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37.83% pokemon fanfiction / Chapter 14: chapter 22

Chapter 14: chapter 22

Ash's P.O.V

It all happened 5 years ago... 6


Third Person P.O.V.

Ash was heading to pallet town, after his loss in the Kalos League, but that's ok for him since it means he's improving. Anyway, he couldn't wait to see his mom. It's been about 2 years since he's last seen her in person.

"Alright! Mom will be so happy to see us!" Ash said.

"Pika pi!"

"I'll give you another ketchup bottle when we get home. But before that...

race ya!" And Ash took off running, with pikachu on his tail.

But pikachu won using quick attack.

"Hey! No fair you cheated!" Ash complained.

"Pika pi pikachu pichu!" Pikachu scolded Ash.

"Hey! It's not my fault I took off before you" Ash said and knocked the door, pikachu rolled his eyes.

The door opened to reveal Delia, Ash's mom.

"Hey mom!" Ash greeted, with a smile.

"Oh, Ash!" She hugged Ash with one of her bear hugs.

"!" Ash said out of breathe.

Delia let go.

"Come in, Ash,"she said as she walked in.

When Ash entered he saw all his traveling companions and rivals. Even the ones from Kalos, which actually surprised him because Serena had gone to Hoenn and the lemon siblings had gone back to the Lumiose Gym. 18

"What are you guys doing here?" Ash asked the Kalos group.

"We got a call to come to pallet town. I got the call when I was about to board the flight to Hoenn." Serena replied.

"We came here and were asked... to do something." Clemont looked down.

"What is it?" Ash asked.

"Give up on your dream! All you do is bring trouble and bad luck." Misty said. 14

"And you only put others in danger." Trip said. 5

Ash was taken aback. He looked at his Kalos travelling companions, a little hope in his eyes.

"Y-you guys are in this too?" Ash asked.

"Of course not, Ash!" Serena exclaimed, not believing Ash would actually think that.

Ash sighed in relief.

"We would never do that to a friend. Friends don't...don't...betray Friends" Clemont said.

"Thanks, guys. I knew you would never do that to me. But I still have 1 question" He turned to the rest.

"What do you mean?" Ash asked.

"We mean you always put us in danger by getting involved into things that doesn't concern a little kid like you." Iris said. 13

"Like how you got tangled up with Team Rocket." Brock said.

"And Team Aqua and Magma." May said.

"Team Galactic too." Dawn said.

"What about Team Plasma? They still leave a very bad taste in my mouth." Cilan said

"Don't forget Team Flare, we watched what happened on the news." Drew said.

"That's it! I can't take it anymore!" Max shouted.

"Max, I told you to keep quiet!" May hissed at him.

'So that's the Max Ash was talking about.' Bonnie thought, her cheeks slightly pink. 9

"I don't care! If you treat Ash like this then...I'm no longer your brother!" Max screamed. 1

May gasped. 4

"You heard me: I'm no longer your brother!" Max repeated.

"You can't choose to be my brother or not! You're my brother no matter what you do!" May said.

"Even if my parents disowned me?" Max asked.

"Mom and dad would never disown you." May said.

"Mom and Dad doesn't have to disown me, I just need a reason and a person who will adopt me." Max said.

"No one is disowning you and no one is adopting you!" May exclaimed.


Everyone turned to Delia.

"Max overheard what you and your parents were talking about. He called me right away and asked me if I could adopt him." Everyone had their eyes widened except for Max.

"I asked him why, and he told me everything from beginning to end." May glared at Max. But Max seemed unfazed, because he knew he wouldn't have to live with a monster anymore.

"And so...I adopted him." When Delia finished, everyone had their jaws dropped and eyes as big as saucers. But not as big as Ash's.

"Th-then that m-means..." Ash stuttered.

"You're my brother now!" Max exclaimed happily. 2

While May was burning with rage.

"YOU ARE NOT HIS BROTHER! YOU'RE MINE!" May screamed, making everyone have to cover their ears. 7

"Not anymore I'm not." Max said shaking his head.

"That's it! Blazikin, flamethrower on Ash!" She tossed Blazikin's pokeball in Ash's direction.

Before Blazikin's flamethrower hit, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Max, Delia And Ash ran out of the house. 2

"Where are we going?" Bonnie asked while they were running.

"Professor Oak's lab. To get my Pokemon."Ash replied.

When they arrived, Gary opened the door.

"Come on. We were expecting you." Gary let them in. 1

"Looks like those 'Traitors' have done what they came for." Gary said with venom in his voice, crossing his arms while leaning against the wall.

Delia, Ash, Clemont, Serena, Bonnie and Max sat on the sofa.

"Wait, you knew?" Ash asked surprised.

"Yeah, they called me but I refused. I mean I know you're my rival, but you're also still my best friend." Gary said. 28

"Thanks, Gary." Ash smiled.

Professor Oak came into the room with a small box.

"Ah, Ash I see you've arrived already. Don't worry, you'll get you're revenge on them one day." Professor Oak said and handed each of them a sort of watch. "This is a Nanodex. The evolved form of the pokedex. It can store an unlimited amount of pokeballs. I've already inserted your pokeballs. You can call each other just like an X-transceiver."

"Thanks, Professor." They said unison.

They heard a knock at the door.

"Go, get out of here, quick! That must be them." Professor Oak said.

Everyone nodded and ran to the back.

"Alright. Noivern, Charizard, I choose you!" Ash said, Noivern and Charizard appearing out of the Nanodex.

"I'm coming with you. Pigeot, come on out!" Gary said, Pigeot appearing from the Nanodex.

"Alright. Gary, you take Clemont on Pigeot. Mom, you take Max and Bonnie on Charizard and I'll take Serena on Noivern." Ash instructed.

They did as told.

Soon they were off.

"Where are we going, Ashy-boy?" Gary asked.

"To pick up a few friends." Ash smiled.



Ash's P.O.V

And there we picked up a few friends, while some joined us after I became champion of Alola and some came after I defeated the battle frontier, which was after I became champion of Alola, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh

Third Person P.O.V


After Ash, Serena, Delia, Max, Bonnie, Clemont and Gary landed in Kalos, they headed to Prism Tower to collect Clemont and Bonnie's stuff, talk to their dad, and find a few friends and ask if they wanted to join them. On the way, they bumped into 'Ariana'.

"Oh, hello again Ariana." Serena greeted. 3

"Oh! Serena! How great it is to see you again!" Ariana exclaimed.

"You know, you sort of look familiar." Clemont said.

"Clemont, I met her in town, when me and my Pokemon were struggling to come up with a performance routine, remember?" Serena explained.

"Nope, I've definitely seen you somewhere else before." Clemont said. A light bulb clicked in his head as he snapped his fingers. "The Kalos Queen!"

Gary, Ash, Bonnie, Max and Delia's eyes widened. "The Kalos Queen?!" They exclaimed in unison. 2

"Shhh... keep it down." Ariana said while holding her index finger to her lips. "Yes, I'm the Kalos Queen, Aria. But arent you surprised that I'm Aria, Serena?" She asked.

"Actually, I was. I found out just after you left during our battle." Serena said.

"You found out so soon? Why didn't you tell us?!" Bonnie whined.

"Well, I didn't want to blow her cover, that's why." Serena replied.

"Okay, anyway what are you doing here? I thought you had left for Hoenn." Aria asked.


And so the story began, from beginning to end. Aria was shocked to hear what happened. And she said that's not a way to treat a close friend. From there, she decided to join our heroes on their journey.

After they had gotten Clemont and Bonnie's stuff and talked to the siblings' father, they were about to leave when they saw a familiar chespin running towards them.

"Che chespin!"

"Chespie!" Bonnie exclaimed, while hugging Chespie. "Wait, if you're here, then Mairin and Alain are close by." She said, frantically looking around, and finally she spotted Alain and Mairin running towards them.

"Chespie! Don't run off like that!" Mairin scolded.

"It's good to see you guys again." Ash smiled.

"Hey, aren't you the guy I met a few weeks ago? At the café?" Aria asked. Alain looked at her.

"Oh, you're Ariana, right?" Alain asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, I am." Alain replied. 26

"You guys wanna join us?" Ash asked.

"On what?" They asked.

And again, they had the same story to tell. To say they were shocked would be an understatement. Mairin was actually yelling.

"So, you're coming?" Ash asked again.

"Of course we are!" Mairin exclaimed.

"Oh and 1 last thing, her real name is Aria, the Kalos Queen." Serena properly introduced Aria.

