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25.8% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 55: EPISODE 55: Wisdom of the volcanoes!

Chapter 55: EPISODE 55: Wisdom of the volcanoes!

"Kalem! Don't go back... Remember what the headmaster told us? Pursue our dreams right? Why are you going to give up?"Riolu queried while following me back to the docks. It all started when I lost my gym challenge, I lost confidence, and lost interest in battling. I wasn't battling the way I used to battle, I don't know the reason behind this, so I figured that it'll be best to head back to the orphanage. Mom and dad were right, I should've followed what they want me to be, a Pokemon Professor.

"Enough Riolu! I made up my mind, I'm not going to battle the gym again! I am not going to find my parents! I'm not going to be a Pokemon Master!" I shouted at Riolu, but he was still persistent in forcing me to restore my faith in my dream. I know, that you've heard me say don't give up! Keep on trying, and never lose hope, I know I said that I'm persistent and optimistic, but there are rare occasions like this were I really lost my faith and hope.

"No Kalem! I won't let you go! We are going to stay here and train harder!" Riolu tried to pull my hand but stumbled. Riolu never gave up on pursuing me.

"Kalem! You want to become a Pokemon Master right? How can you be one if you're going to give up right away? You keep telling us not to give up but you're the one who's giving up?"

"Stop it Riolu! I give up! I know what I said! Didn't you see how I commanded you awhile ago? I tried my best but I couldn't do it! Now come with me or leave me alone!" I badgered.

"I won't allow you to go! Even if it means releasing me, I still won't allow you to go!" Riolu badgered as he walked and blocked in front of me.

I returned Riolu to his Pokeball, I was too annoyed with his voice, but Riolu kept going outside his Pokeball pushing me to stay.

"I can persuade you all day! I will keep on escaping my Pokeball just to persuade you to never give up! What happened to you Kalem? I thought you were determined just like me?"

"I am determined Riolu, I am optimistic! But I don't have the confidence to show it." I sobbed as my tears fell off my eyes. I was losing hope on myself, and I didn't want to look back anymore.

"Then, I'll help you, just like how you help me!"

"No Riolu, there's nothing you can do! I am going back, I won't lean on the past! I am going back and no one will stop me!" I shouted.

"You are leaning on the past! A person who never gives up never leans on the past! Something is controlling your brain Kalem, because I know the true you." I didn't listen to what Riolu said, I didn't notice Riolu even if he blocked my path.

As I was about to enter the docks to buy tickets for my trip back to Photia-heart city, someone came rushing towards me and pulled my hand.

"Where do you think you're going mister!?" I looked back and saw Camellia looking mad and worried about me.

"I'm going... back to train at the park on Photia-heart city,"I uttered.

"Do you think I'll believe that!? Tell me what's wrong Kalem!" Camellia badgered as tightened her grip.

I didn't notice her and just continued to walk but Camellia pulled me again.

"I won't let you leave without a valid reason! Now tell me what's wrong!?"

"Nothing's wrong Camellia, I told you, I'm going to train."

"I know how you look when you're eager to train! Tell me what's wrong Kalem!" Camellia insisted.

I couldn't answer her, my tears distracted me, and my conscience forced me to ignore her. It was already night at that time, the clouds were thick and blurred just like my mind.

"You're following me Kalem!" Camellia aggrieved as she pulled my hands. I had no choice but to follow her, she led me to a small wooden bench far away from the public and asked me to sit, I did what she told me to do.

"Now, we're far from the public, tell me what's wrong Kalem!" Camellia aggrieved as she sat down as well.

"I told you, nothing's wrong..."

"I won't believe that excuse! If nothing's wrong, why are you crying? Tell me what's wrong Kalem, we're best friends, remember?" Camellia begged as she slowly lowered her tone.

"Stop bothering me! It's none of your business!" I shouted loudly, I accidentally pierced Camellia's gentle and caring heart.

"N... None of my business? Fine then! I won't bother you anymore! If you don't want to talk then fine! You should be thankful that I spent effort trying to look for you, trying to help and care for you. If you don't want any of those then fine! I won't bother you anymore Kalem!" Camellia badgered as tears started to drop, I think I've oversaid things. Camellia stood up and left me.

"Camellia wait!" I tried to call her but she ignored me.

"Look what your conscience has done to you Kalem! Now you lost your best friend!" Riolu badgered.

I cried in the wooden bench far from the crowd, only Riolu and a bright spotlight was with me.

Camellia on the other hand cried as well, she sat on the bench near the stadium entrance. Glade and Zhery saw Camellia crying and knew something bad happened between the two of us.

"Camellia? What happened?" Zhery comforted worriedly as both of them rushed to help Camellia.

"I... I tried to help Kalem but he told me that it was none of my business..." Camellia explained while crying.

