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52.99% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 114: EPISODE 114: The Battle Tower

Chapter 114: EPISODE 114: The Battle Tower

Fantasma city, the smallest city of the Laurenburg region. It is filled with different food stalls and markets, large and tall streetlights gave luminosity to the city. Roads were made with concrete stones, and trees gave the city an extra touch. This place is famous for its graffitis and grottos made by famous Pokemon painters. This place is also famous for its ancient Japanese tower styles.

The city is famous for its three towers, the tower of Magma, tower of Aqua, and the tower of Tundra. Each tower bears one Pokemon, and if you have a master ball, you can battle and catch one of the legendary birds! First thing's first, and that's to see Shuppet and professor Bellice!

<Match Call>

Bellice: Oh, Kalem, nice to see you again.

Kalem: You too professor, have you seen my new Pokemon?

Bellice: Indeed, so you're planning to build a bench team aren't you?

Kalem: Yup! My registered team is complete, now it's time to fill up a bench team!

Bellice: Right, but you can only switch teams per round.

Kalem: Yup, I'm aware of that. I'm also planning to use Shuppet for my fifth gym battle.

Bellice: Great! That means you've probably arrived at Fantasma city!

Kalem: Yes I have, I'll be switching out Treecko for a moment.

Bellice: Alright, just place Treecko's Pokeball there and it will be automatically sent Treecko to my lab.

Kalem: Alright professor! *Places Treecko's Pokeball on a small circular platform*

Bellice: Alright, whenever you're ready, tap the button and the Pokemon will be automatically switched out!

Kalem: Be a good Pokemon Treecko, I'll be using again. *Taps a red and obvious button*



Bellice: Nice, I've received Treecko!

Kalem: Thanks professor, Shuppet's Pokeball is with me too.

Bellice: Alright, good luck on your gym battle Kalem!

Bellice: Thanks professor.

<Call ended>

"As for you Treecko, you're going to stay in the Pokemon dome. I know you'll be alone for now, but if Kalem catches more Pokemons, you'll finally make new friends." Professor Bellice smiled and uttered at Treecko in his Pokeball.

"Great Kalem, show us your new Pokemon!" Zhery uttered with eagerness and excitement.

"Alright, Shuppet meet and greet!" I tossed Shuppet's Pokeball unto the sky, she slowly descended with grace.

"Nice, a Shuppet! I guess she's your first member of your bench team." Glade smiled and complimented.

"A bench team? What's that?" Zhery queried.

"A bench team or sub-team is used for the Pokemon League. Aside from the registered team, a trainer can also have a bench team which can be switch per round. Although, the members of the team especially the registered team cannot be switched out." Glade explained.

"What Glade meant was, you cannot switch Pokemons, you can only switch teams. Right Kalem?" Camellia added.

"Yup, Camellia's right! Irys, please scan Shuppet for me!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

"No problem, Kalem! Shuppet, the Puppet Pokemon! A ghost type. Shuppet grows by feeding on dark emotions, such as vengefulness and envy, in the hearts of people. It roams through cities in search of grudges that taint people. Shuppet currently knows four moves, nightshade, toxic, sucker punch, and destiny bond." Irys the Pokedex explained.

"Destiny bond? What kind of move is that?" Zhery queried.

"Once the user faints, the foe will automatically faint with it," Glade explained.

"Alright, let's do some training Shuppet!" I beamed with excitement.

"Then why don't we go to the battle tower," Zhery suggested.

"Oh right, I forgot. There's a battle tower here. This is the perfect opportunity to train with Shuppet!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

"Shuppet doesn't know what a battle tower is." The Pokemon uttered in confusion.

"A battle tower is a tall tower filled with numerous floors! Each floor has a trainer you can battle with. If we surpass the trainers each round, we get to battle the battle master. If we win against him/her, he/she will give us a reward." I explained with conviction.

"Shuppet can talk telepathy!?" Zhery queried with shock and confusion.

"Well technically Shuppet is a ghost type. Psychic, Dark, and Ghost, can speak telepathically." Glade explained.

"Shuppet wants to go to the battle tower!" The Pokemon beamed with excitement while floating around me.

The city lies on a mountain, and on the peak of the mountain lies the battle tower which is similar to the Dojo tower.

My friends decided to explore the city and the tall mountain. While me and my Pokemon hiked up to the peak, the place where the Battle Tower is located!

"Good morning trainer, please step inside the battle tower." two girls wearing an old fashioned Japanese attire greeted us with a warm welcome.

The walls were filled with jade and hanging griffins. Each griffin resembles a Pokemon type. Water, Grass, Fire, Electric, Ghost, Fighting, and many more!