I think Mairin's eyes were gonna pop out of their sockets. While Alain didn't give any reaction of that sort. 3

"WHAT?!" Mairin exclaimed. 2

Some people even stared at her, alarmed.

"Come on, is this the reaction I'm gonna get every time I meet a friend of yours, Serena?" Aria asked the honey-blonde.

"Sorry, I'm just so surprised to meet the Kalos Queen in person!" Mairin apologized.

"Hey Alain? How do you seem unfazed with this?" Clemont asked the older teen.

"I figured it out after I watched 1 of her performances." Alain said. 3

"It's getting late. I think we better stay at the Pokemon Centre for today, and continue tomorrow." Gary said, looking at the now setting sun.

"Yeah, you're right. Come on." Clemont said, as he lead everyone to the Pokemon Centre

Third Person P.O.V


The sun is rising just over the horizon, signaling that a new day has begun. And suddenly, there was a flash of yellow coming from the Pokemon Centre, and a scream!

"Pikaaa...chuuu!!!" Pikachu had used thunderbolt on a raven-haired trainer.

"AHHH!!!" Ash screamed.

After he recovered from the thunder bolt, he glared at Pikachu.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!" He yelled.

"Pika pikapi pikachu pi pichu pika pikapi chu pikachu chu!" Pikachu protested. Waving his arms around, as if trying to say 'I tried waking you up but you didn't, so I was left with the conclusion of using thunderbolt on you'. 5

"Okay, okay. Where is everyone?" Ash asked, looking around the room that the boys stayed at.

"Pika pi." Pikachu motioned him to get dressed and come down to breakfast. And with that he was out the door, leaving Ash to quickly get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast.

When he  went down, he saw everyone having breakfast already. Made by Clemont, of course.

"Good Morning." Ash greeted. 4

"Good Morning!" They greeted back.

"So, what time are we leaving?" Gary asked.

"Probably after breakfast. Because it's a long trip to Alola. And we have to get there before sunset." Ash replied.

"Alright then, let's finish up and go pack." Delia suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Hey, mom. Didn't you leave your stuff back at Pallet town?" Ash asked, taking a huge bite of his pancakes.

"I called Professor Oak this morning and told him to send some of our stuff to Alola." Delia replied.

"Hey, that reminds me: Aria, is Palermo okay with you going to Alola?" The honey-blonde haired girl asked the red headed Kalos Queen.

"Uhh...I'm pretty sure she'll..." Aria paused for second. "...not be okay with it." Everyone sweatdropped.

"Then how are you supposed to come with us? You can't just disobey Palermo." Serena asked.

"I'll figure something out." Aria smiled.

"Why don't I talk to her?" Serena asked.

"Uhh... Serena you don't have to do that." Aria said. But Serena already got out of her seat and walked to the video phone.

"Too late." Alain said.

After Serena came back, she had a frown on her face. 2

"What'd she say?" Max asked. Although, everyone knew the answer by the look on her face.

"SHE SAID YES!" Serena exclaimed, jumping up and down. All signs of her frown gone.

Aria stared at her in disbelief.

"She just...said yes?" Aria asked the excited honey-blonde.

" But I managed to convince her. I told her you'd come back to Kalos when there's a performance you need to be at, or if she wants to talk of something important, she could just call you." Serena explained.


"Well then, I guess I'm joining you guys on your journey to Alola." Aria stated happily.

"Alright!" Ash pumped his fist in the air.

"You know, for a person who just got betrayed by his friends, he sure doesn't show any sign of sadness." Mairin whispered to the others aside from Ash.

They nodded in agreement.

"That's his nature. He forgets bad memories sometimes, when he makes good ones. If he sees 1 of those 'Traitors', he'll remember." Delia whispered back.

"Well anyway, you guys go pack while I check us out." Delia said raising her voice, she started walking towards the front desk. The others headed upstairs to pack.

By the time they had packed their belongings, it was about 10 in the morning.

"Alright, are we all set?" Clemont asked.

"I think so." Max said looking at everyone. "Yup, all set."

They left the Pokemon Centre and let out their Pokemon. 2 Charizards, a Pigeot and a Noivern.

"I'll take Clemont like before." Gary said as he got on Pidgeot.

"I'll take Serena on Noivern as well. Mom will take Max and Bonnie. Then Aria and Mairin are going with Alain. Is that okay with you Aria? Or are you riding on your own Pokemon?" Ash asked the Kalos Queen.

"Actually, I'll go with Alain and Mairin, I don't really have a flying-type Pokemon strong enough to carry me." Aria replied.

"Alright then." Ash as as he hoisted himself up on Noivern, then helped Serena get on. The others were doing the same.

When they were about to take off , they heard a 'Click' sound. They turned around to see a familiar orange-haired boy with a camera taking a picture of Pidgeot.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to intrude. It's just, I've never seen this Pokemon before." The boy apologized.

"Hey! Trevor! How are you doing?" Ash asked the boy, Trevor.

"Ash? I thought you headed back to Kanto. And Serena to Hoenn. I haven't seen you guys since the Kalos League." Trevor said, surprised to see Ash and Serena still in Kalos, when they said they were headed to another Region to pursue their dreams.

"Yeah... there was an incident back in Kanto." Ash said, scratching the back of his head.

"Wow, Ashy-boy sure has a lot of friends." Gary whispered to himself. But Clemont heard it.

"You have no idea." Clemont smiled.

"What happened?" Trevor asked, curios of this 'incident' in Kanto.

Ash sighed. And again he had to explain the story. Serena saw this and spoke up.

"I think Ash is tired from explaining it 3 times already. I'll do it instead." Serena said. Ash looked at her with a 'Thank you' look on his face.

And Serena started the story, from the very beginning to the end and their plan.

"You can come too. If you want." Serena offered after she finished the story.

"Well, if I come with you guys to Alola, then I can take a lot of pictures of rare Pokemon! Since Alola is a Region I haven't ever visited. Of course, I'll come!" Trevor exclaimed happily, thinking of all the new Pokemon he can take pictures of.

"Then, come on! Do you have any flying-type Pokemon?" Mairin asked.

"Yeah, I've got Charizard with me. I can fly with him. Charizard, come on out!" Trevor said as he tossed his pokeball. And out came his recently evolved Charizard. 1

"Next stop..."

Ash started when they were soaring through the air.


3 years later...


Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Aria, Max Alain, Mairin and Trevor, now reside on Alola, Akala island. They bought (or rather built) a house in Alola and they all live together now.

Aria and Alain started dating after they knew about their feelings for each other. So did Lillie and Gary, Mairin and Trevor, Max and Bonnie, and Ash and Serena too after the kiss. 4

Lillie was a girl they met in a school they went in Alola. And a few days after they met her, Gary seemed to take a liking to her. He didn't know anything about REAL love (no surprise there -_-), he was just a player! So he went to the only person he could take help from, Ashy-boy. And boy was he shocked when he found out that he had ACTUAL feelings for a girl. A few months later he cobfessed, and turns out Lillie felt the same way! Not soon after they started dating. 20

I could say the same for the rest of the couples.

Anyway, during these 3 years Ash has become the Alola, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh champion. As well as beat the battle frontier. 1

Max, his little brother, was the first frontier brain. Clemont, the second.

Gary, the third. Korrina, the fourth. And the strongest of them, Alain.

The sixth frontier brain was not yet announced. Ash thought they might encounter a friend that will be strong enough to take the position when he was going to compete in all the leagues again.

Ash's first elite is Mairin. She seemed to know alot about battling than she looked.

The second was Lillie, she knew alot about battling, tactics, stratagies, everything! The only problem was: She was afraid of Pokemon. When Gary came to know this, he helped her and in a few days she was playing and laughing with Pokemon.

Bonnie was the third elite. Since she got her trainer's license, she's been training alot. She couldn't choose between Pokemon performer and pokemon champion, so Ash said she could be an elite of his and compete in showcases to get the title of Alola Queen or at least Alola princess. She's grown alot during the past 3 years, but I can't say she's matured alot.

Trevor was the last and strongest elite. Since he's been a Pokemon trainer the longest out of all of them. 1

Aria still holds the title Kalos Queen. She had to go to Kalos once in a while, but she was ok with that. She didn't go alone though, Alain would give her a ride on Charizard.

Serena won the title Alola Queen, and just as Ash promised, Bonnie won the title Alola Princess.

Shauna, one of Serena's friends and rival from Kalos won the title of Kalos Princess. They never saw each other often, but they did keep in touch.

This year Ash won the Kalos league. Ash entered the league, but not only him, Alain and Gary did too. But Ash won of course, and took on the elites and Diantha.

