Shot and then it is defeated. Then Grubbin also runs away.

"Pikachu, are you okay?" Ash asks while still trying to help Lillie up. Mallow says, "It is better that we take him to the Pokemon Center."

"Roger that." Golly says.

Ash turns to Lillie, "Don't worry, I won't let any Pokemon hurt you." Lillie can only blush and nod.

Once Ash, Golly, Mallow and Lillie arrive at the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy says, "Welcome to the Pokemon Center in Melemele Island's Route 1."

"Please help my Pikachu, Nurse Joy." Ash says as he gave Nurse Joy the Pikachu.

"Don't worry, Pikachu will be fine in no time. Blissey, please help him out." Blissey then carries Pikachu away.

says, "The Pokémon Center is where you can heal your Pokémon and restore its strength and treat any status conditions." Lillie sees a Pokemon and asks, "What is that Pokemon? Rotom?"

"Leave it to me." R. Rotom says, .

As Ash is given the flower ring to hold on, he says, "Wow, it sure is a perfect Pokemon for Nurse Joy."

"Blissey is also great as well." Mallow says.

As they are sitting at the nearby seat, Ash asks, "So Lillie, do you remember anything?"

Lillie frowns a little and says, "Well..."

"Remember what?" Mallow asks in confusion.

"Oh, you see." Golly whispers to Mallow and then she suddenly squeals, causing the two of them to be surprised. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. So are you two dating yet?" Mallow asks. Which causes them to blush. "Golly, what did you just tell her?" Ash asks.

"Sorry, Brother." Golly sticks a tongue out of her.

Lillie then feels something hits her head and she says, "I think I am starting to remember..."

"Remember what?" Ash asks with eyes sparkling. "Please tell me what you remember..."

Lillie says, "Can you please send out Delphox for me?" Ash nods as he does so, as Lillie sees Delphox, she feels a little fear of approaching her, but she says, "I chose you as my starter Pokemon back in the Professor Sycamore's lab, right?" Delphox nods and she says, "And then we were lost in the woods, I was about to get attacked by Vespiquen and you saved me?"

Delphox is surprised as she nods. "Can you still remember anything?" Delphox asks.

Lillie says, "Sorry...I don't think..."

"It's fine, at least you remembered Delphox." Ash says. "I have an idea. How about we share our Pokedex account? That way I can help you until your phobia is gone?"

Lillie frowns and nods a little. Then they hear that Pikachu is healed and they go take Pikachu. Next, they all go to a fruit shop so that they can try out the fruits there.

"This time I am going to capture a Pokemon no matter what." Ash says while eating a pineapple.

"I am sure that you can capture one, Brother." Golly says.

"The chance of encountering Pokemon in the back of the school is 89%." Rotom says.

"That's nice. I also met Bounsweet at the same place." Mallow says.

"Bounsweet then sprays sweet scent until two birds rush towards her, only to be Rapid Spin by the Bounsweet.

"Rotom, what are those Pokemon?" Ash asks.

As they are attacking Bounsweet, Bounsweet dodges the attack as Rotom says, "But they are found...And then Take Down deals more damage as well to the user."

"Well, Bounsweet is used to it." Mallow says. says, " It's back again!"

Rowlet and Pikipek are now fainted as they fall down to the ground, Ash quickly rushes to catch the two of them. "They must be very hungry." Ash ays.

"We should order some more fruit." Golly says as Ash places the two of them on their backpack. When Rowlet and Pikipek come round, Ash asks, "Are you okay?"

They notice Ash giving them some fruit as they gobble down fast. "They sure have some strong appetite." Lillie sweat drops.

"That speed and quantity of their appetite is amazing..."R. Rotom says."

"Rowlet, how about this?" Ash offers the banana to the owl Pokemon, but then he feels a little pain as Rowlet uses his claws to scratch him.

Once the two bird Pokemon are full, Ash touches Rowlet and says, "Wow, it is so soft." Rowlet feels happily at the comment.

"Hey, Rowlet, Pikipek, can I capture you?" Ash asks, but then Rowlet and Pikipek spot a Watermelon and fly off. Then they quickly chase after them.

"Are you going to capture them?" Lillie asks.

"Of course." Ash says as they chase them to a nest, where they see a lot of Pikipek, a Trumbeak and a Toucannon.

"Found them." Ash says as the birds all see them. P. Rotom says, "Now it's my turn

R. Rotom touches the beak and says, "What's going on, it doesn't feel hot..." Then he tries to knock on it and says, "Did I get it wrong?"

Toucannon feels angry at the Rotom as the heat rises, causing him to get burned.

Rowlet and Pikipek fly towards them and Ash says, "So you have a lot of companions?" Rowlet flies into Ash backpack while Pikipek flies on top of his hat.

Just then, some nets appear and they capture all the bird Pokemon. "What the..."

Then Team Rocket appears again as Ash says, "You guys again? Release the birds now!"

"That won't do, since they stole our berries and we are just going to get them back!" Then they also steal the berries. "And Pikachu for our boss as well, go! Gourgeist!"

As the Pokemon appears, Jessie says, "Use Shadow Ball!" "Block it with Electro Ball!" Ash yells.

As they are firing, Lillie says, "Rowlet, use your speed to free your friends, Pikipek's beak can also break the net easily." The two birds nod as they quickly leave.

Then as Pikachu is battling the Gourgeist, the two birds free the others and James says, "Inkay! You help out as well!"

As the second Pokemon appears, Rowlet also joins in the fight with Pikipek as they both use Leafage and Peck respectively.

"Now use Thunderbolt!" Ash says as Pikachu lands a Thunderbolt, causing the group to be sent flying again. "We're blasting off again!"

Mallow says, "So you always did that, and they would always come back?"

Ash sighs, "Yeah, it is a matter of time that they are back for more."