"Welcome to the battle tower, trainer?" An old man wearing old fashioned Japanese clothings queried.

"My name is Kalem, and this my buddy Riolu. I want to participate in the battle challenge." I explained and introduced.

"I see, very well then trainer Kalem! You must be here to train for the Fantasma gym right?"

"Yes I am!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

"Alright then, please choose three Pokemons only. You may heal your Pokemon after every match. Each four floors uses three Pokemons each. On the last floor, lies the battle master."

"Three Pokemons only?"

"You heard right my boy. Use the Pokemons you're planning to use against Murdock the great!"

"Oh, now I get it! Sure, I'll choose..."

"Pick me Kalem!" Riolu smiled and begged.

"Not you Riolu. We need our team to grow stronger, plus your weak against ghost types."

"B... but, I'm your buddy!"

"Yeah I know, I've been using you for almost every gym battle. It's time to let others try."

"Alright..." Riolu uttered with disappointment.

"Trainer Kalem, so which Pokemons would you be using?"

"Zoroark, Dragonair, and Shuppet!" I beamed with determination and excitement.

"Alright then, please proceed to the fourth floor for your first match!"

I was instructed to enter the room on the fourth floor. Once I entered, the metal doors behind me automatically closed, but once I'm done with the match, I could heal my Pokemons and continue the match!

"So, a new trainer has come to challenge our master? My name is channeler Mavis. Welcome to the battle tower." A young girl with a gradient hair of red and black introduced as she slowly stood up from her seat.

"My name is Kalem from Aulburg town, and I'm ready to challenge you!" I beamed with excitement and exuberance.

"The battle between trainer Kalem and channeler Mavis is about to begin!" the referee announced. On the four sides of the wall, lies a symbol of which type the floor master specializes in.

For my first match, I'm up against a Psychic-type floor master! I have the upper hand since Shuppet is a ghost type.

"Alright, three Pokemons shall be used. Substitution is allowed! Please send out your first Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Xatu, we need you to know!" A green gentle bird descended from the sky.

"I'll be using Dragonair!"



"Battle, begin!"

"Xatu, use drill peck!"

"Dragonair, dodge the attack and wrap Xatu's body!"

<Dragonair!>The Pokemon winked.

*Xatu's attack missed! Xatu was squeezed by Dragonair!*

"Now, use Ice Beam!"

"What the!?"

<Dragggooonnnaaaiiirrr!>The Pokemon froze the foe with ice beam!

"Alright Dragonair, return now!"

"Trainer Kalem has substituted Pokemon, please send out your second Pokemon!" the referee instructed.

"What could be his plan!?" Mavis uttered in his mind. Her Xatu is frozen as ice, what will she do next?

"Come on out Zoroark, then use Night Daze!"

<Zoor!>The Pokemon giggled just like how she always giggled every time she battled since she was just a cute little Zorua.



"Xatu, use Psychic to defrost the ice!"

"I don't think so, Zoroark finish this match with Night Slash!"

*Super effective! Dark-type Pokemons are strong against Psychic Pokemons!*

"Xatu has fainted! Mavis, please choose your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"I'm impressed. You've got some battling skills up your sleeves!" Mavis complimented.

"Thanks, I've been training for a long time." I smiled back with determination.

"Espeon, let's do this!"



"Battle continue!"

"Kalem when are we going to use the Darkinium Z?" Zoroark queried.

"Relax Zoroark, let's save it for the climax! For now, use throat chop!"

"Espeon dodge it quick!"

"Use throat chop on the floor!"

*The floor room was filled and scattered with dust!*

"Espeon, detect Zoroark with your keen eye!"

"Zoroark, use Night Daze!"

<Espeon!>The Pokemon blasted.

"What!? How?"

"You see, night daze has a 95% accuracy rate. I guess this was one of it." I smiled and explained.

"You've been reading Pokedexes weren't you?"

"Yup, I read my Pokedex yesterday, I mean six hours ago."



"Alright Espeon, now use Psychic on Zoroark!"

*Zoroark was lifted up to the sky!*

"Zoroark hang in there!"

"Espeon, now let go of Zoroark!"

<Espeon!>The Pokemon agreed.



"Zoroark now use Flame thrower!"

"Espeon jump and dodge it!"

"I knew it, now use throat chop!"

*Zoroark's hand lifted Espeon to the air and dropped her with Zoroark's hand on her neck!*



Mavis' eyes were opened wide. She never expected such a trainer to defeat her Pokemons right away.

"Mavis, please choose your next Pokemon!" the referee instructed.

"Alright, it's all up to you Medicham!"