Considering the fact he's been training a lot in Alola and catching new Pokemon, Ash had the advantage and won with ease. Being handed the title of the new Kalos Champion.

When Ash and his friends:Gary, Alain, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie were packing to leave for Unova, they bumped into Sawyer, one of Ash's rivals when he was travelling in Kalos, and Shauna.

It so happens to be that Shauna had been waiting for Serena and her friends to come to Kalos so she could give some great news. She asked permission from her parents and they agreed. She could go to Alola with them!

Serena was speechless. She couldn't believe her best friend and rival could live with her! Of course, she'd have to ask her boyfriend, Ash first. But that wouldn't be a problem because Ash would do anything to make her happy.

What was more shocking was that even Sawyer could come with them. He had the same story as Shauna did. He had permission to go Alola.

So that was 2 more people in their family. Wait, let me rephrase that: that was a new COUPLE in their family!

Because turns out, Sawyer and Shauna were DATING! 12

So they tagged along as well.

They went to Unova next. They competed in the league and Ash won with Alain runner-up.

Ash challenged the elites and the Unova champion, Alder. And of course, he won. 1

The year after that, he had to compete in a Master Tournament. This tournament would make Ash an official Pokemon Master.

So, Ash became a Pokemon Master in just 5 years. 8

When Serena's birthday came round, as a surprise, Grace, Serena's mother joined them in Alola.

The others' parents couldn't join because they had their own business in their respective Regions. But they came to visit once in a while and never lost touch.

This is all a happy ending.

But, there's always a continuation...

And they wait for the day of their revenge on the Traitors.

Especially Ash and Max.

Third Person P.O.V

It was sunrise the next day, and the ship had docked on Melemele island.

"They're here." A man on top of Melemele  island whispered to himself. "They better be prepared of what's to come. Because it ain't pretty."

-Down at the docks-

"Finally!" A brunette exclaimed.

"I wonder what exquisite tastes there are here in Alola." Cilan wondered. (A/N: *Nova* Don't ask. I have no clue. XD) 1

"We should register at the Pokémon Centre." Norman, May's father suggested.

"I agree. Come on." Flint, Brock's father agreed.

"Hey, wait a minute. Where's Brock?" Misty asked, looking around. Although, she was not looking for Brock, she was looking for the 'prettiest' girl there. 10

They spotted him on one knee proposing to a blonde-haired girl. Who just so happens to be Bonnie. She was trying her best not to order Dedenne to use nuzzle. Instead: 21

"Who would want to marry you?" And she walked away with a scowl on her face. 8

"Wow, rude much?" Dawn muttered. 1

On the other hand, Misty was pulling at Brock's ear.

"Couldn't you see she was too young for you?! She was barely 18!" Misty scolded while Brock was crying anime tears. 2

"Such a kid." Iris said. (A/N: *Nova* I don't think I had to mention her name. You guys would probably have guessed it by the phrase itself.)

"Alright, kids. We better be heading to the Pokémon Centre before all the rooms are taken." Johanna, Dawn's mom suggested.

"Yeah you're right Johanna, there's a heck lot of people here for the tournament." Drew said looking around the crowded dock.

"Alright, I think the Pokémon Centre's this way." Caroline, May's mother said as she pointed to the left.

"Then what are we waiting for! I'm starving! Let's go!" May exclaimed, and in a flash there was only a cloud of dust in her place.

"Uh...Didn't we just have breakfast?" Trip asked, confused.

"That's May for ya." Dawn said.

"She's always hungry." Misty continued.

"And she eats like a Snorlax." Drew finished. 3

"But she has a stomach bigger than a Munchlax." Dawn said again.

"Well, we better hurry before we get a lecture on how not to be late from May. And you know how I hate lectures."

Everyone picked up their pace at that last phrase Misty said. Seems like none of them likes lectures.

-At a café close to the docks-

Ash's gang was having a little conversation when they heard someone come in. It was Bonnie, and she had a disgusted look on her face.

"What happened, B?" Max asked.

"Ugh, someone proposed to me." She said, as she took a seat next to Max. 1

Max although didn't have a sign of jealousy. He was actually trying to hold back his laughter.

"Lemme guess. Brock?" Ash asked.

"Yeah. Can't he see I'm only 15?!" Bonnie asked, almost screaming the last part.

"Oh, he can't. He can only see how pretty a girl is." Max said putting a hand around Bonnie's shoulder. 10

"So, have you gotten a list of who are competing, Ash?" Sawyer asked, changing the subject.

"Yep. Norman, Trip, Misty, May, Iris, Dawn, Brock, Cilan and Drew are competing. Although Dawn and May are only in the contests." Ash replied.

"Hey, I heard the gym leaders from all the Regions have free entries." Trevor said.

"That's right, Trevor. Even the former champions and elites get free entries." Gary said.

"I heard that 2 of those Traitors had a mega stone and key ring." Korrina said.

"Yeah, they do. Misty and May. Although, I wonder how they got ahold of it." Alain said.

"For May, she had probably gotten it as a birthday present or she begged for 1. Norman and Caroline would get anything for her." Max answered, addressing them by their names instead of Big Sister, Mom or Dad. He is no longer related to them, so he has every right to address them by their names.

"I hope they don't threaten you to come back to them." Bonnie said.

"Oh, don't worry. Max has trained enough to defend himself. Although, I'm more worried about his family. I'm pretty sure they miss you so much Max." Ash said the last part in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, even I'm worried about them. Poor things must have travelled the world looking for me and worrying about my safety." Max replied in a sarcastic tone as well.

Then, they all burst out laughing.

"Well, we're confident you're all gonna take this tournament by storm." A familiar masculine voice said behind them.

They turned to see the owners of Aloha Café: James, Jessie and Meowth. 8

It's not surprising.When the Team Rocket trio heard what happened to Ash, they immediately quit the evil organization they were working for and joined Ash in Alola. They made a Café here in Alola and worked here full-time.

"Of course we are! Considering the special weapon we Alolans have." Lillie said.

"Hey, aren't you 3 competing as well?" Shauna asked.

"We aren't. But we'll be cheering on the side lines." Jessie said.

"Business has been going really well. So we'll have to be here most of the time." Meowth said.

"Well, as long as you come that's okay with us." Aria said.

The rest nodded.

"And, good luck with your performance Bonnie, Lillie and Shauna." Jessie said.

"Yeah, too bad Aria and Serena can't perform too." James said.

"I know. But we were thinking maybe you could take our place, Jessie." Serena said.

"What?" Jessie asked, surprised.

"Well, all 4 of us were supposed to do the performance together. But if all 4 can't, then there should be a substitute to take their place. Lillie's taking my place. You're experienced in performing more than Mairin. And Korrina isn't the performing type." Aria explained.

"You want me to perform in your place?" Jessie asked, not believing what she heard.

"Well, that's what we're hoping." Serena said as she looked Aria then back at Jessie.

"I'd love to!" Jessie exclaimed, excitedly.

"Great!" Aria and Serena exclaimed at the same time.

"The tournament's next week. So you 4 have a whole week to practice your performance routine." Aria said.

"Hey, I heard Palermo's gonna be there." Clemont said.

"Yeah, I know. And she'll be so surprised when we give her the news that we're pregnant." Aria said, with excitement in her voice.

"I just can't wait till the tournament!" Max said. " I can't wait to kick those Traitors' butts. And with the weapons we have... Man, I'm so psyched!"

Everyone smirked.

What they were wearing on their wrists glistened in the sun.


At Pokemon Centre-

"Where are we supposed to register again?" May asked.

They were in their hotel room at the Pokémon Centre. The Pokémon Centre hotel rooms in Alola were HUGE! About 6-7 rooms in each hotel room. May and Misty shared a room. Norman and Caroline shared a room. Flint and Lola in another. Dawn and Iris in another. Drew and Trip in the next. Brock and Cilan in the sixth and Johanna in the last one. 1

"I think it was in the Pokémon Centre registration desk?" Dawn replied, unsure.

"Yes, but you can't register in any Pokémon Centre. I think you're supposed to register in the Pokémon Centre close to where the tournament is held." Brock answered.

"Which island is it held on? Akala island, Ula'ula island, Poni island, Melemele island or Aether Paradise?" Misty asked, listing things off her head.

"Melemele island. It's on the far end." Brock said.

"Is it too far?" Johanna asked.

"No, I don't think so. Just 2 hours on foot. But you can get there faster on Pokémon or a vehicle." Brock replied.

"We're going by Pokemon!" May suddenly exclaimed, out of no where.

