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27.02% pokemon fanfiction / Chapter 10: chapter 18 part 3

Chapter 10: chapter 18 part 3

As the group are at the island, Mallow, Lana, Kiawe and Sophocles introduce themselves to Serena, Bonnie Dawn, Cilan and Ash's siblings.

"I know that you two will be together." Mallow says. "Congratulations."

Ash says, "Thanks. In fact, Mom, Ms. Lusamine, Ms. Grace and are childhood friends."

Serena says, "My mom is, too?"

Dawn says, "Me too?"

"Yes, at that time, we are so close together in childhood." Mark says. "Although there is Gary in the group, too bad he joined his grandfather's crimes."

Serena says, "Wait, we have met before?"

"But how come we didn't remember?" Lillie asks.

Minami says, "Well, since the accident of Nihilego trying to capture Lillie, we ask Faba to erase your memories and part ways. Ms. Johanna goes to Sinnoh, Ms. Grace goes to Kalos, Ms. Lusamine goes to Alola while we still stay at Kanto."

Insey says, "But when we get our powers back, we remembered everything."

Kiawe says, "So you guys are childhood friends?"

"Yes." Lillie says. "And I remember that when Ash's siblings are forced to leave with their father, Ash is crying because of that, and it takes me and Serena a lot of help to calm him down."

Serena says, "Yeah…"

Ash says, "Since we are here, why don't I show you all our Pokemon?"

Bonnie says, "Really? I want to see all your Pokemon."

Ash then blows the whistle as a lot of Pokemon appears. Then they all gather around Ash as they try to show their affection.

"Wow, you have so many Pokemon!" Bonnie says as she wants to go play with them.

"Although I have seen most of them, but it is great to see them all in a same place again." Dawns says.

"Indeed, I can sense a sweet aroma surrounding all of your Pokemon." Cilan says, causing everyone to sweat drop.

"Does Cilan usually say that?" Mallow asks Ash. 2

"Well, yeah." Ash says while Pikachu and all the Unova Pokemon nods.

Venusaur then notices Meowth on Ash's shoulder, he says, "Hey, you are Team Rocket's Meowth!"

Donphan says, "Team Rocket is nearby, everyone prepare for attack!"

Meowth panics and says, "Wait, there! I leave Team Rocket!"

Samurott says, "You fooled us once, we won't fall it twice!"

Ash says, "Guys, Meowth really leaves Team Rocket, and I have captured him."

Meowth then says, "I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you in the past 7 years."

Then everyone decides to forgive Meowth and welcomes him in the family.

Ash also sends out Pidgeot, Fearow, Blastoise, Gengar, Primeape, Butterfree x2, Lapras x2, Tyranitar x2, Greninja, Z2, Goodra, Quagsire and Florges out, those who know them all greet each other, while the ones who doesn't know introduce themselves and play with them.

Sophocles says, "Wow, you sure have a lot of great Pokemon."

Minami says, "Indeed, since he has travelled 7 years of course."

Ash says, "Since we all are here, how about I talk about how we get the Pokemon here?"

"Sure. We really want to hear them all." Lillie says.

Then both humans and Pokemon all gather around the circle as Ash starts to tell the story.

"You guys all know my Pikachu, he is my first Pokemon. You know, since I was late for getting the starter, so Professor Oak let me take this Pokemon. He doesn't listen to me at that time. But then, on the way, I accidentally hits Fearow here with a rock, as he gathers all the Spearows to attack him. I try to save him and run away from them. Seeing this act of selflessness, Pikachu defended me from the Spearow as well, and the two of us became inseparable friends."

Bonnie says, "Wow, I never know that…"

Dawn says, "Although I have heard it once, it is great to hear it one more time."

Ash nods, just then, they see a Pokemon flying towards them. Ash immediately recognizes as Ho-Oh.

"Ho-Oh?!" Everyone exclaims while Rotom tries to get the pictures of the Pokemon.

Ho-Oh says, "Chosen One. Nice to meet you for the fourth time."

"Same here, what are you doing here?" Ash asks.

"All the legendaries hear that you have return back to your body, so we all decide to join your team. Right now I am the first one to arrive." Ho-Oh says.

"Wait, you mean… all the Legendaries are here to join my Team?" Ash says which causes everyone to shock.

