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100% Reincarnating In Another World With My Smartphone / Chapter 6: CH.6: DREAM (Part I)

Chapter 6: CH.6: DREAM (Part I)

"Dream..." A series of thoughts occurring in a person's mind during sleep.-- Thoughts that you wanted to happen, thoughts that you wanted to avoid or thoughts that already happened but hard to forget.

"What if all of the things happening right now aren't real?"

"What if, just what if?... All of these are actually just a dream?"

There was a boy, at a really young age, witnessed that both of his parents separated, after the mother finds out that her husband is having an affair with another woman. The mother left the house and took the boy with her.

The mother raised this boy alone with no one to rely. As for the boy, he promised her mother that someday she will become proud of him. The mother laughed at him and said that she was already proud. The boy pouted, he said that he is serious. The mother smiled at the boy and told him, "Never break a promise, okay?".

One day, the two of them were walking down the streets after buying some groceries, holding hands as they cross the road when suddenly, a car came out of nowhere. Groceries flew, as well as their bodies. Rescuers came and they immediately bring the both of them in the hospital. The boy manages to survived but unfortunately, the mother didn't.

"What will happen to the promise?..."

(Phone alarming.)

It's morning~ The sun lights up my room, birds are singing outside my window while tears are falling from my eyes.

"Sigh, what a dream... I need to prepare now, I have a date today!".

Thanks to the rewards that the queen-- Rosaline gave me, I promised Ria and Maya to treat them today for making them worry. I quickly prepare myself when suddenly, someone knocked at my door. As I open the door, an angel showed up. I can't believe my eyes, it's Maya wearing the clothes that I bought her.-- The one that Risa picked. Maya looks really excited, I can see her tail wiggling back and forth.

As I go down the stairs, another angel showed up.-- Yes! It's actually Ria. Seeing her wearing a casual clothes is really surprising, like a new character that has been unlocked in a game.

I can't waste this opportunity. After those incidents that happened to us, I need to be more careful in my surroundings. This might be the first and last time that I will saw Ria in her casual clothes. Her short black hair really suits her cute face, and her casual clothes really suits her gorgeous body.-- Ria suddenly punched me for no reason.

As for our date today, I don't know much about the place so I let the two of them take the lead. We go to different places. We go shopping, play in the park, eat at a restaurant.-- Going here and there.

We really look like a happy family. I wish this day won't last.-- Or so I thought. As we walk around the town, I suddenly feel like there's someone watching us. So I used my smartphone and saw the name of Risa in the map close to us. So I look around and saw this hooded person looking at me intensely.-- I feel her killer instincts coming right through me. I think she wants me to go to her.

So I asked Ria and Maya to look for some souvenirs.-- That way, I can see Risa. As I come closer to Risa, it feels like there's something horrible will happen to me.

"W-What are you doing here, Risa?" I asked her. Risa smiled at me, so I smiled back.-- Thank god, she's not mad.-- Or so I thought... Punches came at me.

"That's my question! What are you doing!? Woman after woman, just how many women are you hiding, huh?!" Risa yelled at me with furious eyes.

While Risa is yelling at me, my smartphone suddenly vibrates and tells me that there's an enemy coming nearby. I told Risa that I need to get Ria and Maya and told her to go home but she wanted to come.-- I don't have much time, so I told her to hide somewhere safe.

A few moments later, people suddenly screaming, creating a big commotion in the middle of the town when a monster suddenly appeared.

I need to find Ria and Maya but the people keeps on pushing at each other, making it hard to look for them. I suddenly bumped someone-- It's Maya. I asked her where is Ria but she said they have been separated because of the crowds. I took her to Risa.-- Now, all I need is to find Ria.

I go straight through a stampede of people, when suddenly, I heard Ria's voice, screaming for help. I quickly rushed to where she at and saw this demon.-- A "Gargoyle Monster" to be exact. Ria is in the hands of this monster.

"Where are you hero?! Come and face me!" The monster said.-- It's looking for me?

"Let her go! I'm the hero that you've been looking for." I said it in a cool way but the monster didn't took it seriously.-- As well as Ria.

"W-What are you saying, you idiot?! Look at you! You are already beat up!" Ria yelled at me.-- Well, that's because of earlier.

"Oh~ My Rubi~ Save me~. That's what you supposed to say!" I yelled at her.-- Ria threw her shoe at my face.

"W-What was that for?!" I yelled.-- Ria threw another shoe at my face.

"If you are a hero, what are you waiting for?! Come right here and save me right now!" Ria yelled.

"This is the hero?!~ Just a mere human?!~" The monster said in laughter.

I need to take Ria out of the monster's hands. What am I gonna do? I didn't brought my sword.-- My smartphone vibrates and tells me an incoming attack from the monster, "Boulder Fall Incoming!"--Our fight starts right now.

A big rock appeared out of nowhere but I somehow dodged it. My smartphone keeps on vibrating and the monster keeps on throwing.

"Hold still! How am I suppose to kill you?!" The monster yelled.

"That's why I'm running, you idiot!" I said. But wait a minute, that's right! I can't die.

"Ria! I have a plan. Don't go anywhere." I said to her.

"How am I suppose to go anywhere?! You idiot?!" Ria yelled at me.-- Well, good point.

My smartphone vibrates and tells me another incoming attack, "Solidify Incoming!"-- This spell will turn it's target into stone.

"I'm getting tired of you running away! I'm gonna kill you now!~ 'Solidify'!" The monster said.

The monster used it on me. My feet suddenly won't move, along with my arms and legs. My body is turning to stone. I eventually turned into stone. The monster uses another "Boulder Fall", crashing me into pieces.-- Ria is screaming.

"This is the hero?! It's just a mere weak human!" The monster said while laughing. While the monster keeps on talking, well as expected, I came back again-- Good as new. The monster shocked on what just happened.-- As well as Ria of course.

"I-Impossible! How are you still alive?!" The monster said while confused. My smartphone vibrates again.-- I acquired another skills, "Boulder Fall" and "Solidify". If I use 'Solidify', will it turn to stone? Well, I will take a shot at it.-- So I used 'Solidify' against the monster.

"You need a lot of power to turn me into stone!" The monster laughed.

Momentarily, it's body is turning into stone bit by bit.-- Well, my 'Solidify' spell is twice as powerful compared to the one that has been used against me. The monster loosen it's grip, making Ria fall. I ran towards Ria and managed to catch her. Ria suddenly cried.-- She thought that I really died. I told her that I will explain everything when we get back home. The monster eventually turned into stone. I used 'Boulder Fall'-- Which is twice as big than the ones earlier, to make the job done.

After that, I feel like someone stared at me, suspiciously-- Different compare to Risa. I need to see Risa and Maya so I just ignored it. Ria and I go where I left them but they're gone. I checked my smartphone and look their names in the map but it's strange, they're being accompanied by some people? Maybe they're with the guards? Ria and I eventually goes there. As I checked the map, they are inside a house. We barged inside but there's no one inside.

"Risa! Maya! Where are you?!" I shouted.

We suddenly heard a scream, it's coming from the basement. We quickly go down at the basement and found the two of them tied up.-- It's strange because I don't see anyone other than these two. My smartphone suddenly vibrates and tells me an incoming attack. "Sleep Fragrance Incoming!"

"Be-Behind You!" Risa shouted.

A soft wind suddenly passed in front of us, making our body immovable. My eyes are gently closing on it's own, the voices of Risa and Maya calling my name are fading.-- Damn, I let my guard down.

Rubigo_Interius Rubigo_Interius

I'm so sorry for the late updates~ There's a lot of going on right now but I will still continue on writing.

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