Everyone was abit shaken about May's sudden outburst.

"Well, considering the fact you won't walk for 2 hours straight without whining or complaining. I'll agree with you." Drew said, after he recovered.

"Actually, grasshead. If we were seen in public, there might be paparazzi. And also because walking 2 hours is too much." May said, whispering the last phrase. 15

"You're right. May, Dawn and Drew are top coodinators in Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. Brock is a famous breeder. Cilan, a famous Pokemon connoisseur. Misty is the best water-type trainer. Iris, a dragon master and Trip, the Unova league Champion. So we'll have to fly." Johanna stated. 6

Everyone had to agree if they didn't want a paparazzi in their way. 6

The next day, they packed their belongings and were on their way.

-Pokemon Centre entrance-

"Alright. Now, are we staying at the Pikemon Centre or...?" Shauna asked the rest. They had put on their disguise, so they wouldn't be noticed. 8

"We'll rent a hotel room. We can't keep going home and coming back here everyday. It's too tiring." Mairin replied.

Everyone nodded in agreement. They walked into the Pokemon Centre. Suddenly, Korrina clutched her stomach and ran to the restroom. 6

"What happened?" Clemont asked.

"I dunno. I'll go check on her." Bonnie said as she ran the same way Korrina did.

"Come on. We better go register." Max said. As everyone made their way to the front desk where Nurse Joy was at.

"Good Morning. Are you here to register in the tournament?" She asked with her usual, cheery tone.

"Yes, we are. Nurse Joy please register us as Satoshi, Masaya, Mira, Ezra, Nath, Touya, Manon, Mikael, Citron, and Rina. "Ash explained. Giving everyone's fake names. 1

Nurse Joy recognized each and every one of them despite the disguises. It's wasn't a surprise 'cause she was the Melemele island Nurse Joy, she saw them here often.

"My pleasure, Ash." She replied, and started typing away in the monitor in front of her.

"Please, call me Satoshi for the remainder of the tournament." Ash smiled.

Nurse Joy nodded in understanding. "You're registration is complete."

"Thank you." Ash said, as he walked away with the rest.

But Clemont was still worried about Korrina. Where was she and Bonnie?

-Ladies Restroom-

You could here vomiting noises coming from inside one of the stalls. Bonnie entered the restroom. 7

"Hey, sis. You okay?" Bonnie asked, rubbing Korrina's back. She nodded.

"It's probably something I ate: Food-poisoning." Korrina replied, not feeling very good.

"I think it's probably best to see Nurse Joy." Bonnie suggested.

"Alright." Korrina answered. She washed up and the both of them went to see Nurse Joy. 2

-Front Desk-

"Excuse me, Nurse Joy?"

Nurse Joy turned to the 2 blondes.

"Ah, hello. How may I help you? Korrina, you don't look well," Nurse Joy stated, worriedly.

"Call us Eureka and Rina for the next few wells please. She feels sick, and she just vomited a few minutes ago." Bonnie explained.

"Oh my! Bring her in." Nurse Joy and Bonnie helped Korrina in the back.

"Tell me, how do feel?" Nurse Joy asked Korrina, who was laying on a bed.

"A little sick." Korrina replied, feeling like she's gonna vomit again anytime soon.

Nurse Joy turned to Bonnie.

"If I recall correctly, she's your sister-in-law, right?" Nurse Joy inquired.

"Yes." Bonnie replied, feeling a little worried for Korrina.

"She's married, so..." Nurse Joy said, as she turned around and went to find something.

"Yes, she is. What's wrong with her Nurse Joy?"Bonnie asked.

"I might know. But I'll have to make sure." She said as she took a test from a drawer.

"A test? Isn't that to see if you're pregnant or not?" Bonnie asked looking at the test.

"Yes, it is."

Then, it clicked!

"You don't suppose..." Bonnie trailed off.

"Yes. I think you're sister is pregnant." Nurse Joy said. 10

After a few minutes, Nurse Joy told the sisters-in-law the news.

"Well, congradulations! It seems like you're pregnant." Nurse Joy said, with her signature cheery smile.

"No way..." Korrina was speechless.

Bonnie on the other hand...

"I can't believe it! I'm gonna be an aunt!" Bonnie exclaimed, as she hugged Korrina. And all Korrina could do was smile.

"We better get going. The others must be worried. Thank you Nurse Joy." Korrina thanked as she got off the bed.

"Anytime. If you want any help. Make sure to see me." Korrina smiled.

"We will. Thanks again!"

Korrina and Bonnie waved at Nurse Joy after leaving.

"Boy, I can't wait to see Big Brother's face when we give him the news!" Bonnie exclaimed happily.

"He's gonna be in a whole new level of surprised." Korrina replied, slightly laughing.

"Hey, if you're conceived...Then doesn't that mean you can't battle?" Bonnie asked.

"Oh yeah. What was good news is bad news now. I really wanted to compete." Korrina stated, disappointed. 9

"Hey, you've barely been conceived for a month. So maybe, battling won't be that bad for you." Bonnie said, trying to cheer Korrina up.

"Yeah, you're right. It wouldn't be that big a deal. Right?"



Ash and his gang was just chatting about this and that. There was a happy aura coming from all of them. Well, most of them. Clemont was still worried about Korrina, it's been more than 15 minutes already.

But all his worries were washed away, when he heard the familiar voice of his little sister.

"Hey guys!" Bonnie called. "We've got some amazing news!"

Bonnie was practically jumping up and down like a 3-year-old.

"What is it, Bonnie? Is Korrina okay?" Clemont asked, worried.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Korrina smiled.

Clemont sighed in relief.

"What was the amazing news, you were talking about, Bonnie?" Max asked.

"Korrina's conceived

A few days later...

-Pokemon Centre-

"Everyone who has entered the tournament, please make your way to the stadium, the tournament is about to start. I repeat, make your way to the stadium. The tournament is about to start." Nurse Joy's voice echoed through the speakers.

"Well, we've waited long enough. So come on!" Trevor exclaimed.

Everyone was evacuating the Pokemon Centre. The once crowded Pokemon Centre, is now empty...

"Wow, I can't believe all those trainers entered." Nurse Joy muttered, as she went to clean up the Pokemon Centre, with her partner Audino.


-Ash's gang-

"So, how strong are the trainers entering?" Alain asked.

"All of them are either top coordinators, 8-badged trainers, the best trainers in their region..." Ash started listing things off his fingers, everyone sweatdropped.

Sawyer cut him off, "So they're pretty strong."

Ash stopped listing, and nodded.

"Hey, have you guys practiced your routine?" Aria asked Shauna, Lillie and Bonnie.

They nodded.

Serena stopped walking. Everyone else stopped too, and looked at her.

"Where's Jessie? She's supposed to perform too." Serena said.

"Oh, she said she'll meet us at the stadium. She said business will be less when the tournament starts. So, she waited till that." Shauna replied, as she started walking again.

"Thank goodness. I thought she was gonna ditch you guys." Serena said, laughing a little.

"She would never do that! That was the Team Rocket Jessie. The Jessie we're talking about, is the woman who works at a very successful café." Lillie stated, proudly.

"That's my wife for ya!" Gary said, putting an arm around Lillie's shoulder. 16

"Oh yeah? Then what were you doing, flirting with Lillie's best friend, Mallow, yesterday?" Sawyer asked, crossing his arms while smirking.

Everyone else (excluding Lillie) were trying to hold back their laughter. Gary was taken aback.

"I-I wasn't flirting! I was having... a friendly conversation!" Gary defended himself.

"Surrre Gary. We TOTALLY believe you." Everyone else said in a sarcastic tone (excluding Lillie).

"He wouldn't do that. I believe him. And Mallow's my best friend." She kissed Gary on the cheek.

"You're lucky you have a kind wife, or you'd be skinned alive." Trevor laughed: everyone else joining in.

"Finally! There ya guys are!" They heard a familiar squeeky male voice. It was Meowth, in disguise.

"Oh, hey Meowth! Where's James and Jessie?" Mairin asked.

"They went ta buy some snacks." Meowth replied.

"Oh, alright then let's go inside..." Max said.

They made their way into the huge stadium. Which was already starting to get crowded...

-An hour later-


The crowd cheered.



A short man with a long beard along side a fair, plump man walked onto the stage. The short man took the mic.

"Welcome. My name is Charles Goodshow. I hope everyone has a great time in this competition."

"And I am Scott. I hope the same too. If you have been invited to this tournament. You are very lucky. As you all might already know... This tournament is held every 50 years. And only for the best of the best. Let us see who will be crowned the Champion of Glory."