"Of course." Ho-Oh says.

Kiawe asks, "Ash, how do you meet Ho-Oh?"

Ash says, "Well, it was after Pikachu is injured from the flock of Spearow. I try to take him to the Pokemon Center, I see him flying in the sky, but that time I don't know what is it."

Lillie says, "Wow, not many people see Ho-Oh in the first day of their journey."

"Yeah… after I get Pikachu in the Pokemon Center, I met Misty." Ash says in anger, everyone knows since she joins Team Rocket in the end. "She travels with me because I break her bike when I was trying to flee from the Spearow. And she is really annoying at first. But with two of us, we go to the Vidirian Forest. I met Butterfree and Pidgeot there. And Misty treats Butterfree very bad since he is a Bug Type."

Bonnie says, "That is rude. Bug Type is also cute." 1

"Yeah, I am glad that she join Team Rocket. Or I will be annoyed even more." Ash laughs. "Even Brock, too. When I first meet him he is the Pewter Gym Leader. The first Gym leader I have ever faced."

Trenor asks, "Do you win?"

"No, The sprinklers have make the Onix cover in water, which isn't a fair move to me, so I decide to train for more before I try to challenge him again, but he says that he is so touched by my actions and gave me the badge. Then he travels with me the longest. It is a shame that he join Team Rocket."

Mark says, "Indeed."

"Next is Venusaur, he was protecting all the Pokemon in the hidden village, but then he joins my team and been a great help for leading my Pokemon. As for Charizard, you have heard the story, right, Cilan?"

Cilan says, "Yeah, I remember you says that his original trainer left him on the rock in the rain."

Mark says, "That is very mean. He doesn't deserve that."

Ash says, "Yeah, and when his original trainer tries to get him back, he refuses and joins my team. Blastoise here was once a prankster who leads the Squirtle Squad to do evil things for revenge against humans, but thanks to a big fire, Officer Jenny let them become Fire Fighters."

Golly says, "I can say all of your Pokemon have some interesting stories."

"Yeah." Ash says with a laugh. "Since Kingler, Primeape and Muk are captured by battle, let's skip over for that. As for my Tauros, I went to the Safari Zone and have 30 Safari Balls, but when I try to capture other Pokemon, Tauros will come in and block the ball."

Mallow says, "So you have 30 Tauros?"

Minami says, "Well, we are sorry that we left 29 in the lab."

Ash says, "It is fine, since I don't need a lot of Tauros. As for Gengar here, I was trying to fight Aunt Sabrina with her gym. She is a cold hearted person back then, and she will trap challengers into a doll after the challenger loses. I go to the Lavender Tower and capture this guy so he can help me with the gym battle. But when I challenge her again, he flees and tries to make jokes and pranks on Aunt Sabrina, causing her to laugh and return back to normal."

Minami says, "So that is what Aunt Sabrina means that she regrets to free Brock and Misty."

"Yeah." Ash says.

Just then, another 2 Pokemon has joined them.

"Mew! Mewtwo!" Ash exclaims.

Mew says, "Ash, nice to see you again."

Mewtwo says, "Indeed. We also hear what others have done. We will help you defeat them."

"Thanks." Ash says. "Everyone, this is Mew. I met her in Rota, where she lives in the Tree of Beginning. And this is Mewtwo. Cilan, I guess you know him when we are at New Tork City."

"I do." Cilan says.

Mewtwo says, "That isn't the first time we met, Ash."

Ash says, "I know, we met in Mt. Quenna where you are fighting the evil Uncle Giovanni."

Mew says, "Ash, that isn't the first time, too." She glows blue and Ash starts to remember his memories.

"Ash?" Lillie says in a worried tone.

Ash then says, "I have been killed by you two… I remember…"

"Killed? But you are still here." Dawn says.

"That time Mewtwo was free from Team Rocket. Since what Team Rocket do to him, he hates all humans and Pokemon. He gathers us to take away our Pokemon and made copies. And then a war break out, the original versus the copies… and I can't watch it anymore…"

Mewtwo says, "He jumps in our Aura Sphere attack with any Pokemon protection, then he was killed, but with the tears of Pokemon, he is revived."

Mew says, "Since it is a sad and horrible memory, so we decide to erase the memories."

"I see. Don't worry, Mew. Mewtwo. I forgive you for what you have done."