Then Rowlet and Pikipek all being cheered by other birds, Ash says, "Rowlet, Pikipek, it is thanks to you two that they are saved. Now it is time for us to go."

This causes them to be surprised. P. Rotom asks, "Aren't you going to capture them?"

Ash says, "It's fine. What matters is that they are happy with their friends, they are a family as well." Ash says.

Then the others are trying to leave, until Rowlet and Pikipek rushes towards them and Ash asks, "Why?"

Then they hear a lot of farewell from the flock, and Ash says, "So you want to come with us?" The two birds nod and then Ash says, "Great, I really wanted to have you guys as friends as well."

Then Ash takes out two Pokeballs. "Now go! Pokeball!" Ash throws two Pokeballs and then they shake for a while. Then they are captured successfully and R. Rotom is shocked, "You can capture like that?"

"Of course." Ash says.

"That is so much like Ash." Lillie smiles a little and then Ash sends the two Pokemon out. Rowlet flies into his backpack and Ash says, "So you like my Backpack? Rowlet?" It nods and P. Rotom says, "A Rowlet that likes updated!"

Back at home, Ash and Golly are feeding their Pokemon until they hear a door knock. Ash opens the door and sees Lillie with them. "Lillie? What are you doing here and how did you find this place?"

Lillie pouts, "Can't I come to your house? Ash?"

"No...I..." Ash says.

"Relax." Lillie giggles a little. "I am here to have a sleepover with you guys. I got permission from my mother."

"That's great, but why are you going on a sleepover with us?" Ash asks in confusion.

Lillie says with determination. "I want to remember everything about myself as Serena. And you guys can help me after all."

Ash and Golly smile and Ash says, "Sure. It is nice to have you here." Then they go to the dining room for lunch.

Durning the time when Lillie comes to Ash's house in the weekend, Ash has been helping her touch Pokemon. But all is futile except for her Sylveon, making it the only Pokemon that Lillie can hug for now. And Ash and Lillie are happy at the progress.

The next morning, Ash looks at his Z Ring and his Arceus plates, he remembers about the conversation he had with his mom yesterday. His mother told them that Z Crystals can be used as plates for them to change typings, so Ash wants to get all 18 types...

Aurora walks into the room and says, "Ash? It seems like you are so early. Today is Saturday, so usually you would sleep in."

"I know, Mom. It is just that I want to use all kinds of Z Moves. I want to get all the Z Crystals." Ash says.

"I see." Aurora says, "How about going to Iki Town, you can meet the Kahuna of this island so that he can give you a trial to get them?"

"Thanks, Mom. I'll go there once Golly is up." Ash says.

"I am already up." Golly says as he walks into the room. "Your voice is so loud that I woke up this instant."

"Sorry." Ash says while rubbing his head. Then they all head towards Iki Town until they see a boy training with his Rowlet with Leafage.

"Nice work, Rowlet." The boy says. "With this my gramps will be able to give us the trial."

Just then, the Rowlet found Ash and the group as he shoots Leafage at them, causing them to dodge quickly. Hau notices it and says, "I am sorry. But what are you doing here?"

"We're just walking by." Ash says, but Hau notices the Z Ring on his hand and says, "It's a Z Ring!" He goes to admire it and then he asks, "You have a Z Ring? Does that mean you have challenged the Grand Trial against my gramps?"

"Your gramps?" Golly asks. "We haven't challenge the Grand Trial yet. But this is the reason why we are heading towards Iki Town. So that we can go challenge the Kahuna."

"I see...the Kahuna is my grandfather. I wanted to battle him, but I just got my partner Rowlet..." Hau says. "I think I have seen you before, you are Ash Ketchum, right? I saw the news about you and your special Greninja."

"You saw it as well?" Ash asks.

"Yeah, I really wanted to battle against that, but I am still a rookie, I will be easily defeated by you." Hau says.

"Well, as much as I want to battle you, I don't have Greninja with me as well, since he has some job to do in Kalos." Ash says as he nods.

"But how did you get the Z Rings if you didn't challenge my Gramps?" Hau asks.

Golly says, "We did meet Tapu Koko and he gave us the rings."

"Seriously? You met the Melemele Deity Tapu Koko? Then you seem to be interesting people. I'll take you to Gramps." Hau says as they thank him.

But as they arrive at Iki Town, they find out that the Kahuna isn't in the town, Hau sighs, "I am sorry, if my gramps are away, it would be taking some days for him to return."

"It's fine." Ash says. "Then we must go back home for now."

As Hau notices Ash and Golly's disappointed face, Hau says, "Wait up! Me and Rowlet have a favor to ask. Can you be our opponents in my first ever Pokémon battle together!"

Ash and Golly are confused. "You mean...a battle with you? Of course." Ash says.

"All right! I'm seriously gonna enjoy this!" Hau says as Ash sends out his Rowlet.

"So you have a Rowlet as well." Hau says.

"Good, Rowlet. It's time to battle." Ash says, but falls as Rowlet starts to sleep. "Wake up Rowlet."

"Let's help him with Leafage." Hau says as his Rowlet then fires the attack on Ash's, causing his to wake up. "Good, now use Peck." Ash says as his own Rowlet, who is fully awake, uses the move to deal a lot of damage.

"Tackle!" Hau says as Rowlet charges, but Ash says, "Astonish." This serious move causes Hau's to fall down immediately. "Finish with Tackle!" Then Ash's strikes the Pokemon hard.

Hau picks up his Rowlet and says, "Our first defeat! Sorry, Rowlet!" He gaves a Sitrus Berry to Rowlet as it feels better. Then he turns to Ash.

"Whoa! That was awesome, Ash! You and Rowlet were both so cool! You've gotta have the kinda battles where everyone has fun. You and your partner Pokémon, too, you know?"

"I know, thank you for the battle." Ash says.

"Thank you as well." Hau says as they bid farewell as Ash and Golly return to their mansion.

