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41.93% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 90: EPISODE 90: Register Complete!

Chapter 90: EPISODE 90: Register Complete!

A bright blue light surrounded the egg, hinting it was time to bloom. Me and my Pokemons surrounded the egg to wait for its natural offspring to bloom. It was time for the Pokemon to make a debut in the Pokemon world. Which Pokemon will hatch from the egg?

Egg hatching is fun to watch, for me. Some people don't like all the boredom egg hatching has to offer. In this region, there are three steps in the egg hatching process. Step one, the Pokemon egg will grow brighter than usual, step two the Pokemon egg begins to crack, and step three, the Pokemon slides of the egg. It's a long process especially for step number one, but hey? I can wait!

The blue spots on the egg began to sparkle as all of us began to marvel at the egg's beauty. Thanks to Gardevoir's care, the Pokemon will surely be healthy once it hatches, just like my cute little Zorua who plans to pee on my shoe later.

The egg began to move slowly for the first three minutes, but after those minutes? The egg began to move even faster than before! The egg shook before our eyes, and finally... a small crack appeared on the top left of the Pokemon egg.

"This is it team! We're finally complete!" I beamed with excitement and exuberance as the egg began to have different cracks across its body.

Gardevoir was extremely excited for the egg to hatch! She was the one who took care of the egg, she'll be happy when she figures out what kind of Pokemon she was caring for.

The egg began to glow even brighter as the egg cracked into pieces! The process is done, I have my last Pokemon!

The Pokemon went out of the egg, it had a small slithering blue body with two panda eyes. Its ears seem to look like clouds of some sort. Now the question is, what kind of Pokemon hatched from the egg?

"Hmm, are you familiar with this Pokemon Gardevoir?" I queried while looking at the Pokemon. The blue slithering Pokemon seem to be timid in nature as it hides behind my bag while shivering in fear.

"I'm not sure, but... it looks cute!" Gardevoir smiled at the newly hatch Pokemon.

"Then, you know what this means... Irys, it's time to feed us information about that Pokemon egg!" I beamed with excitement and turned on my Irys Pokedex.

"That Pokemon is a Dratini! It is also known as the dragon Pokemon! A dragon type! DRATINI continually molts and sloughs off its old skin. It does so because the life energy within its body steadily builds to reach uncontrollable levels. It is very rare in this region, there were no sightings of Dratini since 1889." Irys the Pokedex explained.

"This Pokemon doesn't look like a dragon at all. It looks like a blue slithering Ekans of some sort." I observed the timid Pokemon.

"Do you wish to know additional data about Dratini?" Irys the Pokedex queried.

"Yup! Spill the beans Irys, my ears are all open!" I beamed with excitement.

"Your Dratini is extremely rare in this region. Seeing it would be an awesome miracle! Dratini currently knows two moves, water gun and wrap!

Wrap is a move wherein the Pokemon squeezes the foe, damage is dealt per turn. Dratini is a female." Irys the Pokedex explained.

"Well what can I expect, Dratini just hatched! Water Gun and Wrap ain't bad after all for newly hatched Pokemon. Me and Dratinin have a lot of catching up to do!" I beamed with determination.

"You should catch Dratini Kalem, it is a strong Pokemon once it evolves." Irys the Pokedex explained.

"Oh you bet I'm catching it! I'll tell Glade, Camellia, and Zhery all about this later. For now? Let's catch Dratini!" I beamed with excitement while getting a new Pokeball from my bag. Dratini is my sixth and last Pokemon! I wonder what Dratini's evolution would look like.

"Alright Dratini, you're going to be my last Pokemon!" I beamed loudly which scared Dratini too much.

<Drat...Dratini>The Pokemon shivered in fear as she hid behind my bag.

"Dratini, don't be scared. We're one big family here! This is my buddy Riolu, this is my mischievous Zorua! This is Gardevoir, she took care of you when you were just an egg. This is Scyther, he's extremely fast! This is Treecko, he's a strong and bulky Pokemon!" I introduced and pointed all my Pokemons but Dratini seems to be scared.

"Don't be scared Dratini, come on out, I won't hurt you." I smiled and explained gently.

<Drat...Dratini...Drat?>The Pokemon slowly came out of her hiding spot.

"See, I won't hurt you. My name is Kalem by the way! If you come with us, you'll become on chubby Pokemon! Food never runs out here!" I smiled and exaggerated.

<Drat...>My exaggeration scared Dratini as she goes back to her hiding spot.

"Oops! Sorry, I accidentally surprised you! Here, taste this Pokefood! It's delicious!" I took a piece of Pokefood from the can and showed it to Dratini.

<Drat? Drat?>The Pokemon slowly came out of her hiding spot and went steadily to my hand.

"Here, you can have this piece if you like. Trust me it's delicious!" I smiled and encouraged my newly hatched Pokemon.

Dratini went close to my hand and took a nibble at the Pokefood. Dratini was in awe as she gobbled up the piece she bit. Dratini loved the Pokefood and ate the whole piece afterward.

<Drat! Drat!>The Pokemon smiled at me and my Pokemons.

