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Chapter 17: Deeper into the cave

Beatrice and Ace eventually had to give up on trying to read the inscriptions on their own.

"Lyra." Ace said. He had his eyes wide a slight pout, as if he was trying to imitate a cute puppy. The only problem was that he, as a teenager that was almost an adult man, did not look cute at all. His personal charm seemed to go into the negative, so Lyra ignored his puppy dog eyes.

Then Beatrice came over to her as well, and asked, "Lyra, could you please read the inscriptions for us? Please..."

Lyra wanted to refuse. After all, the inscriptions were her love letter to Phil. Only she and Phil may read them! Of course, she was refusing to admit that she was embarrassed by the writing, mainly because she knew that all her talent went into fighting and magic. There was no talent left for poetry. The inscriptions were her first and final attempt to write romantic poetry. She cringed at how poorly written they were.

And she was even too embarrassed to show her writing to Phil! How could she even consider showing her poetry to anyone else!

So Lyra responded, "not right now. We should go further into the cave to make sure it's safe. I don't think anything is going to happen to the inscriptions while we are gone."

Something was going to happen to the inscriptions. But Lyra did not say anything about it. And what was going to happen to them goes by the name Lyra.

Beatrice and Ace reluctantly agreed, and began walking deeper into the cave. However, they were dragging their feet because they wanted to look at the inscriptions for a while longer. Lyra followed behind them, but walked slower than they walked.

Once Beatrice and Ace were unable to see the inscriptions anymore, Lyra waved her hand slightly and the inscriptions disappeared. It was as if they never existed. Of course, Lyra did not want to get rid of any of her memories with Phil, so she actually just teleported the inscriptions into another cave that was farther away. One so far that she believed Ace and Beatrice would not be able to find anytime soon.

Then she followed after them, as if nothing had happened.

They found themselves deeper in the cave, and the strange light that they saw earlier still seemed to be coming from even deeper within the cave.

"Should we keep going?" Beatrice asked. She was a little bit scared now, and if they happened to run into anything dangerous, it would be too difficult to get back to the surface.

"I think it's fine to keep going forwards." Ace said, not understanding why Beatrice seemed afraid.

And so they went and found themselves at the source of the light shortly after.

It was clearly caused by magic, and Lyra recognized the magic to be one that she invented. It made a really bright light, and it was helpful in temporarily blinding enemies during battle to gain the upper hand. The only problem was that it would temporarily blind the user also if they were not careful.

But who was using the magic?

Lyra glanced at the flow of magic, and determined that the user was by the nearest wall. But how come Beatrice and Ace did not notice someone else in the room? Was that person dangerous, and skilled?

'No.' Lyra thought, 'that person is definitely skilled. Able to use a magic like that. That was a hard one to learn, very advanced, but easy to use.'

Lyra walked over to Beatrice and Ace and whispered, "there's someone else in the room."

Beatrice and Ace both have Lyra a confused look, but they knew now was not a good time to speak to up. They had to remain silent just in case the person was no friend.

"Where?" Ace whispered. He could not sense another person in the room at all. He began to feel a sense of powerlessness.

"By that wall..." Lyra responded with a whisper as she pointed in the direction of the person who used the magic.

Beatrice and Ace both nodded, and slowly the three of them approached the person.

Now, finally, Lyra was able to see the features of that person. She was a woman, and she looked about the same age as Beatrice. She had purplish black hair, that seemed to be slightly strange and mysterious, certainly not an ordinary color for hair.

The girl's skin was pale, and she was short. She looked like she was sleeping peacefully, if not for the fact that her clothes were covered in blood. And the blood was very red, so much so that Lyra felt that her eyes would bleed from seeing the color.

The girl was severely injured. Anyone with brains could tell.

Little_Ylgr Little_Ylgr

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