In the dream, Ash and Pikachu find themselves in mountains surrounded by fog. They watch as two lights appear in the sky, and Solgaleo and Lunala emerge from them.

"Solgaleo? Lunala?" Ash gasps as he sees the two Pokemon.

The two Pokémon look down at Ash, Ash nods, "I got it, Solgaleo. Lunala." Just then, they roar and then they start to make something through a beam of light.

Ash wakes up instantly, and then Pikachu does the same. "Pikachu, you dreamed about it as well?"

Pikachu nods as he looks at the sky, it is still dark and then the two of them nod as they rush outside. But on the way, they see Lillie and Sylveon as well. "Lillie? What are you doing here?"

Lillie says, "Ash? I saw a dream...I don't know why...but I saw Solgaleo and Lunala."

"Us to." Ash says, "It isn't a coincidence."

Then they see Tapu Koko flying by as they quickly chase after him, then much to their surprise, they see a cloud like Pokemon being attacked by a flock of Spearow on the bridge that is heading towards the Ruins of Conflict.

"Oh no! Those Spearow are attacking it!" Lillie says.

"We have to save it." Ash says.

"But I...I'm not a Trainer. I can't..." Lillie says.

Ash rushes towards the Spearow, Lillie yells, "Ash!"

Ash quickly bends down and covers the cloud like Pokemon, and then he is being pecked by Spearows. "This is nothing..." Ash winces. Just then, the cloud like Pokemon suddenly uses its powers to create an explosion, causing the bridge to break and the Spearow to leave. Ash and the cloud like Pokemon then falls.

"Oh, no! Ash!" Lillie yells. Just then, Tapu Koko hears the cry and then he rushes to save Ash and the cloud like Pokemon. Once they are back at the cliff, Lillie hugs Ash tight and says, "I thought I am going to lose you again..."

"I am sorry, Lillie." Ash says as they hug, then they see Tapu Koko flying away. Pikachu goes towards the cloud like Pokemon, he tickles it with his nose, causing the cloud like Pokemon to giggle a little.

"It seems like it is sleeping." Ash says as he grabs it. "Wow, it is so light."

Lillie and Ash gasp and then Lillie says, "That was what we saw after we promised Solgaleo and Lunala..."

"Lillie, we should go back to our house so that Mom will help us." Ash says as they nod.

The next morning, Aurora and Golly go to Ash's room, only to see that his bed is empty. "Rotom, where is Ash?" Aurora asks.

"Ms. Ketchum, Ash was missing ever since I was awake." Rotom says in panic.

"Maybe he is in the living room?" Golly asks as they go check it out, then they are surprised to see Lillie also there. "Ash? What are you doing with Lillie?"

Ash and Lillie turn to the two females and Ash says, "Mom. Look at this Pokemon."

As they show them the cloud like Pokemon, Aurora says, "It's a Cosmog..."

"Cosmog?" Golly asks. P. Rotom says, "No is that possible?"

"It is a Legendary Pokemon." Aurora says. "Ash, Lillie, I suggest that you take him to school, Professor Kukui might know something about it."

"Okay." Ash says as they all go to school. Once they arrive, Ash yells, "Professor!"

This causes everyone to look at the three. Lillie says, "We found a Pokemon that wasn't in the Pokedex." Lillie says.

"What? Please calm down, what Pokemon?" Kukui says as Ash takes him out of the backpack and then places it on the table.

"Wow, it is so cute." Mallow says. "Yeah." Lillie says, "Ash and I were trying to find out this Pokemon last night, but we didn't find anything either."

"My mother then said that it is a Cosmog, a Legendary Pokemon, but it doesn't seem that she knows it as well..." Ash says.

"Principal Oak, how about you?" Kukui asks. "This is also my first time seeing this Pokemon." Oak says.

"I think it is better that we all research it." Kukui says. "He sure is a heavy sleeper..." Lana says.

"Nebby..." Lillie mutters. "What?" Ash asks.

"Well, I thought that it has something twinkling just like stars in the sky in his body? And it looks just like a Nebula. How about we call him Nebby?"

"That sounds great." Golly says as they all agree the name of this Pokemon.

Just then, Nebby wakes up and then it starts to cry, everyone except for Ash, Lillie and Golly cover their eyes as R. Rotom says, "It is Supersonic!"

Ash tries to comfort the Pokemon like a baby but in vain. Just then, Bounsweet tries to use Sweet Scent, but it causes Rowlet to come at her, so Bounsweet uses Rapid Spin to send it flying to the air. Much to their surprise, Nebby starts to laugh.

" laughs and then it cries, it is just like a baby." Golly says.

"Now that it's calmed down. Now let's see what he likes to eat." Kukui says.

After trying a lot of food, they manage to find some Star Candies and then it likes it. "Maybe it is because that Star Candies are like stars."

"You're right." Ash says. "Sophocles, can you give me the location of the place that sells it?"

"Sure." Sophocles says.

Once Ash, Lillie and Golly ride the limo back home, Aurora says, "Welcome back, Ash, Golly. Lillie is here as well? Then it saves some time."

"Why?" Lillie asks.

After they are inside, Lillie gasps, "Mother?" "Lillie!" Lusamine says. "Long time no see. Are you being a good girl?"

"Good girl?" Lillie mutters. "You didn't say anything wayward to Hobbes?" "It's embarrassing, Mother." "So weren't like this when you were Serena." Lusamine teases.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Lillie asks as she hugs Sylveon.

"Lillie? You can touch Pokemon? That's great. I know Ash and Golly can take good care of you." Lusamine then rubs Lillie's hair, causing her to say, "Mother, this is really embarrassing."

After this ends, Lillie says, " really didn't consider my feelings, you just put your own thoughts on me! Just like before! You tried to make me a Rhyhorn Racer even though I don't like Rhyhorn Racing, and then with the Clefairy, you evolved her into Clefable without my permission as well!"

