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It has been exactly twelve years since I got in this world, and now my features are as follows:


Name: Hedo Issey

Race: human

Class: no (available after level 10)

Specialization: none (available after level 25)

Level 6 (3050/3200)

HP: 230

MP: 200

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 18

Stamina: 23

Intellect: 28

Reserve: 20

Will: 10

Available points: 30

This stagnation came from the fact that the system gave too few quests, but for the everyday as I had hoped, the experience almost didn't drip, forcing himself to put the job on the limit and then to exceed them and only if I got at least +unity to any article. And all the experience I have received only superior to others, and of course participating in fights, only then the System was generous to a hundred or so of valuable experience. With the will is a bigger problem out than with all the other stats together, because this stat was growing up, it is necessary to resist mental influences, of which, thank all the local gods have not yet been, or yourself, and not relying on the System to suppress strong emotions, that it should be done before the Mind of the player, that is for a couple of seconds, that you know is not so easy to do. Free, points I'm decided not to spend. Well, at least the skills are growing as it should:

Skills: the Mind of the player level MAX.

Does not completely destroy/change your identity. Blocks particularly strong outbursts of emotion. Makes your memory is absolute.

The body of the player level MAX.

Blocks/reduces pain, depending on the damage dealt to you.

Karate (Sabaki): level 26

Chance to evade enemy attacks: skill level/2

Kendo: level 34

Increases will: skill level/10

Possession of crushing weapons: level 30

A chance to break the enemy's bone at impact: skill level/2

Only used with crushing weapons.

Identification. Passive. Level: 73

Obtaining information about the target.

Breakthrough. Active. Level: 10

MP: 10

A short-term boost.

Run. Level: 34

Passively run faster.

Athletics. Level 38

The increase in the speed of walking and running.

Reducing the cost of stamina.

A normal skin. Level 5

Even the domestic cat is able to scratch.

Call gloves Draga: level 24

MP: 50 retracement of 10 seconds

A two-fold amplification of the attack, skill, etc. is added. The safe limit gain: skill level/4(1)

Attention! When exceeding the safe limit gain the skill will also consume 50HP

Meditation: level 38

The acceleration of HP/MP recovery for skill level in %

By the way, it's funny, but when I call the glove Draga, my attack is automatically acquired, the effect of crushing damage, and the chance to break a bone of the enemy is also doubled:

Crushing fist of the red Dragon Emperor: level 1

Passively doubles the chance to break/fracture the bone of an enemy

Chance that with a successful crushing attack will not fly gain: skill level/10(minimum of 1)%

By the way, Yes, this brazen lizard just woke up and immediately dragged me to his!

Two years ago, the internal world of one popdance

- Well, Hello media, I'm Welsh Dragon, Red Dragon Emperor — Drag. — extremely loud and pathetic he shouted.

- I am the Great and Terrible Popdance Hedo Issei, gall that one day this whole world!!! In tone he answered, inwardly trying not to laugh from that degree of insanity and idiocy that now surrounds us.

- You're not afraid??? surprised he shouted.

- Ahahahaha hihihihi!— still not restrained, because his face in that moment was so funny!!!

In the next moment, I woke up on his bed, which was actually meditating.

Hey, Drag, answer!!! Well, offended! -Rendered I verdict.

A year and a half

Hey, Drag, are you gonna teach me those claws and the basics of the dragon style, once six months have promise to explain!!! - At that time already ask him.

- You won't be able to use them!!! - Again tried to get out it. Oh, no, this time he just won't go away!!!

- Is doubtful. — in the tone of his answer.

- Yes, you and ten years will not be able to use it!!! in a rage he shouted.

- I bet that it would take me less than five years? — ask him grinning.

-I bet!!!-immediately it is bought.-And for what? Decides to ask about it.

If I win, you teach me dragon style and ALL dragon skills, but not the stubs that now, well, if I lose, I stop for you to climb in the next ten years!!!

- Ten years of peace, without this annoying man!!!" dreamily mumbled lizard. — I agree! immediately he agreed.

Our time

So, now I'm learning three new skills:

Piercing claws of the red Dragon Emperor: level 10

Passively doubles the chance to pierce/break the armor of the enemy

Chance that with a successful piercing attack will not fly gain: skill level/10(minimum of 1)%

The fiery claws of the red Dragon Emperor: level 15 MP: 20 per minute

damage: power*5+skill level*5 fire damage, chance to burn target: skill level*1%

Style Dragon Claw: skill level 20

A chance to break/pierce the armor of the enemy: skill level/2(not less than 1%)

Well, tomorrow is my first time going to the dungeon, but because I need to sleep well!!!

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