"Wait Kalem? Kalem's a lot of things but he's not rude." Zhery recalled.

"I know, Kalem is persistent, determined, and optimistic that's why I admire him but something's blocking his determination, something's trying to control his body," Camellia explained while sobbing.

"Yeah, I watched the way Kalem battled. It was like something was troubling him. Kalem wasn't focused on what he was doing." Glade recalled.

"Well, even before the gym battle, Kalem looked weird, the way he walks, and the way he talks," Zhery added.

"I know Kalem doesn't want to give up, I could feel it, but he doesn't have the confidence to do it," Camellia explained.

"Then we must help restore his confidence..." Glade suggested.

"How? He's probably on his way back to the orphanage by now." Zhery queried.

"No... He won't go back to the orphanage, I know where Kalem is, follow me." Camellia instructed as she wiped her tears away.

Meanwhile, at my bench...

"So, what now Kalem? You pushed everybody away from you." Riolu queried as he sat beside me staring at the abyss.

"I don't know... I'm lost already, I don't know whether to give up or to continue fighting."

"If I were you, I would ask myself, what would my parents tell me if I give up? If I continue to fight?" Riolu queried unto the abyss as my friends came to comfort me, I saw Camellia and I wanted to apologize to her.

"Camellia, I'm sorry for what I said... Please forgive me."

"Its fine Kalem, everyone makes a wrong turn once in a while... Now, tell us Kalem... What's wrong?" Camellia queried worriedly.

"I don't know if the wether... I should fight or whether to go back to the orphanage. I want to fight but something is pulling me, something behind me..." I uttered solemnly.

"That's your conscience Kalem, it's your conscience which is telling you to give up. You must fight that Kalem! Its what blocks your optimism and determination." Zhery comforted.

"There's no need to fight my conscience because my conscience is correct. I am a foolish trainer, a trainer who gives up, and a trainer without a dream."

"You're wrong Kalem! You're not foolish, you're not a trainer without dreams because every single one of us has a dream, may it be the poor, the blind, the lame, or the deaf."Glade encouraged.

"You aren't the real Kalem I know! The real Kalem I know, never gives up, never stops, and never loses hope. You're not a fool! If you're a fool then how were you able to raise your Pokemon? How were you able to obtain two badges? If you're a trainer who gives up then how were you able to persuade your Pokemon? how were you able to train and love your Pokemon? If you're a trainer without a dream then why are you in your journey? It's your conscience, be confident Kalem!" Camellia comforted.

Then things started to clear, all this time, I realized that I was wrong, my friends are correct, it was my conscience. I couldn't make it here if it weren't for my determination and persistence. I am on a journey, a journey filled with tribulations, trials, obstacles and many unexpected things that could happen, but I shouldn't give up! I am Kalem, determined, passionate, and optimistic! Conscience is the enemy of the mind, it what blocks me from my true personality, from my true purpose.

I am Kalem and I will be a Pokemon Master, I will find my parents and my conscience won't stop me! I will train hard, I will show the world who I really am, an ordinary boy with extraordinary potentials.

"You know what? The three of you are right! I don't give up, I don't lose hope, because that will only lead me farther from my dream! I am here for a reason, if I lose, I'll learn from it! I never fail, because the day I fail is the day I give up. I am determined and passionate, this is the work of my conscience, and I won't listen to it." I beamed with determination as my true self erupted once more. I could feel the heat in my body, they're raging with determination, they're raging with passion!

"Now that's the Kalem I know!" Camellia smiled.

"I want to thank all of you for awakening my mind, especially you Camellia, thank you for reminding me who I really meant to be."

"No problem Kalem!" my friends smiled.

"Hey, about me? I was the first one who comforted you?" Riolu teased jealously.

"Of course, thank you buddy!" I hugged Riolu very tight.

"Come on, it's getting late, lets eat dinner shall we?" Zhery suggested. Glade's stomach murmured in hunger.

"Sorry, that was my stomach hehe." Glade laughed.

All of us ate dinner together and slept in a small inn. I couldn't sleep because of excitement for my rematch. Then, something came up.

"Hey Riolu, wake up!" I shook Riolu's body. Me and Riolu went out of the inn, what we didn't know was that Camellia was following us as well.

"Where are the both of them going?" Camellia wondered.

"Aaaghhhhaaa! Where are we going Kalem, I'm sleepy." Riolu uttered and yawned while clinging on my shoulder. It was by chance, that the dock was still opened, me and Riolu and technically Camellia since she was following us, went to the great Photia volcano!

"What are we doing here Kalem?" Riolu queried with a sleepy voice as we arrived in the volcano.

"We're going to train under the supervision of the Photia volcano!" I beamed with determination.

"Aww, I'm sleepy, I guess Camellia over-determined you." Riolu yawned.