"See! I told you it was delicious right? So Dratini? Can you please accompany me in my journey? Please!" I begged and smiled.

<Drat! Drat! Dratini!>The Pokemon nodded her head and circled my hand.

"Ouch, that's a tight grip Dratini! You're definitely a strong Pokemon!" I complimented and played with Dratini's head.

"Whenever Dratini wraps a person's hand, it's showing her love towards the person. The tighter the grip the more close you are with Dratini!" Irys explained.

"Amazing! I guess that means you're going to wrap me even tighter soon huh?" I teased and smiled at Dratini.

"Alright Dratini, whenever you're ready... just tap the button!" I beamed and showed Dratini the Pokeball.

<Dratini!>The Pokemon tapped the Pokeball with her nose.

Dratini went inside the Pokeball, but at the third shake, Dratini went outside of the Pokeball!?

"What!? Why did you hesitate Dratini?" I queried.

<Drat! Drat!>The Pokemon moved his head swiftly towards the left.

"Dratini said that the Pokeball looks dirty inside. She wants a clean Pokeball." Gardevoir translated.

"What do you mean she wants a clean Pokeball!? Aren't all Pokeballs the same?" I complained while wondering how Pokeballs look like from the inside.

"Alright then Dratini, go in this other Pokeball then!" I smiled and switched the Pokeball.

<Dratini!>The Pokemon smiled and went inside the Pokeball!

Dratini didn't hesitate but went out in the third shake again!

<Drat! Drat! Drat!>The Pokemon complained.

"What is it this time?"

"Dratini said, the Pokeball smells stinky!" Gardevoir translated and laughed.

"Stinky!? Do Pokeballs have scents Irys?" I queried.

"Um, I don't know! I'm not a Pokemon. Why don't you ask your Pokemons." Irys suggested.

"Yeah you're right Irys! Hey Scyther, are Pokeballs stinky?"

"My Pokeball smells like grass. I love the scent of grass!" Scyther smiled and answered.

"My Pokeball smells like flowers! They smell very sweet!" Gardevoir added.

"Mine smells like wood! It's the perfect Pokeball for me!" Treecko added.

"My Pokeball smells like smoke! Smoke makes me feel better!" Zorua smiled and added.

"About you Dratini? What does the Pokeball smell like?" I queried.

<Drat! Drat!>The Pokemon explained.

"Dratini's Pokeball smells like mud!" Riolu translated.

"Alright fine, then have this Pokeball then!" I switched out my Pokeball with another Pokeball.

Dratini entered the Pokeball again, I was hoping she wouldn't hesitate but she did on the third shake again!

"What is it this time?"

<Dratini!> The Pokemon uttered.

"Dratini said that her Pokeball looks color red from the inside, she hates red." Gardevoir translated and laughed.

"You're a choosy Pokemon! That's it, here are my last twenty Pokeballs. Pick one!" I showed all my Pokeballs to Dratini as she tried them one by one.

On the 17th Pokeball, Dratini didn't hesitate this time! She is officially mine!

"Finally! You chose a Pokeball already, now I can show you to my friends!" I beamed with excitement as I grabbed the Pokeball.

"Come on team, let's show our friends our latest addition!" I beamed with excitement and rushed down the hill.

"Zhery! Glade! Camellia! Wanna see my newest Pokemon!?" I shouted while going towards them.

"Looks like the hatching process is finally done! Spill the beans Kalem!" Glade was so eager to know what Pokemon hatched from the Pokemon egg.

"Come on out Dratini!" I tossed the Pokeball high up to the sky and sent out Dratini!

<Drat!?>The Pokemon wrapped herself at my leg as she shivered with fear.

"Is that a Dratini!? The rarest Pokemon in this region!?" Zhery reassured as she looked closer at the Pokemon.

"'Yes it is! Dratini is rare alright!" I boasted.

"I want to trade! I'll trade you my Absol for that Dratini!" Camellia begged with her panda eyes.

"I don't want to trade! Me and Dratini will surely grow stronger together!" I declined.

"I'll give you any Pokemon you wish, just please trade Dratini with me! Please! Please! Please!" Camellia begged.

"Sorry Camellia. I don't want to trade Dratini." I declined again.

"Ok then... you're very lucky, Corviknight gave you a rare Pokemon egg!" Camellia knelt in disappointment.

"Dratini! Meet my friends, this is Zhery! Glade, and this is Camellia!" I pointed and smiled.

<Dratini!>The Pokemon smiled and went closer to my friends.

Dratini didn't feel scared anymore. She was very happy but very timid as well. She made new friends especially with Buneary and Petilil! I also decided to call Professor Bellice on my Xtransciever.

Kalem<Xtransciever>Professor Bellice


Bellice: Oh, hi there Kalem! It's been a long time since I last saw you!

Kalem: Hey professor! Long time no see!

Bellice: (Smiles) So, why did you call me Kalem?

Kalem: I officially have six Pokemons! Meaning I can officially register at the Pokemon League right?

Bellice: Six Pokemons? May I see your six Pokemons?

Kalem: Sure! Let's start with Riolu, you've met him before! Then I have Zorua, my mischievous Pokemon! Scyther's number three with his sharp Scythes! Number four is my Gardevoir which can also mega evolve!

