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29.03% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 62: EPISODE 62: Eye of the Storm!

Chapter 62: EPISODE 62: Eye of the Storm!

The sky was filled with tenebrosity, as the luminous moon and her tiddly children shines over us. The leaves moved to the melody of the whistling breeze. The soil was moist, and the flowers slept in their petals. The night was cold and dark... Filled with a muffled ambiance. The Pokemons and people slept under the moon, while criminals and gangsters came out from their shadow as the morning flower waits to bloom.

On a small unknown island, lies the headquarters of the Chaos regime, an unpredictable regime. Their crepuscular boss walks the hall of their grand palace. He had a black helmet covering his deep wounds and scars on his face. On the side of his waist, lies a keen sword burned under fire. He had a black cape, filled with the blood of the innocent people he killed. He was no typical boss, he was no ordinary boss. He is the boss, of order and destruction.

"Sir, we have detected heat signatures on route sixteen coming from a nearby waterfall. What's strange sir, is that the heat signatures seems to becoming from the sky." Elanor, the executive of team chaos reported as their boss enters the conference room.

"Heat signatures? An ultra wormhole must've been recently opened, but who could do such thing? Gen45B and Gen46A are hibernating in the cavern of the deep there's no way they could have opened an UWM." The boss wondered as he spoke with a villainous voice.

"That's what we're trying to find out sir, maybe its possible that even an ordinary Pokemon could open up a deadly wormhole." Elanor hunched.

"You might correct, but what kind of Pokemon could do such a thing?"

"It must've been a Psychic-type Pokemon, they are the only Pokemons with such power to open up an ultra wormhole. There are even reports that it could open the distortion world even without the orb." Elanor reported.

"I want results by tomorrow evening." The boss commanded.

"Of course boss, we'll find out who did it right away. What about Gen45B and Gen46A? Shall we continue to search for the cavern of the deep?"

"Continue operations... I still need them to open up both portals for me. I was also planning to catch them as well."

"Catch the Bio-weapons?" Elanor reassured.

"Yes, they will do all the work for me..." The boss spoke with a villainous tone as thunders came crashing down on Earth.

The time has finally come for the morning flower to rise. The Pidgeys started to chirp as the humans wake up to do their normal businesses. It was time to continue our adventure to route sixteen. Kirlia's mind has been troubled since yesterday, when she suddenly opened a portal she's not supposed to.

Kirlia and Absol stayed isolated beside a tree not too far from the camp. They ate breakfast together while the other Pokemons were eating beside us.

"Kirlia, don't let your mind control you..." Absol warned as she took a bite on an apple that was given to her by Camellia.

"How can I not be bothered? I could possibly kill my trainer!" Kirlia exaggerated as she gasped for air.

"Relax, that won't happen again if you learn how to control your powers." Absol comforted.

"I was once like you before, I couldn't control my dark powers. People feared me because of the bad omens I bring, but I learned how to conceal it from everyone. I learned how to use it only when an emergency happens like yesterday." Absol added.

"Teach me, how can I control my powers?" Kirlia queried with eagerness.

"The only way to control your powers is by balancing it. Balance is the key, the dark must not surpass the light and the light must not surpass the dark." Absol uttered.

"How can I balance all these light and dark shenanigans? I can't even walk." Kirlia queried anxiously.

"I am a paraplegic Pokemon, but when I was able to control my powers, I was able to walk normally again." Absol recalled her memory.

"Well you're a dark type Pokemon! Of course you know how to balance." Kirlia uttered.

"Dark-type or Psychic-type, people can learn, as long as they put their heart and soul into it." Absol quoted.

"That's why I'm eager to know how you controlled your powers. Show me your way Absol."

"Sure, but first... I want to eat!" Absol teased as she took another bite from the apple Camellia gave her.

I started to worry for Kirlia, yesterday when I saw her... She seemed to be sad, so I decided to ask her today what was bothering her. I strolled unto the tree which Kirlia and Absol are resting upon.

I queried with an intoned voice, "Hey Kirlia, is there anything bothering you? Yesterday you looked sad so I decided to ask you what was going on." I was about to touch her when suddenly she dodged my hand.

"Don't touch me Kalem, I might hurt you.." Kirlia uttered with fear.

"Hurt you? Tell me what's going on Kirlia." I begged.