"But first... Let us see a great performance by the Kalos Queen, Ariana! Alola Queen, Sirina! Kalos Princess, Sera! And Alola Princess, Eureka!" Mr. Goodshow announced. 2

-Audience stand with the Traitors-

"She's the Alola Princess?!" Trip exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, and she already has a boyfriend, so don't even think about it." The Traitors turned around to see Max glaring at them. If looks could kill, they wouldn't be alive anymore. They quickly turned around in fear.

-Back on the stage-

Aria, Serena, Shauna, Bonnie, Jessie and Lillie entered the stage. All of them wearing their performance clothes, excluding Aria and Serena.

"Good Morning, Everyone!" They greeted.

The crowed cheered, but still confused as to why the Former Alola and Kalos Princesses are there.

"I'm sorry. But..." Aria began.

"We won't be able to perform." Serena continued.

This time, the crowed was silent. Only whispers could be heard.

"Why? What happened?" A random girl from the crowed asked.


"We're conceived." They said together.

There were gasps from the crowd, some disappointing sounds as well.

"But don't worry. The former Kalos and Alola princesses will be performing along side the current Kalos and Alola princesses." Aria stated.

This time the crowd cheered happily, some whistling.


The two Queens blushed, they thanked the announcer, Antony, and made their way backstage.

"Venusaur, time to shine!"

"Snowy, let's make this dazzling!"

"Florges, show them what you're made of!"

"Frillish, take the stage!"

A Venusaur, an Alolan Vulpix, a yellow Florges and a Frillish appeared on the stage.

"Venusaur, start us off with Petal Dance!" Shauna commanded.

"Snowy, Powder Snow please!" Lillie commanded.

"Florges, Wish on a star!" Bonnie commanded.

"Frillish, omnious wind!" Jessie commanded.

All 4 moves collided together, resulting in a setting full of sparkling stars, sparkling cold and pink wind with pink petals falling from the sky.

The performers and their Pokemon danced together, gracefully. Venusaur was whistling the same tune as the song that was playing, with Grass whistle.

"Frillish, bubble beam!" "Florges, Moon blast!"

When the 2 attacks were about to collide...

"Snowy, Ice beam!"

Snowy froze the 2 attacks.

"Floreges, Wish!"

Floreges wished for the shape of the ice to be a heart. And so it did.


All 4 Pokemon, from behind jumped onto the heart and broke it. The Pokemon were outlined in a heart in the air.

When the pokemon jumped back down, them and the performers bowed. While everyone applauds.

-Song ends-


The crowd cheered even louder!

The performers retreated backstage.


They were in a hug by Serena and Aria, as soon as they entered backstage.

"You guys were amazing out there!" Serena exclaimed.

"You 4 must have practiced really hard for this." Aria stated.

"Yup, we did. Day and Night." Bonnie said, smiling.


All the trainers who had entered, listened with intent...

The stadium-


There were some cheers heard from the crowd.

Steven and Diantha made their way onto the stage.

"This is a 3 on 3 Pokemon Battle between former hoenn champion, Steven and former kalos champion, Diantha. There is no time limit. Substitutions are allowed. Bring out your Pokemon!" The referee exclaimed.

-Up in the stands-

"I heard that Steven and Diantha were married." Sawyer said. 17

"Yeah, with a 6 year old kid." Alain continued. 1

"That's true. I met their son, Ash." Ash replied. 1

"What?!" Ash's friends exclaimed.

"Their son's name is Ash?!" Gary asked, shocked. Ash nodded.

"They said I was the best trainer they ever met. So they named their son Ash, it's actually short for Ashton." Ash said.

Right then, Serena came, holding the hand of a small boy with hair sort of like Steven Stone's. She sat next to Ash, and Ash took the boy and made him sit on his lap.

"Who's this kid?" Korrina asked.

"Hi! My name is Ash. Ashton Stone. It's nice to meet you!" The little boy said, with a bright smile.

Ash's friends were shocked alright.

"This." Alain pointed at the small boy. "Is Ash?"

Serena and Ash nodded.

"His parents are battling, so someone has to keep him." Serena said.

"We've got to talk to him once in a while on our X-transceiver. We didn't tell you guys, because we wanted it to be a surprise." Ash explained.

"Uncle A, Aunt Sere, are these your friends?" (Little) Ash asked.

"Yes. This is Alain, Aria, Clemont, Korrina, Gary, Lillie, Max, Bonnie, Sawyer, Shauna, Jessie, James, Trevor and Mairin." Serena introduced everyone to (little) Ash. 2

"Uncle Al, Aunt Ria. Uncle Mont, Aunt Rina. Uncle Gray, Lil Aunt. Uncle Ax, Aunt Bon. Uncle Saw, Aunta. Uncle ames, Aunt Jess. Uncle Trev and Aunt Rin. Right?" (Little) Ash said, pointing at Ash's friends. 6

Serena and Ash sweatdropped. Everyone else were confused with the names.

"Well, you see, Ash likes coming up with nicknames. So he gave you guys 1 too. Mine is Uncle A. Serena is Aunt Sere. Because I call her Sere a lot, he thought her name was Sere." Ash explained.


"But seriously? Uncle Ax?" Max asked.

"Uncle Saw?" Sawyer asked as well.

"Lil Aunt?" Lillie asked. 4

"Uncle Mont?" Clemont asked. 2

"Uncle Gray?"

Ash and Serena giggles nervously.

"Sorry. If he's come up with a nickname, he won't change it." Serena said. 6

Sawyer, Clemont, Max, Gary and Lillie sighed.

Everyone turned back to the battle. It looks like both former champions were down to their last Pokemon: Mega Metagross, and Mega Gardevoir.

And both Pokemon were worn out.

"Okay, Metagross. One last Hyper Beam!" Steven gave his last order.

"Gardevoir, put all your strength onto the last moonblast!" Diantha also gave her last order.

Both Pokemon charged their last attacks, and then, released it. There was a huge explosion. And the dust gathered.

After the dust cleared...

"Gardevior is unable to battle! The victory goes to Steven and Metagross!" The referee announced. 6

A few seconds later, Metagross reverted to it's original form and fell down, fainted. 1

"Thank you Gardevoir. You were amazing out there. Return!" Diantha returned Gardevoir to her Pokeball.

"You did amazing too Metagross. Thank you. Return!" Steven returned Metagross as well.

The 2 former champions met in the centre of the battle field.

"Great battle."

"You too. But we already know who was going to be victorious." Diantha said, as she smilied.


A child's voice shouted from the stands.

Steven and Diantha, along with the rest of the stadium turned to (little) Ash. Steven and Diantha sweatdropped.

"Thanks, Master Ash!" Steven and Diantha thanked. 'Master' was (little) Ash's nickname. He wanted to be a Pokemon Master just like his Uncle A.

Everyone's eyes (excluding Ash's group and the former champions and former elites) widened as big as sausers.


"Yeah, wait to state the obvious." Ash muttered. 2

And for an hour, Steven and Diantha got alot of congratulations from everyone.

-In the VIP stands-

"If we give the same news, I hope they won't waste an hour to congradulate us." Cynthia, former Sinnoh champion whispered to her husband Lance, former Johto champion.

"I hope so..." He said.


Everyone left the stadium to get to the Reception to see who they're battling against.

"Let's see... I'm up against a trainer named Calem. It looks like he was the Kalos League champion last year," Alain said.

"I'm up against Sawyer." Gary said.

"I'm battling former elite, Caitlyn." Bonnie said.

"I'm against the former Unova champion, Alder." Max said.

"I'm battling a trainer called Hugh." Clemont said.

"I'm against the traitor, Trip." Korrina said.

"I'm battling a traitor as well: Misty." Trevor said.

"I'm up against a trainer named Ethan." Mairin said.

"Who are you up against, Ash?" Sawyer asked.

"It's been a while. Hasn't it?" A voice said from behind them.

Ash smiled. Then turned around.

"Nice to see you again..." Ash started.


Stadium Reception-

"Well, look here, a trainer who lost 6 leagues in a row, is now the world's champion and Pokémon Master. How've you been?" Paul stated, extending his hand to Ash.

Ash shook it.

"Great. With some of my friends betraying me, having to move to another region, changing my name, and, well, life's been great." Ash stated. Nobody knew if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Oh, I heard about the betrayal thing. How've you been holding up?" 1

"Well, the bright side is... I have friends who would stick by my side no matter what, and a younger brother. So... if you look at the pros, life's been amazing!" Ash said, smiling.

"A little brother? Since when do you have a little brother?" Paul asked, confused.