Bellice:(Interrupts)Wait, Gardevoir can mega evolve?

Kalem: Yup! Gardevoir and I have a Gardevoirite!

Bellice: That's amazing Kalem! You're getting stronger than the first time I saw you!

Kalem: Thanks professor, my number five is Treecko! I saved him from two chubby men who were trying to abuse him! Lastly, I have Dratini! It's my newly hatched Pokemon!

Bellice: Great work Kalem! All your Pokemons look healthy and strong, meaning you've been treating them nicely! It also shows me, that you have a strong bond with your Pokemon! Your rare Dratinii looks like a cutie as well. (Smiles)

Kalem: Thanks professor! So where can I sign up for the Pokemon league?

Bellice: Let's see... ah! Why don't you register at the Pokemon Center! Just ask nurse joy for help!

Kalem: Really? Thank you so much Professor!

Bellice: No problem Kalem!

Kalem: Alright professor, bye!

Bellice: Safe travels Kalem!


"Hey Glade, do you know any nearby Pokecenter?" I queried with excitement.

"Yup, there's one up ahead!" Glade answered.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I beamed with excitement.

We walked to a nearby Pokecenter, this Pokecenter was larger than the previous ones! It had a large restaurant inside, there were saunas and hotel rooms, with large bathrooms and bathtubs! The Pokemon center had an indoor playground and pokemart!

Today is the day I register for the Pokemon League according to Article.495 of the Pokemon handbook section IVA

"Trainers may participate in gym challenges with at least three Pokemons, but may only register for the Pokemon league once their team is complete. Once a trainer is registered for the Pokemon league, he/she may no longer switch out any Pokemons from his/her team."

Each Pokemon League has its own rules, and in this region? Once you have six Pokemons with you, there's no turning back! You've gotta fight with the Pokemons you have.

"Hey nurse joy! I'm Kalem, and may I ask where I can register for the Pokemon league?" I queried with excitement.

"Sure trainer kalem! You must have six Pokemons first!" Nurse Joy explained.

"Yup, and I already have my perfect team!" I beamed with excitement.

"If that's the case, please turn left and enter room RePl-45" Nurse Joy instructed.

"RePl-45? What's that supposed to mean Nurse joy?" Zhery queried.

"It means Registration, for the Pokemon league!" Nurse Joy smiled and explained.

"Alright then, come on guys it's time to register!" I beamed with excitement.

We turned left and entered the RePL-45. it was just a small room with a small but tall machine inside. I was about to open the machine when suddenly Camellia stopped me.

"Kalem, are you sure that Zorua, Riolu, Scyther, Treecko, Dratini, and Gardevoir will be your final team?" Camellia reassured.

"You bet! They're my perfect team! All I have to do is to train and evolve them." I beamed with excitement but Riolu suddenly got worried when I said the word 'EVOLUTION' why would Riolu be worried about that?

"Alright then, go and turn on the machine, there's no turning back once you register!" Camellia warned.

I turned on the device and the first thing we saw was the PLC logo. Of course, since it was a company they had to promote their services by the use of logos.

After showing the logo, the screeen opened up and showed how many trainers registered for the Pokemon league, on the side was the register button.

"1,024 trainers already signed up!? That's more than the number of trainers who signed up for the Pokemon BAttle Cup!" I uttered in shock.

"A lot of trainers, one champion! Register Kalem, we'll be cheering for you no matter how many trainers there are!" Camellia comforted.

"Thanks guys! I'm trainer number 1,025! Let's do this!" I beamed with excitement and tapped the register button.

+Please insert your Pokedex here+

I followed the first step and inserted Irys through the machine.



The machine scanned all my data and profiles about me. On the right of the screened it showed a picture of me and on my left were the pictures of my six Pokemons I'll be using for the Pokemon league.

+Trainer Kalem, please press the confirm button to register for the Pokemon league!+

I was hesitating at first, but as time goes by... My body was filled with confidence! I was able to press the confirm button!

A large Pokeball spun for three minutes and finally, +REGISTRATION COMPLETE+

"Great Kalem, you're now an official competitor!" Zheryh complemented.

"Yeah, an official competitor who's about to battle probably more than 3000 trainers once the registration for the Pokemon League closes," I uttered with worry.

"3,000 trainers only? The World Tournament has more than 10,000 trainers! You got this kalem! Believe and focus!" Glade cheered.

"You're right Glade, there are many trainers and only one of them can reign champion, I'll be that person!" I beamed with determination.

There's no turning back now! What's done is done. I'm going to compete for the upcoming Pokemon League of the Laurenburg region! Yes, the name of this region is Laurenburg, a region filled with strong and powerful trainers, a region filled with dreams and potentials, a region where trainers compete to become a champion!

I also forgot to tell you that the Pokemon league has been moved. I still have eight months to train for this grand league!

So, I call upon all my rivals across Laurenburg, I am Kalem, and I'm ready to battle all of you, but first... it's time to move to the Cavern Of The Deep!

When the Pokemon League takes place? Mom and dad will be watching me, they'll be cheering for me too!

As the journey continues

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