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Chapter 11: Nine

*Warning: Usage of Profanity in this chapter*

Oh Areum

"You're not Jung Yoona. Who are you?"

I froze in place and stopped struggling against him. My breaths grew calmer as I thought to myself.

He knew Yoona.

He kissed me because he thought I was Yoona. But who the hell is he that Hoseok never mentioned him? He didn't tell me that Yoona had a boyfriend.

My eyes widen in fear, cause now what the hell am I suppose to do? I can't act as if I know him when he scared the shit out of me and I slapped him. I can't say that I'm not Yoona because of Hoseok and my agreement.

4. Oh Areum must play her part well to not be found out by Grandma or anyone else. (Jung Hoseok, Jung Hyun Suk, Jung Ja Yeon, Kim Namjoon, and Oh Areum are the only people who know about Jung Yoona's passing.)

I didn't expect to run into someone this soon. I haven't even met Hoseok's Grandma yet and now I'm being held against a stranger's chest and he's asking who I am. What do I do? What do I do?

"I said who the fuck are you?! Why the hell did you come here of all places? Why did you have to fucken confuse me when you are not Yoona?!" He roughly whispered into my ear as his grips tighten on my jaw.

"Let me go!" I started struggling again in his strong grip but he refuses to let go. Although he held me close to him, my hands were still free. I ended up gripping his hand that was holding onto my jaw and bit down on his hand, causing him to yelp out in pain. He pushes me away from him and the force turns me around to face him.

"You're not Yoona..."

He moves again closer to me and I automatically backed away from him. Every step he took, I took another back. I turned my head to look towards the park to see if anyone could see us, but unfortunately for me, we were too far away from everyone else. There were a lot of trees that would have covered us and no one would be able to see us. I turn back around to see mint hair guy right in front of me.

"Why did you come here? And where is Yoona? Was she the one who told you to do this to me?"

"I-I don't know what you are talking about. I-I'm Y-Yoona..." I tried to say out confidently but failed miserably.

"You are not Yoona. She was never one to be violent."

He shoves his hand in my face and I could see the red teeth mark still on his hand. He tilts his head showing me his cheek that was still red from the slap. I stare back at the boy, not knowing what to say or do anymore. My mouth had gone dry and I tried to think up of anything that I could to get me out of this situation. But nothing was entering my blank mind.

When I didn't utter a single word, he gently turns his face back to me. His finger gently traces my features starting from my forehead, down towards the tip of my nose, to my lips.

"You may look like Yoona, but you are not my Yoona so who the fuck are you?"

"Oh Areum... " I finally spoke out. I swallowed the thick saliva that had formed in the back of my throat. I couldn't say anything and only my name could come out from my mouth. I just wanted to leave. I just wanted to go back to the hotel room. I just wanted to see Hoseok Oppa. But I had told this mint hair dude who I really was.

How was I going to face Hoseok now knowing that I broke our contract?

Even if there were no penalties in place to hurt me from breaking our contract, I felt guilty about it. Hoseok trusted me enough to help him and here I was telling a complete stranger who I really was. I could feel the tears starting to build, leaving the stranger in front of me at a loss for words.

"H-hey, D-don't cry and look at me with that face..."

And that's when the tears came out endlessly. I bawled and crouched down and cried my heart out. This guy just gave me one of the scariest moments of my life and then made me broke my $250,000 contract that I didn't even start yet.

"Yah you bad person! How could you do this to me!?" I wailed at the top of my lungs at the man. He suddenly got flustered for a second and crouched down next to me in an attempt to stop me from crying so loudly.

"Y-yah, stop crying."

My phone started ringing loudly in my bag. I was sniffing while I took it out and saw that Hoseok was calling me. I wiped my eyes and tried to calm myself down before picking up on Hoseok.

"Hoseok Oppa," I said in the calmest voice that I could.

"Where are you? The girl at the salon said that you were done about an hour ago? Why aren't you back at the Hotel yet?"

"I'm at the park near the Hotel. I just wanted some fresh air since I've been inside for a while."

"I'm on my way to pick you up. Can you wait for me by the parking lot? I'll be there in about 10 mins."

"Yes Oppa. I'll see you soon."

I hung up the phone and met eyes with mint hair again. His face held no emotions this time but a blank expression.

Trying to ignore him, I stood back up, but minty follow my action. I turn around and started walking away towards the park entrance without saying another word to him. He silently followed me to the bench where I sat down and waited for Hoseok. He sat next to me and I refused to look at him.

He was silent for a while before he starts to chuckle. His chuckle soon turns into a loud laugh and I was confused at why he was laughing. I cautiously turn to meet his dark eyes.

He grips my jaw tightly and moves his face closer towards mine.