The two Pokemon thank him as they also join the group.

"Now, that is the Kanto Pokemon I have, now it is Orange Islands. Lapras is my first captured. She was just a baby and it was abused by some trainers. With the help of Tracy, we saved her from them and promised to bring her back to her mother."

Insey says, "Tracy sounds like a nice guy, it is a shame that he joins Team Rocket."

"He admires Professor Oak, so it is not a big deal that he will join." Ash replies. "Then we finally found her mother, who is being poached by some pirates with huge cannons. We have saved her and then brought Lapras back to her."

Bonnie says, "So Lapras and her mother had joined you."

"Yeah. The next is Snorlax. The reason I captured him is because of his unusual ability. He can swim Butterfree." 3

Lana says, "Seriously? Snorlax can swim that good?"

"Yeah, it is shocking, too." Ash says.

Just then, they hear 4 sounds, then 4 bird like Pokemon flies towards them with quick speed.

"Articuno! Zapdos! Moltres! Lugia!" Ash waves to them as they arrive in front of Ash.

"Chosen one, it is nice to see you again." Lugia says.

"Same here, Ash." The 3 legendary birds say.

Lillie says, "Ash, you know these 4 birds, too?"

Bonnie says, " Well, Talonflame and Noivern evolves while battling them."

Ash says, "You know, this isn't the second time I meet them. I have met them a lot of times before that. Even Lugia, when I was at a vacation to Fura City, I met him there, too. Although the first time when I meet them is at Orange Islands Shamouti Island." 2

Mark says, "We have heard about it, as the world is about to get destroyed thanks to the rage of the 3 birds, the chosen one will appear with Lugia to stop the crisis. I guess that was you, right?"

Serena says, "No way."

"Yeah. So I guess you four are also joining my team?" Ash asks.

"Yes. Since we have also heard everything from Ho-Oh there." Lugia says while Ho-Oh just stares at them. Then Ash throws some Pokeball and then let them out as he continues his story. 1

"Now that the Orange Islands is done, next is Johto. The same, Brock and Misty follows me while Gary is my rival…" Ash says in disgust.

"The first Pokemon I catch is Heracross. Meowth, you know what did you did when I first meet him."

"I know, we were just trying to get some Tree syrup to make money, thus forcing the Pinsirs to leave the place and they chase away the Heracross." Meowth says.

"Don't worry, you are good now." Pikachu says while patting his shoulder.

"I guess so." Meowth says.

"Well, the next one I capture is this Meganium." Ash says.

Mallow asks, "I see this Meganium has been attached to you more than other Pokemon, why is that?"

"Well, when I first meet her, I just eant to capture her, but you know that using Charizard against Chikorita is overpowered. So I get her into the Pokemon Center. And then Team Rocket tries to steal her, Pikachu and I chase her into the snowy mountains. When we save her, we met a Blizzard. Chikorita runs away, so I go find her in the blizzard and take her to the cave."

Lillie says, "That is so nice of you. I can see why she is so attached."

"Yeah. Next is Typhlosion. I met him as a Cyndaquil. When I found him, I was being chased by Team Rocket. Thanks to his Flamethrower, we send them blast off, but I was afraid that he will blast off, too. So I captured him at the same time."

Meowth says, "I remember that day."

Mark says, "You should be, since you were once Team Rocket."

"Next is Feraligatr. You know. Misty also wants this guy since we first saw him. We throw the ball at the same time and only one ball captures him. So we battle to fight for it. In the end, I won and get this guy." Ash says.

"That is amazing if you ask me." Lana says. "I am glad that she didn't capture her."

Suddenly, there are more cries as another Mythical Pokemon comes to Ash. Followed by 3 Legandary Pokemon.

"Celebi! Suicune! Entei! Raikou!" Ash says as he greets them.

"Wow, that is four more Pokemon!" Sophocles says.

"Yeah. Ash, how do you meet them?" Golly asks.

"Well, we meet them once in Crown City." Dawn says.

"Yeah, but Celebi is the second time." Ash says.

"Indeed. I can't believe the Sam I know is an evil person." Celebi says.

"It is fine, we will get revenge on him later. Celebi. So I guess you guys are here to join us?"

Entei says, "Yes, father. We are here to help you."

