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Halloween 2018

It's Halloween again... Today we will switch our view to the Afterworld (Yes, new subject to play with, haha)...

Afterworld, Enma's Palace ... Enma is staring into the thin air with a serious look... "Enma-sama, what's wrong?" "Hangan, I seriously don't know why people like to dress up like ghosts during Halloween. Western Countries aside why would the Asian do that too?" "Well, for some reason, most of them had been practicing some of the western cultures... Which is not really bad actually." "For some reason I have to disagree with that. I do realize that the Mujous would have absolutely no problem with this but with the intelligence level of those horse heads..." "Ah... That is indeed troublesome." "So, how are you going to deal with this?" Said so, Enma pointed at a direction...

In the dark, there's a teenager about 13 years old with a totally oblivious and ignorant manner. "Ah! That one..." "Yes, I'm absolutely not good at dealing with children so I leave him to you and the Mujous..." said Enma "What?!" "Any problems?" "Ugh... No, My Lord! Absolutely no problem!" "Alright, if that so, I shall head to The Kingdom for the invitation from Chris. Remember that he is still a kid, don't try to do anything stupid to him. See you in a week!" "Yes... My Lord, have fun..." And so, we have the 'Hangan's babysitter's daily'!

"Hangan-sama, what are we going to do about this child?" White Mujou ask. "Can't we just send him back to the human world?" Black Mujou continues the question. Hangan ignores the two and continues flipping through the Book of Life and Death as if he is frantically searching for something. The moment he reached the last page, he realized that he is facing an annoying and troublesome situation...

"I can't find his name in the book..." "What?!" The Mujous shout in shock, obviously their previous experience was not that pleasant...

"Don't worry, shouldn't be as troublesome as last time, probably just because he was mistakenly taken in here all the sudden while still in his human form, his name temporarily disappeared which will probably recover after a week." "But at the same time, that's mean we are not able to send him back without the information from the Book of Life and Death while it's impossible for the horse heads to even remember where they get this boy." "Which also means that we need to take care of him before the name recovers!" said the Mujous in a weird overlapping sequence. "Can you guys stop talking like that, it's super annoying!" Out of the blues, the boy spoke after been quiet since he been brought here.

The Mujous are a bit shock while Hangan just ignores him. "How long do you intend to keep me in here? Just telling you my mom is not rich enough to pay you the ransom money." "It seems like he had misunderstood us as kidnappers." "Yes, we need to explain ourselves..." said the Mujuos again. "I advise you better let me go now, my dad is a cop, he will get you all to jail!" "I think you have misunderstood... We are..." said the Mujous. "If you want to leave so badly, just go, no one would try to stop you." Before the Mujous are able to explain themselves, Hangan interrupts. "The exit is there, you are free to go." And so with the provocation from Hangan, the boy leave the Enma's Palace without even realizing what kind of situation he is in right now.

Meanwhile, Kingdom... "Are you sure about that? It's that Hangan we are talking about." "Mhmm... I believe he could do it." "Although I highly doubt that."...

After World ... The little boy is walking on a very gloomy street dark and dusty, some weird aura seems to be floating on the air. The boy starts to feel a bit scared and start running fast hoping to get out of this creepy place, however, he did not realize that he is getting followed by something...

Enma's Palace... "Hangan-sama, are you sure about that?" "He is just a kid." said the Mujous. Hangan ignores the Mujous and continues his work. "But Hangan-sama, outside there is too dangerous for a kid like him." "And how are you going to explain Enma-sama if anything happens to that kid?" "Tsk..." Hangan is a bit annoyed, he grabbed his fan and leave the room.

The boy is still running on the street which seems to be endless, now the boy is extremely scared and confused, he runs frantically trying to find an 'exit' to leave this creepy place but it is totally pointless, he seems to be running on a weird endless circle, to make things worse, he somewhat realize that he was followed by something. He turned around and saw the most gruesome sight he ever saw, that thing is so real, he can almost confirm it's not a Halloween costume. In front of the boy is a 'man' with half of his face rotten, maggots can be seen dropping from his face... And that 'man' looks at the boy with a hungry look...

