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20% (BL) A Lotus A Day / Chapter 1: Bai Yu: QAQ
(BL) A Lotus A Day (BL) A Lotus A Day original

(BL) A Lotus A Day

Author: Tomiki

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Bai Yu: QAQ

The sound of water trickling enters my ears like a lover's soft whisper. Although this may calm others, this only brings anxiety to me. The sound of my heart pounding overthrows the sound of trickling water, then a thought echoed in my head. I'm alive. With that thought my eyes jerk open.

"What the fuck?" Bai Yu blurted out. Following after that was another, "What the fuck!" As Bai Yu realizes his voice seemed to have changed. Don't it dare be what I think it is!

Bai Yu quickly sat up, then a bout of dizziness washed over him. After the the dizzy spell was gone, he quickly surveyed his surroundings. Water. Everywhere. The mere sight of it made him tremble. However, this fear was pushed to the back of his mind at the sight of what seemed like a corpse drifting slowly across the lotus pond. 

Bai Yu's eyes dilated, he watched with a stunned look as the supposed corpse continued to drift farther away. Bai Yu quickly snaps out of it and tried to stand up, eyes focused on the body. With the shock of what he was seeing and waking up in a strange place, this idiot actually forgot he can't swim, and leaps into the lotus pond.

Does he have a death wish? I don't think so, he's just an idiot in emergencies. 

As Bai Yu jumps into the pond he seems to have heard another big splash of something jumping into the pond near him, but he doesn't have enough time as he makes a grand discovery of the fact that he can't swim. Just as he began to panic even more he felt something smooth and slick entangling him in the water, dragging him out of the pond and back onto the shore. 

Bai Yu stared at the blueish silver looking lizard as he coughed his lungs out. The thing labeled as a lizard stared at Bai Yu with concern in it's reptilian eyes. Why does it look like it's been wronged?  

"Master! You said you wouldn't jump into the pond anymore!"  The childish voice of the lizard just dripped with aggrievement. Dear lizard, who is your master?

Bai Yu didn't have time to care for this big baby lizard, but it was true that he shouldn't, definitely not couldn't, swim. So Bai Yu decided to use the master card on the gullible little lizard. "Lizard, go and do somethings for master, okay? Go and save that person."

The so called gullible little lizard stared at his master in confusion. "Master didn't you tell me to punish the child by leaving him in the pond for a week?" 

Bai Yu stared at the big baby lizard for awhile. Where have I heard of this before? Also what did the child do to be so harshly punished!? 

"I have decided to take back what I said, do you dare to question your master?" Bai Yu said as he tried to keep his cool.

Why do I have to transmigrate and why do I not have the orginal host's memories?! Fuck, next your going to tell the great me that I've been transmigrated into some connonfodder villian!

Author: Teehee

The lizard looked at his master with even more confusion before finally jumping into the pond and swiftly grabbing the so called corpse and bringing him to the shore.

The boy had a pale face, skin as smooth as jade, with a beautiful and delicate face, but still somehow retains masculinity. His long ink black hair clung to his face and body, making him seem more like a painting than someone who could possibly have drowned.

Are you human?? Is this the so called protagonist halo?? The protagonist... Shit. No wonder this is familiar, truly the beauty of a protagonist can even make the idiot master's mind work.

The novel Bai Yu was reading before he died was called, [My Evil God Can Totally Kick Your Ass] please don't ask, had a plot point that went something like this.

Protagonist finds a powerful immortal in some weird forest to be his master. Everyone thought it would be the usual mystery master, but no it was instead a connonfodder villian that helps blacken the protagonist. Why does the mystery master hate the protagonist? Simply because the protagonist has a more talent then the mystery master and has more affinity to the water element then him. Does the mystery master have a water kink?? 

And so he just screws with the protagonist till he and his little gullible liz- dragon get killed and robbed. 

Bai Yu stared down at the protagonist, his hand involuntary pokes the protagonists soft cheek. Bai Yu quickly retracts it as if his hand had been burned. So soft.

How could this cutie kill someone?? Mystery master what did you do to darken this cinnamon roll??

Bai Yu continues to stare at the protagonist, just as he was about to poke again, his hand was caught and he felt a burning gaze traveling all over his body. Bai Yu's body stiffened for a second before he made himself relax. 

"Master?" A hoarse voice travelled to his ears. A voice that made him feel guilty even if it wasn't him who did it.

Bai Yu: QAQ

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