Ash smiles and captures the 4 Pokemon. Then they all go to where other Pokemon are.

"Besides Noctowl, I caught it due to being shiny, and Phanpy, I hatches him as an egg. The next is Tyranitar. It is a sad story. I got the egg from Professor Elm and hatches it. With the memories of poachers in the egg, Larvitar couldn't open his heart to others. I decide to take him back to his mother just like what I did to Lapras."

Bonnie says, "You know, Ash, it sounds like most of your Pokemon has some same history together."

"Indeed." Ash says, but he is suddenly being lift by an invisible force.

"Ash!" Lillie exclaims, only to see him laughing.

"Latias, can you please stop it?" Ash says as Latias becomes visible and sends him back down.

"Wow, you know this Latias?" Cilan asks.

"Well, I met her in Alto Mare. She was a protector of the place with Latios…" Ash then frowns, Latias also does the same.

"Ash? What's wrong?" Golly asks.

"Thanks to Team Rocket, not the trio but other members, a tsunami is going to hit the town. Latios sacrifices himself to stop the crisis and becomes a Soul Dew." Ash says.

Everyone feels sorry for her, Latias says, "Ash. Since you are Arceus, you can save him! I have this soul dew by my side."

Ash nods and says, "I'll try." Ash closes his eyes and focus on the thing. Not long after, it starts to glow and becomes the Pokemon.

"Huh?" Latios is shocked to see him alive.

"Brother!" Latias happily hugs him.

"But how?"

"I saved you." Ash says. Latios bows towards him and thanks him.

Ash asks, "So Latias, how is Bianca and Lozerno?"

"They are fine, they tell me to go find you and join your team." Latias says.

"Okay. Welcome aboard!" Ash says as he also captures the 2 Eon Pokemon.

Latias and her brother then sit beside the legendaries as Ash keeps talking.

"After another loss at Johto League, I decided to go to Hoenn. And that is where I separate with Misty and Brock. Swellow is the first Pokemon I captured. At that time he is a hungry Pokemon who just ate a Chocolate bar from us. And he then appears to challenge Pikachu. In order not to let it more painful, I captured him. And Sceptile here is similar to Greninja if you ask me. He trains alone and not opening to other Treeckos. I meet him when he is trying to save a tree, but it eventually falls to doom. Treecko then decide to move on and travel with us."

Greninja feels sympathy to Sceptile, as he nods back. Bonnie says, "Since you have a strong Pokemon, why don't you use it in the Kalos League?"

"Well, I want to let the new Pokemon have their chance at their league where they are from. So I can learn how much I have grown as a trainer." Ash says as everyone nods.

"Next is Crawdaunt, when I first meet him as a Corphish, he is under the sand causing trouble for us. But eventually he came out and I caught him."

Then, Ash sees that besides Celebi, there is a Jirachi.

"Jirachi?" Ash says in shock.

"No way! That is the wish making Pokemon!" Sophocles exclaims.

"Long time no see, Ash." Jirachi says.

"What are you doing here? Jirachi?"

"I come to join you, after what Max has done to you."

"But shouldn't you sleep for a hundred years before you wake up?" Ash asks.

"Well, that is the maximum." Jirachi says as he gets captures and sits down to listen the story.

"Um… Meowth, do you know what Pokemon I just finished?" Ash asks.

"You just said Crawdaunt."

"Thanks, the next one is Torkoal." Ash says.

Torkoal hears his name and then cries out, causing everyone to cover in smoke.

"Wow, what an affectionate Pokemon." Serena says.

"Yeah. When I first saw him, he is attacked by some Steel Type Pokemon leaded by Steelix. After saving him, he joined my team."

Cilan says, "I can sense another savior taste from it."

Suddenly, the ground has started to rumble, they turn around and see Kyogre and Groudon trying to fight each other.

"Oh boy, I have better stop this." Ash says as he goes to stop the fight.

"Chosen one." Kyogre and Groudon see him and stop the attacks.

"Care to explain why you two are attacking?" Ash asks.

"He starts it." They say at the same time, causing the two to glare each other.

"You can come and join us, but no fighting." Ash says as he gets back.

Trenor says, "And how do you manage to get the 2 weather Pokemon?"

"Well, we were caught in the fight between Team Magma and Team Aqua. And we stopped the two leaders to control them."