"I'm sorry Kalem, but you have to leave me alone before I accidentally hurt you," Kirlia warned.

"No Kirlia! You have to tell me what happened! What's bothering you? You can trust me."

"Stand back Kalem... Please it's for your own good." Kirlia begged.

"I won't go until you tell me what's happening or what's bothering your mind." I bargained and patted her hair.

Kirlia got shocked and accidentally released a powerful Psybeam I've never seen before. I was pushed away from Kirlia.

Kirlia saw what she did to me and quickly came to me, she was about to touch me but she hesitated.

"What was that for Kirlia!?" I accidentally scolded her too much.

"I warned you Kalem... I warned you to stay away from me." Kirlia uttered as she shivered because of fear. I accidentally scolded Kirlia to much.

"If you don't want to talk, then don't talk! Think of what you did to me!" I badgered as I went back to the camp, Kirlia knelt down and cried. She felt bad for what she did to me, and I felt bad for what I did to her.

Absol came close to Kirlia to comfort her pierced heart.

"Kirlia..."Absol called solemnly.

"Don't come near me... I might hurt you as well. You saw what I did to my trainer, I am dangerous to anyone who comes close to me." Kirlia warned.

"No, don't think like that! Prove to your trainer how strong your heart is! Show your trainer that you can control your powers!" Absol encouraged and patted Kirlia's head. Kirlia got shocked again and used another powerful Psybeam. Her powers were getting stronger than before. Absol blasted off like me, but she was able to stand up easily.

"See! I can even hurt you... My powers are getting out of control, I can't let anyone get hurt." Kirlia warned solemnly as she went back to the camp. Absol was shocked by her powers.

"C... Could her powers be those of Mewtwo?" Absol wondered on her mind.

Kirlia went back to the camp to look for me. She wanted to apologize to me.

"Riolu... Have you seen Kalem?" Kirlia asked from a social distant.

"Nope... I thought Kalem went to you?" Riolu queried and went closer to Kirlia.

"No Riolu! Stay back..." Kirlia stepped back even further.

"Is there something wrong Kirlia?" Riolu queried.

"No... no, nothing's wrong... I just have to find Kalem!" Kirlia uttered and ran as far as she could from Riolu.

"What's wrong with her?" Riolu queried on his mind.

Kirlia ran to Zorua and Petilil who were sniffing flowers. She asked if they knew where Kalem went.

"Um, Kalem? I thought he went to you?" Zorua recalled.

Kirlia ran as far as she could from Petilil and Zorua and started to ask Camellia with her telepathic abilities.

"Camellia, have you seen Kalem?"

"Kalem? But I thought Kalem was with you?" Camellia knelt down and touched Kirlia's head. Kirlia accidently released a powerful Psybeam on everyone near Camellia.

Kirlia was surprised because of what she did. This made her felt even anxious.

"Kirlia, what was that for?" Glade queried as he was one of the victims of Kirlia's powerful Psybeam.

"I'm sorry! Nobody goes near me... Everybody stay back!" Kirlia sobbed and shouted as she ran as far as she can from the camp.

While running away, she was crying in fear... If only she could learn how to control her psychic powers. Riolu saw Kirlia running away, so Riolu decided to follow her.

I finally arrived back at the camp after going for a little stroll and saw the camp looking messy.

"What happened here?" I queried in confusion.

"Your Kirlia Psybeamed me and Camellia!" Glade uttered in frustration.

"She did the same to me, I was asking her what was bothering her, but she didn't want to answer me," I explained solemnly.

" Using her telepathic ability, she told us to stay away from her..." Camellia recalled.

"She said the same thing me! Where's Kirlia?" I started to panic. I knew something wasn't right.

"She ran off back to the forest for some reason. She was looking for you too." Camellia explained.

"Oh no... It must be because of what I said to her, you have to help me find Kirlia please." I begged.

"No problem Kalem! We'll help you find Kirlia. I'll tell Zhery what happened." Camellia stood up and rushed towards Zhery who was in the flower patched area with Zorua and Petilil.

As I returned my Pokemons to their Pokeballs, I noticed that Riolu was missing.

"Zhery, have you seen Riolu?" I queried worriedly.

"Um sorry Kalem, but I haven't seen Riolu since this morning," Zhery explained.

Then Camellia came rushing towards me and Zhery.

