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11.05% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 23: EPISODE 23: Mankey goes Bananas!

Chapter 23: EPISODE 23: Mankey goes Bananas!

We are at the end of route one as we enter the next route. After that, we can finally arrive at a Covelry town. If you're asking if this is the place of my first gym badge, I'm sorry to say but it's not. Covelry town leads me to an iconic and industrialized city here in this region. After Covelry town, we plan to head to Norva city, the site of my first gym badge.

We head out to the checkpoint, the toll that allows you to go to route two.

"Goodmorning fellow trainers, I am officer Jenny and this is my Pokemon partner Growlithe. May I ask where the three of you are headed to?"

"Oh hi officer Jenny, I'm Kalem, and this is my buddy Riolu. The one sitting on my hat is Zorua! And these are my friends Zhery and Glade!" I introduced to officer Jenny.

"Hello officer Jenny, this is Roselia and Eevee!" Zhery introduced.

"And just like what Kalem said, the name's Glade. This is Pansear and Luxio, my Pokemon partners!"

"We are all headed to Covalry town so that we may reach Norva city." I elaborated.

"Is that so? May I see your info in your Pokedex?" Officer Jenny asked.

"No problem officer Jenny! This is Irys a holographic projectile Pokedex." I introduced.

"Good morning officer, I am Irys. Here are Kalem, Zhery, and Glade's data.

[Trainer name: Kalem

Age: Ten years old

Starter Pokemon: N/A

Hometown: Aulburg town

Parents: Ms. Lyra and Mr. Cypress

Trainer ID: 4900342744

Badges: 0

Pokemon: 2]

[Trainer name: Glade

Age: Ten years old

Starter Pokemon: N/A

Hometown: Aulburg town

Parents: Ms. Phoena and Mr. Vernal

Trainer ID: 4900299847

Badges: 0

Pokemon: 2 ]

[Trainer name: Zhery

Age: Ten years old

Starter Pokemon: N/A

Hometown: Citrus town

Parents: Ms. Beatrice and Mr. Golbert

Trainer ID: 4900148764

Badges: 0

Pokemon: 2]

"Oh now I see... That means your official trainers then, sorry if I asked about your info, it was a strict policy implemented by PPD or Pokemon Police Department. This is because there are a lot of grunts pass route one" Officer Jenny explained.

"Oh you mean team Chaos? We defeated them like a hundred times!" Zhery teased.

"Oh really? I guess there are still some of them lurking inside the freeport zone of this region" Officer Jenny explained.

"So officer Jenny, can we pass through now?" Glade queried.

"I'm sorry but you still can't. You see there's an ongoing Mankey infestation on route two, the other officers were trying to catch them but not a single one returned. I can't risk your lives."

"What's a Mankey Irys?" I queried.

"Guess that's my cue!"

[Mankey! The pig monkey pokemon! A fighting type. The smallest of things could cause it to lose its temper. Because it doesn't hold in its stress, this Pokémon can live a long time.]

"And that's not all, Mankey is very powerful every time they get angry, if a group of them reaches Covelry town, they're town is doomed. I heard that the Mankey listens to their Primal guardian... I think it was called Primeape" officer Jenny added.

"Primeape? What's that Irys?" Zhery queried.

[Primape! The pig monkey Pokemon. A fighting type. It will never forgive opponents who have angered it. Even after it has beaten them down until they can't move, it never ever forgives.]

"Yikes, that sounds horrifying." Glade fretted.

"So that's why I can't let you in yet... Unless you want to get beaten up by a bunch of Mankey and their primal guardian Primeape." Officer Jenny teased.

"But when will the Mankey and Primeape stop being angry?" Zhery questioned.

"I don't know when, I was thinking to go see what's happening at route two." officer Jenny explained.

"Officer Jenny, may we help out?" I asked as I was determined to face all the mankey.

"I'm sorry but I can't risk a trainer's life. Nurse Joy my sister and her Pokecenter is still far from here, so I couldn't bring you to a Pokecenter when you get hurt." Officer Jenny explained.

"Please Officer Jenny, please let us come. We promise to take care of ourselves!" Zhery begged.

"There must be a reason why those Mankeys went bananas! And we can help figure out the cause!" Glade added.

"But... What if your Pokemon faints? Or you got hurt by one of the Mankeys or Primeape?" Officer Jenny asked.

"I have a stock of potions, super potions, and hyper potions, which might help out in our journey, "Zhery answered.

"Please officer Jenny, let us help you! We promise we won't be mischievous!" I begged.