"So how many of the Teams have you fought?" Dawn asks.

"I don't know." Ash says. "But I know that the Team Rocket, Team Galactic and Team Plasma's leaders aren't from our world."

"Yeah, they are our family." Mark says.

"Well, let's move on, shall we? Glalie is the last Pokemon I captured in Hoenn. He was a Snorunt who stole my badges. He just wanted to play with me. So I captured him in the end."

"Wow, you sure have a nice Ice Type." Lillie says.

"Yeah." Ash says. Then they hear another fighting. Ash sees and this time it is Rayquaza and Deoxys.

"Another fight I have to stop…" Ash says as he goes to stop the two.

"Rayquaza, Deoxys, stop fighting each other. You both are strong." Ash yells as the two Pokemon calms down.

"That is good, now Rayquaza, I want you to look out for Groudon and Kyogre."

Rayquaza nods and then it flies towards them. Deoxys also goes to sit besides Mewtwo.

"After finish the Hoenn League, I got back to Kanto for the Battle Frontier. I remember the second time I visit the region, we have gone to Rota." Ash says.

"Rota?" Dawn asks.

Mew says, "It is a place where the Ketchum's royal family lives. Ash is the cousin of the queen there."

"Oh yeah, so Queen Ilene is the queen there?" Dawn asks.

"Yes. Which is why I can perform aura like Sir Arron." Ash says. Mew then brings the 3 Legendary Golems in front of Ash, as they also join his team.

"And then after losing the first time Battle Pyramid, Dawn, you know what is that, right?"

"Yeah, it is the reason why Paul is aggressive."

"I met Aipom shortly after, she is kinda like Meganium who was attached to me. Even I am heading to Sinnoh, she secretly follows me there." Ash says.

"So where is she?" Cilan asks.

"I will get to that later. As we arrive at Sinnoh, Dawn, you know how I get those Pokemon, right?"

"I know. I guess." Dawn says.

Suddenly, two Pokemon jumps in front of Ash, with the one calling him Papa.

"Manaphy, Phione? What are you doing here?" Ash asks.

"Want to meet Papa." Manaphy says as he hugs him.

Lillie says, "Papa?"

"Oh, well, Manaphy's mama is May." Ash says in disgust.

"May? But she joined Team Rocket." Lana says.

"She is no Mama!" Manaphy yells as Phoine calms him down.

"So Manaphy, is this Phione your friend?" Ash asks.

"Yes. He want to see Papa, too." Manaphy says.

"I see. Well, we helped him saved the Samiya Kingdom from the Pirates, that ishow I meet him."

Mark says, "You have some wild adventures."

"Yeah." Ash says.

Manaphy and Phione ask Lillie to become mama, Ash and Lillie both blush and agree to be their parents. Then they hug them as Ash keeps telling the story.

"When I come to Sinnoh, Pikachu was separated with me thanks to Team Rocket. With only Aipom by my side, we couldn't search anywhere. So I caught Starly, which is Staraptor now to find him. And that is when I reunited with Dawn." Ash says.

"Yeah, at that time Team Rocket has a giant machine and Piplup can't handle it alone." Dawn says.

"The next is Torterra, which was a Turtwig back then, his encounter was similar to Venusaur, he was also like a leader Pokemon who protects wild Pokemon, then he joined our team." Ash says.

"That sounds cool." Mallow says.

Just then, they see another 2 Pokemon approaching.

"Darkrai, Cresselia!" Ash greets them as they greet back.

"Even the nightmare and dream Pokemon?" Bonnie asks.

"Yeah. I met Darkrai when we were at Alamos Town, while Cresselia at the Lunar Island." Ash says.

"It sure brings back old days." Meowth says.

"Totally. I guess you two are here to join us?"

They nod and Ash captures them. After sending out, they sit besides the Legendary Pokemon.

"Now back to the story… The next is Infernape, my second strongest fire type Pokemon. You guys all know my rival Paul, right?" Ash asks.

"You had mentioned once." Kiawe says, "You said that since his brother's defeat to Brandon, his training methods become cold."

"Yeah, Infernape was his Pokemon, since he wants him to use his ability Blaze. But after failing a lot of times, we see him trying to release Chimchar. And that is when I captured him and prove him wrong in the league." Ash replies.

Infernape nods, which gains a respect from Charizard.