"I know it is my fault for Rhyhorn Racing, but Clefable is my Pokemon and the reason you didn't want to evolve is because it is cute. This is not scientific!"

"To me it is a conclusion by my theory!" Lillie says.

Golly says, "Wow, did Serena and her mother usually fight like this before?"

"Yeah..." Ash says. Then he notices three people and Aurora says, "Let me introduce them to you. This is Professor Burnet. She is partaking the research in Aether Foundation."

"And these are my workers, Wicke and Faba." Lusamine says.

"Alola. I am Wicke, I help the Pokemon protecting activities in the foundation." "And I am Faba, the leader of the research department."

"Well, it is kinda sudden, but can you please show me Cosmog?" Lusamine asks.

"Sure." Ash says as they all head to the office room. Lusamine says, "It is such a nice kid." She touches Nebby and it giggles. "So is this Pokemon an Ultra Beast?"

"Ultra Beast?" Ash asks as Burnet shows them the battle between Ultra Beasts and Tapus. "Many years ago, the creatures from other worlds have a fight with the guardians of the Alola Region. Do you know the legend?"

"I have read it from a book." Lillie says. "Those creatures from the other worlds, they are called Ultra Beasts, right?"

"You sure have been learning well." Lusamine says. "It sure is a right choice to make you go to the Pokemon School."

"It is not that you told me to go there, I want to go there on my own!" Lillie says. "Geez..."

"So Nebby is an Ultra Beast?" Ash asks.

"There is a high possibility." Burnet says.

"We have detected the same aura of this Pokemon that is different from us. We have been researching the aura of the Ultra Beasts and Wicke, your turn." Faba says.

"Sure." Wicke then shows the Altar and says, "Last night, we detected a high Ultra Energy near the Altar of Sunne."

'That's the place." Lillie says. "Ash and I had a dream last night, and we saw Solgaleo and Lunala there."

"You dreamed of those two Pokemon?" Aurora asks.

"Yeah, and Nebby was created with their light." Ash says.

"So the Ultra Beasts that become legends...they have been contacting with Ash and Lillie?" Lusamine wonders.

"Those are just dreams, it is not real." Faba says.

"Ash, Lillie. Do you mind if we put Nebby in the Aether Paradise?" Lusamine asks. "The Aether Paradise has a lot of facilities that protect Pokemon. It is a nice place to put Pokemon there."

"But..." Lillie says. "We have promised Solgaleo and Lunala that we have to take care of him. So we decide to take care of him."

"Ash, Lillie. This is a heavy responsibility for you two." Faba says. "Stop it, Faba." Lusamine says.

"We even got Z Rings and Z Crystals from Tapu Koko himself, so there is no way that we won't be trusted." Golly says.

Lusamine nods and says, "I see...then it shouldn't be helped." "President Lusamine!" Faba exclaims.

"Ash, Lillie. I trust you two to take care of them. But if you have any problems, then feel free to let us help you."

"Thank you, Mother." Lillie says. Then Aurora lets the three children out as they are now talking more serious problems.

Once they are outside, Ash says, "By the way, Lillie. When you yelled at your mother about Rhyhorn Racing, does that mean you remember that?"

Lillie gasps and says, "Maybe...I think I remember something as well...we met in the Santalune Gym, right? When you lost the Pokemon battle. I asked if I remembered you, but you forgot."

Ash almost falls down as that is what she remembered. Golly says, "You forgot about her? How could you do such a thing?"

"At least I remembered now." Ash says. "But thanks to you, I won the badge and I also asked you to travel with us, right?"

Lillie nods and Ash says, "You know, this is also the first time I asked a girl to travel with us..."

"Really?" Lillie asks.

"Yeah, thought I have traveled throughout 6 regions, my female companions traveled with me because of a trouble maker who always shock them or frying bikes."

Pikachu rubs his head in embarrassment as Lillie giggles a little. "So I am really special, huh?"

Ash says, "I guess so." Then they decide to go train their Pokemon.

Ash, Golly and Lillie are in school watching Pikachu, Sylveon and Popplio playing together. Just then, they see Lana and her Popplio approaching them.

"Alola, Lana." Lillie says. Lana says, "What are you up to?"

"Well, we are just playing with our new Pokemon, Popplio." Ash says. Then the other classmates come and Mallow asks, "When did you get a Popplio?"

"This morning." Golly says. "Professor Kukui told us that he gave out all the Starter Pokemon to new trainers, but this Popplio is being left out, so Ash decides to take care of it."

"That's so nice of you." Sophocles says.

"Yeah." Ash says as he opens his backpack, only to see that Rowlet pops out of it and then rolls to the ground until it hits the fence. "I thought where were you, Rowlet."

"He is in your backpack again-roto?" R. Rotom asks as they laugh a little.

Once the class is over, Lana asks Ash, Golly and Lillie to come to her house. Ash says, "By the way, Lana, when we first meet each other, you were fishing, right?"

"Yeah, I like Pokemon from undersea." Lana says.

"That's awesome." Golly says as they continue to walk. Lillie notices the two Popplio and she says, "It seems like they are getting along so well."

"Yeah." Ash says. R. Rotom says, "

"By the way, I notice that you are practicing Popplio to do that every morning, right?" Lillie asks.

"Yeah, this beach is where I met my own was being abused by Team Skull until Lapras saved him." Lana says.

"That sounds wonderful. I hope we can make bigger balloons as well." Ash says to Popplio who nods.

"Of course you can. My dream is to get inside the balloon so that I can go underwater easily to see more Water Type Pokemon." Lana says.

"That's great news, I think I want to try it out as well." Ash says.

"But usually Popplio can only make small balloons." P. Rotom says.

"But we don't know if we don't try it out." Lillie says.