"Ummm... I'm still sorry. But like what I said, I can't risk a trainer's life." Officer Jenny excused.

"But officer! We want to help," We begged.

No matter how long we tried to persuade officer Jenny, she kept on saying no. She told us to stay in the toll and wait for her to return. She will be checking what happened to the other officers in route two.

"I can't believe that she didn't allow us to come!" I bickered.

"Maybe she just knows what's best for us!" Zhery stated.

"Yeah, she probably doesn't want our lives to be in danger," Glade added.

"The probability of getting badly hurt by a Mankey is 75% The probability of getting badly hurt by a Primeape is about 98.5 or 99%" Irys explained.

"No matter how tough, isn't it a trainer's duty to help people who are in need?" I queried as I pet Zorua who was sleeping on my lap.

"Yes, and what will we do if the situation gets tougher?" Zhery asked.

I stood up and enunciated. "When the going gets tough! The tough gets going!"

"You really want to help officer Jenny don't yah?" Glade queried.

"I'm going to help her, so what do you say? Want to help out?" I queried to the both of them.

"Well we have no choice, and the situation might ascend if the problem doesn't stop immediately," Zhery explained.

"I'm coming too. Someone has to make sure that you're safe." Glade volunteered to help out.

Well yeah we disobeyed officer Jenny, but at least it was for a good cause. The three of us, together with our Pokemon went out from the toll and walked to route two.

For the first thirty minutes, route two seemed peaceful. a cold breeze, beautiful aroma? It wasn't so bad after all. Well that's what we thought for the first thirty minutes. After the first thirty minutes of walking, we started to see fallen pine trees, and berries scattered everywhere. We saw one of the Mankey rushing towards us.

"I'll handle this! Pansear, use ember!" Glade commanded as the ember heats up on Pansear's mouth, then spewed upon the Mankey.

We thought that Mankey would faint, but its eyes turned red and its whole body. It raged in anger and punched Pansear a dozen of times!

"Pansear use flame charge to blast Mankey off!" Only flame charged work, as it hits Mankey, Mankey blasted off to the sky and landed on the ground fainted and knockdown.

"Help... Help!" We heard a voice coming from a distant pine tree.

"Come on, we have to help!" Zhery instructed.

We followed the voice calling for help. It was an officer stuck on a fallen tree.

"Oh officer?" We saw the officer in pain so I asked my Riolu to throw the tree using its strong Karate Chop.

Zhery and Glade did their part too as they put bandages on the wounds of the officer.

"Officer, mind saying what happened on route two?" I pleaded for answers.

"Terrible... Terrible! The Mankey and their guardian took the other officers and brought them to their turf. It was so terrible!" The officer moaned.

"But officer, what started the Mankey infestation?" Zhery queried.

"At their turf, there was a large section filled with bananas. One day later, one officer accidentally mistaken the bananas as free. He thought that no one owned the bananas. So he took some of them but was met with a group of raging Mankeys. The officer ran with the bag of bananas on his hand, and that's what led the Mankey's to route two. They are still looking for the bananas the officer took. But the said that he threw the bananas in the lake while running away." The officer explained.

"Meaning, the Mankeys keep on searching for bananas when in fact those bananas were thrown away already!" Glade concurred.

"Your right young man!" the officer complimented.

Me, Zhery, and Glade looked at each other and asked each other if we have suggestions to stop the Mankey infestation.

" I suggest that we find some bananas out in the open then lead all the Mankeys away from route two and back to their turf, then we can rescue the other officers," Zhery suggested.

"But where will we find bananas?"I queried.

"And where will we find their turf?" Glade added.

"Pansear! Using Pansear, we can collect the bananas, then we lead the Mankey inwards to the woods, their turf would be obvious to find all we have to do is to find Primeape that's all!" Zhery answered.

"Alright then!" We agreed to Zhery's plan as we bid goodbye to the officer.

"Pansear, I need you to find bananas, as many as you can. Put them here in this bag!" Glade commanded as he gave the bag to Pansear. Pansear on the other hand nodded.

After thirty more minutes, Pansear returned with a bag full of delicious bananas. All we had to do is to find the rest of the Mankeys.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are?" Zhery called the Mankeys. The Mankeys looked at Zhery with their eyes wide open. Zhery got intimidated by their anger.

"Ummm, this is... this is... a bag full of bananas, if you want them, you have to f... follow... us!" Zhery said steadily hoping that they won't smack her down to death.

The Mankey began to chase Zhery.


