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The inscriptions

Ace walked into the cave, followed by Beatrice, who was carrying Lyra.

It was dark at first, but when they walked in they saw that some light seemed to be coming from deeper inside the cave.

They were not sure if it was dangerous farther down, and if it was, it would also be dangerous to stay near the surface.

So they decided together to explore farther down and see where the light was coming from.

At first, as they were walking, they saw only cave. But as they got deeper in, they began to see inscriptions on the wall. They knew that inscriptions could hold magic in them, so they believed it was dangerous to go further without knowing what they said.

Ace looked at it first, but he could not understand any of it. "Hey, Beatrice. You're good with languages. Can you tell me what it says here?"

Beatrice sighed at how Ace forgot everything he learned in language class, but she still walked over to look. The inscriptions were strange, and she could understand none of them. She stared at it for a while and tried to decipher it.

Meanwhile, sitting on the floor behind them, Lyra was laughing silently. She recognized this place, and all the inscriptions. After all, she was the one who wrote them.

The inscriptions were not imbued with any magic. In fact, it was actually just a love confession from Selena to Phil. That was why she was laughing. How could she not laugh when they are attempting to decipher her love letters so seriously.

But she may have accidentally laughed too loudly. Both Beatrice and Ace turned their heads towards her.

"Sorry. Sorry... keep doing what you're doing." She said, trying not to reveal that she already knew what the inscriptions were talking about.

"What are you laughing about?" Ace asked. Beatrice asked, "do you understand what the inscriptions say? Is that what you're laughing about?"

Ace stared at Beatrice. "Is that even a possibility? Look how young she is."

Beatrice responded, "why does how young she is matter? She is smarter than us. She helped us get out of a dangerous situation before, so we should not underestimate her."

"Okay." Ace responded. Then he turned his head back towards Lyra. "So. Do you understand?"

Lyra burst out laughing. Ace and Beatrice both tried to calm her down, and finally, she said, "it's a love confession. It seems that a woman named Selena wrote this love confession to a man named Phil."

"Selena! Phil!" Both Beatrice and Ace exclaimed at the same time. They both had wide eyes and their jaws dropped slightly.

"Yeah. That's what it says. Is something wrong?" Lyra said. She was surprised by the reaction. Was her name really that big? And Phil's also?

"Something is definitely wrong!" Exclaimed Beatrice. "Definitely wrong!" Ace repeated.

Lyra looked at the both of them, unsure of why they had such a big reaction.

Beatrice elaborated, finally. "Selena and Phil were the two greatest heroes that ever appeared. Selena was able to create new magic with just a thought, and use it as easily as she made it, and Phil was almost as impressive."

"So impressive that it felt strange to put anyone else near them." Ace added.

"But I never thought that Selena loved Phil." Beatrice pointed out the cause of her confusion.

"Why not? Here it seems that her feelings ran really deep. It also says... that she was the one to fall in love first." Lyra said. But these words only made Ace and Beatrice twitch with excitement.

"This is huge!" Ace exclaimed. Beatrice stood in a petrified silence.

Lyra walked over to Beatrice and tapped her on the shoulder. "Why would Selena not love Phil?"

Beatrice returned to her senses and answered, "I guess... I could never imagine either of those great heroes to love anyone."

"But you said they travel together? Isn't it normal for something to happen?" Lyra continued asking.

"I guess... we don't actually view the great heroes as people... they seem too perfect..." Ace said, thinking about all that Lyra said.

"But heroes are human too..." Lyra mumbled, loud enough for both of them to hear, "I think they would want to be known as humans, not as heroes..."

"You think so?" Ace commented, "that's a strange thought to have."

"Why can no one else be with them though?" Lyra asked, going back to something Beatrice said earlier.

"They're too perfect... no one can match up to them." Beatrice said softly.

"But didn't Phil have a brother?" Lyra asked, shocking the two of them once more.

"What makes you say that?" Ace asked softly, trying to prevent himself from shock again.

"It says so in the letter." Lyra responded, ending the conversation quickly.

Both Ace and Beatrice were now desperately trying to decipher the inscriptions. The information that these inscriptions hold is extremely valuable. It's all about the two heroes and their human side. The human side that no one knew about.

Little_Ylgr Little_Ylgr

Finally, I managed to write another chapter! I hope you enjoy!

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