Then Lana asks her Popplio to make one, but then it breaks in the end, Ash also tries out with his own Popplio, but with the same results. Golly says, "Why don't we try working together? Surely two Pokemon can make it?"

Lana says, "Nice Idea, let's try it out."

Then they work together and then R. Rotom says, "Unbelievable, the expansion ratio is going to 125%...200%..."

"It's working." Lillie says as they made a giant balloon. But as it rises to the air, it breaks and then wetting all four of them as well as four Pokemon. "I think it is still impossible." P. Rotom says.

After drying themselves, they arrive at Lana's house. Once they get inside, Lana is greeted by two children who seems to be Lana's sisters.

"Ash, Lillie, Golly, they are my sisters, sisters Harper and Sarah..." But then they see that the two siblings start to play with Pikachu's cheeks.

"Sarah, Harper, you are making Pikachu uncomfortable." Lana says. "But it is so cute." "Yeah, I have never seen a real one before."

R. Rotom says, "Pikachu is very popular in the Alola Region." Golly sighs, "Which is also why Mimikyu hates him."

Then Sarah asks, "So is that boy your boyfriend? Sister?" This causes Lana to blush and Lillie to get jealous. "No, he is not!"

"Really?" The sisters ask. "Really!" Then Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt, and then Ash quickly hugs Lillie so that she won't get shocked while the others except for Golly are shocked as well. "Not again..."R. Rotom says.

Then Lana shows them her Fishing Rod, and Ash and the other two are surprised. "Wow, you have a lot of fishing rods." Lillie says.

"Yeah, you really are a collector." Golly says.

"It is nothing." Lana says shyly. Just then, they hear a scream of Lapras and Ash says, "What's going on here?"

They rush towards the Lapras and then they see that Team Rocket have the Lapras in the net. After the motto, Golly says, "You three again?"

"We are taking those Lapras." Jessie says. "And if you use Electric attacks, then they will be injured."

Ash says, "Then use Iron Tail!" Then Pikachu cuts the net, much to their shock. As Lapras is falling, two Popplio use Balloons to make them land safely.

"Nice work, Lana." Ash says as they hug the Pokemon. Then Lana suddenly goes dark and says, "Unforgivable...Popplio...Bubble Beam on them!" "You too. Popplio."

Both of the Pokemon fire the bubbles, causing Team Rocket to blast off again. "Thank you for helping us." Lana says.

"No problem." Ash says as they stay for a while before heading back home.

Then the next day in the house, Ash and Golly find that there are no food in the refrigerator, Ash says, "How about we go shopping for food?"

"Sure. Brother." Golly says as they go to Hau'oli City Hall, but much to their surprise, they see Sophocles there, so they greet him. Togedemaru hugs Pikachu so tight as Sophocles says, "Geez, stop doing that to Pikachu."

"Well, she sure is a fan for Pikachu." Ash laughs.

Just then, Togedemaru then hits Pikachu in the end and then she stops, Ash asks, "So Sophocles, what did you buy?"

"Well...I am just going to have some ice-cream." Sophocles says while sweating.

"Ice Cream? We want to eat it as well." Golly and Ash say in union.

Then they all sit at the Ice Cream Store, and then they eat together and Sophocles explains his love for ice cream. Golly says, "Wow, you sure are good at finding resources."

"Yeah. In fact, I also like inventing. Like this." He then shows them a program and says, "This is a program that I made."

As they are amazed, R. Rotom says, "I want to see more about it."

Sophocles gives an evil smile and says, "Then please let me examine you in exchange."

"I refuse-Roto!" Rotom yells. Ash says, "You know, the way you like inventing made me remember of my old friend Clemont..."

"Clemont? As in the Lumiose City Gym Leader? You have met him once?" Sophocles asks in surprise.

"Well, he was my traveling companion back in the Kalos Region. With his sister Bonnie and Serena..." Ash says.

"Serena? You mean the one who almost become the Kalos Queen, but died after the plane crash?" Sophocles asks.

"Well, she isn't actually dead." Golly says. "But that is another thing to say."

Sophocles decides not to ask further, but then he asks, "Is it true that Clemont made a robot for his Gym duties?"

"Well, you mean Clembot? Of course, at first it has some errors, but all went well in the end." Ash says.

"Man, I really want to see it in person." Sophocles says.

Then they all head into the mall, and then suddenly, the doors are closing and then they are separated with Rotom, Pikachu and Togedemaru.

"What's going on?" Ash asks in shock as he bangs on the door, but in vain as it won't open.

Then a staff member says, "We are very sorry! Just before the system suddenly goes wrong and the doors to close automatically. We are still investigating the reason."

Just then, the lights are cut off as Sophocles start to run in panic. "Sophocles, please calm down." Golly says as she takes out a Flashlight. "Thank you, Golly..." Sophocles says.

"Are you really afraid of the dark?" Ash asks. "Yeah. It is thanks to Togedemaru that I am able to sleep in the night time." Sophocles ays.

Then Sophocles decides to help the staff at the mall while Ash asks, "So how are we going to get to Pikachu and the others?"

Golly says, "I know, Mimikyu, come on out!" Golly sends out her Pokemon and then she says, "Mimikyu hates Pikachu, so we can use that advantage to find them."

Ash says, "I see." Then with Mimikyu's help, they manage to find Togedemaru on top of the building, but Team Rocket are also there.

"You three again?" Ash asks as they hear Pikachu crying for help. "Pikachu! Hang in there." Ash yells at him.

Sophocles says, "Ash, tells PIkachu to use Thunderbolt." Ash nods as Pikachu does it, but Team Rocket just laugh, "And what can it do since it won't hit us?"

But then Togedemaru uses its Lightning Rod ability and then Sophocles says, "Now use Zing Zap!" Then Togedemaru hits them and then she sends them flying. Ash also asks Rowlet to save Pikachu in the end.

