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50.23% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 108: EPISODE 108: Honing Foes!

Chapter 108: EPISODE 108: Honing Foes!

"It's been a long time, elite four. I'm finally free! Hahaha!" Unbound Hoopa form spoke using my mouth.

"That body doesn't belong to you!" Draco uttered and infuriated.

Team Chaos, The Elite four, and my friends were shocked with the past events. I was controlled by a Pokemon called Hoopa. Hoopa turned out to be Niurs, the fallen empire, the bearer of the seven golden rings, the master of vision and teleportation.

"Attack all of them!" Hoopa commanded all the possessed Pokemon.

Gardevoir, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Bisharp, and Abomasnow attacked everybody, including their own trainer, except for me of course, since Hoopa was possessing me.

"Go Arcanine!"

"Buneary let's go!"

"Luxray, thunder strike!"

"Absol, mistress of disasters!"

"Golbat, deploy!"

Everybody had a truce as they fought me and the possessed Pokemon. It was an intense battle! I floated from the sky, while watching a glorious battle take place.

"I wasn't in Hoopa's mind, I was in Kalem's mind!? Which means, Hoopa is talking to Kalem, so the reason why the voice lied to me, is not so that Kalem could see his parents but for Kalem to see the prophecy, but why would he want Kalem to see the prophecy in the first place?" Zorua thought deeply and hard.

"I'm getting worried Zorua. I don't want to fight Kalem." Riolu uttered with anxiety.

"Me too, but we have no choice. That's not our trainer, that's the unbound form of Hoopa. It took over his body because Kalem had a corrupted heart, his heart was filled with vengeance." Zorua uttered with worry.

"What are we going to do Zorua, everybody is fighting, we can't just watch!" Zorua uttered with worry.

"Zorua, Riolu! Come closer." Mewtwo and Genesect called us from the distance. Everybody was distracted.

"Mewtwo, Genesect. How can we set you free?" Riolu queried.

"I'll be set free later, do what Hoopa asked you to do. Awake Kalem's heart and the unbound form will be defeated." Mewtwo explained.

"How did Hoopa entered Kalem's mind anyway?" Zorua queried.

"That's a chapter for another time, I need Kalem to do his mission or this world is going to perish. Awake his heart!" Mewtwo ordered and commanded with pain.

"Alright, since unbound Hoopa is busy controlling over all those Pokemons, we can attack from behind," Zorua suggested.

"Alright, let's try your idea, I'll use Vacuum wave, hopefully, it damages unbound Hoopa and not Kalem." Riolu wished.

"We have to try, come on, our trainer needs help!" Zorua uttered and rushed towards my back.

Riolu used Vacuum wave but unbound Hoopa sensed and dodged the attack.

"Feeble Pokemons, you'll submit to me!" Unbound Hoopa tried to control Riolu and Zorua.

"We're feeble right? You said that yourself, so why control us?" Riolu queried sarcastically.

"Whatever, you'll fall into my spell! You'll be mine!" Unbound Hoopa spoke with a dark and gloaming voice.

Riolu and Zorua tried to resist the spell, but Riolu was falling into it.

"Zorua, help me! I can't... I can't... hold it much longer." Riolu uttered and begged while trying to resist the spell.

"Stay strong Riolu... think of happy thoughts."

"What do you think I'm doing!? Arghhh!" Riolu tried to resist.

"You cannot resist darkness, nothing can defeat darkness, even the mediator falls under my spell." Unbound Hoopa spoke through my body.

"Zorua, I need help! If I attack you, please don't kill me." Riolu begged.

Zorua tapped the ground with her two paws and used dark pulse to resist the dark spell of the unbound form of Hoopa.

"You can't defeat me with darkness, I am... darkness!" Unbound Hoopa and Zorua fought and attacked each other with dark type attacks.

"Arghhh!" Riolu eyes turned red and crushed the ground with his metal claw.

"Resist the spell Riolu!" Zorua uttered while fighting against me.

Two twilight beams went straight towards Unbound Hoopa and Zorua, the two beams tried to push each other.

Riolu was fighting himself, he tried to use his attack on himself to wake up.

"Give up Zorua!" Unbound Hoopa's dark beam pushed harder than Zorua's dark beam.

"I won't! I'll do anything to protect my trainer." Zorua shouted and pushed the beam harder than before.

