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57.14% Plotting Revenge / Chapter 4: UNICEF CONFERENCE


I woke up by my 8:30 am alarm ringing only to see Lee preparing a breakfast basket for me, I smiled at the sweet gesture but it's not what you think it is. "You woke up way too early today" I remarked. I sat down on my bed while Lee brought with him the tray full of foods so that I can finally eat. "Like old times Ong" he said while he sat unto my bed next to me and patted my head as he smiled.

Whenever we go on trips he always cooks for me, always wakes up extra early just to serve me breakfast in bed. I remembered watching this movie with him back then we we're young when I saw the man put up a tray full of goodies in his lover's bed. I was very confused as to why he did that, I was young and didn't understand love but something in that scene sparked romantically deep within me, I wished aloud saying that I want a connection like that when I grow up.

Then he did. "You should eat, it's your big day today you won't do well with an empty stomach" Lee was busy reminding me when his phone rang so he quickly excused himself to answer the call while I stare at the door he went out to, Lee never fails to make me feel special, and I do too spoil him in certain ways.

I brought the tray with me at the dining area and placed it on the table when Lee once again entered my room. I hurriedly went to my bed and opened my luggage to prepare some clothes that I would be wearing for the day since I haven't settled them in the drawer as I was too busy the moment I got here.

"Why didn't you finish the food" he said while neatly arranging the utensils and plates on the tray.

" I don't want to look bloated at the event today Lee, thank you for the food" I commented. "But you're already fat" he teasingly said and I lifted a middle finger to him to which he only chuckled at. I proceeded going to the bathroom to take a bath, it's almost 10:30 am and yet I haven't done anything productive for the day, I didn't even bother to look at my schedule because I was too occupied eating.

"Kiella hurry!" I suddenly heard Lee shouted as I was drying my hair at the sink "Ong, the President already arrived at the lobby, I was informed by the staff. Why didn't you took notice of such an important matter" Lee said while knocking on the door. Shit I totally forgot to call again, I just finished doing my make up and I haven't even put on my dress. Mr. Valliente's son is a one of a kind jerk, he didn't inform me.

I hurriedly went out the bathroom and was frantic while putting on my shoe, I was all over the goddamn place. "Kiella come here" Lee grabbed my shoulder and zipped up my dress that I forgot was even open because I couldn't reach it by myself. I'm wearing a simple red sleeveless dress with a low rise back and some white stilettos. "Lee for fuck's sake get up already" I couldn't help but shout when I saw him fidgeting with his phone, Lee quickly obliged then we went down together.

While we we're at the elevator, I suddenly noticed that Lee was wearing only a white polo underneath his suit and he was missing his tie. "Where's your necktie" I asked while fixing his coat, "I left it, we had no time left." I unbuttoned 2 strides of his polo to make it look more casual rather than formal. Lee has a great body, it suits him.

"Thank you" he said then kissed me on the cheek just as about the elevator opened. I gathered myself quickly before stepping out and following him. I was taken aback, a little bit.

I spotted Mr. Metawin assisting Mr. Benedict and a man beside him who I assume is his douche-y son. I grabbed Lee towards them, "Greetings President Valliente, I'm sorry I must've had a conflict about your arrival" I apologized immediately. It's okay there's no need to worry, I have here Mr. Metawin accompanying us perfectly." he said. Thank God!

The staffs brought their luggages upstairs while we along with the President and his son went to discuss a few things during the lunch time. "Mr. Benedict this is Mr. Leroy Marquez of the Marquez Media and Marketing Company, the co host of the event" Lee smiled. They exchanged greetings then Mr. Benedict took turns when he introduced his son, Mr. Martin Valliente who studied in the US and has visited for a worthwhile vacation.

"So Ms. Ongpauco why did you pick UNICEF out of the many foundations out there?" Martin asked. I was surprised he asked since we we're all talking for a while now but he was rather silent and looked like an outsider who was very very anti social. "It all started when I was 12, years old, my Dad was invited to a UNICEF conference once and he tagged me along, I even went to Africa as a volunteer and had so much fun to the point I had come to love the organization" I said as I looked at him straight. He's quite tall, maybe a tall basketball player figure , looks okay, dresses casually and is visibly all about the american life. "You really have a heart for helping Ms. Ongapuco" the president praised and I smiled.

