"I hope this storm doesn't last too long. The professor is probably getting a bit worried by now." Max and Bellsprout were waiting out the storm under a thicket of trees, benefiting from the relative safety of the weather.
"Bellsprout bell." Bellsprout didnt seem to mind the storm too much, it was still happy from the fun they had today. It was really amazed by Max's camera, and was looking forward to using it more.
Max turned to Bellsprout, about to make a joke at him when suddenly,
Max straight up jumped from sitting to his feet, scared out of his mind. For a split moment he thought it was the storm, but then the shrubbery a bit behind them exploded, and a giant monster with one eye charged them. Due to the storm and rain Max wasn't immediately able to identify what the monster was, he simply knew that no matter what it was, he didnt want to be near it.
Max snatched Bellsprout into his arms and booked it. But the rain hampered his movements, while the monster seemed almost immune to it(in fact, the weather was doing the same to the monster, but its sheer rage and momentum negated most of it).
'Why is this thing chasing us, it's not like I...'
At that moment, a lightning bolt illuminated the area, and Max saw the monster for what it was,
"The Nidoking." Max whispered, sheer terror seen on his face as he tried to run, Bellsprout was struggling in his arms, as it had never seen Nidoking before it wanted to see it, but Max running kept it from doing so(probably for the best).
Max tried to lose the Nidoking by weaving between the trees, but the Nidoking simply plowed through them as if they were nothing, its rage blinding it from any sort of rational thought, or pain. It simply wanted to reach its prey right in front of it, so close now, and tear it apart, piece by piece.
Max usually would have been able to run for longer, but the weather, his fear of slowing down at all, and bad luck, ending with Max tripping on a tree root, and twisting his ankle.
As Max fell, he Instinctively tried to break his fall, ending with him dropping Bellsprout, both tumbling to the mud ladened ground.
The Nidoking obliterated the tree who's root Max tripped on, and went in for the kill. Max, still rolling with pain as it shot through his leg, barely started looking up, seeing the claws of Nidoking closing in. Max knew he couldn't react in time, death had arrived to finish the job it failed before.
"BELLSPROUT!" The pokemon, tiny compared to the monstrous Nidoking, nonetheless place itself between the claws of Nidoking and Max,
" BELLSPROUT, NOOO!!!" Max screamed out.
'Not Bellsprout too, just take me.'
It mattered not what Max wished. The claws struck, sending Bellsprout flying into a nearby tree, then falling to the ground, whether only unconscious or worse, Max did not know.
The Nidoking, furious that such a weak pokemon would dare try to interrupt its victory, nevertheless felt great pleasure in the pain and suffering that its prey was experiencing from the obvious result of the weaklings actions. This was what it wanted, for its prey to suffer. It started to go into to finish its prey, but though of something even better.
A cruel, teeth filled grin spread across its face. If its prey cares so much for the weakling, then making it watch Nidoking as it rip Bellsprout apart in front of it would cause even more suffering, especially as it knew it could do nothing to stop Nidoking.
When Max saw saw the Nidoking hesitate, grin, and turn towards where Bellsprout was, he knew what it was going to do,
'no, no, no, no , no, No, No, NO, NO!!!! I can't let it hurt Bellsprout anymore, I have to do something. THINK THINK THINK THINK THINK!!!'
As Max was panicking Nidoking got closer to Bellsprout, Glee from the suffering that its prey was feeling overwhelming Nidoking's being. It wanted more, so much more, and Nidoking was going to have it.
Max was looking everywhere, for anything that could do anything to stop Nidoking. But all that there was was mud and pieces of the trees that Nidoking had tore apart. What could they do against a monster like Nidoking. how could they do anything, AH!
As Max was thinking, some of the mud that he got covered with when he fell, dropped into his eyes from the rain pouring down.
I could blind Nidokings eyes with the mud, but that wouldnt last... wait. Didnt Nidoking have only one eye? It must have lost it in its fight with the Beedrills. Then maybe I could,
Max shifted his sight onto a long piece of wood from one of the trees, maybe...
sorry for taking so long, some problems were happening. hopefully those are done with. sorry for the cliff, but I got to milk it at least a bit. Have a good day everyone. Stay safe.
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