Once Pikachu is safe, Togedemaru hugs Pikachu and then Rotom says, "So absorbing Thunderbolt to power up its electricity...that is amazing. Data Update-roto."

"It seems like you two can be good partners." Golly says. Then they all go to the control room to restore the electricity. As they are going back home, Ash says, "Oh no...the main purpose of going can we forget..."

Golly pales as she also remembers. "What should we do?"

"There you are." Just then, they see Aurora walking towards them. "Mom? You are back this early?"

"Well, it seems like the meeting goes well than I expected." Aurora says.

"Mom, we are sorry that the food in the fridge..." Golly says.

"It's fine, we can go eat at Aina's Kitchen." Aurora says, "Sophocles, how about you come with us as well?"

"Of course! I want a mixed barbecue and large fries!" Sophocles yells.

"I want to eat that too." Ash says.

"Then last one to get there is a rotten egg." Golly rushes off and Sophocles says, "No fair!" "Wait for me!" Ash yells as they all run. Aurora sighs and says, "They sure are so young." Then she also rushes after them.

Ash, Golly, Pikachu, Sylveon and both Rotom are going to school, this time they stop as they see the kitten like Pokemon. Lillie says, "It is Litten."

"Litten, it seems like we have encountered this Pokemon for a lot of times." Golly says.

Litten then approaches Ash and asks, "What's wrong?"

Litten nuzzles against Ash and says, "I am hungry..."

Ash says, "Oh, you are hungry?" Ash then takes out a croquette sandwich. He then tears a little and says, "How about this?"

Just then, Litten jumps and grabs the large one and then leaves. Golly says, "Here goes your lunch..."

Ash sighs, "At least there is a kitchen in school, I guess I can make my own lunch then." Then they all go to school before they are late.

Once they are at school, they are having classes until it is lunch time, everyone watches how Ash is making lunch. Mallow asks, "Didn't you make your own lunch box before arriving here?"

"I gave it to Litten." Ash says.

"You met that Litten?" Mallow asks. "It is so cute when it nuzzles you."

"Indeed." Lana says.

"It sure is cute, but Litten isn't the kind who enjoys dealing with people." Sophocles says.

"Well, it tends to hang around our restaurant as well." Mallow says.

"And I also saw it around the market stealing berries, so what are you going to do with it?" Kiawe asks.

"If it is possible, maybe I am going to capture it. Since he can be best friends with my other Fire Type Pokemon as well." Ash says.

"That sounds like a good idea." Lillie says.

After school, Ash, Golly and Lillie are helping Aurora with the groceries until Ash spots the Litten. "There he is!" Ash says as he runs off.

"Ash? Where are you going?" Aurora asks in worry, Golly says, "Mom, let me explain to you."

Ash looks around and says, "Where did it go?" Then an old woman spots them and says, "May I help you?"

"Have you seen Litten around?" Ash asks. Just then, they see the Litten is eating the food that the old woman gave him. "Here he is."

Litten glares at Ash, but Ash doesn't seem fazed. Ash says, "I am not going to fight you for that sandwich back then." Ash says as he takes an Oran Berry and gives it to Litten, "Here you go."

Then Litten looks at them a while before running off with the Oran Berry. Aurora, Lillie and Golly arrive and Aurora asks, "Does that Litten often come here?"

"It comes every day. Maybe it is because that he is worried about me, so whenever he comes, I will give him some berries." The old lady says. "Did your food get stolen by Litten as well?"

"Well, I prefer to say that I gave my lunch to him." Ash says with a smile. Aurora says, "That is not normal for you, Ash. Since you always like to eat."

Golly says, "He cooked his own lunch in school after that."

"Although we don't know where it lives, but we know that it isn't a bad Pokemon." The old lady says.

Lillie says, "Wow...but I wonder there is a deeper reason for him to steal food..."

The next day after school, Ash, Golly and Lillie are walking home as well until they see Litten facing off a grey cat like Pokemon. "What is that Pokemon?"

"It is a Persian-Roto." P. Rotom says.

"Persian? It doesn't seem like the ones we saw before." Golly says.

"The ones you saw looks like this." R. Rotom says as he shows the picture of the white Persian. "But in Alola, the Persian looks like that."

"So it has an Alolan form as well." Ash says.

"Then Litten is in trouble!" Lillie says.

Ash tries to stop Persian, but it is too late that Persian uses Scratch on him. But then Persian surrounds Litten as he has no where to go due to the fact that it is on the edge of a cliff.

"Sylveon, Moonblast!" Ash yells as Sylveon fires the attack, causing Persian to fight back with Power Gem. But another Moonblast causes the Persian to go away.

"Litten, are you okay?" Ash asks as he sees Litten almost faint. Ash tries to reach out to him, Litten refuses and bites him. Not giving up, Ash picks Litten up and promises to take it to the Pokémon Center, but Litten wriggles free and tries to attack with Ember. Pikachu tries to get Litten to come with them but Litten collapses.

"I know why you are doing this, we aren't going to take the berry." Ash says as he carries him away. Rotom helps Litten take the berry as they all go to the Pokemon Center.

Later at the Pokémon Center, Litten is given a Heliolisk collar. As for Ash, he is being helped by Lillie as she says, "Geez, Ash, you are being reckless again."

"I am sorry, Lillie." Ash says with a small laugh.

Unhappy, Litten dashes out with the berry, causing the group to chase him again. "Wait, Litten!" Ash yells as then they see Kiawe entering the Pokemon Center.

"Sorry, Kiawe." Lillie says as the three of them leave, causing Kiawe to be confused.

Litten attempts to jump through a fence but the collar prevents it from squeezing through. "I know you are worried, but you can't move. I am sure that he won't want to see you collapse because of him, right?"

Litten then frowns as he sighs in defeat. Lillie asks, "Who?"