"I have this visible stitching mark on my forehead, I don't know if you can see" I pointed at my forehead, "When I was a kid, I remember running away from home. I went to this park not too far from our house and as I was enjoying my time there, I accidentally lost my balance and slammed my head at a rock" I glanced at Lee, someone who knows what I've been to. "I quickly felt concussed as I lay at the ground, because I was too scared I didn't know what to do. I lost strength as I closed my eyes hoping someone would help" I felt Lee grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze to assure him that I was okay with recalling the past. "I suddenly felt someone helping me, I opened my eyes and saw this boy holding a handkerchief to my forehead while he was desperately shouting for help"

"The next thing I knew, l woke up at the hospital. My parents didn't get the chance to talk to the boy who helped me but we we're much grateful for him. When I was discharged from the hospital, I went everyday to that park hoping the he would maybe play or show up but he didn't, he was gone. I then migrated to Canada to continue my studies" I was very emotional after opening up about that incident, not a lot of people knew about it because it was a very sensitive topic to start off. I felt very scared and traumatized to even talk about it and I wanted to forget about that day so bad but I know I couldn't. Instead I devoted myself into helping those in need as I believed that this is a personal mission I have to carry on for the second chance I've received.

After our lunch we all went back to our rooms to start preparing for the conference around 6 pm while Mr. Benedict and his son will rest for a while because of jet lag.

I wore a white fitted dress that has flowery details, and a slit. Lee told me that the dress was very revealing but I really don't think so. The slit isn't that high, the dress is fitted but it supports my body well. Lee is just so outdated when it comes to fashion to be honest.

Lee stopped by my room at around 5:45 pm to escort me to the venue, while my mom together with his parents left ahead of us. We had a bit of time to spare before the conference starts formally. I even took some photos because I was really impressed with the venue's set up, the lightings really brought this place to lit up and look even more lively.

"Stop being nervous, you look gorgeous" Lee whispered to my ear while we we're waiting for a signal to enter the venue in light of our grand entrance as the host and co host of the event. "Stupid be thankful that I helped you pick out a suit so you wouldn't look dumb" I laughed off while holding on to his arms. The longer we wait, the more tense I become, what if I suddenly trip on my dress? will Lee catch me?

Finally the door opened and Lee guided me as we entered the hall full of people. It was very overwhelming, the feeling you get while seeing the crowd clapping for you, seeing your Mom standing there praising for you, how I wish Dad was also here. We successfully arrived at the center stage and Lee went up for his opening remarks followed by me as the last speaker.

His greeting was short but it was very meaningful, I even teared out a bit until I realized it was my turn. Lee escorted me towards the stage and the moment I touched his hand I knew he sensed how nervous I was for my speech, I gathered my remaining strength and courage to address.

"Greetings ladies ang gentlemen, I welcome you to this year's UNICEF funding campaign" I started off and continued to blabber for a few minutes. I was not sure whether the speech was relevant or what but they looked kinda pleased with it so there shouldn't be a problem.

I have come to greet everyone, exchanged pleasantries with them and at this point I am close to dropping from exhaustion, my throat has been dried up from talking too much.

I just happened to escape when Dad called me so I quickly excused myself and left Lee inside since he was busy talking to other businessmen.

I went outside straight to the garden and swiftly answered my phone. "Kiella how are you?" he asked worriedly. I told him details about the conference, how nervous I got before my speech, how I stuttered in front of 600+ people, he was laughing and all until he got serious. "I heard Lee proposed to you the other day pero you rejected him" I didn't know he knew about that and he sounded as if the Earth has fallen, that's how disappointed he was? "Yeah because I see him as my brother not a lover Dad" I tried to reasoned out.

"Accept it" he suddenly said, "I don't want to force you to marry him, but this is not something you don't know about. This is a responsibility you would have to carry" he hunged up after that. I have never encountered Dad that serious, and it scares me more how determined he was.

The Ongpauco And Marquez will merge their company soon for a stronger foundation, that's also the reason why I kept on stalling but it looks like I'm running out of time. Marriage should not be out of responsibility but love, if they want to marry me off, then they should try harder than using Lee.

I stayed outside for a little while before deciding to return when I heard Mom's faint voice talking to someone across the balcony

so I decided to check on her so we could go in together and maybe talk about what happened.

I walked straight the hall then turned to the corner when I bumped into Martin who was holding a glass of wine that spilled all over my gown for fuck's sake.

"Uhm my bad" he looked at me for a while then continued to walk past me, a literal asshole. I went up to him then grabbed his arms which caused him to face me again, he messed with me at the wrong time. "It took me a thousand dollars on this dress and yet it wouldn't cost you anything to have some manners and respect" I grabbed the glass of wine which has remaining alcohol in it then whisked it across his face, he was utterly schocked.

He turned to look at me sternly and I did too as strong as his. He walked towards me then grabbed my waist to close the space between us.

He kissed me roughly, It hurted a bit because he literally just shoved his face into mine. I kissed him back roughly and bit his lips, which caused him pain. I started pulling back but he didn't let me go and instead pushed his body closer to me. At this point it's just starting to look that I'm hardcore making out with a guy so I harshly pulled away only to see a person standing there.

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