"Don't you get it? Your trainer is mad at you. Your trainer is filled with hatred, vengeance, and betrayal. He was betrayed by his best friend, he was lied upon by you, a perfect ingredient for me, the true form of Hoopa!" Unbound Hoopa shouted.

"Who cares if he's mad at me, he's still my trainer and I am loyal to him." Zorua infuriated.

"You belong to me Zorua!"

"I belong to your confined form!" Zorua shouted and infuriated.

"That Hoopa is dead..."

"That Hoopa is you! Now let go of my trainer's body!" Zorua shouted and strengthened her dark beam.

The two moves overcharged and collided against each other. Everybody was shocked as the explosion gobbled the room.

Everybody was silent as Zorua and Unbound Hoopa which was technically in my body glared against each other.

Zorua began to glow bright. She was surrounded by a white and mystic veil as her hair grew longer.

"Zorua, is evolving!" Draco shouted since he was a dark master he knows when a dark type Pokemon is evolving.

"Evolution won't do a thing, charge for Zorua!" Unbound Hoopa ordered the possessed Pokemon to attack the evolving Zorua.

Everybody began to rush towards Zorua, even the possessed Riolu.

"I'm sorry Zorua!" Riolu shouted while running towards her.

Everybody leaped towards Zorua!








As they leaped towards Zorua, she sent out a mystic veil which threw everyone away. Everybody blasted off.

<Zoorrroark!!!>The Pokemon evolved.

"So, Zoroark is your new name?" Unbound Hoopa laughed and teased.

"Beware of the power I possess!" Zoroark warned.

"If you use your power against me, you'll hurt your trainer!"

"If I use my power, I'll hurt you and awaken my trainer!" Zoroark uttered as a dark sphere formed at her hand. The sphere turned into a beam and charged for my body which was conquered by Unbound Hoopa.

"That was night daze, it's Zoroark's signature move!" Draco explained.

My body exploded from mid-air and descended back to the grounded.

"Kalem! No!" Zoroark rushed towards me and grabbed my body as it descended from the sky.

My eyes slowly opened and my sight became clear. The first thing I saw was Zorua and her unfamiliar face.

"Zo... Zorua!?" I uttered with shock as my eyes slowly opened.

"Kalem, I'm Zoroark. I evolved from Zorua." Zoroark explained.

"Now we're done with this conjuring business, Chaos regime, let's get out of here!" Arville shouted.

"Yes sir, grunts, bring Mewtwo and Genesect!" Elanor ordered.

"Where do you think you're going!?" The elite four infuriated.

"Long time no see elite compadres, looks like I was replaced." Arville uttered.

"You don't deserve to have a postion in the elite four." Alice uttered.

"You'll regret your own words, once the regions fight against each other, they'll look for a solution, they'll be looking for a God! That God will soon be me!" Arville uttered and spoke loudly.

"Camellia, return to team Chaos! Leave your filthy friends, and you'll own an empire." Arville uttered with conviction.

The Pokemons snapped back to their original self, they began to move their body again.

"Arville, let Mewtwo and Genesect free! Or I'll take legal Pokemon actions." I warned.

"Kalem, don't fight my father. You won't win against him." Camellia warned but I ignored her statement.

"Do you know who you're challenging boy?" Arville uttered and walked closer towards me.

"I'm talking to a feeble being who acts like a superior God!" I mocked out loud.

"Don't do it Kalem, you'll face humiliation." The elite four warned.

"Alright then, I accept your challenge! A one on one battle indeed!" Arville uttered and smiled.

"Kalem, I volunteer to battle his Pokemon." Zoroark uttered.

"Riolu, I choose you!" I ignored my newly evolved Pokemon. I was still angry to those who lied and betrayed me.

"Kalem's gonna fight a king with Riolu!?" Zhery uttered with shock and worry.

"Rhydon, let's go!" Arville tossed his Pokeball to the sky as a Pokemon which looked like a Rhino appeared.

Battle Begin!



"Rhydon, use horn drill!"

"Riolu, counter with Vacuum wave!"

*The attack was countered! Rhydon was pushed back!*

Everybody watched with a serious face. Especially my friends and the Elite four.



"Riolu use force palm!"

"Rhydon dodge it then use Arm Thrust!"

*Rhydon dodged the attack swiftly!*



"Rhydon, use horn drill again!"

"Counter again with Vacuum wave!"

"Use the horn drill to dig underground!"

*Rhydon went deep underground!*

"Riolu, use force palm on the ground!"

"You betcha!" Riolu beamed with determination.