"Zoroark return, come on out Shuppet!"



"Battle begin!"

"Medicham use low sweep!"

"Shuppet, use destiny bond!"

<Shupppeeettt!>The foe and user bonded together!



"Fighting-type moves are useless against ghost types. Shuppet, now use sucker punch!"

"Oh my, I forgot!" Mavis uttered with worry.



"Follow it up with nightshade!"

"Medicham no!"

*Shuppets eyes turned violet as she unleashed a wave of murky twilight!*



"Medicham, now use Psybeam!"

"Dodge the attack then finish Medicham with Sucker Punch!"

*Medicham's attack missed! Sucker punch did maximum damage!*



Mavis' eyes wiggled fastly in surprise! Her Pokemon didn't knock out any of my Pokemon.

"The winner is Kalem and his Pokemons, please proceed to the eight floor and heal your Pokemons before you enter." the referee instructed.

"I'm surprised! You used excellent moves against my Pokemons." Mavis complemented.

"Thanks, you and your Pokemons are strong as well." I complimented back as a sign of sportsmanship.

Time for floor number eight, but first thing's first, and that's to heal my Pokemon!

<tun... tun... tun nun nun!>The bell sounded loudly.

"Your Pokemons are fully healed, please proceed to the room."

"Thanks nurse Joy!" Nurse Joys are famous around here especially in this tower.

This time, the symbols on the wall represented grass type Pokemons. I have a flame thrower, which is handy for this match!

"Hi there, my name is Wallice! You must be?"

"I'm Kalem! This is my buddy Riolu, but I won't be using him for this challenge."

"Three Pokemons shall be used! If the trainer wins, he shall proceed to the battle room. The battle master will be waiting for him there!" The referee announced.

"Please send out your first Pokemons!"

"Exeggutor, let's go!"

"Dragonair, I'll be using you!"

"Battle begin!"

"Exeggutor, use razor leaf!"

"Dodge it then use dragon rage!"

*Dragonair dodged the attack! Dragon rage dealt maximum damage!*



"Exeggutor, now use Synthesis!"

"Quick Dragonair, freeze Exeggutor with Ice beam!"

*Exeggutor was frozen solid!*



"Exeguttor no!"

"Dragonair, finish Exeggutor with dragon rage!"

<Dragggoonnnaaaaiiiirr!>The Pokemon blasted its foe!



"Wallice, please choose your second Pokemon!"

"Come on out Simisage!" A green bulky Pokemon was sent out of its Pokeball.

"Dragonair, return for now! Shuppet, I choose you!"



"Battle begin!"

"Shuppet use destiny bond!"

*The user and the foe bonded together*

"Simisage use bullet seed!"



"Shuppet, now use sucker punch!"

"Dodge then use razor leaf!"

*Simisage dodged the attack!*



"Use Bullet seed once more!"

"Shuppet, night shade!"

*Night shade is a priority move, which means it lands on the Pokemon first before any move! Night shade canceled Simisage's attack!*



"Follow up with sucker punch!"



"Simisage, now use solar beam!"

*The foe is storing power from the sun*

"Quick Shuppet, use night shade again!"

<Shupppeeetttt!>The Pokemon unleashed the attack.



"Simisage is unable to battle, Wallice, please choose your next Pokemon!"

"Shiftry, you're up!"

"Battle begin!"

"Shiftry, use razor leaf!"

"Let's finish this right away, now use destiny bond!"

*The foe and user bonded together!*


Shiftry[300-0] destiny bond!

"Wallice and his Pokemons are unable to battle, the victory goes to Kalem!" The referee announced.

"Those were some neat strategies right there! You used destiny bond on my last Pokemon." Wallice complimented.

"Thanks Wallice, I appreciate it!" Me and Wallice shook hands and both sides were pleased.

"Alright trainer Kalemr, please proceed to the last floor for your match against the battle master!" the referee instructed.

"Come on Shuppet, let's heal you up so we're all set!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

<Tun... tun... tun... nun.... nun!>The bell sounded loudly.

"Your Pokemons are fully healed,please proceed to the master room!" Nurse Joy instructed.

"Thanks Nurse Joy!" I smiled and grabbed my Pokeballs.

In the Dojo tower I wasn't able to defeat the dojo master. Now I'm ready to challenge the battle master!

The two metal doors opened majestically. I walked with determination and confidence.

"Welcome trainer. My name is Zedrick, I am the battle master!" Zedrick introduced and stood up with his red cape.

"My name is Kalem, and I'm ready to challenge you!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

"Is that so? Prepare for my ground type Pokemons!" Zedrick warned.