"Then as for the Aipom, I trade with Dawn to get Buizel, which is now Floatzel as you see."

Lillie asks, "How come?"

Dawn says, "Well, Aipom likes contests while Buizel likes battling. So I guess it is best for trade."

Mark asks, "And where was Aipom?"

"Oh, she is training with the ping pong master O." Dawn says.

"He is a famous Ping Pong master! You met him once?" Insey asks.

"Yeah, we attend the Ping Pong contest, and Dawn lost to him despite Ambipom's hardworking. So O decides to train her." Ash says.

"Now moving on…" Ash says as he suddenly doesn't see him. "Hey, where is Gliscor?"

Just then, Gliscor jumps down from the tree and Ash yells, "Oh no, not again!"

Gliscor then crashes into Ash as he is under him.

"Brother, are you okay?" Minami asks.

Ash then uses his strength to push Gliscor and says, "Yeah, Gliscor often likes to do that since he was a Gligar."

As more rumbling comes, Ash sees Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina and Shaymin coming towards them.

"Everyone! Nice to see you again." Ash says as he is tackled by Azelf and Shaymin.

"So many!" Bonnie says. "And the creation Trio are here!"

Serena says, "Yeah. Is it because you are Arceus that you meet a lot of Pokemon?"

"Maybe." Ash says.

Mesprit greets Dawn as Dawn greets back. Uxie says that he shouldn't chosen Brock as he is now evil. Ash captures them and then continues the story.

"As for the last Pokemon I caught in Sinnoh, it will be this Garchomp here." Ash says.

Serena says, "You know, I never knew that you have a Garchomp."

Ash says, "Well, he was just a Gible back then, and he was a trouble maker."

Trenor asks, "How come?"

Garchomp fires a Draco Meteor, as Piplup tries to dodge, but he gets hit.

"Piplup!" Dawn yells.

"See what I mean?" Ash sweat drops. "Garchomp, you shouldn't always hit Piplup."

"But it is fun."

"It is not!" Piplup yells back.

"Alright, calm down, Piplup." Pikachu steps in between the two as they stop.

"Thanks, Pikachu. And after the Sinnoh League, I go to Unova, and that is where I met Iris and Cilan." Ash says.

"Indeed, the journey we had is also memorable." Cilan says.

"The first Pokemon I have is Unfezant, which is a Pidove. I captured her through battling. Then the next one is Samurott, who was an Oshawott from the lab."

David asks, "So you get a Starter Pokemon from Professor Juniper?"

"More like he choses to come with me. And he often likes to get out of the Pokeball on its own."

Samurott just rubs his head in embarrassment.

"And then it is Emboar, which was a Tepig back then, I don't know why, but my fire starters are from the abandoned trainers. Tepig is being tied near the Don George's club and the trainer says that he will come back, which never happened."

"How can someone be so cruel?" Kiawe says.

"Yes, but we have proved him wrong, that is what matters. Serperior is the next one, when I saw him, it took me 4 Pokemon to capture her due to the Attract."

Serperior just made a proud face, earning glares from Samurott and Emboar.

"Scrafty is the next one, as I hatched from the egg. But he also have some issues." Ash says.

"How come?" Mark asks.

Scrafty then uses Headbutt on Samurott, causing the two to fight. Pikachu and Meowth then go to calm them down.

"You see, he likes to headbutt." Ash says.

"Want an unique Pokemon." Serena says.

"Indeed." Cilan says.

"Next is Leavanny, I caught him thanks to the help of Burgh, the Castelia Gym Leader. At first he isn't friendly with me, but after some time, we bond each other and I caught him." Ash says.

"And since Scrafty likes to headbutt, he angers some Foonguss as everyone is poisoned except Samurott, who was just Oshawott at that time. We try to find the medicine in the lake, as we encounter Palpitoad who tries to stop us from getting in their territory. And that Palpitoad is now this Seismitoad."

Lana says, "That sounds cool."

"Yeah, and besides Gigalith, I just battle captured, the last one is Krookodile, I first met him as a Sandile, he follows us since he wants to battle Pikachu. It also evolves into Krokorok during the pursuit. After we met again, I finally captured him."

Lillie asks, "Does Krookodile likes to wear his glasses?"

"Yes, since he will get easily scared without it." Ash says.