Camellia eavesdropped me and Riolu, she knew our purpose on the volcano, she continued to follow us as me and Riolu trained.

"Riolu! Force palm that tree!" I ordered. At first, Riolu's force palm just made a scratch on the wood but I'm not giving up yet. I knew Riolu was sleepy so I did something mischievous. He he.

Riolu fell asleep beside the tree he force palmed on, while I and my mischievous side gathered the cold water on the shore using my tumbler. Then, you know what I did, I threw the cold water on Riolu. He got so frustrated.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Riolu badgered.

"Stop slacking! Its time to receive the wisdom of the volcanoes!" I beamed.

Me and Riolu, climbed the top of the volcano with Camellia stalking behind us.

"Alright! We need to practice our Z-move!" I instructed.

"Yeah yeah! The faster the better."

Me and Riolu tried out Z-move but it didn't work.

"Another try Riolu!" I beamed with determination, I wasn't going to give up on a single try. Our second try didn't work as well, but I'm not giving up.

"Let's try again Riolu!" I instructed. We weren't able to do it the third time, but still not giving up.

"Again!" I instructed myself and Riolu as we tried to focus, every repeat the more focused we become. Blood and sweat fell off our face but that was only a distraction. The fourth and fifth including the sixth time didn't work.

"We can do this Riolu!" I beamed with determination, as our sweat fell down our face at the same time. We weren't able to do it but on the tenth try...

"Riolu! We won't give up!" We could feel the heat coming from the volcano! As the heat touches our body, it only made our feeble spirit stronger.

The Z-ring began to glow, we were doing the right steps, the right procedures and all of a sudden me and Riolu felt something burning in our hearts.

"ALL OUT PUMMELING!!!" I dictated as we unleashed our Z-move. The Z-move was super strong, it destroyed a large boulder and caused a gust expanding more than three miles. I was happy with Riolu, we achieved full power! As Riolu gasped for air with his determined eyes, Riolu started to glow. Riolu was about to evolve once more. I was happy that he was evolving but just like before, Riolu stopped evolving.

"Riolu, why did you stop?" I queried.

"I didn't, it somehow stopped," Riolu answered.

"Well, at least we learned how to use our Z-move come here buddy!" I rushed towards Riolu and Riolu rushed towards me. We hugged each other tightly.

"Congrats Kalem!" Camellia stepped out and smiled.

"Camellia? You were eavesdropping?" I queried in surprise.

"Yup, I thought it would be best to follow you since I didn't know where you and Riolu were going, but when I knew you were going here, that's when I realized that you were going to practice your Z-move," Camellia explained.

"Oh, so did we do good?" I surveyed.

"Do good? You did it with your best! You and Riolu have achieved a new level of friendship." Camellia explained.

"Thanks, I guess its time to head back to the inn." I decided.

"Yeah, its almost morning anyway."

As we were about to leave the volcano, someone came.

"Hold it Kalem!" A woman from behind uttered, I looked back only to find Etna.

"Etna? Wh... What are you doing here?"

"Watching you train of course, how does it feel to train on the volcano?"

"It felt great miss, me and Riolu's spirit are fired up for our rematch!" I beamed with determination.

"Well then, tomorrow afternoon, me and my husband will be waiting for you in the Battle Island, there will be no crowd just you, your friends and us, and... the commentator alongside with the referee."

"Sure thing Ms. Etna!" Me and Camellia waved goodbye to Etna.

"I'll be expecting you Kalem. Show me your true potential tomorrow." Etna uttered.

"Don't worry, we'll be erupting tomorrow." I teased.

Me and Camellia left the volcano and went back to the inn, I went back to the boy's room and Camellia went back to the girl's room.

"Oh right! Goodnight Camellia." I greeted as I held the doorknob.

Umm... Goodnight too" Camellia smiled as she was about to blush. She quickly went inside the room and laid down.

She placed her pillow on top of her head and giggled while blushing.

"Hey Camellia! You're too noisy, I'm sleeping here." Zhery woke up.

"Kalem said goodnight to me!" Camellia blushed and giggled.

"Yeah yeah, of course he'll say goodnight you're his best friend," Zhery uttered slowly.

"But still, he said goodnight to me!" Camellia blushed and charmed.

"Fine you win, now go back to sleep," Zhery instructed as she slowly closed her eyes.

Today, I learned to battle my conscience, it is what pulls us down! It is what makes us fear the future due to the mistakes we did in the past, but I'll tell you, the only day you fail is the day you give up. Battle the beast in your mind, stand up, learn, and repeat. Awaken the true you! Your true potential and your true power. Do not let the beast take over your mind, they lead you further from your dream.

As the journey continues...

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Never give up! If you lose, stand up, learn from it, then repeat again until you succeed! Remember in life, you'll never fail until you give up.

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