"Everybody run!!!" Zhery ordered.

We ran and sought to find Primeape but we were getting tired of running.

"C... Can't give up now, I must continue running and searching for their turf!" Glade ordered as he gasped for air.

"I... I can't continue anymore"I excused. Glade grabbed my hand and forced me to continue running. The surge of Mankeys was starting to catch up.

"I can see... I can see Primeape!" Zhery shouted.

We ran to primeape, Primeape ordered the Mankeys to stop chasing us.

"Primeape, here... we found your bananas... Please don't cause devastation to route two anymore." Zherry pleaded.

"Kalem, Glade, Zhery! What are you doing here!?" officer Jenny asked as she was tied up with the other officers.

"We... came to help you officer!" I explained.

Prime Prime Ape!

"Kalem, Primeape accepts the bananas but won't let the officers go." Riolu translated.

"But the exchange for the bananas are the officers and peace in route two!" I explained.


"Kalem, he challenges me and you to a duel. If he wins, he won't cause devastation to route two but the officers stay as prisoners. But if we win, we can have the officers, and they won't bother route two anymore."Riolu translated.

"Alright, I accept your challenge Primeape!" I bargained.

"Wait Kalem, you're going to challenge the Primal Guardian of the Mankeys?" Zhery asked.

"I... I will! So that the officers can be set free." I answered.

"Kalem, don't do this, your just pushing yourself into danger!" Officer Jenny warned.

"I have to, officer Jenny I promise I will win!" I proclaimed.


"We can take the first move Kalem!" Riolu translated.

"Alright then if you say so Primeape! Riolu use quick attack!"

Primeape used Dynamic punch canceling Riolu's quick attack and pushing Riolu away.

"Riolu are you alright?"

"I am Kalem!"

"Then use Metal claw!" I commanded.

Primape used Dynamic punch sending Riolu to the air.

"Great, Riolu, continue metal claw and land on Primeape's head!"

Riolu hurts Primeape on his head with a metal claw. But Primeape grabbed Riolu and used Seismic toss on Riolu!

"Riolu! Use Karate chop as you descend!" The other officers were watching including Glade and Zhery. But Riolu's karate chop was surrounded with a brown veil as it descends on Primeape.

"Kalem! Riolu's learning a new move!" Zhery warned.

"Great work Riolu! Keep it up!" I complimented as the new move was getting surrounded by bigger and bigger brown veils. When it descended, Primeape was hit hard but was still able to stand.

"Wh... What move is that Irys?" I questioned.

"That move is called Force Palm! It gathers energy to the palm of the Pokemon and is released once the Palm hits a foe!" Irys explained.

"Excellent work Riolu! You learned Force Palm!"

"Thanks Kalem!"

"Now use Force palm on Primeape."

Primeape tried to counter it with dynamic punch, but Riolu's determination forced its move to exceed the limit making Primeape blast off!

Primeape finally lost and granted our wish.

Prime Prime Ape Ape!

"Kalem, Primeape said that he sticks to his promise and allows us to untie the officers and leave in peace" Riolu translated.

We happily untied all the officers and left their turf peacefully.

"Bye Primeape!" Zhery waved goodbye as we left their turf. Primeape waved back at us together with the Monkeys. The problem was solved at last.

We returned to the toll only to see Officer Jenny's angry face.

"Didn't I tell you not to come to follow me?" Officer Jenny scolded.

"But... We just wanted to help." Zhery answered Solemnly.

"What if you three got hurt by the Mankeys? What could I do?" Officer Jenny added.

"But if it wasn't for us, you and the officers would be stuck there for the rest of your lives!" I explained.

Officer Jenny smiled at us and said. "And for that, I thank all of you... Even if I had scolded you, you three are all brave! For that, I let you pass the toll to route two!"

"Really officer? Thank you so much!" The three of us greeted.

"Yup, you may now go and pass the toll! Oh and beware! there's a cute Pokemon ahead!" officer journey warned.

"Cute Pokemon!? I love cute Pokemon!" Zhery said with hearts on her eyes.

"A cute but terrible one, I won't spoil what Pokemon it is, just be careful!" officer Jenny warned.

"Thank you officer Jenny!" We said as we left the toll.

"Take care, Kalem, Zhery, and Glade! Thank you for helping me and the officers! Safe travel... Oh and Kalem! Good luck on your gym battle in Norva city!" Officer Jenny said before we parted ways.

"Thank you officer Jenny!" I shouted respectfully as we head to route two.

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