"Guys have you seen Absol!?" Camellia queried with anxiety.

"Wait! Absol is missing too? My Riolu is missing as well!"

"They're probably looking for Kirlia to comfort her." Glade hunched.

"Then, we have to hurry and look for them!" I uttered with encouragement. We packed our things and went back to the forest to search for the three of them.

It began to rain in the forest and Kirlia lost her focus. She lost control over her Psychic powers and lost control over her legs. Kirlia tripped over a fallen tree. She wasn't able to stand up, her fear succumbed to her powers.

Kirlia had no choice but to lay down until somebody arrives to help her, she was crying with the clouds and pleading for help.

"It's my fault in the first place for hurting Kalem..." Kirlia lamented while laying down. The clouds got thicker and the clouds cried harder. Thunder crashed through the ground and Kirlia stayed hopeless.

"Help... Anyone... please..." Kirlia cried as she uttered with a hoarse voice. Slowly by slowly her eyes began to close. Kirlia fell asleep as she waited for someone to arrive and help her.

As the storm rushed by... A lot of trees fell down. The winds blew with anger and the stones started to erode. The soil was getting slippery as the Pokemons sought for shelter.

"Kirlia! Kirlia!" Riolu shouted. Riolu stayed firm under the angry storm. The wind blew across Riolu's ears as he looked for Kirlia.

"Kirlia! Do you hear me?" Riolu shouted as the rain got worse, the fog started to become thicker, and Riolu's sight became blurred.

Meanwhile, Absol was rushing threw rocks, she was leaping with her four white paws as she searched for Kirlia. The fog didn't bother Absol since she had a keen eye.

Kirlia woke up because of the thunder that crashed into the ground. She shivered in coldness and fear.

"Please... Anyone... Help me!" Kirlia uttered with a hoarse voice. She was getting weaker, she tried to reclaim her powers but she was rejected by her own mind.

I and my friends I had an umbrella so there was nothing to worry about except for the slippery soil. We looked everywhere for the three of them but they were not in sight. I regret everything I said Kirlia... Why would I scold a Pokemon like that in the first place? I must've been frustrated that's why.

"Show yourself Kirlia!" Absol uttered to herself as she leaped over tall rocks and fallen trees.

Kirlia woke up again and she lost hope, she thought that no one was going to arrive to help her so she decided to do what Wormadam uttered and instructed unto her.

She slowly closed her eyes and saw the fear and darkness trying to succumb to her powers. She focused with all her strength and a white dot started to appear at the center of her fear.

She bargained with her own fear whispering unto her. "You're not good enough to control your power... You don't deserve your power."

She didn't listen to the fear interrogating with her, in fact... she bargained and fought her own mind.

"You're weak... Do you think your trainer is going to forgive you after all the destruction you have done?" Her fear whispered creepily and shadowy.

"My trainer has a gentle heart! All I have to do is to repent." Kirlia shouted as she tried to claim back her powers. She tried to remove the fear and darkness covering and blinding her mind.

"You will hurt your trainer if I return your powers..." the fear tried to trick Kirlia's mind.

"I will learn how to control my powers!" Kirlia bargained as the bright dot started to enlargen.

"You will not learn how to control your powers... because you have a weak and feeble heart!" Kirlia's fear shouted as it made the enlargened dot smaller. It was a battle of fear and light. Who will triumph?

"I am not weak, my heart is strong as gold! I can learn and I can remove you from my body!" Kirlia shouted as the bright dot enlargened once more but Fear pushed back, fear tried its best to tempt Kirlia, and crush her spirit.

"Then I'll meet you... I will burn your heart!" Fear shouted and tried to succumb to the bright dot.

"You cannot burn my heart..." Kirlia uttered.

"And why is that?"

"Because you are fear, you do not exist, you do not live, you do not adapt, you're just a faded memory trying to ambush my mind. You try to lead me to the darkness, lead me to anger, lead me to hate, you try to lead me to suffer... but deep inside, you fear yourself... am I correct?" Kirlia bargained and debunked as she slowly floated across the sky.

"How dare you despise me!? I am fear! You will salute to me!" Fear shouted while trying to stop Kirlia from balancing the light.

"Despise you? You despised yourself... Why does fear itself? Is it scared of the past? the present? or the future?" Kirlia teased as her powers slowly returned.