Ash says, "I'll help you with the collar, but you can't lick your wounds." After Ash takes off the collar, Litten takes them to an old hut, inside the hut is a Stoutland.

"A Stoutland!" Lillie gasps. P. Rotom says, "Alola Dex Entry No.152 Stoutland: The Big Hearted Pokemon: Normal Type. With this wise Pokémon, there could be no concern that it would ever attack people. Some parents even trust it to babysit.

"You are quite old as well..." Golly says to Stoutland.

Ash says, "So you want to bring food to him, right?" Ash asks. Stoutland says to Litten, "Stop fighting."

Litten frowns and then Ash turns to him, "I am sorry that he got late, he was being ambushed and we had to heal him." Ash then turns to Litten, "I was at first want to capture you, but from what I have seen, I think I should give up for now."

Ash turns to the two females, who nod back and they are about to leave. "We will bring some more food here, Litten, we could come again, right?"

Just then Litten feels an ease presence as the others also feel it. Then they spot the same Persian who enters the house.

"It's the Persian from before!" Lillie says.

"Everyone, get outside." Ash says as they all head outside. "He is here for revenge. We have to stop him."

Then much to their surprise, Persian tries to attack Stoutland, but Ash quickly uses Protect to protect others. This action causes Lillie to be surprised, "What? Ash? You can use Protect?"

"I'll explain later." Ash says.

Persian tries to attack Litten who dodges and retaliates with Ember. But the attack proves to be ineffective as Persian simply breaks it apart with its claws. Stoutland barks at Litten to use a more powerful Ember as it did previously when training. Litten begins to gather fire energy on its back which creates an Ember large enough to send the Persian running away with its tail on fire.

"Nice work, Litten. You chased it away." Golly says, Litten also cheers with Stoutland before Ash and his friends leave.

The next day arrives and Ash and his friends gather a lot of food to the house, but they see that Litten and Stoutland are gone. "Where did they go?" Lillie asks.

"It must have moved away...since the Persian would come back again..." Ash frowns.

Then they are back to the market and they find Litten there. Ash asks, "Litten, did you move away?" Litten nods and then he takes the berries away, much to their relief.

Lillie then asks Ash, "So about yesterday, how did you manage to use Protect?"

Ash sighs and says, "How about we tell you after the class is over? We can come to your house since it will be safe." Lillie nods as they all head to school.

At the Pokémon School, the Pokémon are all playing. Togedemaru becomes more active and ends up rolling into Pikachu before jumping back into the air.

"It seems like Togedemaru is a little over active..." Sophocles says with a sigh.

Then the two Pokemon try to stop him, but then it ends up rolling towards a petrified Lillie but Ash moves her out of the way. Togedemaru calms down after hitting Pikachu to a bookshelf.

Mallow notices how Ash is holding Lillie tight, she coughs and says, "Ash, you can let go."

Ash and Lillie blush as they realize what they were doing. Lillie says, "Ash, thank you..."

"Don't worry." Ash says.

"I am sorry, I would tell Togedemaru about this." Sophocles says.

"It's fine." Lillie says. "According to my conclusion after theory, I can touch Pokemon if I want to."

Lana says, "But you haven't touched any Pokemon ever since you come into this school."

Lillie frowns and says, "You're right."

"Don't worry, we will help you no matter what." Golly says, "Right Brother?"

"Of course." Ash says.

Just then, Professor Kukui asks everyone to go to the Principal's office since Samson Oak has some special lesson to them.

"I have been waiting for you-Mantine." Oak says as he shows two eggs. Ash says, "Wait, this egg was the one that I bought here."

"Of course. And this one is found at Mt. Lanakila." Samson says.

"I wonder what would the egg hatched into..." Sophocles says.

"This is the fun of hatching the egg. I will raise one egg, why don't you guys raise another one?" Samson asks.

"Us?" Lillie asks.

"This is also an important lesson after all." Kukui says.

"So you wanted us to take care of the egg together." Golly says. "That sounds fun."

"So Lillie, which egg do you think is better?" Ash asks her. Lillie says, "Well...I will like that white one, it has flowers and it is beautiful."

"It sure is." Mallow says. Then they all decide to raise that egg.

Then they all get back to the classroom as they all touch the egg, which is warm. Ash asks, "Lillie, do you want to touch it?"

"Me? Well..." Lillie tries to touch it, but then the egg starts shaking, scaring her.

"It moved." Lana says. "I am sorry, Lillie. It seems like it is about to hatch." Golly says.

"It's fine." Lillie says. "But I wonder what is inside...Rotom, can you find out?" Sophocles asks.

"There is no function in me." R. Rotom says. "Me neither." P. Rotom says.

"But how about at night? Who is going to take care of the egg?" Lana asks.

"We can't put it in the classroom." Sophocles says.

"There is no other choice than choosing someone to bring it home." Kiawe says.

"Lillie, how about you do the honors?" Ash asks. "Me? Why?" Lillie is surprised. "Since Pokemon are from eggs, so if you want to touch Pokemon, maybe we should start with the egg."

"That sounds like a good idea." Mallow says. "But I..." Lillie is hesitating and then she looks at the egg. Then she says, "I'll do it. I am also a student in the Pokemon School. I can do it as well."

"That's the spirit." Golly says with a smile. But then they didn't notice a Pokemon watching at far.

After school, Ash, Lillie and Golly are riding on Lillie's limo and then they ride off. Ash says, "So it seems like your house is the same as ours."

"Yeah, it is much bigger, the excess space is for Pokemon to play." Lillie says.

Once they arrive, they meet the butler Hobbes. Lillie introduces them to her butler and they greet each other. "I am sorry, but can Pikachu and Sylveon stay outside of the house?"

Lillie says, "It's fine. They are here for me." Lillie says as they manage to get inside the mansion.

After apologizing for his mistake, Hobbes explains they don't normally allow Pokémon inside as they tend to scare Lillie, Ash and Golly understand.

