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100% "What do you mean?" / Chapter 2: Class Started:

Chapter 2: Class Started:

Teacher: Alright students, you may take a seat...Today we are going to learn about love. Can anyone explain, what is Love?

Student #1: Love is when you have feelings for someone

Teacher:Good job, anyone else? Ummm Roxy....

Roxy: I wasn't raising my hand though...

Teacher: Did I ask?

Roxy: I mean your dum-

(Door opens)

Teacher: Looks like we got a new student here... And your name is...

New kid: Oh my god...well my name is Liam... Can I sit now?

Teacher: Well, can you talk about yourself?

Liam: Oh dear lord....ok well, my favorite sport is like hiking because it's call and nature is calming....And period....Can I finally sit down?

Teacher: Sure why not...You may sit next to Roxy

Liam: Thank you , But you do know I don't know anyone so I don't know who is Roxy....

Teacher:Roxy, Raise your hand

(Roxy raises her hand)

Roxy: Over here dummy

Teacher:Roxy, be nice and it's your turn to answer the question

Roxy:oh yeah, Live is just something that doesn't really matter....For example, my dad left me and supposedly he did it for love.....But if he loved me he wouldn't leave me...

Teacher: ummm...Roxy you didn't needed to go personal

Roxy: your right I didn' I'm sick of tired hearing people talk about love I'm just say there is Pros and there is definitely CONS

Teacher:Well thats true but-

Roxy: But nothing! Can you just tell these people that love is worth it and period! LEAVE IT THERE AND CHANGE THE FREAKING TOPIC!?

Teacher:Roxy, out of class...

Roxy: Or!?

Teacher: I really hope your not going there and just listen and be a good girl!

Liam: I mean she is right Mrs.

Roxy: See this pile of dirt agrees with me...

Liam:Wow, I feel offended.....Wait, I look like a pile of dirt?

Teacher: Roxy outside NOW!

Roxy: Alright, I'm not putting up with your crap today...

Liam: (mind: ooOOoOOOoOoO bad girl)

(Roxy slams the door very hard)

Liam: Mrs. I know I'm new and all but should I go get her?

Teacher: Ugh, whatever just go....I don't really care anymore.....

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