"I am not scared! I can fight you! I can kill you!"Fear uttered with frustration. Slowly by slowly the wind swirled around Kirlia, the leaves submitted to her and circled her as well.

Kirlia was controlling a storm of her own. Slowly, the thunders followed her will and a massive tornado surrounded Kirlia. It was sucking the trees, the roots, and even the rain. Fear tried to fight back but Kirlia was stronger... Kirlia was powerful.

Riolu and Absol saw the tornado, they knew that Kirlia was behind all of this mess. Me and my friends tried to cling on a sturdy tree as the tornado raged with violence.

Kirlia was able to defeat fear, and slowly... she opened her eyes. She saw the destruction she caused, she tried her best to disperse the tornado but the tornado fought back. Kirlia made an enemy, it was darkness in the form of her own doings.

Kirlia extended her two hands sideways, her eyes started to glow white and her hands started to glow purple. The thunders surrounding the tornado tried to electrocute Kirlia but they were penetrated by Kirlia's power.

Kirlia commanded and uttered. "From the darkest night to the brightest day, I Kirlia command the storm to stop!"

All of a sudden, the wind-dispersed and the thunder stopped roaring. Kirlia was able to control the weather as she not only dispersed the tornado but also the storm, but as she floated up into sky her powers tried to control her as another ultra wormhole opened. Absol saw the UWH and rushed as fast as she can to save Kirlia.

"I'm coming Kirlia..." Absol uttered as she gasped for air.

A Pokemon slowly descended from the portal but Kirlia forced her powers to submit to her. She fought the portal... She tried to close the portal with all her might but the portal was fighting back.

Then suddenly, another portal opened underneath Kirlia. A portal of darkness, two blood moon eyes stared at Kirlia from below. This was Kirlia's ultimate test... Could she control the ultra wormhole and the distortion world?

Slowly, the Pokemon with red glaring eyes came out as well as the black Pokemon from the ultra wormhole. Kirlia tried to push both of them back to their respective portals.

Could she balance the light and the dark?

"Kirlia! Control your power!" Absol shouted. Kirlia couldn't hear Absol, this was her fight and no one should interrupt.

Riolu came seconds after Absol came. Riolu saw the two portals opening and closing.

"Follow my will!" Kirlia shouted to her powers.

"You do not own me! I own you!" Kirlia shouted.

Slowly by slowly Kirlia closed the portals as her powers submitted to her will. Kirlia spent all her energy on closing the two portals and fell off from the sky.

Riolu quickly grabbed Kirlia before she hits the ground. Kirlia was in Riolu's hand looking stressed and tired.

"R... Riolu?" Kirlia uttered as she closed her eyes to sleep.

Absol came to check on Kirlia, she was worried for Kirlia just like how I am worried for her. We rushed as fast as we could towards the sight of the tornado.

"Is Kirlia alright?" Absol queried while gasping for air.

"Kirlia's fine... She fell asleep after draining her powers."

Slowly and steadily, Riolu placed Kirlia on a short log.

"Hopefully, she'll recover her energy right away." Absol uttered.

"How could she open the distortion world and the Ultra wormhole?" Riolu queried with confusion.

"You know about the distortion world?" Absol wondered in surprise.

"Yeah... Kalem's mother used to tell stories about distortions and ultra wormholes. Kalem's parents fear that the two worlds might collide into one."Riolu recalled.

"Speak nothing of that information, only you, me, Kirlia, and your trainer can know about this." Absol uttered. I saw Kirlia resting on the short log, I rushed towards her while Camellia rushed towards Absol and hugged her tight.

"I... I'm so sorry Kirlia, I shouldn't have scolded you like that." I sobbed and hugged her tireless body. Kirlia slowly opened her eyes...

"I... I'm sorry for hurting you Kalem, the truth is... I don't want you to come close to me because I couldn't control my powers back then." Kirlia uttered with a hoarse voice.

"The important thing is that you're safe!" I uttered while hugging her.

Before lunchtime, we were able to return back to the camp. I carried Kirlia's tired body and placed her in my tent. I covered her with a blanket as she peacefully slept. I thanked Riolu and Absol for everything they have done to save and protect Kirlia. The question is... Could Kirlia really control her powers now? Or does fear strike back?

We'll surely know the answer as the journey continues.

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