"Since the betrayal. Max, May's 'former' brother, left his family and asked my mother, Delia to adopt him, because he didn't want to live with a monster anymore. And she agreed." Ash replied. 4

"Okaaay... anyway, what are you doing in Alola? Besides being invited to the tournament."

"We live in Alola. Our house is on top of a hill, here in Melemele island."

"Wait, that huge mansion on the hill belongs to you?!" Paul asked.

"To me, my family and Pokémon. All of us live there. It wasn't that hard to build it, considering we all made it together." Ash said.

At that moment, Paul went blank. Who could build a mansion by themselves? Much less a house.

"That's..." he felt light-headed, "a bit unbelievable.

"Yeah. But, considering how many Pokémon we had, it was deemed possible," Ash smiled, rubbing his finger under his nose.

"Sorry, I have my battle soon. I gotta go." Alain said, walking away with Aria. Mairin, Trevor, Sawyer and Lillie tagged along.

-A half hour later-

Paul was at a Café with a familiar Kalosian blunette: Miette. 1

"Let's head back to the stadium. I heard the 6th Frontier Brain, Touya, will be having his battle soon." Paul nodded.

They headed to the Moltres battlefield. That's where Alain and Calem's battle is. When they arrived, they looked for Ash's gang.

"There they are." Miette said pointing towards the 5th and 6th row of seats. They took a seat with them.

"Hey, Paul." Ash greeted. "Wait, Miette?"

She waved. "Heya, Ash."

Before any conversation could be made, the referee spoke.

"The match between the Kalos League champion, Calem and the 6th frontier brain, Al-Touya is about to commence." He said, with a slip of the tongue. "This is a 3 on 3 battle, with no time limit. Substitutions are not allowed. Trainers, bring out your first Pokemon!"

"Scizor, battle ready!" 9

"Hawlucha, you're up!"


"Scizor, metal claw!" Alain commanded first.

Scizor's claw started to glow white. He charged at Hawlucha.

"Hawlucha, dodge!" Calem ordered.

Hawlucha barely, but successfully dodged metal claw.

"Hawlucha, use high jump kick!"

Hawlucha jumped high up, and used high jump kick.


Scizor obeyed..

"Finish this with night slash!"

"Dodge it!"

But Hawlucha wasn't quick enough. So he got hit with Scizor's night slash.

"Hawlucha is unable to battle! The winner is Scizor! Bring out your next Pokémon!"

"Thanks, Hawlucha. Return!" Calem returned Hawlucha. "Lucario! Your turn!"

The bipedal aura dog Pokémon appeared from it's Pokéball.

"Lucario, close combat!"

Lucario tried to land a hit on Scizor, but it just kept dodging Lucario's attacks.

"Scizor, Steel wing!"

Scizor's wings glowed white, and he charged towards Lucario.

"Lucario, counter with bone rush!"

Lucario summoned a blue long bone. And he countered Steel wing. An explosion took place on the battlefield. Before the dust cleared, Calem gave an order.

"Quick, before the dust clears! Aura sphere."

Alain couldn't see where Lucario was, so when he saw a blue orb of aura, it was too late. The aura sphere landed a direct hit on Scizor, when the dust finally cleared, Scizor had swirls in it's eyes.

"Scizor is unable to battle! The winner is Lucario! Send out your next Pokémon!"

-In the stands-

Ash smiled when Scizor fainted. Paul noticed this and asked:

"Why are you happy that Scizor lost? Isn't Alain 1 of your friends?" Paul asked, confused.

Ash leaned back on his seat and crossed his arms. "Alain gave the victory to Calem. Scizor didn't have an advantage, but Alain has trained him for when the opponent has the advantage."

They turned back to the battle.

-The Battlefield-

"You're strong Calem. Can't refuse that."

"You too. But let's see who's gonna win this match."

Alain smiled. "Charizard! Let's go."

The large orange dragon Pokémon appeared from it's Pokéball, it was larger than a normal Charizard, and gave a battle cry. The stadium shook a little, yet a lot. It gave fear to a few people's faces, while others' excitement.

"Charizard, blast burn!" 9

Calem and Lucario were too distracted on how large Charizard was, that they didn't here Alain give his order. And so, Lucario got hit directly by Blast burn. He fainted, with a lot of burn marks.

"Lucario is unable to battle! The winner is Charizard! Send out your next Pokémon!"

Calem finally broke out of his trance and returned Lucario, whispering a little 'thanks'.

Then, brought out his last Pokémon: A Charizard.


"Wow, this guy really likes screaming doesn't he?" Miette stated, annoyed. 4

"Charizard, flamethrower!"

Calem's Charizard used flamethrower on Alain's. But it didn't do much damaged. Then Alain's Charizard used dragon claw, Calem's countered with dragon claw as well. And it went back and forth for approximately 10 minutes. Then, they gave their last command:

"Charizard! Blast burn! Full power!"

Both Charizards, with all the energy they have left, charged a blast burn, and 3 seconds later... released it. An explosion took place, and dust was scattered through the battlefield. A minute or two later, they heard a 'thud', indicating 1 of the Charizards fell. Everyone eagerly waited for the results. When the dust cleared...

"Calem's Charizard is unable to battle! The winner in Touya's Charizard! Therefore, the victory goes to Touya and his Charizard!" The referee declared. 4

The crowd went wild! Although, Calem lost, he had a smile on his face. Both trainers returned their Pokémon, and walked to the centre of the battlefield. 2

"Good battle." Calem said, smiling.


"It was an honor to battle the strongest of the frontier brains."

"And it was an honor to battle the Kalos League Champion." 6

Both trainers smiled.

-In an Unknown location-

"They're more stronger than we thought."A man with brown hair said in a deep voice. 6

"What do we do now?" A man with orange hair and an orange beard asked. 14

They were watching the tournament on Television.

"Yes, do we cancel the plans? Or go through with it?" A woman with blonde hair asked. 6

"We're definitely gonna go through with it." Another man with faded blue hair declared. "They've troubled us enough!" 8

The others nodded in agreement


"Trevor, Alain, James and Sawyer, you 4 take that side of the hall to decorate." Ash instructed, pointing to his right. "Jessie, go help Clemont and Mallow with the cakes."

They did as told.

Okay, now a little recap: It's the Alola Queen's birthday tomorrow. A short recap, I know. But do I really have to explain further? No? Good. Now onto the story...

"Max, Bonnie, are you done with the stage?" Ash asked the young couple.

"Yup! But Lillie and Shauna need a little help." Bonnie said, as Max was helping her down the ladder.

"Okay then. Hau, Kiawe and Sophocles, go set up the fireworks." Ash said. The 3 kahunas nodded and headed to the roof.

(A/N: Hau, Kiawe, Sophocles and Gladion are the island kahunas) 2

"Hey, Where's Gladion?" Ash asked, noticing the Ula'ula island's kahuna was not present.

"He's at the Pokémon Centre. He had a battle not too long ago, and he's probably being held back by some girls." Kiawe replied. Just then, a blonde haired boy came bursting in the hall, panting.

"Told ya." Kiawe said.

"Sorry... I'm late. I was... held back... by a few... girls...." He panted.

"That's okay. You can help with the fireworks. Or the decorating in left." Ash said, pointing to the left side of the hall.

"Uh... I think I'll help with the decorating." Gladion decided.

"Alright. Mom, Grace, and Miette, can you help Aria with the gifts?"


"Okay, now, what else is missing?" Ash pondered. He clicked his fingers after a few seconds. "Invitations! Where's Korrina and Meowth?" He asked looking around.

"Hey Ash." A face popped in front of him. He stumbled back.

"Korrina! Stop doing that!" Ash scolded.

"Sorry..." Korrina said sheepishly. "So. What'd you want me for?"

"I need you to pass out the invitations." Ash replied.


"If you find Lana and Meowth on the way, ask them to help out too. Nini, can you help with passing out the invitations too?" Ash asked. (A/N: Some of Serena's friends and rivals had come for her birthday too. Ash invited them to Alola.)


Korrina and Nini exited the hall, with the basket of invitations in their hands.

"Everything's in order at this end. Lemme check on Mairin." Ash dialed Mairin's number on his Nanodex.

-With Mairin and Serena-

"So, which one will suit me best? This one," Serena held up a pink long frock, "Or this one?" She held up a yellow long top.

Mairin put her hand on her chin, thinking. She pointed to the pink one. "That one. Pink suits you best. Yellow is for Bonnie."

"Yeah. I thought so too." She went to the counter to purchase it.