"So do you encounter any Legendary?" Lillie asks.

"Well…" Ash says as they hear 13 kinds of cries. They turn around and see Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Landurus, Thundurus, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect.

"Everyone!" Ash says as Meloetta, Victini, Keldeo and Genesect tackles Ash. "Long time no see!"

Bonnie says, "That is a lot more!"

"Yeah, we really encounter all of them in Unova and Decolore Islands." Cilan says.

Piplup and Samurott are trying to please Meloetta, but they get into a fight again. "Something's never change." Dawn says.

"Yeah…" Ash says as he let them join the team.

"Now then is Kalos and Alola. In Kalos, the first Pokemon I met is Froakie, he was a starter that often runs away from Trainers, and he choses me as his trainer."

Greninja nods and Ash says, "He is also one of my strongest Pokemon."

Serena says, "It sure is, although it is a shame that he lost to Mega Charizard."

"Yeah." Ash says. "But he is my cousin after all."

"Oh yeah, you and Alain are related." Bonnie says.

"The next is Talonflame, who was just a Fletchling. At first we found Dedenne and was giving him the fruit he dropped, he just snatches it and eat it himself. So At that time, Froakie and I decide to capture him due to his speed."

Insey says, "You seem like you enjoy catching flying types in the regions."

"Yeah. And Hawlucha is my next Pokemon. He was a forest champion, and the he joined my team after we help him speed up the Flying Press. Goodra is the next one, as he was forced to leave from his home and joined us to be strong. Noivern is the last one as I hatched him from an egg." +

Dawn says, "It sounds like your Kalos Team is strong."

"Yeah, with all Pokemon get to their final forms." Rotom says.

"Open Hoopa Ring!" They hear someone saying as A Golden ring appeared behind them. Xerneas, Yveltal, Diancie and her Carbinks, Hoopa, Volcanion and Magearna has arrived. 3

"Wow, Everyone, you come too."

"Is Ashkan surprised?" Hoopa asks. 1

"Of course we are, Hoopa." Ash laughs. Ash then explain the events in the Allearth Forest and the Azolf Kingdom. Everyone is in awe that Yveltal has the powers to destroy lives.

"Now that it is done, the last one is Alola. You see. Decidueye is my first Pokemon. At first he was just hungry and sleepy, but he joins our team eventually. Lycanroc was with Professor Kukui, but after I trained him for beating a Magmar, I caught him. Incineroar was a little sad. He once lived with a Stoutland, but it passed away due to sickness."

Bonnie says, "No way…"

Lillie says, "It is true, but after Incineroar moved on, it joins Ash's team."

"Yeah, and this Naganadel is an Ultra Beast, it was attached to Pikachu, and it didn't know what is a Pokeball. But I still caught him in the end. And Kommo-O is the last one, as I caught him when I was doing the Dragon Trial in Alola." 1

Minami says, "So I guess that is all?"

"Yeah." Ash says as the 4 Alola Guardians come.

"Even you guys come?" Ash asks as they nod. They all sing a song as the Ultra Beasts, including Solgaleo, Lunala and Necrozma all come out.

"Everyone!" Ash says as everyone is shocked at the sight of all the UBs.

"How…they all come to Ash?" Kiawe says in shock.

Lusamine and Aurora come outside and see the scene. Lusamine says, "Everyone, step back, they are dangerous!"

Ash says, "Wait! President Lusamine!" Ash turns to all of them. "Are you here to join me?"

They nod and tackles Ash in a hug. Ash says, "Okay, here you go." Ash takes out a lot of Beast Balls and captures them.

Lusamine says, "So they all go to you?"

"Yeah, these are the same ones we saved during the Ultra Guardians mission." Ash says.

"Ultra Guardians?" Golly asks.

"Oh, it is a group that is lead by us and the Trial Captains in Alola to send the UBs back to their wormholes." Lillie says. "Me, brother and Ash are the members."

"That sounds cool." Bonnie says.

Aurora says, "So all of them have arrived. Ash, now that they are here, I think it is time to expand this island into the region."

"Really? That is great!"

"So what are you going to name it?" Aurora asks him.

Ash thinks for a second, then says, "How about Sevestar? How does it sound?"

Everyone agrees with Ash's decision, as all the Pokemon starts to help each other and work the region

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