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30% Growing Seeds / Chapter 3: City H

Chapter 3: City H

Slow, squeaking footsteps are all that Su Mucheng needs to hear to know who it belongs to. She suddenly opens the window and surprises her brother. Which almost made him shriek loudly if he hadn't stopped himself.

"Where were you?" she asks after surprising her brother, Su Muqiu.

"What's the matter with you? You surprised me! And why are you still awake? Do you know what time it is?" Su Muqiu asks after regaining his composure.

"I can't sleep. I've been waiting for you. You suddenly went up and left, again." She pouts as he enters the house.

"Okay, okay. Get back to bed, I'll sleep after changing." He gestures for his sister to go back inside.

"Muqiu, honestly where have you been all this time? You've been leaving home every night and you don't get back until dawn. I notice you leaving in case you don't know. I'm worried about you!" Su Mucheng tells him as she closes the window slowly and jumps off the chair, she propped herself into.

"Muqiu? How many times do I have to tell you to call me big brother?" Su Muqiu sighs, her little sister is quite… unique compared to the others. Not that he hates her though. Though the fact that she refuses to call her 'big brother' has been bothering him. She says she got it from a book that one of her friends lent her. She told him that the sister also doesn't call her brother 'big brother' and that she shouldn't as well. Su Muqiu thought that maybe the age gap between those fictional siblings is that great but Su Muqiu keeps it to himself.

"What's this?" she suddenly appears beside him, rummaging through the plastic bag that he brought with him.

"Hey, it's late. Those are chocolates. For tomorrow." He stresses the word tomorrow just in case his sister doesn't hear it. It is obviously too early to eat chocolates. His unique little sister is not exempted from the children who absolutely love sweet things. She loves it more than anything else, though not more than her older brother he desperately claims.

Su Mucheng looks at him with a glare and a pout. She obviously wants to eat the chocolates now.

"Nuh uh. Not happening, Mumu." He says not even bothering to look at his little sister. She folds her arms to her chest and 'hmphs.'

"Fine then, but where did you even get that?" she starts then lets out a huge gasp.

"-did you? Did you steal it from the kitchen?!" she asks with an accusing tone while pointing at the plastic bag that Su Muqiu now puts on their table.

"How could you accuse me of stealing?" he answers with a fake surprised voice. This is something that he's surprised about, his sister thinks he stole the chocolates. Su Mucheng could only shrug and leave the chocolates at the table alone as she climbs to bed.

"Those were given to me by another player." he answers her after.

Su Muqiu joins his sister in their bunk bed shortly after. He's obviously sleeping on the top and his sister below. He stares at the ceiling hopeful to catch a few more hours of sleep.

Almost every night, around 9 pm to 3 am, Su Muqiu leaves the orphanage to go out into the city. He climbs over the fence just to play video games in City H. It takes around an hour for him to arrive from the orphanage to the city. Thus, two hours are allotted for transportation alone.

Su Muqiu and Su Mucheng were still young when their parents died due to an accident. Su Muqiu was still 8 years old while Su Mucheng was 5 years old at the time it happened. Their relatives live far away from them and also because of life circumstances, none of them can take up in raising both the siblings. Given that they're both still at a young age the government decided to put them in an orphanage which is found near the mountainside. Years have passed and not one kind soul had taken interest in taking in the two.

Though someone was willing to adopt Su Mucheng in the past and with that Su Muqiu put up a fight. Not willing to be separated from his little sister. He asked if it was alright to adopt him along with her. Sadly, the family declined, saying that they could only adopt one child. They decided to adopt another child after that, making them spend another year or so in the orphanage.

There are actually quite a number of people willing to adopt Su Mucheng and Su Muqiu separately but they won't allow it. Especially Su Muqiu who's acted like Su Mucheng's parent after all this time. It's either they get adopted together or they don't get adopted at all, that's their condition. Sadly, no one was willing to comply and they're left unadopted up until now.

"Muqiu, Senior Kai has been keeping an eye on the two of us. Especially you, you're going to be fourteen years old you know?" Su Mucheng warns her brother, obviously still not asleep.

Years ago, a peculiar law has been enforced that once an orphan child turns fourteen, they are no longer up for adoption. In short, they must live in the orphanage, finish school and get a minimum waged service job.

"Don't worry Mumu, everything is under my control. If that's the case, I'm already an adult now. I can support both of us. I know someone in City H, Boss Ben. I just need to watch over his computer shop and then I get paid." Su Muqiu grins even though his sister couldn't see her though there's that obvious confidence in his voice, obviously praising himself.

"City H? You went to City H?" Mumu almost yells at her brother Muqiu. A heavy knock came to their door, interfering their talk. They know all too well what it means, that it's already late, in fact, it's morning already, and that they should have been in bed hours ago. Su Muqiu jumps off of bed and takes a peek outside a moment later. He sees senior Kai go to the bathroom.

After how many days, Su Muqiu still leaves the orphanage house. At the same time, the same routine, until Mumu had gotten used to it. When he gets back, he always brings something with him. If not chocolate, then candies, he was even able to bring some ice cream once even though it had already melted by the time it arrived in his sister's hands.

"Mumu, prepare yourself tomorrow. You'll finally be able to eat ice cream that has not melted yet!" Su Muqiu says, excitement present in his voice.

"Huh? Why? Are you going to bring a refrigerator with you?' Su Mucheng asks curiously.

"No," he laughs.

"There's going to be a festival in City H tomorrow. I'm planning on taking you with me! And don't worry, everything's going to be okay." He reassures her.

Meanwhile, in the office at the opposite end of the orphanage. A woman sits at her desk, checking papers, documents most likely. A knock came to the door and later it is opened by a man now entering her office.

"Dama," the man calls the old woman who serves as the head of the orphanage.

"Everything is ready for tomorrow. We're only waiting for your instruction for what time we will start the fire." He adds.

"Good. I've been waiting for 25 years in this rundown orphanage. The stupid government has been turning a blind eye on us. It's actually a miracle that this old house is still able to stand on its own." She replies. Her voice hoarse.

"What about the children? Are we certain that nothing is going to happen to them?" another elder asks, this time a man.

"We will only cause a mild disturbance. A small fire in the kitchen, just enough to get the attention of our stupid government. It's quite a distance from the children's rooms. Just make sure that it will look like an accident or we will get in trouble and by we, I mean…" The elder woman stops mid-sentence smirking, implying that the people present already knows what will happen.

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