Mairin's Nanodex started to vibrate. She looked to see Ash was calling her. She answered. "Hey, Ash."

"Hey, Mairin. How's it going with Serena?"

"Good. We came shopping. It'll keep her occupied for another few hours or so." Mairin replied. "How's the decorating going?"

"All in order. Just another 2 hours, and we might be done."

"That's great to hear! Oh, Serena's calling me. Gotta go, see ya!" She cut the line.

"Mairin, we're gonna buy some hair accessories. Come on!" Serena called.

"Coming." She started to run towards Serena, when she saw the traitors. She pulled Serena out of the store.

"Hey. Mairin, stop pulling me!" Serena scolded.

"Sorry. It's just that I saw some of those Traitors." Mairin replied. "And I didn't feel like bumping into them."

"Oh. That's okay." Serena smiled.

"Hey! Nice to see you 2 again!" The 2 girls flinched at the familiar girl's voice. Dawn.

"Hi... Nice to see you too." Serena and Mairin forced on their best smiles.

"Are you 2 shopping? Why don't we do it together?" May suggested.

"Uh... No thanks. We were just leaving." Mairin said, holding Serena's hand and turning on her heels. But Iris stopped them.

"Come on! It'll be fun! We could get to know each other more!" Iris exclaimed. 7

Serena and Mairin looked at each other. Both thinking the same thing: 'no choice'.

"What do you say?"Dawn asked.

The honey-blonde and redhead sighed. "Okay."

In a few minutes, they were in a makeup store, talking.

"So, both of you are world known coordinators?" Serena asked. May and Dawn nodded.

"And you're a dragon master, while Misty's a Water-Type Pokemon Master?" Misty and Iris nodded. 2

"That's nice. How did you achieve your dreams?"

"Well, hard work really pays off." Dawn replied.

"Yep!" May agreed.

"Hey, I heard that all 4 of you travelled with a boy named Ash Ketchum." Serena said. Purposefully bringing up the topic.

The 4 Traitors went stiff for a second.

"I keep up with unusual events going on in the world. You guys definitely were caught in the midst of some unusual events," she added.

"We'd forgotten about him." Dawn giggled nervously.

"Yeah. But he had nothing to do with our achievements." Misty replied. 1


"Oh, do you know where he is now?" Serena asked.

"No. And we don't care. He was a weak trainer. Don't know why we wasted our time in traveling with him." May shrugged.

"Yeah. Such a little kid." Iris agreed. 4

"He must still be trying to achieve his stupid dream of becoming a Pokémon Master." Misty stated.

"Oh. Well, you see, I have always looked up to him as a hero. He did take out a lot of evil organizations." Serena said.

"Yeah. I heard he took out Team Flare. They were a very strong organization. And Steven and Diantha, the former Hoenn and Kalos champions, named their son after him." Mairin stated.

"Don't know why they'd put such a worthless name for their own child. I mean, Ash Ketchum only brought trouble with his Pikachu." Dawn said.

"And he's probably dead by now." May said.

Mairin and Serena almost cracked up laughing. The traitors looked at the 2 weirdly.

"What happened? Why's your faces like that?" Iris asked.

"Ash Ketchum? Dead? You guys are really hilarious." Serena said.

"Why? Have you seen him?" Misty asked.

"He's around, everyone knows that for sure. Anyway, we've wasted enough time on traitors here." Mairin said.

"Traitors?" The 4 Traitors repeated.

"Oh, don't act so clueless." Serena said.

"We met Ash Ketchum once. And he told us what you and his former friends did to him." Mairin stated.

"Yeah. And next time we meet, you'll look at him with fear in your eyes."

Serena and Mairin turned on their heels towards the exit.

The 4 girls were shocked. They looked at each other.

'No way.

Serena's P.O.V.

I felt the morning rays of the sun shower my face, I slowly fluttered my eyes open. It really was a bright day. I guess the sun knows exactly how I feel: Happy. Today's my birthday! I can't wait to see what Ash and the others have planned for me! 1

I got up and stretched a little. I turned around to wake Ash up, but the bed was empty. 'Ash doesn't wake up this early. Maybe he has a battle.' I thought.

I did my morning routine: Brush my teeth, take a shower, dress, and brush my hair. I went to the kitchen, to get some breakfast, that's when I noticed the whole hotel room was free of people. 'They probably have a battle too. Although, why would they leave me all alone?' I thought, as I made myself some Kalosian toast. (A/N: *Nova* Yum! I'm talking about one of my favorite breakfasts when I'm fasting. *facepalms*) I made my way down towards the lobby, and went to the front desk, thankfully Nurse Joy was there. 2

"Good morning Nurse Joy!" I greeted.

"Oh, Good morning Serena. What can I do for you?" She asked, with her usual cheerful tone.

"I was wondering if you had seen Ash and the others?" I asked.

"Oh yes, they told me to inform you that they are at the stadium." Nurse Joy said.

"Oh. Thank you Nurse Joy." I bowed, and made my way towards the stadium.

When I reached the stadium, I checked the board if Ash or the others had any battles right now. Sure enough, Ash was battling Brock in the Manaphy Battlefield. The battle was just starting when I arrived. I took a seat next to Bonnie.

"Oh, 'morning sis! Sorry we didn't wait for you. Almost the whole gang had early morning battles." Bonnie explained.

"Good morning Bonnie. Well, that explains why I was the only one left in the hotel room." I said.

We focused our attention back to the battle.

"The battle between Sathoshi, the Pokémon Master, and Brock, the Pewter City gym leader in Kanto, is about to commence." The referee continued. "This is a 3 on 3 battle, with no time limit. The battle will be over when either side's Pokémon are unable to battle. Substitutions are allowed. Trainers, bring out you Pokémon!" 2

"Steelix! Time for a battle!"

"Pikachu, you're up buddy." 1


"Steelix, stone edge!" Brock commanded first.

Rocks were charging at Pikachu. But Pikachu just stood there, with a bored expression. The rocks landed a direct hit on Pikachu, creating a cloud of dust. Brock smirked, knowing he had won this round. But when the dust cleared, Pikachu was no where to be seen.

"Now." Ash ordered calmly.

They saw Pikachu in the air with his tail glowing silver, some couldn't see him because they blinded by the sun. He landed a direct hit on Steelix, making Steelix stumble a few steps back.

"How can an iron tail be that strong?" Brock muttered.

Ash nodded towards Pikachu. Pikachu charged an electro ball, and did a backwards flip, then released it. Brock didn't have time to give a command, resulting in Pikachu landing a direct hit on Steelix. Dust kicked in, they heard a 'Thud', when the dust cleared...

"Steelix is unable to battle, Pikachu wins! Send out your next Pokémon!" 1

Brock returned Steelix with a 'Thank you'.

"Toxicroak! You're up!" 1

The poison-type frog appeared from the pokeball.

"Poison jab, Toxicroak!"

"Finish this with an electro ball!"

Pikachu's electro ball collided with Toxicroak's poison jab, creating a mini explosion. After the dust cleared...

"Toxicroak is unable to battle! Pikachu wins! Send out your next Pokémon!"

-Up in the stands-

"Just one move?" Trip asked, shocked.

"That guy really is strong." Norman said.

"He's not kidding around either." Johanna said.

"I wonder what Brock's gonna do now." Lola asked, worried.

-In the Battlefield-

Brock returned Toxicroak to it's Pokéball, with sweat on his forehead.

"How can an electro ball be so strong?" Bro has muttered.

"Are you gonna forfeit?" Ash asked.

"Of course not! Sudowoodo, battle ready!"

A tree-like Pokémon appeared on the battlefield, with a battle stance. But when he saw the opponent and it's trainer, he had a shocked face.

"So you figured it out huh, Sudowoodo?" Ash asked, smiling/smirking. Brock was confused.

"Figured out what?" He asked.

"I'm asking for the last time: Are you gonna forfeit?" Ash asked again, ignoring the opponent's question.

"No!" Brock answered firmly.

Ash shrugged. "As you wish." He gave his command, "Pikachu, thunderbolt."

"Sudowoodo! Dodge it!" Brock yelled desperately.

But Sudowoodo was too afraid to dodge, he was thinking of what Ash and Pikachu would do to him. Even though, he wasn't present at the Betrayal.

The thunderbolt striked Sudowoodo, leaving him paralyzed.

"Sudowoodo is unable to battle! Pikachu wins! Therefore, this match goes to Satoshi, the Pokémon Master!" The referee declared.

The crowd cheered so loud, you'd think that your ears would fall off any second.

Ash made his way to Sudowoodo, and knelt down.

