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44.44% The colour and smell of Autumn / Chapter 4: This too shall pass, whether it is sadness or happiness

Chapter 4: This too shall pass, whether it is sadness or happiness

Alan had a sharp pain in chest as he was driving home one day and hit the car on a tree on the roadside. He was rushed to the hospital by the pedestrians.

By the time Charles reached hospital, Autumn was sitting in front of the OT with folded hands and closed eyes with tears running down both her cheeks. As Charles joined her, she collapsed in his arms.

After several hours of agony for Autumn, Doctors diagnosed it as a warning which the body gave before a real threat. Alan was suggested regular exercises and monthly check ups. Doctors asked them to regulate the fat content in food and said it could also be because of stress.

Alan apparently had a tough time in his office recently. A manager was terminated from the office after some discrepancy in financial dealings . Alan being the head accountant was the one to bring out the discrepancy in front of the CEO. An upcoming external audit and rectification of the financial mismanagement did a toll on Alan's health.

Alan's hospitalisation was an eye opener for Autumn. She pulled out herself as if from a slumber. The moments she sat outside the ICU praying for the life of Alan, those moments when she realised the most important people in her life. she realised what and where her priorities lie or where it should lie. At hospital, Charles was at her beck and call while Nila pitched in whenever her schedule allowed.

Once discharged from hospital, Charles and his mom were regular visitors. Charles and Mrs. Winz practically shifted to her house. Charles lost his father when he was 3 years old. Mrs. Elene Winz was lost without her husband and didn't know what to do with little Charles. Autumn's parents practically adopted both Elene and Charles.

It took a bit of time for Mrs. Winz or Elene to pull up herself and her life together. Elene was there for both Alan and Autumn when Autumn's mother fell sick and later left them. Thus being in two different homes, Elene became a mother to Autumn and Alan became a father figure to Charles. Autumn was more attached to her dad so there were less instances when she had to ran up to Elene. While Charles wouldn't miss a day without spending some time with Alan. He craved a father's affection.

As Alan recovered health, Autumn was hyper alert about everything around her or rather she took extra care in her behaviour to others . That's when she started observing some differences around her.

Where shall we start with? Apart from Nila and Charles being sensitive about her mood swings , she observed a dreamy look passing across Nila's face. Believe me, she really looked silly. The ever Playboy Charles looks serious. He is still teasing them and telling jokes. But Autumn could sense a seriousness in him - kind of like brooding. Brooding!!? Initially Autumn thought this was due to Alan's sickness but something was amiss.

Oops. I'm really selfish. Am I not? When I pulled myself off from my friends to grieve, I failed to be there for my friends. And why the hell did I grieve for ? For a man who didn't give a fig for my feelings or time. Autumn, enough is enough. Suck it up and face life.

As part of rejuvenating herself, Autumn started reading daily inspirational thoughts from Facebook and other sources. That's where she got the phrase. "This too shall pass". If it is a happy moment, enjoy the moment and in some time, situations will change. But if it is sadness, again the situations will change. Just experience it and let it go.

She also read about some story about carrying potatoes in bag everyday and later the bag getting smelly because of the rotten potatoes and such stuff. That was too much. But she considered the phrases " Let it go " and "This too shall pass". Why should I choose one from them? Why can't I take both?

She decided to give a try to both.

The graduation ceremony and exams passed on without big hullaboo and they are out of school. Autumn had received a full scholarship for Astro physics and two partial scholarship on computer science & IT and data science from prestigious universities .

With Alan's weak health, Autumn was apprehensive about going abroad for studies. But Alan insisted that she pursue her desired course. Finally she decided to pursue her dream higher studies in data science.

With a few weeks remaining to join for the university, Autumn thought about taking up exercise to motivate her dad. Charles being the most expert in sports among them, she decided to appeal to him for guidance.

"Jogging? and you?" asked Charles and he started laughing with his head off. "That was a good joke. Actually that is the best I have heard this entire year. He took some time to control his laughter. Charles lifted up his head and a glance at Autumn, he started laughing again. His laugh was contagious that Alan was flushing red, trying not to laugh along with Charles.

" Well , happy to be a reason for your amusement." Autumn spoke to Charles and turned to Alan. " For God's sake, please laugh. Don't control so and get another attack." She turned to Charles and narrowed her eyes. An idea shooted out through her brain. She said "Wait and see ! This too shall pass". Charles got shocked and asked "what? "

"Nothing remains the same. you will change your opinion. So what that I have never ran in my life, can't I take up jogging now? I thought you will help me do this. If you don't want to help me, fine. I will try myself. " Now Charles and Alan stopped laughing. Charles looked ashamed about his behaviour.

"Autumn, l'm sorry. I thought you were pulling my leg. If you are serious about jogging, no one is happier than me. Shall we start tomorrow itself? " Charles was apologetic.

" Don't bother to be troubled. I will ask Brian or Sam if they can spare some time for me." Autumn said casually. "Brian is still a bully . you know that right ? By the way when did you start talking to them?" Charles's voice bordered anger.

"Oh! Brian asked me on a date this week end. And Sam, Sam was my lab partner in advanced chemistry class. I'm sure one of them could spare time for me", Autumn injected some enthusiasm to her voice.

As Charles opened his mouth to answer, Alan barked out to Autumn. "You are not going on date with any boys now. And Charles don't mind training you. " Alan glanced at Charles and asked. " You don't mind training her. do you?"

"Nope. Why should I ? it's hardly for marathon right, it's just bringing you to routine. Tomorrow we can start in the morning. what say? " asked Charles.

Autumn brightened a she saw her plan worked out perfectly for her .

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