Lillie explains they built a playground in the garden for Pokémon so she could watch from a safe distance. Lillie shows Ash to her room where Lillie thinks it is a good idea to place the Egg on the sofa and after checking a book on Eggs, she places three cushions on the sofa to make it comfortable.

Ash notices a picture on the nearby desk, and he is surprised to see that it is the same picture that they took back in the Geosenge Town in Kalos. Ash says, "You still have this picture?"

Lillie gasps as she sees the picture, and she feels her face red as she notices how close she is to Ash in that picture. Hobbes says, "This picture is when mistress Lillie as Serena, right?"

Lillie says, "Yes, Ash here is trying to help me remember what happened as Serena."

"But what happened to you when you couldn't touch Pokemon?" Golly asks, "Since from what Brother told me, you loved to play with Pokemon and even danced with them back in Kalos."

Lillie says, "That's the problem...I can't remember it as well..."

"I only know that one time when Mistress Lillie resided with her mother in the Aether Foundation, she came back and now scared of Pokemon." Hobbes says.

"I see...when we asked Ms. Lusamine, she didn't know the reason as well..." Ash says.

"Wait, you have met Mother?" Lillie asks.

"Yes, it is also the reason why she asks us to take good care of you." Golly says.

"I see." One of her maids come in with tea and macaroons and they start to eat. Whilst eating, Ash suggests to Lillie they start practicing to allow her to touch Pokémon again.

They try out Pikachu and Rowlet, but none of them work. Ash frowns, "So it is only Sylveon...this is really bad... But I know you can do it with other Pokemon."

Lillie says, "You're right..."

At that moment, a Butterfree flies past the balcony. "Wild Pokemon often fly past the balcony." Lillie says as she opens the drawers to take some food. "And we have different food for different Pokemon."

Ash and Golly take a look out in the garden and sees lots of Pokémon are out there playing. Watching the Pokémon playing, Ash notices a battlefield. "Is that a battlefield as well?"

"Yes, Master Ash. It is kept right so it can be used at anytime." Hobbes says.

"Then should we have a battle? Golly?" Ash asks.

"Of course, Brother." Golly says.

"Hey, Ash. Why don't you battle Hobbes? He is one of the best battlers among the staff as well."

"Sure." Ash says.

Lillie watches from the balcony as Ash and Hobbes start their battle. Ash decides to battle with Rowlet as Hobbes sends out his Oricorio.

The battle begins with Rowlet's Leafage, but it is hit by Revelation Dance. Rowlet gets up and uses Tackle but Oricorio uses Mirror Move, causing the attacks to collide. Another Tackle and Mirror Move collide as Ash has Rowlet send Oricorio with another Tackle. Rowlet tries to attack before Oricorio uses Revelation Dance but Oricorio dodges and fires its attack which Rowlet dodges. Then Rowlet is hit by Teeter Dance, not only them, even Ash and Pikachu are confused as well, then it uses Double Slap, causing Rowlet to fall and hit Golly on the head.

"Ow..." Golly says.

"Golly, are you okay?" Ash asks.

"I am fine." Golly says. "Hobbes is really strong."

Just then, they hear a scream and then they rush into the room, they see a Salandit is approaching the egg. "Don't get closer..." Lillie says as she hugs the egg until Ash and the others arrive.

"Lillie, are you okay?" Ash asks.

"Guys!" Lillie smiles, but then she is scared at how the Salandit is so close. Golly asks, "Rotom."

"Leave it to me." P. Rotom says, "

"Oh no." Golly says.

Salandit goes to attack but Sylveon uses Iron Tail to block the attack. "Sylveon?" Lillie asks.

"Lillie, Sylveon is your Pokemon, command her for attack." Ash says.

"Me?" Lillie asks in shock.

"I'll assist you, use Teeter Dance!" Hobbes says as he manages to confuse the Salandit. Lillie looks at Sylveon who nods back, she says, "Use Fairy Wind."

Sylveon then shoots out the wind and then Salandit is sent to the yard. Salandit retreats as the others check on Lillie.

"Lillie, are you okay?" Ash asks.

"I am fine..." Lillie says, but then she notices that she is hugging the egg, she says, "But is so warm..." Lillie says with a smile.

"You did it, Lillie. You can touch the egg as well." Ash says as Sylveon nuzzles her. Lillie feels happy as she tries to stand up, but then she falls again as she notices that her leg is scraped after falling down.

"Oh no, you are injured." Ash says as Hobbes quickly rushes out of the room to find the medical team. Ash says, "Stay still. Lillie."

Ash then takes out his blue handkerchief and ties the wound. "Now watch this, Pain Pain go away!" He says as he waves his arms.

Lillie tries to move her leg, but she feels pain. "It is still hurts..."

Ash takes out his hand and says, "Come on, don't give up until it is over." He pulls her up and holds her in his arms, causing her to blush.

"See, you did it." Ash says while grinning. Then Lillie also smiles back, but then she realizes something. "Ash...I did the same thing to me when we first met, right?"

Ash says, "You're right. You were the one who reminded me of that after all." Lillie nods and then Hobbes takes the medical team inside to treat her wound. Once it is done, Lillie asks, "So Ash, I want to ask, are we even humans to begin with?"

"Why do you ask that?" Ash asks.

"Because we could use Pokemon moves, and we can also talk to Pokemon as well...does that mean something?" Lillie asks.

Golly says, "Yes, you are a Ghost Type Pokemon known as Giratina. While we are the Multitype Pokemon known as Arceus."

"I have heard of them when I was reading the history of Sinnoh...does that mean I can enter the Distortion World as well?"

"Of course you can." Ash says, "But you just need some practice, that's all."

Lillie nods and then they stay for a while until Paris comes and takes the siblings back home. Sylveon decides to stay with Lillie as Lillie is able to touch her.

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