"You didn't want it to happen, I know. But that was your trainer's choice. You have a chance now." Ash told Sudowoodo, with a reassuring smile. Sudowoodo gave a weak smile, and slowly got up. He walked towards Brock, took the Pokéball from his hand, and crushed it. The audience was beyond shocked. 3


Sudowoodo walked back to Ash.

"Su-do!" It said.

"Pika! Pi!" The 2 Pokémon embraced.

Ash took out a Pokéball. Sudowoodo pressed it's forehead on it, getting sucked in. With three shakes and a 'Ting', it was caught.

"What did you do?" Brock asked, enraged.

"What did I do? I didn't do anything. It's what you did that Sudowoodo made this decision." Ash said, walking away.

"You're gonna pay for taking away my Pokémon!" Brock yelled after him

Ash's P.O.V.

It's already 5pm. Me and a blindfolded Serena were making our way towards the hall where Serena's birthday was held at. The gang and all the guests were waiting for the birthday girl.

"Where are we going, Ash?" Serena asked, still blindfolded.

"You'll see. Look, we're almost there." I replied.

"Uh...I can't see. You put a blindfold on me." She said.

"Oh. Right. Anyway. We're almost there."

I guided her inside the hall, which was completely dark. And when I took the blindfold off...


Serena was a bit taken aback by the sudden noise. But soon recovered. She saw...

....The Eeveelution cupcakes. She loves the eeveelutions, so we decided to make cupcakes with the icing as the eeveelutions.

"You... guys... You did this... for me?" She asked, tears in her eyes.

"Why would we not?" Shauna asked.

"Yeah. You're our best friend, and our sister." Aria replied, smiling.

"But really, you shouldn't have." Serena said again.

"Happy birthday Serena!" A voice came from behind.

"Nini?!" Serena exclaimed, shocked.

Serena's P.O.V.

Nini's in Alola? Since when? Did she come here just for my birthday?

"Hey! Don't forget about me!" Another familiar voice came from behind.


What's she doing here? Oh no, don't tell me she's here to get Ash.

She leaned forward.

"And don't worry Serena, I've moved on from Ash." She whispered to me. Then she leaned back. "Happy Birthday!"

"Th-Thanks. And, moved on to who?" I asked, I was curious to know.

A purple-haired boy approached them.

"This is Paul Shinji. My husband." Miette said, hugging the purple-haired boy's, who I assumed to be Paul, arm. 1

"You're married to Paul?!" Ash exclaimed, shocked.

"Yup!" She answered with a bright smile.

"You didn't tell me you were married!" Ash said.

"You didn't tell me you were married either." Paul shot back. 1

Ash was silent for a second. "You have a point."

"Oh, and Serena. Congratulations on becoming Alola Queen!" Miette and Nini congratulated me at the same time.

"Thank you!"

"Hey." Bonnie interrupted, "Are we gonna sit here talking, or are we gonna Par-tay!" She said, dancing. 6

"Alright! Let's get this party started!" 2

The rest of the evening was filled with enjoying my birthday party. Now it's time for opening the presents.

"This one's from Nini." I read the card, then opened the gift. It was a cute charm bracelet! With a Sylveon, a Braixen, a Pangoro, a Gardevior, and an Alola Vulpix charm. "Thank you so much Nini!" I hugged her.

"No problem Serena!"

"Next is Miette and Paul." I read the tag again, and opened the present. It was a blue dress, just below the knee, and leggings. "Thanks a lot you two!" I smiled. They smiled back.

"This one is from Steven, Diantha and (little) Ash." I again read the tag, then opened the box. It was 3 mega stones and key stone. The mega stones were for Pangoro, Sylveon and Gardevoir. "A key ring and mega stones! I can't believe it, I can Mega evolve my Pokémon! Thank you so much!" I gave each of the 3 a hug. 3

After opening a few presents and saying thank you to the people, I finally came to the last gift, Ash's gift. I opened it, inside was a Fairium Z. I gasped.

"Like it?" Ash asked, smiling. "You've wanted 1 for a while now."

"You went to all this trouble to get me 1?" I asked, shocked.

"Nah. It wasn't that big of a trouble to get it." He said. I tackled him in a hug, I think he couldn't breathe from how tight I hugged him though...


And so, we enjoyed a little more, there was even a fire works display! It was so beautiful! I'm so lucky to have family like this. 1

Ash's P.O.V.

"Hey, Ashy-Boy. I noticed that there were surprisingly less people. How come?" Gary asked me, confused.

"Just remember to never let a Meowth give out invitations." I snarled, recalling what Meowth did to almost the whole batch of invitations.

Misty's P.O.V.

Me, Iris, May and Dawn have been thinking of what Sirina and Manon had told us at the mall, when we went shopping. 'Is Ash really alive?' was the question in all of our heads. But he's probably dead. I mean, he couldn't even defend himself when we betrayed him in Kanto! He was a weak and pathetic kid. Well, Yes, he defeated the gym leaders in the regions, but he had to try 2-3 times. And besides, he couldn't even win a league! 8

The 4 of us decided to tell the others about our encounter with the Alola Queen and the 1st elite.

"Hey guys! We bumped into the Alola Queen, Sirina, and the first elite, Manon, at the mall the day before yesterday." May announced.

"And, they told us" Dawn continued.

"What did they say, dear?" Johanna asked.

We explained to the rest about what happened, and what they said.

"Do they mean that Ass Ketchup is alive?" Trip asked. 1

"I don't know, we didn't get to ask anymore questions, they just told us to wait and see." I shrugged.

"Well, whatever! It's not like he's a Pokémon Master, or the world champion now." Trip said. 21

To that, we suddenly burst out laughing, but I stopped. 'He can't become a Pokémon Master, he was a weakling. But still...I wonder...'

3rd person P.O.V.

"Can't catch me!" Max yelled, running away with Trevor's camera.

"Max! Give it back! I still have more pictures to take of those Pokémon!" Trevor yelled after Max.

The whole gang was relaxing at the Aloha Café. They did have a nice round of battles this morning. Serena, Aria, Lillie and Shauna was just having a conversation on performance routines. Ash, Sawyer, Alain and Gary were having a tag battle. Bonnie and Mairin were breeding their Pokémon. Clemont was working on a new invention, while Korrina was challenged by a trainer named Nate. Korrina won, a 3-2, it was a close battle, that Nate guy was surprisingly strong. 19

"So, who were you 2 up against?" James asked the 2 princesses.

"I was up against Misty. Boy, did she underestimate me." Mairin said.

"A trainer named Barry. If you wanna meet him, you gotta be a billionaire! He was fining me during the whole battle, saying 'I'm fining you for pulling that surprise attack!' or 'I'm fining you for defeating my Empoleon!'" Bonnie said, irritated. 20

Mairin and James laughed. Ash, Sawyer, Gary and Alain approached, they finished their battle a minute ago.

"What's going on?" Gary asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just talking about our recent battles." Mairin replied.

Serena, Shauna, Aria and Lillie joined in too.

"Hey, did you guys here about our run-in with Misty, Iris, Dawn and May?" Serena asked.

Everyone (excluding Bonnie) shook their heads.

"It's a funny story." Bonnie stated.

"Then start it already!" Korrina exclaimed.

So they did, laughing at some parts, cursing at others. 1

"I can't believe that they said I had nothing to do with them achieving their dreams." Ash said, crossing his arms.

"Well, you know how big a liars they are." Max stated.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Although, I do wonder when they'll figure out who we really are." Clemont said.

"Well, they are absent-minded people. They wouldn't be able to recognize a glass of wine, from a glass of grape juice! I can't believe how blind they are!" Sawyer stated. 3

"Hey, wait a minute, I just noticed: Where's Meowth and Jessie?" Shauna asked looking around.

"When you guys arrived, Meowth ran away, frightened of something. Jessie followed him. It's been a while since she left, though." James replied.

"It must have something to do with what Meowth did with the batch of invitations." Alain said.

"Oh, yeah. What did he do?" Trevor asked.

"He shredded the batch of invitations he was supposed to give out." Ash said.


"Well, he is a Meowth." Lillie replied.

"True." Ash said. "But he didn't have to shred the whole batch. Because of him, half of Alola was absent at Serena's party."

"Hey, Ash? When are we gonna reveal ourselves to the traitors?" Bonnie asked.

"Well, probably by the last round." Ash replied.

"I can't believe we had to inform all of Alola to call us by our fake names. All because of those traitors." Korrina said.

Little did the gang know, Cilan had heard the whole conversation. Saying he was shocked, was an understatement.

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