*Riolu's force palmed caused Rhydon to blast up to the sky.*

"Now, follow it up with Vacuum wave!"

*Rhydon blasted back due to Vacuum wave!*



"Beatrice was right about the boy." Groyle complimented.

"Rhydon use Hyper Beam!"

<Rhyyyyddddoooonnnn!>Rhydon released the attack.



"Your Riolu is still standing? I'm impressed! Rhydon use Horn drill!"

"Riolu dodge the attack then use Force Palm!"

*Rhydon dodged force palm!*

"Riolu follow it up with seismic toss!"

"Rhydon use Arm thrust to push Riolu back!"

"Riolu, now use force palm on the ground!"

*Large stones damaged Rhydon as it charged towards the Pokemon.*



"Rhydon, now use Hyper beam again!"

"Shouldn't Rhydon be resting!?" Glade queried.

"Hmmm, I've heard of Pokemons which do not need to rest after using Hyper Beam. Those Pokemons were trained hard and tough which made it unnecessary for them to rest during a hyper beam attack!" Zhery explained.

"Riolu, dig underground with metal claw!"

*Riolu was able to dig in a nick of time! Hyper beam missed! Riolu continued the metal claw attack and leaped back up to the ground! Rhydon was pushed back!*



"That's it, Rhydon return!" Arville sent back his Pokemon.

"What!?" I uttered with shock.

"Team Chaos, head out now! We're being distracted by this feeble boy!" Arville instructed.

"You're a coward! You sent back Rhydon because you were about to lose! Which means, you're afraid to lose!" I mocked.

"You don't know what I'm afraid of kid. Camellia, take my hand and we'll rule as a family!" Arville uttered with conviction.

"No Camellia, come with us!" Zhery uttered with conviction.

Camellia stood in between me and his father.

"Men, bring Mewtwo and Genesect to the submarine." Zylon commanded.

"No, you don't!" Zoroark infuriated and used Night Daze on the cage. Her power exceeded her limits! Mewtwo's cage was destroyed but Genesect was still trapped.

"Leave Mewtwo behind, we can live without it. Bring Genesect now!" Xeryll commanded.

"Alright, Master Ball let's go!" Elanor tossed the Pokeball with a 100% catch rate. Genesect was caught by Team Chaos.

"Genesect no!" Mewtwo beamed with grief.

"Where do you think you're going Arville!? Running off again like what you used to do?" Melody queried.

"Step aside Elite four, or we'll have to do lethal actions," Arville warned.

"Take my hand Camellia!" Arville uttered with conviction.

"Don't join them Camellia, even if they're your parents," Glade uttered.

My mind was filled with rage, who cares what team she'll be joining. Left or right, there's no difference. I'm mad at her and that's that!

"Father, I'm staying with my friends!" Camellia infuriated.

"I knew you would, we'll meet again Camellia and Kalem! I'll be seeing you at Mt. Alympus for sure!" Arville uttered and pushed Melody.

The elite four hesitated to attack the dangerous team. Genesect has the power to open the distortion world, which means... Giratina is on their hands.

"Oh we'll meet again soon! Just you wait Arville." I infuriated.

The Chaos regime left the scene with one of the upgrading Pokemons. Mewtwo was left behind.

"Kalem," Mewtwo uttered softly.

"I don't want to talk Mewtwo. If you're asking me to do some traveling, I'm not doing it. I came here for my parents! I came for them, and found nothing but lies!" I shouted with rage and frustration.

"Your parents are alive," Mewtwo answered.

"Don't do that... don't give me hope!" I uttered with rage.

"Kalem, control your anger," Draco uttered.

"Control my anger!? Did you see what happened today? I was traveling with a spy! A traitor! A Pokemon was hiding something from me. Those rings lied to me. I have no purpose here, and don't tell me about the Judgement prophecy, I'm not going anywhere else except for the Pokemon league!" I uttered with frustration and walked outside the cavern.

"Kalem wait, I can explain!" Camellia uttered and tried to chase me but Draco stopped her.

"Let him be Camellia..." Draco instructed.

"I need that boy! He's the one the father assigned!" Mewtwo explained.

"Everybody thinks that I'm a traitor now." Camellia knelt and cried deeply.

Riolu ran outside the cavern and tried to calm me down.

The cavern revealed shocking truths, I came here for no reason at all except to see projects and enemies! All this time, I was traveling with a traitor, all this time, a Pokemon was lying against me.

What will happen next? As the journey continues...

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