Part 2

​The hungry spirit slowly approaching the boy, the boy wants to run but his legs refuse to move due to the extreme fear... As the hungry spirit getting very near to the boy, it suddenly explodes on its own, and the boy saw Hangan with his fan in an attacking pose. "If you want to get eaten, you may stay here, I don't mind, if not, follow me back to the Palace." The boy nodded and follows Hangan back to Enma's Palace.

So, here comes the babysitter's daily... Hangan lets the boy share a room with Mujou's brothers. However, the Mujous have some weird habits and the room is filled with all the weird cult objects, so Hangan has no choice but to let the boy stay in his room since it will be quite dangerous to let the boy alone. During meal times, the Mujous help to prepare meals for the boy but since they never really eaten any human foods before, they prepare something really 'unique'. Steamed toad, fried fingers from unknown creatures and most importantly, earthworm noodles cook in Mengpo's soup of forgetfulness, giving Hangan no choice but to cook some instant ramen for the boy. During the free time, afraid that the duos will do some stupid things to the boy again, Hangan keep him at his side teaching him to write calligraphy and play chess with him... And this daily continues for a week until that day...

Hangan flip through his book of Life and Death as usual but suddenly he saw something, he stared at the book with an anxious look, then he bang the table and throw the book to the ground. The big movement attracts the attention of the Mujous, the Mujous pick up the book and get shocked as well. The name of the boy had reappeared in the book but showing that he only has 3 days life left...

At the same time, Enma is on his way back to his Palace, he had Chris with him to help him with certain issues. As they about to reach Enma's Palace, they saw Hangan and the Mujous in front of the entrance, in a kneeling position.

"The Mujous aside, it's quite rare for Hangan to actually waiting for me at the entrance like this, you need anything from me?" said Enma. "My Lord, I do indeed need some help... From His Majesty of The Kingdom." "Hmm? So you do realize that I'm bringing Chris with me... *look at Chris *... You heard him." "Mr. Hangan, what did you need from me?" "I'm sure you already know..." said Hangan while showing the record of the book of life and death. Without even looking at the book, Chris give Hangan a smirk. "You want me to extend someone's life?" "Yes, Your Majesty." "The question is why would I share my life force with a total stranger? You know how great the damage will be, right?" "You may use my life-force." "Hangan - sama!" hearing this, the Mujous are a bit shock, they probably realize the seriousness of this matter. "Hmm... Interesting... I wonder what kind of person is even worthy for a death god to sacrifice your own life force... But I'm sure you realize that if you share your life force with another person, you are putting your own life in danger even though you are a high-rank death god right? Not everyone is able to share their life with others just like that." "I'm aware of the risk and I am willing to take it." hearing this, Chris stared at Hangan for a few seconds, while Enma showing no reaction to this.

"That's a great resolution... But I'm not willing to, you are an important support to Enma and Enma is my friend, I can't let him to lose a main support like you." "Chris..." Enma looks at Chris with a surprised look. "Anyway, bring me to the boy." So Hangan and Mujous lead Chris to Hangan's reading room where the boy is practicing some calligraphy. As Chris saw the boy he smiled ...

"Hangan, want to make a deal?" "What deal?" "I could share my own life force to extend his life, but with one condition." "What condition?" "Haha! This is not the first time you deal with Kingdom right? You know the rule... I will give this boy a new life, but when he reached 18 years old, I'll break his 'mortal chain' and bring him back to Kingdom as my fighter." "Wait! If you do that, his whole life will be ruin! What's the difference from letting him die?" "Well, you know that we'll never do anything that won't bring benefit to us right? Honestly, he is a really good and potential material. But it's your choice after all. Which is better? Let him die after 3 days or let him live and have his life 'ruin' after 5 years?" "..."

Later that night, in the human world... The boy had reached home safely and is now with his mother, the mother didn't realize the disappearance of the boy as her memories had been altered. Hangan and Mujous are watching them from a distance... Hangan stared at the boy with a tiny drop of tear in his eye... "I'm sorry..."

The En... Nope! Meanwhile in The Kingdom, Chris's room...

Chris is on his bed with Rei sitting at his side... On his working table, the computer is still on showing a record... "Reserved for empty army's slot. Name : Ginta Ashiwara Age:13 date: 7 November XXXX Effective date: (5 years later)

The End.​

AI380 AI380

This is a rather weird story, but... I think it's alright to post it here.

Anyway, if you like my story, please add it to your collection as a support for me. Thanks.

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