"So, you're not Yoona, but you have Yoona's face. And you know Hoseok and is even calling him Oppa..."

My eyes widen as he moves closer and closer towards my lip, barely brushing mine with his own. I shut my eyes in fear when he scoffs and lets out a deep chuckle.

"Did you really think I was going to kiss you again?"

I fluttered my eyes open and saw those angry eyes again.

"What is Hoseok planning now? Did he hire you to play the role of Yoona to seduce me? Did Hoseok tell you to come here since he knew this was Yoona and my place? Did he tell you to fuck around with my feelings? Tell loverboy his plan is a fail since I caught you. Better luck next time you fake slut."

He harshly pushes my face away from him and got up to walk away.

A sudden rush of adrenaline flowed throughout my entire body and I instantly felt the blood rushing up into my head. My blood was boiling and I was about to go berserk on him. How dare he think that Hoseok and I planned this on him? Who the hell was he to say that I seduced him when I didn't fucken know who he was. He kissed me first!

I got up and pulled on his arm, causing him to turn around and face me.

"Listen here Minty! I don't fucken know who you are and I don't care to find out. Hoseok Oppa and I never planned anything and I sure as hell did not seduce you! You kissed me first thinking I was Yoona without even asking or even confirming if I was your girlfriend or not. Hoseok never even told me that Yoona had a boyfriend so don't fucken call me a slut when you don't even fucken know me!"

I was already so pissed off that when he laughs in my face, it just pissed me off even more.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?!" I asked at him.

He just gave me a smirk before leaning in towards me.

"You most definitely ain't Yoona. She doesn't have a foul mouth like you."

"And I am fucken glad I am not Yoona and have to deal with an asshole like you! What does she see in you anyway?"

Minty just glares at me with those small chinky eyes of his. His mouth opened and he was about to say something, but a car pulls up in front of us. Soon Hoseok is out of the car and by my side. He grips on my arms and pulls me behind him, shielding me from Minty.

"What the fuck are you doing here Yoongi?" Hoseok hisses through his teeth at Minty.

Yoongi? That name sounded familiar like I hear it before but I couldn't quite remember where I had heard it.

"Well if it isn't loverboy Hoseok."

"Yoona, did he hurt you?" Hoseok asks me, but his eyes were locked on Minty.

"Oh for fuck's sake. Drop the fucken act Hoseok. I know she's not Yoona."


I was taken aback at Hoseok's tone. He sounded so vicious. He didn't sound like the Hoseok I knew at all.

"N-no, Oppa. Can we just go? Please?"

Hoseok finally turns around and his hard and angry stare softens when he saw my face.

"I'm sorry Yoona. Come on, let's go."

Yoongi rolls his eyes at us before applauding while we made out way to Hoseok's car. I got into the car and refuse to look up at the two boys that were about to kill each other. Soon I heard people screaming in fear and I look up to see Minty on the ground and Hoseok had a look in his eyes that could kill.

I couldn't hear what Hoseok had said to Minty but soon Hoseok came back into the car and while we drove off I turn around in my seat to look at Minty. He had fallen onto his back and laid flat on the ground as he stared up at the sky. Even as we drove out of the park, he never moved an inch from his spot.

Hoseok never said a word to me throughout the car ride. We soon reach the Hotel and he got out and went ahead without waiting for me. I could tell he was still heated with what happened between him and Minty.

When we got inside my Hotel room, Hoseok instantly pulls me into a hug. He hugged me so close to him that I could feel how fast his heart was beating in his chest.

"I'm sorry Yoona. I said I would protect you from him, yet you met him again. I'll be sure to keep him away from you this time. I won't let him hurt you again."

"Umm, Hoseok Oppa. I can't breathe."

"Oh," Hoseok calls out before quickly letting go of me.

"Sorry, I just... I just-" Hoseok stammered towards me and I let out a giggle to him.

"You're a good brother Hoseok. Don't worry."

He smiles softly to me before walking towards the sofa. He drops down onto the sofa and runs his hand in between his hair and lets out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm okay, but are you okay Hoseok?" I asked while joining him on the sofa.

"No, I'm not okay."

"Can I ask who Minty is?"

"Minty?" Hoseok looks at me with furrowed brows, clearly confused about who I was talking about.

"The mint hair guy earlier. The one you almost killed at the park."

He let out a soft chuckle at my nickname for the dude. For a second I thought I saw a fond smile on his face before it quickly changes back to unamused.

"I prayed that you wouldn't run into him. I hope that we could avoid all things related to him, but I guess the heavens had another plan for us."

He turns to face me and finally tells me his name.

"That was Min Yoongi, Yoona's ex-boyfriend..."

To Be Continued...

Shookieillegirl Shookieillegirl

Happy Reading! Hoping to get the next chapter up soon! ^_^

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