"The match against Battle Master Zedrick and the challenger Kalem is about to begin. Each shall use three Pokemons each, substitution is allowed! If the trainer wins, he shall be awarded with a new a Pokemon!" the referee announced.

"A new Pokemon!? What kind of Pokemon? For free!?" I beamed with excitement.

"Yes for free, but I won't say what Pokemon it is. You'll surely like it." Zedrick explained.

"Then let's get this match going!"

"Please send out your first Pokemon!"

"Shuppet it's up to you!"

"Krookodile, I need you now!"



"Battle Begin!"

"Krookodile use Shadow claw!"

"Shuppet dodge it!"

*Shuppet was unable to dodge!*



"So, Krookodile's a fast-paced Pokemon! Shuppet use Destiny bond!"

"Fine by me, Krookodile, use Night slash again!"



"Why is he sacrificing his Krookodile? He must be up to something, Shuppet use night shade!"



"Krookodile use dig!"

*The foe went underground!*

"Shuppet, don't do anything, you won't be affected!"

"Oh really? Krookodile go up then use Night slash again!"

"What the!?"

<Shupppeeetttt!>The Pokemon blasted back to me.

"Krookodile and Shuppet aren't able to battle, please send out your next Pokemon!"

"Graveler let's go!"

"Dragonair I need you now!"

"Battle continue!"



"Graveler use rock tomb!"

"Dodge it then use Ice beam!"

"Use dig to dodge!"

*The Pokemons dodged each other's attacks!*

"Graveler now go up and use hyper beam!"

<Gravvveeelleeerrrr!>The Pokemon attacked from behind.



"Dragonair, quick! Now use Hydropump!"

*The foe needs to recharge!*



"Now use roll out!"

"Use Ice beam as Graver charges towards you!"

<Dragggooonnnnaaaiiiirrrr!>The Pokemon unleashed the attack! Graveler was frozen!

"Dragonair, now use Hydropump again!"



"Come out Flygon, then use dragon rage!"

"Oh no, that's super effective!"

<Dragooonnnnaaaiiirrrr!>The Pokemon fainted!

"Zoroark it's all up to you know!" I beamed with excitement. I switched out my fightium Z with my darkinium Z, me and Zoroark have been practicing all night in Ms.Wendy's mansion.

"Battle continue!"

"Flygon use dragon claw!"

"Zoroark use Throat chop!"

*Flygon attack was canceled! Throat chop dealt maximum damage!*



"Now use dragon claw again!"

"Use Throat chop!"

"Switch to Dragon breath!"

*Zoroark was pushed back to the ground!"



"Dragon claw again!"

<Zorrroooaarrrkkk!>The Pokemon uttered with pain! Critical hit!



"Flygon finish this with dragon rage!"

"Counter with flame thrower!"

*The attacks collided at the center! The dust scattered everywhere!*

"Zoroark now use night shade!"

<Zoroark!>The Pokemon giggled!



"Flygon use Seismic toss!"

"Alright Zoroark, it's time to use a Z-move!" My Z-crystal began to glow.

<Zoroark!>The Pokemon shouted in determination while following my actions.

"Twilight skies, twilight powers! Zoroark, fill your heart with the veils of darkness, harness your power deep inside and form an eclipse! Use Black Hole Eclipse!"

<Zorrroooarrrrkkk!>A black hole formed above Zoroark's body. She launched it with full power!

<Flygon!?>The Pokemon uttered with shock! The move succumbed to the foe!



"The winner of the match goes to Kalem and his Pokemons!" The referee announced.

"Alright! We did it Zoroark!" I hugged my Pokemon with happiness and satisfaction. It's my first time to win against a battle challenge!

"Strong Pokemons, strong Pokemons indeed!" Zedrick complimented.

"Thanks Zedrick!" I beamed with joy.

"Now, I promised you a Pokemon right? A Pokemon is what I'll give! Follow me to this room please." Zedrick instructed.

We entered a small room wherein there were three boxes in front.

"Each of them contains one Pokemon, but you can only choose one!" Zedrick instructed.

"In those boxes lies three types, Ice, fairy, and bug. Which one would it be?" Zedrick queried.

"What do you think Riolu? Who shall be the new addition to our bench team?"

"Choose the middlebox Kalem!"

"Alright then. Zedrick, we choose the middlebox!"

"Very well. You are blessed with a fairy type Pokemon. She's excellent in battling too!" Zedrick explained.

"Really!? I can't wait to see the Pokemon!" I beamed with excitement.

I slowly removed the box. I was excited for my new Pokemon, who will it be!?

<Ma?>The Pokemon uttered with confusion.

We'll know soon, when the journey continues!

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