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100% The colour and smell of Autumn / Chapter 9: Making new friends

Chapter 9: Making new friends

"Oh really, is this your version of jogging?", James and Autumn separated and looked up to see their friends joining them. Chris had a smile on his face as if he conquered the world , Merin had a curious look on her face. Autumn could see that Merin had a slight limping even though she was trying hard not to show that out.

A third person accompanied them was a gorgeous girl with a black head with a cute Bob." This is Jessica Sophia Moore." introduced Chris. Autumn said a Hi and Jessica just lifted her lips that may be taken as smirk or a small smile and returned the hi.

The five of them headed to the dining area for the breakfast. "Shall we head for book shopping in the morning itself. I guess there will be less rush.", said Autumn. Merin thought for a moment as she slurped through her drink and said:" It does make sense. We'll get that task done and over with so in the evening we can all go out for dinner". Merin looked up to Chris in expectation. " Sure , why not?", said Chris. All of the nodded in agreement.

After the breakfast, as decided, they went book shopping. Some of the books, they already got it in e-reader. As predicted there was less rush, so the shopping was done in less than an hour.

"Since we finished our shopping fast, how about we go out for lunch now and have a quiet night today? After all, tomorrow our classes will begin. ",suggested James. Chris brightened about the idea but seemed hesistant to agree as if he was not sure how Merin would take it.

"Yeah! Going out for lunch is a great idea. But the party before the class commence can't be skipped" Merin chimed. Autumn and James rolled their eyes and Chris agree to what Merin said. Jennifer seemed to be amused by their antiques.

They walked around half km to reach the restaurant near city center. All the way they were having a chit chat and had a great fun. Girls also looked for safe places they can take up part time jobs.

Upon reaching the restaurant, they ask for a table of five. As the restaurant were not in a lunch rush, they were directed straight to a table. They ordered caeser salad, chicken wings, french fries and some soft drinks to go along with it.

Chris said:" If you are looking for jobs, it's ideal to look for University approved ones. it's safer that way ".

Merin looked at Autumn and smirked. Chris asked:"what? it's true. check through the university website. That way it will safer from all fronts.

"We have already done that. And I have been shortlisted in two while Autumn has got shortlisted and she had already selected one." Merin said.

"Then why were you checking out these storefronts?" asked Chris. "Oh! These boots don't understand. It is fun to visualise your life with "what ifs" . " Merin said. "We were playing a game." giggled Autumn.

"Oh really? What game? " teasingly Chris leaned towards Merin. Merin swatted his hand.

Chris said:" Ok, leave it. Tell me which company you both are taking up? I am joining AX advertising and media. James is yet to confirm his job."

Merin looked at Autumn in shock. Luckily they were shared from answering that question as the food they ordered was delivered at that moment.

They had fun picking up food from each other's plate and fighting silly over it.

Soon Chris forgot all about the job talk. They enjoyed the food and returned to their dorms.

They agreed to meet together in the dining hall for the dinner. They could arrange things and do a bit of preparation before the class commences the next day.

Once in the room, Merin said " What do I do? I was actually considering to ignore AX advertising and media and give more importance to Blue Star prints. They also publishes several authors too. Once the course is done, I'm also considering the job of an author. Or something similar. I don't think I have the knack for journalism. But I do like to write. Blue Star is more of that type than AX."

Merin looked worried. Autumn said: " Think about it Merin. Both of you joining same company is a bad idea. I don't think flirting between newly joined interns will be taken positively by any of these companies. So it's a good think that you were leaning towards Blue star."

Autumn continued : " If Blue star is the company you are leaning towards and you think they will give you the experience you want for your future, is it better?"

Merin looked hesistant. She said :" But what if Chris comes to know that I also got an interview lined with them but I skipped it . And that too after I knew that he was joining there."

"Here , here, here, didn't you just say the job skill lined up for Blue star is more what you are looking for than the AX? So why should you mention that to him". asked Jessica.

Jessica asked :" Aren't we supposed to build up our skills for future job? Should the thought of Boys matter? ." Jessica waited for a moment for them to respond. She was not sure how serious both her room mates were with their boyfriends. With a bitter past experience, Jessica planned to keep away from boys for unseen future of time.

Autumn replied." What Jessica tells is true. Am sure Chris will understand. If not, that relationship is not worth it." Merin looked up shocked. "Autumn said:" You said you met Chris yesterday here at studnet center. right? Did you know Chris from before? Is that you are worried?"

Merin stuttered:" it's not that. I feel a connection between us. "

Autumn smiled and said. " I'm sure you are worrying unnecessarily. Relax. You can confess to Chris today at dinner or you can just mention about Blue star to him. Its up to you. I prefer you be honest with him. But there is nothing convoluted in this matter. "

Jennifer said with a smirk: " Oh , I thought you people knew eachother from ages. what with the scene I witnessed when I came to the room and all."

Jennifer asked hesitantly:" If you don't mind, can I ask you something? Ofcourse, this is your room too and you have the freedom to do whatever you want in this room. But... but.. I was wondering..." Jessica bit her lip as if she was considering whether to reveal to them or not.

Autumn said :" What is is Jess?, that is if you don't mind me calling so. As we will be spending together a lot of time, it will be better if we can be open to eachother. "

Jennifer said:" I was wondering if you keep intimate moments out of this room. Don't take it badly. I'm a private person. I spend most of the time inside my room. So if you are bringing your boyfriend in here for... you know... , I need to look for a place to hangout ". After a thought she said:" Or if you can give me a heads-up as if when you are planning to bring your boyfriend, I can make sure I will not come into the room or accidentally stumble upon you people. " Jessica nervously looked from Merin to Autumn and back to Merin.

Autumn laughed out loudly while Merin smiled shyly. "You know Jess, even.i agree with you. Merin please give us a head on when you are planning to bring in Chris. Today's episode was a bit intense."

Merin looked up shockingly and asked. " How...How did you?". Autumn laughingly raised her palm and said. "After Chris came in to check if you are ok, " she said making quotes with her fingers, " I came in to ask if I should bring in your breakfast, I saw you upon him and ...." She smiled with a twinkling eye.

Merin blushed red but quickly recovered. " Oh! really. That's why you and James looked inseparable when we came looking for you. "

Jessica joined Merin:" True. you both were in a public place too."

Autumn looked surprised and said," it's not what you think. He said something emotionally and I was touched . Ours was like a sibling hugband nothing more.. We have practically declared our relationship brother sister one. " She recollected main points and conveyed it to Merin and Jessica

"It's good to know. so are we agreed that we will keep our boyfriend interactions minimum in this room?" enquired Jessica.

Both girls smiled and closed the deal.

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